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ruler of the shadows Resident Karma: 11/20 491 Posts
^Forgot that today is yesterday's tomorrow
< thinks people are funny sometimes when they're mad
V Envy's MSLD's first intimate partner
Posted on 2007-07-13 at 01:07:08.
Carey RDI Fixture Karma: 7/1 570 Posts
I don't think so!
^ is crazy
> is sane (usually)
v is insane and has a phobia of sane people
Posted on 2007-07-31 at 00:26:16.
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
quite true
^ uncannily astute
> has no idea what ASTUTE means, just like the way it sounds
v shouting obscenities at screen
Posted on 2007-09-04 at 19:28:07.
Philosopher Bill-osopher Karma: 37/4 502 Posts
Quirky. I Think I'll Play.
^ collects Harry Potter action figures!
< wiggles his ears without touching them!
v likes skydiving without a parachute!
Posted on 2007-09-04 at 20:17:18.
Veln Windspeaker Newbie Karma: 0/0 3 Posts
Alright i'm in
^ cowardly uses parachutes while skydiving
< thinks gravity specifically exists to get him down
V Uses rats to create AWESOME stew
Posted on 2007-09-08 at 01:59:42.
Aardvark Veteran Visitor Karma: 6/6 153 Posts
So you've heard
^ Wishes he had the recipe
< Enjoys long walks along the beach...
V Eats cutlery on thursdays
Posted on 2007-09-08 at 02:20:14.
Miko_Ayune-sama RDI Fixture Karma: 27/4 539 Posts
^ needs to stop telling all of my secrets
< Only eats cutlery when iron levels are down
V Can't break a hammer with a window
Posted on 2007-09-09 at 15:00:16.
Carey RDI Fixture Karma: 7/1 570 Posts
darn that shatterproof glass...
^ loves to see things break
> doesn't want to replace broken things
V lives in a glass box with only a tray sized hole
Posted on 2007-09-11 at 02:16:12.
Aardvark Veteran Visitor Karma: 6/6 153 Posts
There is a sunroof too thank you very much.
^ Is a nosy neighbour
< Is cool beyond belief
v Moonlights as "Ted the Mindflayer"
Posted on 2007-09-13 at 03:20:59.
ruler of the shadows Resident Karma: 11/20 491 Posts
^can't tell the difference between an asymptote and a hole in a mother function
< has spent far too much time in calculus...
V uses calculus to triangulate shots figuring in the Coriolis effect from the earth and generally misses his/her targets
Posted on 2007-09-13 at 20:14:54.
Miko_Ayune-sama RDI Fixture Karma: 27/4 539 Posts
^ trying to sound smart
< not that smart
V Needs to explain all that mumbo-jumbo
Posted on 2007-09-15 at 01:30:13.
ruler of the shadows Resident Karma: 11/20 491 Posts
^fails to realize that in college... most majors require calculus... (well paying majors
< just took a calculus test
V got lost when we started talking about math without numbers
Posted on 2007-09-20 at 04:58:46.
Edited on 2007-09-20 at 04:59:07 by ruler of the shadows
DarkAutumn Queen Hugglepounce Karma: 47/29 674 Posts
^ haha, jokes on you
< Got a 99% on her 1st college Math test! Yay me! hehe
V Is crazy!
Posted on 2007-09-27 at 05:35:26.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
That's right, and I blame MATH!
^ Has returned
< No deposit, no return
V 5 cents in Michigan, New York, and New Hampshire; 10 cents in Hawaii
Posted on 2007-10-02 at 19:12:10.
ruler of the shadows Resident Karma: 11/20 491 Posts
ah ha... No joke is to be on me...
^ Plays in Traffic
< spent Wednesday morning wandering back and forth in traffic using a scope reader taking measurements of elevations going from one point to another to determine a final elevation of a sewer lid.
V Didn't realize that what is written above is called surveying
Posted on 2007-10-05 at 14:25:53.