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Parent thread: Voyages of the Rocinante - Firefly RPG QnA
GM for this game: Alacrity
Players for this game: TannTalas, Bromern Sal, Eol Fefalas, Odyson
This game has fizzled.
    Messages in Voyages of Rocinante - Serenity/Firefly RPG
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Teller of Aryn
RDI Fixture
Karma: 21/1
509 Posts

A brief interlude.

“Miss… you need to step back.. that mule don’t kick but it is might heavy. I’d hate to see it do you harm.”
Jessy realized then young crewman was talking to her, she looked towards the ‘mule’ did he call it? Stepping back out of the way she imagined that she didn’t want to be ‘kicked’ by it in any case. She stepped out into the open still hugging the case to her.

As she stepped back he continued, “It ain’t nun a my business but I figure you need to know that that fella in the white suit wants to claim that case of yours. He wanted me to get it from ya; I as far as I care it’s legal salvage. But you should watch him and his two thugs.” Her eyes widened a bit then she looked at her case, she thought that man in white had been eyeing her case, now was a good time she thought to come out with the ‘story’ she had been working on.

“Thank you young sir,” she said stepping forward, “It isn’t salvage though.” She said glancing down at the case and relaxing it from her chest and bringing it down to hold it normally by the handle.

“I am a classified courier,” she said softly as she stepped forward to only a couple feet from the young crewman, she glanced around as if seeing if anyone else was nearby that might overhear, “this case is my delivery. I was told to keep it safe and out of sight but thanks to the evacuation that is impossible unfortunately.“

She looked him over and knew that he wasn’t the right man to talk to about this any further so she improvised yet again.

“If the man in the white suit is after whatever is inside,” she said glancing at the simple silver case, “perhaps I should talk to your Captain. What do you think? Would he help me?”

She gave him her most pleading, in trouble look; known to raise a man's blood temp especially as she shifted the case to hold by two hands to hang in front of her near her knees, the movement causing her arms to press her amble breasts together which were very much revealed in this ripped golden lame gown.

Posted on 2013-03-12 at 11:17:27.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Conversation continued.............

The sight of the girl displaying her goods just lead more to the kids concern. He listened as she tried to convince him she was just a courier protecting her delivery.

“Well whatever you say, but it sure looks like courier is paying mighty well…….I’d say you best see Miss Willow before ya try to talk to the Capt’n.”

Pulling his eyes from the “Courier” he finished getting the mule ready.

Posted on 2013-03-13 at 00:36:16.

Teller of Aryn
RDI Fixture
Karma: 21/1
509 Posts

You're no fun! :)

Jessy saw she wasn’t getting anywhere with this underling so she sighed and turned and looked around the cargo bay.

“Ok,” she said absently to the young man, “thanks for your help.”

She walked away hopefully in search of the Captain or someone else that might help her with her problem. She had to get some protection from somewhere on this tub. Normally when in trouble like this she would just disappear but kind of impossible to do while stuck on this rock; no way was she going to try and hide here. Therefore, she had to find some protection; the crew of this bucket seemed the likely choice, preferably the Captain.

Her first impression of the Captain when he had been addressing the passengers earlier was that he wasn’t going to be a pushover; he seemed a hard and experienced man who might be resistant to her ‘charms’ and if she tried anything she might find herself in a worse situation than now.

Maybe she should seek out this Asian woman, Miss Willow the crewman back there had called her. Yes maybe a different tactic. She started with the med bay area where they had worked on the little Asian guy Fu Sheng. She seemed to be this ship’s doc so seemed the best place to start.

Posted on 2013-03-13 at 11:04:31.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

finally - The part 3

“Miss… you need to step back.. that mule don’t kick but it is might heavy. I’d hate to see it do you harm.”

As she stepped back he continued, “It ain’t nun a my business but I figure you need to know that that fella in the white suit wants to claim that case of yours. He wanted me to get it from ya; I as far as I care it’s legal salvage. But you should watch him and his two thugs.”

“Thank you young sir,” she said stepping forward, “It isn’t salvage though.” She said glancing down at the case and relaxing it from her chest and bringing it down to hold it normally by the handle.

