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The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

Two Words

Genetic Mutation. Brought on by alien space bats


Who wrote the Book of Love? Tell me who!

Posted on 2008-04-23 at 15:28:24.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

ROFLMAO @ "fruity Oats massacre"

The twin brother of the guy who wrote the book "How to hate and look good doing it"

why do bears crap in the woods?

Posted on 2008-04-23 at 16:23:53.

Dragon Fodder
Karma: 80/19
2264 Posts


because their paws can't work the handles on the port-a-potty's?


If love is supposed to be blind; why did man invent lengerie?

Posted on 2008-04-23 at 16:47:42.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

because Lingerie has nothing to do with love

Man didn't invent lingerie. That was the Alien Space Bats as well.


How do they get the soft creamy caramel inside the chocolate pockets of a Caramilk?

Posted on 2008-04-23 at 17:18:00.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/1
137 Posts

I hate to tell ya's, but ...

The 'soft-and-creamy' stuff is not really caramel. If I told ya what it really was, you would be sick and would know why Space Bats are so reviled for their underhanded and sneaky efforts.

But the how? They freeze little spneres of the stuff and then roll them down chutes and across the top of a vat of melted chocolate. They are scooped up before they sink, allowed to thaw a bit to settle (for the flat bottom) and then packaged for consumption. Note: Caramilks were originally created as medication for sick cows, but they found a more lucrative market ...

Why has this thread become so popular?

Posted on 2008-04-24 at 00:52:08.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 44/13
612 Posts

tough question

Because monkeys make people laugh.

Why is it that binary contains only 0's and 1's?

Posted on 2008-04-24 at 01:06:06.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


2 and 3 were busy when they handed out assignments that day.

generally speaking, why won't men ask for directions?

Posted on 2008-04-24 at 11:25:30.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

why indeed

Men never ask for directions because we always know where we are going and DO NOT NEED HELP, ever. (how is that for a blatantly obvious lie :BG

Why do women go the the bathroom in groups?

Posted on 2008-04-24 at 15:09:35.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


Unknown. Cthulhu implicated.

Pourquoi ai-t-je tapé ceci en français ?

Posted on 2008-04-24 at 15:24:11.
Edited on 2008-04-24 at 15:24:29 by Grugg

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/1
137 Posts

methinx ..

Por que usted fue frustrado por su profesor de la lengua española. ¿Verdad, que no?

Why is navel lint such a "taboo" subject?

Posted on 2008-04-24 at 15:44:11.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts


Navel lint is used in the manufacture of nuclear weapons to cushion the individual atoms inside the casing so they don't rattle around and get damaged prior to detonation. This information is very "hush-hush" and I am not even supposed to be talking about it. If everyone knew about this the price of navel lint would skyrocket. I have to go now there is someone knocking on my door.

How does one go about breaking out of a maximum security prison?

Posted on 2008-04-24 at 15:56:28.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


the same way they broke in only do it in reverse

how far, in inches, is the moon from here? (Ohio)

Posted on 2008-04-24 at 16:04:56.
Edited on 2008-04-24 at 16:05:32 by Lyskhala

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

2 + 2 = 5

1 inch, when using particularly high values of an inch.


Why are round pizzas held in square boxes?

Posted on 2008-04-24 at 19:50:16.
Edited on 2008-04-24 at 19:52:09 by Alacrity

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts


...if the pizza were in a round box, the pizza would be square.

Where do the bunnies really come from?

Posted on 2008-04-24 at 20:16:43.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


Over there.

If I was to eat a whole cactus then consume the souls of three pumpkins. What color.

Posted on 2008-04-24 at 20:24:20.


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