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Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts


I hope to get things posted later tonight, but some options if any of you get back to me before posting time.

There is a road that runs parallel to the river, so assuming your plan is to head for the ridge, you have two options - North or South.

1.  North - It is several days travel to reach Ludenshiem, a bigger city to the North.  That is the closest bridge.  There had been a goblin raid on a cravan to the North only a couple of days ago.

2.  South - About a days walk to the South there is a bridge over the river - which leads to a pass over the Ridge.  It is the closest way to cross the river without a boat.

Other options you might consider:

3.  The Barren Wood is behind you - the goblin trail from the place the twins disappeared heads into the woods although most people assume they eventually crossed the river.

4.  Find some other method of traversing the river - you know, a boat or something like that.  Such things can be found in town.

*If nobody says anything I would likely start you on the road South because the one thing people have said is "to the Ridge" and that is the most direct way to get there.  However, any directions is 100% acceptable and I am not trying to force you anywhere.  That is only to keep things moving based on what I have been given.

Posted on 2020-07-19 at 20:50:25.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts


If we are looking for the twins/goblins, would it make sense to follow their route? Anybody have any thoughts on this?

Posted on 2020-07-19 at 21:04:05.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 122/12
2025 Posts

I agree... let's follow the trail through the barren woods and try and track down the twins.


Posted on 2020-07-19 at 23:28:26.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Steel's In

Hey any place there is something for him to kill he is all for it. Count him in.

Posted on 2020-07-19 at 23:33:06.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts


As long as we have someone who is an Exceptional Tracker the trail into the Barren Woods is Acceptable! 

Locating the Twins would help solidify our credibility standing with the Botkinburg inhabitants!

Posted on 2020-07-19 at 23:43:15.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

If You Go Down To The Woods Today...

Yep, let's head into the woods to locate the missing twins. Thäoran hopes to find clues as to what happened to his father and where he might be.

Posted on 2020-07-20 at 07:21:47.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

the woods it is.

Ok, post coming.  That path will come to an end after about 100 yards.  Then . . . .?

I'm guessing you forgot that the path went nowhere.  But we will head there and see what happens. 

Posted on 2020-07-20 at 12:28:18.
Edited on 2020-07-20 at 22:35:20 by Nomad D2

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

The Game is afoot!

You have now left Botkinburg and headed out into the woods.  I wanted to get something posted and start to move things along so I made a few assumptions from what you said above.  There were multiple votes for following the goblin path, but that essentially leads nowhere.  It is a dead end as far as your (Or Erhardt's) tracking ability indicates.  After that I had you move forward a ways as that seemed reasonable.  But I don't want to take you too far.  So consider what you have read and maybe the options I noted above.  Discuss this as a group and make sure that by next time I have a specific plan indicated.  I encourage you to discuss things here or via messages.  In addition, there are a few details I want to get from you.  Most of these are things that, once established, I won't need again.

1.  Is there a group leader?  There probably needs to be one character who gets to say "the group will do X."  This will allow the game to keep moving.  This is intended for big movements like which direction you go in the woods or which hallway in a dungeon you go down.  Each character will obviously make more basic decisions for themselves.  This might be, but does not have to be, the person who is the charismatic "voice of the party" to NPCs.  There was some talk about Soledad in this role, but I'd like to know if there is a group leader.

2.  What is your marching order.  Do you typically march two abreast?  I'd also like a single file order as well since much of the time in woods that will likely be the reality of your movement.

3.  If you spend much time outside, what is your plan for camp?  I don't need great detail, but some groups light a campfire while others decide that their characters will always rough-it and go without.  The order of guard duty would be good to know as well.  Or I can always determine those things by a random roll of the dice.

4.  If there is any other "standard opporating procedure" that I should know now is the time to speak up.  For example, in the last table-top campaign I was in my warlock always opened every door or chest using mage hand.  We never just went up to a door and opened it.  Maybe there is nothing we need to worry about.  But you can't complain later if you "wouldn't have done it that way" if you don't say so.

