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Admiral I'm doing SCIENCE! RDI Staff Karma: 164/50 1836 Posts
A day in the life?
Stardate: 2366.10.22
USS Discovery, Ten Forward 0500
The four medical "regulars" for this time found themselves a bit less chatty today than yesterday. It was a quiet medical night for the mostpart. A couple of kids and a pretty beaten up SEC ensign. The full report had yet to come in, but Cinna has a way with finding out details. At least Baby Gavison was doing well. Her discharge to her parents marked a quiet time for the medical staff. The next pregnant woman on board wasn't due for quite some time yet.
Vic looked around at *his* senior staff. Sure they were all NCO's, but medical officers were hard to come by, at least those who weren't physicians. All the scientists gravitated towards the "real" labs. The Vulcan girl, Ltjg Taal left pathology to go over to Hemlos's department some time ago, and there hasn't really been a replacement. Chief Gabriel Richards pretty much ran everything himself, and came to Vic for rubber stamps. Ltjg Riner in supply wasn't much better. He was a biomedical engineer by trade. He knew more about physics and engineering better than actual medicine. He wasn't even a starfleet medic. Chief Taylor Alexandria pretty much coordinated all the stores. Rainer spent most of his time on his private research, so he could pick up a job as a professor at the Academy. Sometimes he helped out in the med lab, but mostly just serves as a commission, when Gabe or Taylor needs one. Not that any of the three of them are complaining.
Gabe and Taylor were barely over a decade older than Vic's own kids. They were openly engaged, and likely to marry within the next year. Neither one wanted a career in Starfleet, but both saw it as a chance to see the universe in their youth, and a way to get out of going to college. They were smart to join Starfleet, knowing that medical as a whole was stressed for personell, and even more stressed for non-clinicians. The pay was bigger in the private sector, or at least at the research labs on Earth. Everyone in Starfleet could tell that their Chief Petty Officer ranks were inflated, but that didn't change the fact that they were both damn good in their respective fields. Victor had a very strong relationship with the both of them, and grants them more autonomy than most NCO's. He tells Captain Blair it's because of the shortage of non-practitioner officers, but it wouldn't take much searching to see he's never requested more manpower. No, medical would stay with four senior officers and four junior resident docs. Dr. Wash was finally settling into his place, and learning to operate under a different style ward. Vic wasn't sure if he liked it yet, but he definately kept any complaints quiet. The new guy, Lt. Arevacii would soon have to find his own place in the department as well. As the aCMO (though he likely didn't know it yet) he will be able to make as much or as little out of the position as he wants.
Cinna was another story altogether. She's refused commissions more times than Vic can remember, claiming she "wants to be the one running things, not thinking about how to run them." Vic didn't question it, and just made sure she stayed in his department. No other charge nurse in the world could run Discovery's sick bay like her, and Vic would retire before he saw her leave his department.
The four sat in silence, sipping on various types of coffee and tea. They had been doing this for years, so long that none of them really had to say anything. Each of the four could probably think of a line, and then go around the horn predicting the other's responses. Most of the time it'd be
right. Perhaps that is why Dr. Wash and some others feel out of place among them. When the chips are on the table (or off for that matter), it's like talking to four copies of the same person, divided in four by a generation and a gender.
=/\=Dr. White=/\= his combadge chirped. It was one of the resident docs.
"There's your morning report, Vic" Cinna spoke softly.
"Just bring it to Ten Forward. Get yourself a drink or something in the meantime."
=/\=Aye sir. I could definately use one=/\= he replied. As his voice trailed the turbolift could be heard through the badge.
Vic quirked an eyebrow. This was odd. Usually the night shift was interesting, but it's rare for the doc to be so eager for a drink.
A few more minutes went by until the PADD with the report was handed over in person by a stressed student doctor who promptly made his way for the bar.
As the CMO scanned the report, something stuck out. Oh good Lord...
"Well, I guess today starts early. Good Bye" he says, standing slowly to the waves of his friends.
MacTavish you idiot... Now there will be a psych eval, all sorts of fun he thought as he got in the lift and was off towards his office.