“I am a classified courier,” she said softly as she stepped forward to only a couple feet from the young crewman, she glanced around as if seeing if anyone else was nearby that might overhear, “This case is my delivery. I was told to keep it safe and out of sight but thanks to the evacuation that is impossible unfortunately. If the man in the white suit is after whatever is inside,” she said glancing at the simple silver case, “Perhaps I should talk to your Captain. What do you think? Would he help me?”

“Well whatever you say, but it sure looks like courier is paying mighty well…….I’d say you best see Miss Willow before ya try to talk to the Capt’n.” Asher replied. The ruse was very transparent, but he didn’t really see the need to call her out on it.

Jessy saw she wasn’t getting anywhere with this underling so she sighed and turned and looked around the cargo bay.“Ok,” she said absently to the young man, “Thanks for your help.” As she looked around she saw the ship doctor coming out along with the monk and the older lady who had the thing for hoods. She watched the doctor move with grace and poise to the opening and saw the two bodyguards there as well, watching her without subtly . Thugs indeed
LV-426,Outside of Cargo Bay 6:45am PT
Willow, Trish and Fu Sheung came out to the Cargo Bay and out to where the passengers were clustering. Willow had tried to tell Fu to rest after the operation, but the monk would have nothing of it. He promised, with a gentle smile, to take it easy and not to start any fights. Willow had let Trish and Tess in on the news before coming out.

Trish spoke briefly with Fu Sheung after a few moments and then disappeared back into the ship. Large crowds were hard on Ma at the best of times and these certainly weren’t. Willow looked a question at Fu who said, “She wanted to use some of the foodstuff to make something for everyone. I believe she has a soup in mind – good for the body and soul.”

Willow looked around. A few passengers were still in the cargo bay or hanging around the doorways. She could nor Cameron, nor Portia and Amber. The two men that helped carry Sifu into the infirmary were near the entranceway of the ship, closely watching the young girl that had expressed concern for Fu Sheung.

Trained as she was, Willow looked for something, anything that might tell her of the spy they had among them. It was difficult though as so many were scared, out of their elements and unsure of themselves for the first time in their pampered lives. The only person who appeared in his element was the older Captain Havlock. He has staggered aboard the ship drunk but the crisis seems to have brought out a noble spirit in him, long buried under the alcohol and ... guilt. Yes, Willow felt a lot of guilt coming from that man, but guilt for being alive when so many of those he led are no longer.

Lord Hood was a bit of a mystery to her, as most Lords and Ladies would never get up to help another human being let alone be as useful as he was trying to be. The Hood line was known to her, and she knew he had no children and his wife was long passed away. Wealthy, of course, in agriculture and real estate he was known in the circles as a philanthropist. Willow father had dismissed him as being to “common”.

There was a group of very similar looking girls surround another lady, beautiful in her own right but old enough to be mother top at least one of them. The group of young men were watching them as well but they seemed to be harmless admirers more than anything malicious.

Among the other passengers, there was a man, dressed in an orchestra band uniform and carrying a silver case. He was very very nervous. He was looking around anxiously, watching the sky, getting up and then sitting back down. What was he looking out for? The other band members did not have cases and seemed to be less anxious than him, even speaking to him as if to calm him down.

Posted on 2013-03-13 at 18:39:16.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

Silver Screen moment

Out in the Black, Somewhere, Sometime

“It’s gone Captain! Some gorram idiot must have jammed it from the source.” The blond lady at the pilot seat worked on boasting the signal.

“Do they know where we are?”

“Unlikely. Probably a twitchy tramp Freighter whose instincts are jam everything.”

Captain Black swore a blue streak in several languages. He couldn’t afford any more screwups on this. Not even with this much money on the line. “So are we humped?”

The pilot smiled mischievously, “No. The message said they were damaged. Only one place to go around these parts.” She pointed to the screen, “LV-426. Terraformed stage 2 moon.”

“We’ll have to search the moon?”

“Would you prefer to search the black? Captain. Besides, all them rich folk have personal signal devices. I can home in once we are in atmo.”

Bart grinned back, “Yeah. Nancy, that gives me an idea. I have a cunning plan.”

Posted on 2013-03-13 at 19:07:35.
Edited on 2013-03-13 at 19:19:08 by Alacrity

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

I was hoping to find out what Fu knows before posting, but...

