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Ummm ...

I'd have to say black, but only because in doing so you would cause the spudwheel to turn counter-clockwise to grind the smoke ...

Why must one beware the Jub-Jub Bird, and shun the frumious Bandersnatch?

Posted on 2008-04-24 at 23:31:58.

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts


Because you don't have the Vorpal sword.

What is the Jabberwocky's home address if I were to send him mail?

Posted on 2008-04-24 at 23:43:03.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/1
137 Posts

oh! Oh! Me! Me! Me!

[email protected] (?)

Where do salluses (calli?) come from?

Posted on 2008-04-24 at 23:59:28.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


It was in fact 1982.


Posted on 2008-04-25 at 01:25:17.

Regular Visitor
Karma: 6/0
85 Posts

I would think, I mean, myself, that the answer would possibly be ...


Who dunnit -- really?

Posted on 2008-04-25 at 02:31:56.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


What dunnit.

Where does the sun go when it sets?

Posted on 2008-04-25 at 12:59:46.

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts

Home... listen to its wife's constant nagging about him never being home during the day.

Why does the sun set at all?

Posted on 2008-04-25 at 13:03:44.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts


The Darkness Union struck a deal in 01 BC, against the Sun oppression, allowing the darkness free reign on the earth at particular times, based on situation, zones and seasonal considerations. This was challenged later on by the Day Light Savings conspiracy, but has since been raitified.


Why are there so many songs about Rainbows and what's on the other side?

Posted on 2008-04-25 at 13:17:22.

Karma: 37/4
502 Posts

On The Other Side

In truth, it is a world of singularily ratified colours. It is where the group Eiffel 65 found the planet in which the song "Blue" was inspired. I believe it is the same phenomenon that brought us the Blue Man Group.


Now that we've answered that. If there is truly such thing as a fourth dimension, why is it time and space, which are two different concepts?

Posted on 2008-04-25 at 13:32:04.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

Next ?

Time is no longer a dimention as it has been proven that time = money and everyone knows that money is an object not a dimention.

If a quarter pounder at McDonalds weighs 1/4lb before cooking what does it weigh after cooking?

Posted on 2008-04-25 at 14:00:18.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


Soterios Johnson.


Why not t_catt12?

Posted on 2008-04-25 at 14:43:50.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts


Because he only has 11 secret love-children hidden around the world. But give it time - Olan's just a love machine.


Why oh Why did I not take the blue pill?

Posted on 2008-04-25 at 14:56:08.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


Color blindness.

And if I fall?

Posted on 2008-04-25 at 15:05:53.

Karma: 37/4
502 Posts


You cannot fall if you do not believe in gravity. You will merely float in place, until you decide to move elsewhere.


When a Grugg Rages and kills everything, does anyone care?

Posted on 2008-04-25 at 15:35:21.

Regular Visitor
Karma: 6/0
85 Posts


evvybuddy wan' dead, but nobuddy wan' die. An' sens iyam part o' evvyt'ing, I don' wan' die or be made dead. So I, at leas', care -- ya no?

If troubles can be made to "melt like lemondrops", why doesn't everyone just carry hoses or spray bottles?

Posted on 2008-04-25 at 16:45:50.


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