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Dragon Fodder
Karma: 80/19
2264 Posts


You're roughly 3 days from Lave. You could pass through the small town of Ezel before you get there, if you look at the map, you're in the Kelder Steps to the south of the Blood Basin.

Posted on 2013-06-12 at 22:07:39.

Dragon Fodder
Karma: 80/19
2264 Posts


I've messaged him letting him know characters want to interact with him before I update, he mentioned his net had been down but pm'ed me saying it was back up. I'm hoping he posts soon. Otherwise characters who wished to converse with Alcorel before I move things on / the party makes a decision (should jozan not post by sunday) then I'll npc him as I see fit.

The problem here is without even an opening post from the player I may npc him in a completely different fashion than Jozan had intended. So we'll give him the benefit of the doubt and hope he posts something by the deadline.

Posted on 2013-06-12 at 22:14:36.

RDI Fixture +1
Karma: 67/14
1556 Posts

Right, no worries.

Net did go down and all, but it's all squared away now. Getting all my posting down tonight, thanks for being awesome everyone

Also I just realized, a halfling, 3 half elves, a drow and a human. very interesting party :p

Posted on 2013-06-12 at 23:27:56.
Edited on 2013-06-13 at 02:50:53 by Jozan1

Dragon Fodder
Karma: 80/19
2264 Posts


with Jozan having posted... you may now all interact and converse until sunday. / a time appropriate to move on if it comes before then.

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 05:51:26.

Dragon Fodder
Karma: 80/19
2264 Posts

I'll give it a bit

to see if anyone actually doenst want healing.. otherwise.. am I to assume you're going to expend 1 charge on each person? or are you utilizing charges until everyone is topped? 75% 50%? from a visual standpoint how 'healed' are you wanting to go for everyone Jozan?

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 05:54:02.

RDI Fixture +1
Karma: 67/14
1556 Posts


yeah, I figure everyone would want at least 50%, so we'll go with bringing everyone to around half. but if no one wants healing then I was going to say we can RP it out in game having a conversation. ACtually, if anyone wants to say anything to Alcorel as he comes to you with healing, go ahead and post it up or PM or or whatever, and we'll have a go.

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 05:56:21.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


Not much time this week to initiate any interaction or write much, but if anyone wants to chat up Tasso just give me something to work with and I'll run something up.

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 16:55:53.

Kool Killer Kitty
Karma: 64/6
1685 Posts


I would prefer it if we can be healed closer to full hp. Without that, any encounters during the next 3-4 days will be difficult.

I would say this in character, but Ellen wouldn't know enough about magic to know that the healing stick (wand of clw) has charges that can be expended when needed.

PS. Good job on purchasing the healing stick when creating your character, Jozan!

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 17:58:06.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


Whipped something up.

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 18:36:06.

Jumpin' Jack Smash
Karma: 44/13
675 Posts


Yes. That you did...

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 18:36:49.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


I figured I'd try my best to be eloquent after all.

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 18:42:47.

Dragon Fodder
Karma: 80/19
2264 Posts


on reading that lovely bit of roleplay... I'm gonna go make brunch,, complete with ham.. thank you Grugg

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 18:43:53.

Dragon Fodder
Karma: 80/19
2264 Posts


Alcorel has used 11 charges of the wand and character hit points have been updated.

Character sheets have been updated to reflect who took what from Nel's belongings.

the gold and silver are currently under 'party wealth' since it's intended to be split anyways it can cover party fairs or travel costs etc..
the pearls are also under party wealth though ellen holds them.

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 18:49:25.
Edited on 2013-06-13 at 19:01:44 by Kaelyn

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Hey Gang

I just got home from Tornado Relief work and am cooling down before showering!

Plus I will need to get some rest before I do any writing!

Will be gone Saturday with another Tornado Relief group also and my time on Sunday is limited, so I will get something written as soon as I am able to do so!

Posted on 2013-06-14 at 00:55:43.

RDI Fixture +1
Karma: 67/14
1556 Posts


I'm glad my purchases have come in handy already, wonder what woudl of happened if we encounted a monster or two, all at 3 hp :S

Also is everyone comfortable with their Hit points where they are at? if not, I'll expend as many charges as needed to bring everyone up to where they wanna be.

Posted on 2013-06-14 at 02:20:42.
Edited on 2013-06-14 at 02:23:46 by Jozan1


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