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Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8872 Posts

Hoping to have a post up, at some point, today. Sorry for the delay.

Posted on 2020-01-03 at 07:53:25.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts

It's the holiday season!

No worries, Eol! Can't wait

Posted on 2020-01-03 at 08:30:15.

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 144/12
2530 Posts

Needn't apologize

There is no rush  our fearless group will tackle the obstacles they face as they are written

Posted on 2020-01-03 at 09:48:26.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts


My forgiveness is easily won over by several unmarked $100 bills sent to a specific dropbox location at exactly 2100 this evening.

So you have time, buddy

Posted on 2020-01-03 at 12:24:25.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8872 Posts


And here I am with nothing but T-bills!

Taking the wife out for a night on the town, this evening, so I doubt I'll get a post done before that happens, btw. Hopefully later tonight or tomorrow.

Posted on 2020-01-03 at 14:36:50.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts


Have a good night!

Posted on 2020-01-03 at 14:44:52.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8872 Posts

I plan on it!

Got a post started but not yet finished... Wifey takes precedence, of course, and we're on our way out. She looks awful pretty, too, so I doubt I'll be finishing up the post when I get home, sooooooo, look for a post tomorrow.  

Posted on 2020-01-03 at 16:52:31.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts

*eye roll*

Could have just left it at your last post, omgggg

sounds like you have a fun night ahead of you Eol!

Posted on 2020-01-03 at 16:54:33.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8872 Posts

Yeah, but...


where's the fun in that?


Posted on 2020-01-03 at 17:02:42.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts

My pure pure pure pure angel child eyes!

Posted on 2020-01-03 at 17:13:30.

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 144/12
2530 Posts


Says the player with the torture-infatuation smut going on


Posted on 2020-01-03 at 17:17:01.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts



Posted on 2020-01-03 at 17:23:55.
Edited on 2020-01-03 at 17:24:32 by breebles

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 144/12
2530 Posts

Aranwen will just have to explain

It's not love when it's mind control via forced dissociation. Also, Kithran's not even 100 yet, she's not even an adult.

At least by Sylvari measurements

Posted on 2020-01-03 at 17:31:17.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts

Okay mooooooom

Are you trying to tell me, that brainwashed women and their sociopathic tormentors can't be in love? I thought this was 2020!

And yeah, I don't even think Kith really feels like an adult yet, she just looks like one to most of the world and uses it to her advantage. I kind of think that's how a lot of people feel--though in the case of her Sylvari side, it is true haha.

P.S. *raising finger to the sky* AND ANOTHER THING, Kith wasn't into the torture or punishments. She came to believe she needed and deserved them, but she didn't like or get off on them. She liked the post-pain cuddles from the powerful, lovely priestess afterward  and was also feeling pretty lonely with almost everyone she loved DEAD.

P.S.S. Fun fact: at the time of HC, Kithran is 28 (baby Sylvari), the same age as Tara was when she passed away :3 though her bday is coming up, as it is in KCandK. Sort of. 1st of Dhenns  so still a few months away. Plenty of time to find that perfect gift! Better get her something nice! 

Posted on 2020-01-03 at 17:41:13.
Edited on 2020-01-03 at 17:54:29 by breebles

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 144/12
2530 Posts

I mean...

You say that, but conditioning is a thing that exists. I'll just leave that as that...

With respect to Kithran not feeling like an adult, that is a dynamic that I kind of want to see what that results of with Aranwen not really expecting her to be one. On the one hand, I'm sure it annoys Kithran in some ways, but on the other hand, she doesn't have adult-ness expected of her and that really lets her grow at her own pace... 

Posted on 2020-01-03 at 18:13:53.


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