“Cap’n it don’t look good but it’s not as bad as it could be. Thanks to Tess’s landing skill” A nod of Wolf's head to her to acknowledge her skill, “We got lucky to only have the damage we got. Biggest prob though be the port side turbine; it’s toast. We’re gonna need a new one. Only place we got a hope of finding one though, be that Atmos Processor over there. I’d like to take John and Asher, all of us fully armed, over there to find out if there be one we can snag. No point doing all the repairs if there’s no turbine to put in there. With your permission Cap’n?"

Wyatt listened to the with an interests that bordered on obsessiveness. Roc was as much family as any of the crew to him. Well, perhaps a bit less. But anytime she sustained hurt he felt the pain himself. As Fenris went thought the list of necessary repairs he grew a bit more irritable. He wanted to go and snatch up all the turbines, slap them into place, and take to the Black again, but knew the urge to be irrational.

"Wolf," he glanced out the cargo bay door (OOC: I'm assuming this happens after Wyatt and Ash make their patrol about the parameter so Wyatt would be helping to wrangle people and keep them off his cargo.) at the lightening scenery in the direction of the facility the large mechanic had referenced. "Not too keen on splitting my public relations team up, but the need is real pressin'. Take a personal com, an' stay sharp. Make it fast, too, an' keep yer eyes peeled fer security. The three o' ya need t' make it back soon, an' we still don' know what jammed us so watch yerselves, don ma?"

Posted on 2013-03-19 at 23:18:32.

Teller of Aryn
RDI Fixture
Karma: 21/1
509 Posts


LV-426, Cargo Bay 6:45am PT
Seeing everyone leave the ship and noticing the two thugs watching her from the ramp, Jessy realized that she appeared to be one of the few people still in the ship. Most of the crew seemed to have left and the passengers were all milling around. She didn’t want to leave the ship yet she also didn’t want to be left alone where these two guys might decide to accost her for the case.

So, she found a place to sit down where she could see out easily through the ramp, and also be seen sitting inside. In plain site seemed to be the best thing to do for now. Still she made sure one of her knives hidden on her was close at hand just in case.

(OOC: My intended post was too involved and went too far, so I will instead apply the K.I.S.S rule. )

Posted on 2013-03-20 at 15:33:32.
Edited on 2013-03-20 at 15:34:08 by Teller of Aryn

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts


Wyatt was caught in the hall just outside of the cockpit by Fu Sheng and Willow. The little monk seemed agitated--something that Wyatt was not used to seeing in the short time he'd come to know the man.

Fu Sheng's usual greeting was forestalled by the urgency of his message, though he did not forget to include the niceties of title and respect that he so often showed. Wyatt listened to the message with a look of interested, but beyond that Fu Sheng could have been sharing a recipe for protein paste pasta as far as a casual observer would have been able to tell. Internally, though, the captain was seething. How dare anyone come aboard my ship with anythin' nefarious about them! Other, more profanity-filled thoughts also sped through his brainpan, but he had no time for them.

"You think you can get down among them that are with us and try t' narrow down the selection some?" Wyatt moved past Willow and Fu as he said this. "An' let Ma know what's what. I'll get the others up t' speed as soon as I see 'em. Oh! Tell Tess too. I'll be a gorram monkey if'n I'm gonna let some two-bit thief thinks they can hitch a ride on Roc without there being some pay-back."

Speeding off to the engine room on his way to the cargo bay, Wyatt stepped in the door and said, "Wolf. There's some no-good scoundrel other than us afootin' so stay strapped and keep yer eyes peeled. This fella is party t' the reason the Star ain't afloat no more, an' he's dead bent on gettin' whatever was on that cruiseliner that he missed out on when we showed up. Stay alert, dohn ma."

Moving on quickly, Sung stepped into the cargo bay and specifically affected a brooding, dark look so as to avoid anyone speaking to him that he didn't want to. He didn't stop at the top of the stairs but scanned the hold as he descended, searching for the crew he was supposed to meet up with to perform the parameter check. Finding Ash he swept up near him and drew his Colt to check the play.

"There's big trouble playin' our way, Kid," he muttered just loud enough so that he thought Asher was the only one who could hear. "There's a big-time bad guy in the thick o' that crowd a' least partially responsible fer the blown-up cruiseliner. Fu Sheng picked up on this person, but can't figure out who jus' yet. Simply put: keep twitchy, an' don't trust no one but crew.

"Now, let's go see what lies out there. Shall we?"

That being said, Wyatt takes one more cold look around at the group of people he'd picked up, and then he proceeds to make his parameter check.