Posted on 2020-07-20 at 23:49:30.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 122/12
2025 Posts

Hey Nomad,

Here are my answers to your questions: 

1.  Is there a group leader? 

A) For conversations that require some fine words, Ewyn is up for the task. My concern about a "group leader" though is that some of us get bogged down with real life from time to time... I'd hate for that to be the "group leader" and suddenly the game is stalled. Can you do something similar to what you just did here in the Q/A and we agree to go with what the majority of players who posted a response decided? If it's a tie vote, the DM rolls the dice and whatever it lands on is the direction we go?

I just know that forum-based games are notoriously slow, especially when some players get bogged down (myself included). That's my suggestion.

2.  What is your marching order.  Do you typically march two abreast?  I'd also like a single file order as well since much of the time in woods that will likely be the reality of your movement.

A) Here are my suggestions for two abreast and single file order:


Front: Silver, Steel

Second Row: Soledad, Thaoran

Third Row: Hornet

Fourth Row: Dok, Ewyn



Silver, Steel, Thaoran, Soledad, Hornet, Ewyn Dok


The rationale is this: Silver has the highest preception so she needs to be at the front. Steel and she are already established as friends/partners, and both of them are primarily melee fighters. Dok and I at the back because the two of us can also fight well enough in melee. My understanding is that Thaoran and Soledad both want to be using ranged weapons primarily, and Hornet is definitely good with a crossbow.


I'm not married to this idea... so, it y'all want something different, Ewyn's good anywhere.


3.  If you spend much time outside, what is your plan for camp?  I don't need great detail, but some groups light a campfire while others decide that their characters will always rough-it and go without.  The order of guard duty would be good to know as well.  

A) Ewyn is good to take a watch at any time but would prefer first watch. He would be in favour of campfires normally, but if it seems like it's going to draw unwanted attention, he's fine to go without... for instance, if it seems like it might alert the goblins that we're on their trail, he'd go without.


4.  If there is any other "standard operating procedure" that I should know now is the time to speak up.  For example, in the last table-top campaign I was in my warlock always opened every door or chest using mage hand.  We never just went up to a door and opened it.  

A) Ewyn will cast Guidance whenever he has the opportunity (for instance, he would have been casting it on people's perception (or investigation) as we were searching for those tracks. Definitely on himself if there's time.

If the number of enemies we face is equal to or more than 7, Ewyn would likely try to throw up Hex and then shift to either Eldritch Blast (if there is still some distance between Ewyn and the enemy) or Booming Blade with the Warhammer (if engaged in melee). He'll also put up Hexblade's Curse the first time he gets damaged.

Ewyn is always for taking a short rest.


Hope that helps.

Posted on 2020-07-22 at 01:21:20.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

I assume you would usually do something like before this last post to figure out a plan as a group.  It is just sometimes easier if one person is the designated "post the plan" person.  It allows others to post earlier if they have the time.  I also am willing to post off a discussion as well if you want me to, but I'm hesitant to make assumptions.  Really, the key is just to keep everyone involved and make enough of a decision that I have a direction with which to work.

I gotta know what direction you run when you see the dragon.

Posted on 2020-07-22 at 15:37:45.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

No Unwelcome Surprises...

Thäoran has the Mage Hand spell, so he can be the one to open any chests and doors from a distance to avoid any potentially nasty surprises.

Better safe than sorry!

Posted on 2020-07-22 at 18:24:55.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Ok with me

Ayrn's marching order is ok with me and as a group the majority voted Nimu as party leader before we even started the game. But however you and Nimu wish to work it its all good.

Posted on 2020-07-24 at 03:30:33.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Dok Votes to

... return to Botkinburg to give a report & regroup & get another night's rest & head to the Ridge in the morning! South to the Ridge by way of Over the Bridge! [Just in Case the Twins show up at Home as a Possibility!]

Posted on 2020-07-24 at 14:45:31.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 122/12
2025 Posts

Ewyn's vote is to head back to the village and then explore the site of the caravan raid to the north. I'm not saying we have to go all the way to the next big city to the north, just the caravan raid site.



Posted on 2020-07-24 at 15:51:43.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts


I'm good with Ayrn's marching order. I also agree that we need to be aware that life gets busy, so we should make consensus in the Q&A and not rely on "party leader" decisions. 

Soledad will use Mage Hand to open doors. She will create an unseen servant (ritual) that walks ahead of the group in case of traps and other hidden perils. She will cast Alarm (ritual) before camping.

Posted on 2020-07-26 at 11:34:52.


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