For some of you new guys here is some basic info.
Weapon Specialization: Some people have asked about it but ONLY warriors get weapon specialization. I know in the past people have played that all warrior types can use it, but this is wrong. I actually got clarification on the issue at a GENCON that warriors only get that bonus.
HP = Hit Points, when you get to 0 you go unconscious. You will slowly bleed 1 point per round until -10 unless bandaged where you will die. If you have 1 HP and are hit for 20 points. You are past -10 and are dead..
AC = Armor Class. Each armor gives you a certain armor class. The better the armor the LOWER the number. For example: Leather armor by itself is AC 8. While Chainmail is AC 5. Dexterity bonus from high dexterity, magical armors or rings can also lower this number.
THACO = To Hit Armor Class 0. The way this works is the following: Each person depending on their class has a different THACO with each weapon they use. Things that lower your THACO are bonus strength, gaining levels, magical weapons etc.. Every class starts at 20 THACO at level 1. Then depending on your class that will improve or stay the same as you level up. So here is an example:
Bob the 1st level elf warrior has a 17 strength and a longsword. So thats +1 to hit and damage because of his strength no matter the weapon he uses. He also has weapon specialization in Longsword which is another +1 to hit with longswords, and he is an elf which is yet another +1 to hit. His THACO for level 1 is 20. Then you add the +3 bonus' from above and his THACO is now 17. A nasty orc charges at Bob and is wearing leather armor (AC
. So to hit the orc Bob needs a 9 or better on a 20 sided dice to hit the orc. (a 20 sided die is always used to roll hits). THACO (to hit AC 0 is 17) - AC 8 = 9. If the creature would have been some beast with magical platemail and was AC 0, bob would have needed a 17 or better to hit the creature.
Initiative - Before combat actually begins each creature and character get an initiative roll. A 10 sided dice is rolled for each character and the lower the number the "faster" you are and the quicker you attack. So if you roll a 1 and the creature rolls a 3, you would attack first.
Combat round - An example of a single combat round with bob vs the orc above:
DM: Ok Bob a orc burst into the room from a secret door and suprises you! (Bob secretly gets a +4 init roll because of the suprise. He doesn't know that but the DM does) what do you do?
Bob: says, I draw my longsword and pull down my shield and attack the foul beast! (DM secretly rolls initiative for bob and the orc. Bob rolls great and gets a 3! The Orc rolls a 5. BUT!! because of the suprise poor bob gets +4 added to his roll making it a 7 so the orc goes first!)
DM: The orc is the quicker and slashes at you with its battle axe. (Bobs AC is 5 and the creatures THACO is 19, so the orc needs a 14 or higher to hit BOB 19-5=14). DM rolls the dice and rolls a 5, a clean miss). The orc slashes hard but you pull your shield up and it bounds off of it careening to the left. (Now the DM rolls for Bob: Bob needs a 9 to hit the orc remember? 17-8=9). Bob rolls a 15 a hit! So now the DM rolls for damage. Bobs longsword does 1d8 (1 8 sided dice). Bob rolls a 8!! A powerful strike. He also gets +1 from strength and +2 from his longsword specilization for a total of 11 points. The poor orc only had 5 points total and is slain). DM: After powerfully blocking the orcs blow it sent him into an aqwkward stance. Seeing this you thrust brutally upward towards its exposed midsection and slice clean and wicked strike to its chest. The orcs mouth opens in a gout of blood and falls backwards twiching.
Bob is the victor.
Now it will be much more complicated than that alone with 14 players like we have. It will be a task indeed with all the rolls and hits etc.. I am going to have to make the module a bit harder for you guys but it should be loads of fun.
Oh and by the way, when you post in the game (when we have the game up. Here is how I want you to post..
If I tell you that 12 orcs burst from the woods (I will elaborate of course) It would looks something like this:
As you are building your camp for the night the sky is clear and a slight breeze comes in from the west. Everyone looks busy and the ranger Joe is watching the area as he is on guard duty. Joe gives a shout of warning as a group of orcs bursts from the forest 50 yards away and are bellowing war cries with their weapons drawn. They are charging directly at your group with malevolence in their eyes.
Ok I want you to post your actions and what your character does.
So I will post the regular adventure in regular type and then at the bottom I will post in italics which look like this < i > text < / i > But all together, I just wanted to show you how to do it. Bold is the same way but with a B in there.
You would reply:
Bob will move to the right and behind the group drawing down his longbow and grabbing a flight arrow. He will sight the lead charging orc down his arrow shaft and fire two rapid shots at the creature.
Bob is going to fire 2 bow shots at the lead creature, he gets 2 shots per round.
So he will describe what he is doing. Then in italics clarify his actions to ensure the DM knows exactly what he is doing. For the new people, remember if you try to aim at something for instance. You want to aim at a creatures leg instead of trying to kill it, you must let me know, as that is an aimed shot and you will get a severe penalty for trying to aim your shot.
Ok I think that is enough for now, hopefully it will give you a sense of how things will be going.