Posted on 2013-03-26 at 00:20:57.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

I say we just nuke the site from orbit

With Wyatt’s permission Wolf gathered John, had a quiet talk with Ash, and made a quick stop at Ash’s room to pick up the Justice Arms JC39 Assault Rifle & Shotgun for himself along with 2 mags for the rifle and 2 mags for the Shotgun. For John Wolf picked up the SPAS30 Combat Shotgun and another 2 mags for it. Along with their normal weapons and gear they should be well enough armed for whatever lay inside the Atmos Processor.

As John piloted the shuttle towards it, Wolf in the co-pilots seat caught a better look at it as they approached. Without a doubt the Atmospheric Processor of planet P426 did not look friendly. With it’s the shadows and blinking lights it reminded Wolf of a very old, old movie about soldiers in space, alien bugs bursting out of chests, a sexy lady and a small frightened, yet tough little girl. However for the life of him he could not remember the movies name.

No matter nothing like that, except maybe Reavers, existed so he was most likely worried over nothing. Yet as they drew closer he could not feel 100% at ease, a movie from the past at the forefront of Wolf’s mind.............

Posted on 2013-04-08 at 17:35:59.

Den Mother
RDI Staff
Karma: 111/12
1188 Posts

I'm here, I'm here!

"Not the best time to admit this, but I'm not a medic. I never graduated first year of med-school."

One of the first things a Companion was taught was control over their own face and body language, a momentary freeze to allow time to think of the appropriate reaction and response. Willow was just tired enough that she found herself simply staring wide-eyed at John while she desperately tried to remember what she'd been told about the new crew member. In the end, she realized that it didn't matter what skills she thought the man across from her possessed; he'd just admitted to not being up for a task, and she had to respect someone who recognized when a lie mattered too much.

“If that’s the case, I’ll manage, thank you. Our friend here walks around with a truly bare head, he deserves as finer scar as possible. We can get you practicing on oranges later.” Willow allowed herself a reassuring smile for John, and freed him to go help in the cockpit. Pushing fatigue aside as best she could, set herself to the painstaking task of closing the wound with precise stitches that looked large and angry now, but would fade quickly. Her main tasks done, Willow tidied up after securing Fu Sheng securely to the bed with padded webbing made for just such emergencies. When the ship began to it's stomach shaking gyrations, Willow braced herself as best she could, and waited for the landing, sending whispered prayers to the ship, to Buddha, to Tess, whomever may be listening.

The landing knocked the breath out of her, but she knew they were very, very lucky to be alive, and she patted the ship's wall in thanks, telling herself Tess would get a big hug later. Before she could even move towards the monk, his eyes popped open and he asked, "Have we landed? I...I must speak with the Captain!"

WIllow tried to quiet him, but Sifu hand grasped Willow's arm firmly but not harshly. It was as if the importance of what the monk was trying to say was telegraphed in the single action. “No Miss Willow. What I have to say may well hold the balance of life or death for everyone on the ship.” He said before releasing her arm. Willow simply nodded and called the Captain to the comm, putting them on a direct connection.

After they spoke, Sifu insisted on joining Willow in the cargo bay, saying he hoped being closer to the passengers would help him find their quarry. Willow wasn't sure about letting the man move so soon after coming out of anaesthesia, but the little man would not be denied, and Willow decided it was better to help him, and ensure he was careful, then to try to patch him up afterwards.

They made their slow way to the cargo bay, and although Willow knew no-one there would be necessarily at their ease, one musician seemed to be more uneasy than even the situation seemed to call for. Willow used her support of Sifu to bring the musician into the monk's line of sight, then muttered in a low voice that wouldn't carry. "I'd start with that fellow."

Posted on 2013-04-09 at 02:56:53.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Something Special.............

Wolf had a quiet talk with Ash, and made a quick stop at Ash’s room to pick up the Justice Arms JC39 Assault Rifle & Shotgun for himself. Ash smiled to himself as he watched Wolf rushed off to raid his weapon stash. Wolf hadn’t seen the storage cabinets he'd installed after Sam Dash had helped himself to the kid’s toys.

Asher took his time climbing down into his cabin, “I think you’ll need a little help.” The kid nearly burst holding in his laugh as see saw how Wolf stood there slump shouldered as he stared at the high tech lockers.

