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5 Headed Dracohydra
Karma: 80/23
1117 Posts

cry baby time

It is SUCH a THRILL to fail time and time again, attempting to make a dual bladed lightsaber hilt prop that separates into two. I can't wait for the next opportunity to go out and spend $10 or more for supplies to my next failure. It's just PARTY TIME for me!

Posted on 2009-02-22 at 07:10:23.
Edited on 2009-02-22 at 07:15:40 by Tiamat5774

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts

Sheer Bliss

What do I love most? I shall tell you. I absolutely adore all of the tourists that come and visit New York. They do these truly wonderful things, such as standing at the top of the stairwell entrance to the subway on the phone with a map. I love that they stand there instead of off to the side so the 8 million of us living in the city have to wait to get on the trains. Fantastic! Or they walk side by side taking up the whole sidewalk while moving at a glacial pace, that's my favorite. Nobody in New York is ever in a hurry, never. We love to wait in the city. Love it!

Posted on 2009-02-23 at 18:54:26.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


I LOVE the way this country (USA)is evolving into something completely unrecognizable while the majority of it's populace go about their day content and completely oblivious to the wool this government has pulled over their eyes.

Posted on 2009-02-25 at 14:24:48.

Occasional Visitor
Karma: 0/0
47 Posts

It's the law

I just love how I've finally stopped working in NYC, and I finally get to ride my motorcycle to and from work everyday and my new commute is only 22 miles each way, but manages to go through the enforcement areas of 6 different law enforcement agencies, each of whom sits at the edge of their jurisdiction waiting to catch speeders. You just can't beat that! That's top notch value for your law enforcement tax dollar!!

Posted on 2009-03-04 at 00:18:30.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

I love...

how everyone is complaining about global warning but tonight with wind chill it is supposed to get down to -30 degrees (F)!!!


Posted on 2010-01-08 at 02:23:04.

Pit F(r)iend
Welcome Waggin'
Karma: 115/3
1245 Posts

Just THRILLED when

I'm trying to download a sizeable file and Microsoft decides in its wisdom to send me updates, bogarting bandwidth I was so shamelessly using for trivial things like printer drivers.
Oh, no, MS, that's my fault. You just go RIGHT ahead and send me potentially wrecked updates.

Posted on 2010-01-12 at 14:54:40.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

That is fun!

I love it when I have to spend half my day listening to people complain about information not showing up, investigate the problem only to find out that my office co-hort didn't load all the data even though I explained to him that it all needed to be loaded. But of course he has senority over me and is too busy to fix it himself... so... I spend the next two hours fixing it for him.


Posted on 2010-01-15 at 02:38:08.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

This thread is fun...

I LTL contracts!

Terms like Inbound, Outbound, Third Party, Freight Terms, To, From, Between... Direct... Indirect... they are all so clear and helpful to me!

*bangs head against the desk*


Posted on 2010-02-02 at 20:05:16.

Pit F(r)iend
Welcome Waggin'
Karma: 115/3
1245 Posts

Indeed! ;)

(And Merideth, if you could remember to put the new cover sheets on your outgoing TPS reports, thatwouldbegreeaaaat, m'kay? Thanks.)

I just love the snow here, more and more with each passing day, for with each passing day there is more and more snow arriving for me to love. And let us not forget the rednecks and their four-wheel drives who like to play in the snow and the snow-packed residential streets no matter the time of day or if there are children about. Yea verily my adoration for the white fluffy stuff knows no bounds even when it transmogrifies into the hard icy slick stuff that my car's tires seem to be prejudiced against. Why, tires, are your rubber radial hearts filled with such hate for the beautiful snow piling up?

Posted on 2010-02-03 at 07:51:07.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

Haha... my coworker says the TPS bit all the time... ;)

I love it when you are running late for work an you finally get everything together, run out the car and realize you have to spend five minutes scraping the frost off the windows... grrr...


Posted on 2010-02-03 at 15:39:37.

Ion Kired
Tapped Out Bullywog
Karma: 45/4
758 Posts

I hear st. Louis is getting a lot of snow this year

I love how my new job had me doing the orientation questionnaire thingies in the middle of the restaurant so hat all the customers are staring at me going "Why isn't he doing anything?"

Posted on 2010-02-13 at 22:21:31.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

Not as much as DC... but more than usual

I love it when you roll out of bed in the morning with a headache... grrr...


Posted on 2010-02-14 at 23:34:49.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

You know what I love?

When I go to the official Olympics website hoping to catch some streaming of the games since I don't have cable TV... and I can get small snippets for free (with commercial but that's fine), but to watch a whole program I have to give them my cable account number and such. If I had TV I would watch the dang things ON TV. There isn't even an option to fork over my credit card number for a few dollars to watch the whole bloody figure skating competition. Which I would. $5 to watch that compared with the $9 I spent to watch Wolfman or the $150 I would spend on a cable package seems like a great deal! But... no... I can watch most of the events but one competitor at a time... how lame...



Posted on 2010-02-16 at 14:44:24.

Ion Kired
Tapped Out Bullywog
Karma: 45/4
758 Posts

On that subject

I love how when I tell people I don' have t.v they act like I came from another planet. The way television has virtually replaced books is great societal progress...Yes...

Posted on 2010-02-18 at 15:27:34.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

Tell me about it...

They are always like 'What do you do?'

And I just kind of go... movies? Internet? God forbid I actually spend some time with my family outside of watching Survivor or some such!

Oh! Speaking of books, I just started your favorite book Ion. Made it through the first Dragonlance book and am onto the second


Posted on 2010-02-18 at 15:36:46.


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