First: Everyone but the gnome and the half-orc knows the direction and approximate distance to the closest point of the Kryptgarden Forest. The southermost tip of the forest is north, and is "about" 140 miles 'as the raven flies' or "around" 160 miles if you take the coastal road as far as you can before turning to the east.
Second: Some of the establishments you may notice on the way to either The Market or the Whole Delver's Mercantile might be:
Shining Son Temple (Lathander)
Blades by Tor
Widow Rohl's Bakeshop
Sleaz Brothers Tattoo Parlor
Gray Barn Livery and Stabling
Doc and Sardin's Warehouse
Kato Blipas: Moneylender/Exchanger
Bron Arvo's Armory
Maps and Documents by Tan Shu
Wonderhouse Temple (Gond)
Moe River's Mounts (sign advertising common and exotic mounts for sale)
Sheila Mersa's Herb Shop (sign advertising potions, balms, salves, etc.)
Third: I can oblige anyone who wants a little one-on-one interaction with proprietors via PM, but please keep it reasonable.
Fourth: Waterdeep maps
City of Waterdeep
"Known" Locations in Waterdeep