“Sam made off with some of my tools so I improved the toolbox.” Ash open the first cabinet and gave the ships mechanic the SPAS30 and rounds. Closing and locking the storage the kid walked past the cabinets and over to the small built-in table; pulled out the chair and had a seat.

“But as you know some tools are more valuable than others. That JC is a bit more than your shotgun and the Feds get a bit twitchy when they see’um .”

Ash reached under the table and released the catch holding the support leg. The leg slipped up into position and the table folded and lowered smoothly into a small recess. A slight push on the lower shelf and a slight tug on the upper shelf and top panel swung down revealing the JC39 Assault Rifle/Shotgun.

“You’ve trusted me with your tools so I’m returning the favor.” The kid pulled down the weapon and handed it to Wolf along with the ammo.

Posted on 2013-04-15 at 03:18:36.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

Here we go

LV-426,Outside of Rocinante 7:00 am PT
Willow looked around at the passengers of the cruise liner. They all seemed so lost and out of place on this undeveloped planet in their now dirty finery and outfits. Captain Havlock and Lord Hood were moving around to each grouping of people, speaking to them and trying to keep them calm. The young ladies that all looked the same and dressed the same were clustered around the lady who was there guardian. Willow did not know her from the society circles but she had been out of touch for awhile. The girls were not related, that much was sure, although one was most likely the Lady’s daughter.

Portia Amber was trailing Lord Hood, chatting him up and smiling broadly. No doubt the Lord was a good catch as a wealthy single man. Meanwhile Amber Sunshine Amber was nowhere to be seen. She also did not see the young lady who asked about Fu Sheng nor Cameron Bridges, although some passengers had stayed in the cargo bay.

The band members clustered together and the small man with the case was pacing back and forth as the others attempted to calm him down. Willow turned to the monk on her arm and muttered in a low voice that wouldn't carry. "I'd start with that fellow."

Sifu nodded and the two of them walked towards the group. Fu Sheung whispered back, “I am not at my best right now, I have to admit. I can not ... feel what I would normally. I think it maybe is the injury is hampering my gift. However I can see he is clearly agitated.”

As they approach the small man immediately backs away behind the others and a tall, rather stout gentleman steps forward to greet Willow and Sifu. “Hello. I am Roland of the Star’s orchestra. Please allow me to thank you for your timely rescue and efforts. No doubt we’d not be here without them.” He says and smiles a smile that is sincere but his eyes flash concern for his fellow band member. Both Willow and Sifu can see that his shoulders tense as if fearing a fight but hoping for not.

(assuming some greeting back. Asking how they are doing)

“We are well. Hoping that we will be able to go home soon. Have you managed to get a signal out?”

(some positive affirmation that they are doing their best. Why is your friend so jittery?)

“Ahh... Well. He has something on his mind. He will be fine once the rescue team comes. “The big man replies and looks back at the other man, “Justin? Perhaps if you talk to these people you’d feel better?”

“You know I can’t Roland!” He calls back, hugging the briefcase protectively.

“Justin! This seems to be a special situation. I do not think a monk and a Doctor are trying to steal it?”

Justin shakes his head but then the others start to reassure him that it is okay. He seems to mull it over and then begins to step forward with the case still held tightly in his grip.


“Ow! Why did you hit me?”

“You sir are no gentleman!”

“Of course not. I’m a physicist!”

Just as the musician was coming forward, a fight breaks out between two passengers. The commotion is between the lady with the young girls and the tall young man who fainted before in the engine room. The tall man is holding his face gingerly and the lady looks mad enough to kill.

“Why are you mad at me? I wasn’t suggesting a sexual relationship with you.”


“Ow! Help Me! This lady is assaulting my face! Someone protect my face!”

With all eyes sudd3enly on the spat developing the musician slinks away behind the others again.

LV-426,Inside of Rocinante Cockpit 7:05 am PT
Tess had done as much as she could at this point. They would be needing her outside with the passengers or helping with repairs. She powered down her station and put the proximity alert on to her comm. Link channel so it would signal her if anything was coming nearby.

As Tess step through the kitchen, she smelled the pleasant scent of Ma’s cooking and saw the older lady working away, adding ingredients to her largest stock pot. A nice hearty soup would go a long way.

