... I couldn't stop reading once I started. It was that good!
Anyhoo... on the music side of things... A couple of songs came to mind as I was writing up that "epilogue" scene. They may not apply directly to that moment, really, but I can see both having some bearing on Ch'dau and Ara in the aftermath... and, oddly enough, both are by one of my all time favorite groups.
First off, there's "The River."
Next; "Dance With You."
Both kind of put me in mind of dealing with grief, loss, and maybe loneliness but finding comfort from any of it with another, I guess.
Dance With You kind of strikes me as the more "immediate" tune to be played at this particualr point in our unofficial soundtrack... it's slower/moodier but I can definitely see the lyrics applying to Ch'dau and Ara following their arrival in Meadowbrook.
The River is a little more "upbeat" as far as tempo and whatnot and, opposite of Dance With You, I think this one would be more of an "Ara to Ch'dau" thing, in certain circumstances... His own rage gets the better of him at some point and Ara turns the proverbial tables, soothing him in that moment... reciprocating his nursing her back to stability, so to speak.
*shrugs* I dunno... give a listen if you like and let me know what you think.
Edit: Ever have one of those moments where you just happen to stumble upon song after song that seems to fit? Yeah, me too... In fact, going along with the theme above but with a bit more of "Ch'dau's harder edges" I found this one... Kind of hits all the marks following HC...
EDIT Jr: These lyrics, though... *sigh*
I love the way that your heart breaks
With every injustice and deadly fate
Praying it all will be new
And living like it all depends on you
Here you are down on your knees again
Trying to find air to breathe again
And only surrender will help you now
I love you please see I believe again
I love that you're never satisfied
With face value wisdom and happy lies
You take what they say and go back and cry
You're so close to me that you nearly died, oh
Here you are down on your knees again
Trying to find air to breathe again
And only surrender will help you now
I love you please see and believe again
They don't have to understand you
Be still
Wait and know I understand you
Be still
Be still