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Avatar of Awesome
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Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


just cuz I like the looks of it better but in real life I'd take the Jaguar XJ 220. RRRRRROAR

V-8 or Orange Juice?

Posted on 2008-01-10 at 17:12:36.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 8/1
142 Posts


V-8, for two reasons. It has more kick than V-6, and have you ever tried to make a Bloody Mary with Orange Juice?

OMG! Yuck!

All-you-can-eat hot buttered popcorn with lotsa salt or all-you-can-eat cream-cheese-filled strawberries dipped in chocolate fondue?

Posted on 2008-01-10 at 23:51:57.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

oh noooo....

well now lets reason this out...if it's 'all you can eat' i guess I best go with the popcorn cuz Chocolate is awfully rich...but then again, popcorn is high in fiber.

shucks!! lets just go with the'll be worth the trips to the bathroom.

tickets to a sports event or concert?

Posted on 2008-01-11 at 17:18:32.

Utan the Orange
Karma: 23/18
458 Posts


Crush the kneecaps and take both!

But, on the off-chance that he (or she) is bigger than me, I'll opt for explaining that I prefer the structured, chaotic, gladiator-style actiom oprovided by most sporting events (like hockey) ...

A "sensitive" man, or a "open yer own doors" man?

(c'mon, Grugg, I dare ya!)

Posted on 2008-01-12 at 17:38:20.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


depends on who is in charge of the psyche that day...
Nanette likes the "open the door for her" treatment while Helga prefers to do it herself.

a Ditz who is a 10 on the babe scale or a smart 6?

Posted on 2008-01-14 at 12:27:55.

Karma: 37/4
502 Posts

In Truth, There Is No Truth.

The problem with the question you have put forward is that the 10 blonde ditz is more than likely a 10 because she has serious mental issues reserved to the fact that her intellect is subpar, and overachieves in the fashion that she can. Even more likely she had never been truly loved by her father, and wanted nothing more than someone to push her to excel. Maybe her mother was a negligent submissive wreck.

Perhaps I am being too harsh, and the blonde had to quite school at an early age to work so that her family could continue living off of welfare without the government being able to trace or levy her income towards that of the adults support.

Regardless, the other delay I have in answering this seemingly simple dilemma is that theoretically the smart six may be an overachiever in the other direction, Perhaps she is turned to feminism and will do nothing but argue and toil over the unfairness of humanity and how her own free will is at stake during every single conversation with condescending men, or the ever fearful prospect of love and marriage.

Maybe she is the perfect match, the perfect woman, and perhaps she is easier to approach, but what does that say of the man who does approach her, that you are settling for the physically meek? Or is it saying that you are relying on your healthy genes to combine with her mental acuity in a sort of reproductive instinct that is forced upon all of us due to the inherent need to improve upon ourselves and evolve? Did I just say that the man who chooses the smart girl is dumb? Or is that inference simply a possibility amongst the horizon fall of outcomes?

Ehmmm... sorry, had to fill out my quota of BS for the day. Me personally, I would choose a dumb six, in hopes that I might enlighten her to become a better person, and also in hopes that she discovers make up. But, to be fair, my favorite part of a woman is her back, and I am especially fond of a particular goddess who should be in an old greek painting, so my bias is set.

That didn't answer the question though, so ummmm.... Ah hell, lets go for the 10... this is a fantasy forum after all.

As for my question... would you rather retype my post backwards, or read it over ten times more?

Posted on 2008-01-14 at 13:51:16.

ruler of the shadows
Karma: 11/20
491 Posts

hmmm tough decision... not really...

Lets see... A ditz who is a ten on the hot scale is a very one dimensional individual and is probably looking for love in this very manner and so I want nothing to do with her... As for the smart six, this a far more difficult question to answer... Are you saying book smart, street smart, or both? Is she rough around the edges (intellectually, as we've already established that she is a 6 in the way of looks) I don't know that I'd choose either as it takes a whole hell of a lot more than beauty and intelligence... I mean a smart six could be emotionally a 2...and the ditz 10 could be emotionally a 10 and a super clingy stalker type... so again... I choose neither...

(You see... the opens the door for you type or the do it yourself type gives you at least a glimmer of personality.)

P.S. (and because someone else posted while I was trying to... I will say read yours ten times...)

Now for another type of question... what type of date should a first date be? Romantic or fun?

Posted on 2008-01-14 at 13:53:20.
Edited on 2008-01-14 at 14:03:41 by ruler of the shadows

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


I didn't say the 10 was blonde.

Posted on 2008-01-14 at 15:41:37.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


the first date should always be FUN

Margaritas or Beer?

Posted on 2008-01-14 at 15:50:59.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 8/1
142 Posts

typical ...

... male: Ditz=Blonde ...

and society is to blame, for the most part.

(you bet me to this one, Lysk)
Answer: Fun. Romance can come later, after (or if) you get to know the person.


Loss of sight or loss of hearing?

Posted on 2008-01-14 at 15:52:29.
Edited on 2008-01-14 at 15:55:09 by Longshadow

RDI Fixture
Karma: 27/4
539 Posts

Since I'm already close to one of those two...

Hearing. I can get LASIK for my ailing eyes, and hearing aids. but the other way would suck, since no LASIK would help.

Loss of smell or touch?

Posted on 2008-01-25 at 00:37:58.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


touch...because if you lose smell you also lose taste.

be shark bait or stepped on by an elephant?

Posted on 2008-01-27 at 15:11:08.

ruler of the shadows
Karma: 11/20
491 Posts

interesting dilema...

I think I'd choose to be shark bait, since being bait doesn't mean you would necessarily become a meal... however being stepped on by an elephant is kinda absolute as in no getting out of...

Would you rather do my physics or work my job... (now the question is what do I do for a living?

Posted on 2008-01-29 at 00:48:26.

Utan the Orange
Karma: 23/18
458 Posts


yer fizzicks, unless yer job has somethin' to do with Quantum Mechanics ...

Me as a houseguest or all your toenails pulled out ...

Posted on 2008-01-29 at 14:43:04.

Karma: 31/10
529 Posts

uh well

you as a house guest.

Go to the mall wearing a diaper (and use it! Number 1 and 2!), or go to the mall dressed in drag and accidentally pee on yourself in public?

randomly stupid..i know.

Posted on 2008-01-29 at 15:33:56.


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