Tess continued down into the cargo bay. Most passengers had moved out but there was a young lady with a silver case still there. Tess then noticed the two men standing on the plankway, obviously watching the other lady. Tess didn’t like this for a second so she turned on her heels and watched over the girl. “Hey there. I’m Tess, pilot of Rocinante. You okay? Them fellas seem to have an interest in you.”

LV-426, Outside of Rocinante Cargo Bay 7:15 am PT
Wyatt and Ash returns and had a quick discussion with Wolf about the state of the ship. Wyatt was not keen on splitting up the crew right now but the situation demanded they watch the flock and fix the ship. No telling when help would arrive. Wolf and John would take a shuttle, leaving the mule here by the ship, just in case. The turbine would be heavy and need lifting anyway, possibly from a upper air shaft. But the captain did not want all his strong arms away from the ship so he told Wolf that Ash was to stay here unless he was truly needed and to keep the comm. lines open. So Wolf and Asher when off to gather up the weapons, ammo and the tools that would be needed, while John would warm up the shuttle and meet them in the engine room to gather equipment. Wyatt looked over to see Willow and Sifu seem to be dealing with a scuffle with a couple of passengers while Tess was talking to another passenger. The smell of soup cooking filled his nostrils and that was the highlight of the day so far.

John decided to take the shuttle over the damaged pod as it would have to be moved to do repairs anyway. Upon entering the doorway though he was greeted by a sight he was not expecting. A pair of passengers were in the shuttle and ....well getting very friendly with each other in a biblical fashion. John stood there for a second or two, more out of shock than any desire to watch what was going on. The girl was the one who had propositioned him early, Amber Sunshine he vaguely remembered. The man was older by far and John thought he had seen him talking to Willow before like they knew each other. John cleared his throat loudly and banged his fist on the doorway. Surprisingly, even though they both clear looked over and saw him, neither stopped what they were doing. It was like they were in some sort of sexual frenzy.

Posted on 2013-04-15 at 16:05:58.

TRSG 2.0
Karma: 113/94
1606 Posts

Things seem to already be prity hot in the shuttle

After assessing the damage to the Roc and brief crew meeting it was decided that Wolf and himself would go to the atmospheric processor, the captain wasn't in favor of all three of John, Wolf, and Ash going off at once in case a situation were to develop at the ship. The additional passengers they'd picked up were all outside and had Willow and Sifu seeing to them leaving Wolf and Ash to prepare as he warmed up the shuttle. Seeing as it was the port engine pod that was out of action John decided to use that shuttle, it would need moving for later and so killing two birds with one stone made sense.

Sliding the shuttle door open John was greeted with a sight he didn't wish to see. Two passengers, the girl who'd come to him earlier in the hold and an older guy he'd seen talking to Willow, were writhing on the floor of the shuttle. Stunned, it took John a couple of seconds to pull himself together. Averting his eyes slightly from the frantic bodies he banged on the side of the shuttle and loudly cleared his throat. The couple looked up but paid him not attention before getting back to it. This wasn't normal, and considering that John noticed the girl... Amber?... was gripping the man's neck tightly and, causing a bleed, a needle-like thing attached to one of Amber's fingers was stuck into the man's neck. Looking to the floor, and running his hand through his hair with frustration, John spoke "This isn't happening" before deciding he didn't want anything to do with it and closing the door on the copulating couple.

John walked across the gangway above the hold and spoke into his comm with a sigh "Wolf, we're taking the other shuttle. Ash, get to the port shuttle with Willow or the Captain. There's a situation you guys need to deal with." At the moment, for as long as the Roc was grounded, whatever antics the unwanted passengers got up to were not his concerns. Him and Wolf were to get the ship flying again, and honestly he didn't have a clue how to handle the situation he'd just palmed off to Ash. The thought that he'd made it somebody elses problem twinged with guilt, but it didn't stop him running the ignition sequence for the port-side shuttle.

EDIT: Ash, not ask.
EDIT 2: Port, not starboard. Cheers Ody!

Posted on 2013-04-17 at 18:56:45.
Edited on 2013-04-21 at 20:13:12 by Loki

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Could'nt let Loki have all the fun :)

Wolf had to admit to himself he was not having a good day. "Tee wuh duh pee-goo" *1 he muttered to himself. Damn Ash for being too paranoid or too smart as the Mechanic found himself looking at a pair of very secure high tech lockers. Now he'd have to go and find the Gunfighter personally as he did not want to announce over the comm that he needed Ash to open an illegal gun locker. Oh well not like we are in a hurry or anything he thought to himself sarcastically.

"I think you'll need a little help." Came Ash's voice from behind him as he was turning to go. Completing said turn and facing Ash he could tell the Gunfighter was barely holding in laughter.

"You think you're so funny huh ya Ke wu cesuo bao jun*2 Wolf replied with a sarcastic, yet playful smile

"Sam made off with some of my tools so I improved the toolbox."

Wolf said nothing to that knowing that Ash was well within his right to do so. Watching as Ash opened the first cabinet he told the Gunfighter what he wanted to carry and was surprised not to see the JC in the locker as Ash handed him the SPAS30.

"Ok what did you do with the JC?" Wolf asked as he slug the shotgun across his back and Ash closed the lockers and made his way past the cabinets and over to the small built-in table; pulled out the chair and had a seat.

"But as you know some tools are more valuable than others. That JC is a bit more than your shotgun and the Feds get a bit twitchy when they see’um"

Wolf again watched as Ash reached under the table and released a catch holding the support leg. The leg slipped up into position and the table folded and lowered smoothly into a small recess. A slight push on the lower shelf and a slight tug on the upper shelf and top panel swung down revealing the JC39 Assault Rifle/Shotgun. Bending down and looking at Ash's new locker Wolf was quite impressed.

"I like it, maybe I should do something like that in the engine room, think you might help me set one up next port we hit." Wolf asked as he held out his left hand for the assault rifle/shotgun.

"You've trusted me with your tools so I'm returning the favor." Ash told Wolf as he pulled down the weapon and handed it to Wolf along with ammo for it.

Grasping Ash's right arm in a grip not unlike that seen on the old earth show Sparticus he looked the young Gunfighter in the eye.

"Only reason John or I don't return these puppies to you is if we are both dead. Sheh-sheh xiongdì" *3
As he and Ash started to leave the Rocinante's 'armory' John's voice came over the general crew comm net.

"Wolf, we're taking the other shuttle. Ash, get to the starboard shuttle with Willow or the Captain. There's a situation you guys need to deal with."

"Captain I'm with Ash right now we'll check it out" Wolf called to Wyatt as both he and the ship's gunfighter started moving in that direction........

*1: Kick me in the bottom
*2: Horrible young tyrant
*3: Thank you Brother

Posted on 2013-04-19 at 06:26:12.
Edited on 2013-04-20 at 03:06:11 by TannTalas

Teller of Aryn
RDI Fixture
Karma: 21/1
509 Posts

A plea

LV-426, Inside of Rocinante Cargobay 7:07 am PT
Jessy had seen someone come through the cargo bay and saw them pause on the way out and turn towards her but she kept her head down until she heard them speak.

“Hey there. I’m Tess, pilot of Rocinante. You okay? Them fellas seem to have an interest in you.”
She looked up at the pilot, a look of apprehension upon her face, she glanced at the two goons at the door who were obviously watching her as she had been the only one in the bay. Looking back at the pilot she offered a faint smile and sighed.

“Yes, I believe they are indeed,” she sighed, “I am not sure why, I believe it has to do with this.” She said looking down at the silver case in her hands.

“My name is Beatrix Kiddo,” she said, keeping her voice low and sounding as sincere as she could, “I am a Licensed courier and this case is my assignment. I don’t know what is in the case; my job is only to deliver it, for a high price, and not to question its contents. I was paid and given a ticket aboard this ship and I was to deliver it to a contact once I got off.”

She looked to Tess, she looked scared, as she truly was, for several reasons. One the escape from the ship had left her frazzled, and the thought of those guys watching her also left her wondering what they would do to her to get this case.

“Those men, and the one man in the White Tux,” she nodded her head towards the outside, “have been eyeing me and one of your crewmen, the young one, told me they were asking about my case.”

“I don’t know what to do,” she said letting a little of her feelings leak into her tone, “I wasn’t told that someone might be after this shipment, I was only told to keep it safe and deliver it. I had it in my room, you know out of sight, until the evacuation, and now I have to choice but hang on to it. I know they are after it and I am worried about what they might do to get it.” At least the last part was true.

“Do you think I might speak to your Captain when he has a minute?” she asked at last, sounding frightened and alone.

Posted on 2013-04-19 at 11:30:32.


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