USS Discovery, Dr. White's office 0545
"Welcome Dr. White," the computer chimed in as he walked through. "The current time is oh-five-four-seven hundred hours. Command has requested your presence at a meeting in exactly oh-four-four-three hours. There was an incident last night marked with priority by the RoD. It is located in file oh-three-five-Bravo-oh..."
"I have it. Thank you computer, that will be all," he interrupted. As much as he liked that welcome message, it could be as much of a hinderance as a help sometimes. But he'd keep it for now.
Victor grabbed his dictaPADD and regretted the log he was about to make. “Last night at 2315 hours, ensign Anthony Drummond was seen in the emergency room by Dr. Wash. He was treated for moderate eye trauma and a mild concussion. The ensign was released at 0010 hours today. Patient complained repeatedly about… *sigh* about quote “that skirt-wearin sonofabitch,” and requested work-related injury report forms. I found a complaint in the records. The man he referred to was indeed Lt. MacTavish.” He sighed and banged his fist against the desk. Out of your hands Vic. Injury forms required the signature of both medical and command. He technically could approve it alone, but thought that since Mac was involved this had better go to Kelsey.
“Computer, please forward that last dictation to Commander Gavison’s PADD. Mark it priority and confidential.”
Well… no better time to make a report.
White began furiously working the keypad, typing up the details of the night shift. Little excitement, save a couple of kids and Drummond. Maybe this really wasn’t a good time for a report. White hadn’t met with either of the two new officers personally, nor their guest. He would have to wait for the morning appointment with Dr. Arevacii before he could go anywhere else though.
It was still way too early to be paging the other officers.
Posted on 2006-10-12 at 07:49:54.
Edited on 2006-10-12 at 08:00:17 by Admiral
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
the gig is up
Stadate: 2366.10.22
USS Discovery, Observation Deck – 1045 hrs
Chantelle arrived just a couple minutes shy to the start of the staff meeting. Her meeting with Lt Mueller had kept her longer than she expected and not being one to be late for anything, she was unsettled, to say the least.
Captain Blair stood at the doorway greeting everyone as they filed in. The flustered CSO smiled sheepishly and offered a “Good morning Captain” as she entered. It seemed she was the last one to arrive. She was surprised she wasn’t late as her morning had not gone nearly as well as she had hoped. With that thought her blue eyes sought out Jack. He was seated in the 2O chair at the front of the table where he had watched her enter the room. Their eyes met momentarily and he gave her one of his ‘sorry luv’ looks. She sighed silently wishing she could give him a big hug and make all his troubles go away. Instead all she could do at the moment was return a slight smile and a concerned look.
The Captain waited until she had taken a seat then began the meeting by welcoming his staff. Afterwards he turned it over to Dr. Milkens who promptly laid out the scenario of the dangers of humans handling the vaccine. Listening intently, she made a mental note to speak to Lt Keely about her team’s findings. She did’nt know how this would be handled but was sure it was bound to cause readjustments on the way it would be delivered to the inhabitants of Aldor V.
Chantelle noticed Jack’s look of concern when the dr. mentioned the vaccine would need to be handled very carefully. He scribbled something on his PADD and looked around the room briefly at the staff.
Once the doctor was finished, The Captain dropped the bombshell that had been eating Jack alive.
"We must keep our guard up," the captain explained. "I have been made aware that one or more terrorist organizations are known to have active operations or sympathizers in the Aldor system. Obviously, I cannot stress enough how dangerous it could be if this medicine were used for any other purpose. With that in mind, I turn the meeting over to Lieutenant MacTavish who, I understand has more specific information pertinent to this mission"
Chantelle watched as Jack took the floor. Most of his briefing detailed the activities of the terrorist group his brother was involved with and what the Discovery may be up against should any of the intel he had received came to fruition. His countenance was self assured but Chantelle knew it was a cover for the churning emotions he was feeling inside. He continued his brief, ending with the knock out punch that would dumbfound most of the staff.
As if sickened by the sight, Jack turned away from the image that hovered before the group and said “This man is Ian Michael MacTavish. An’ I c’n guarantee ye, ladies an’ gen’lemen, if th’ lad’s so much’s caught the scarcest whiff o’ wha’ we’re deliverin’ ta Aldor V, we’re likely gonna be fairm in ‘is sites…”
The majority of the staff viewed the image with confused looks. Jack shifted his stance slightly out of nervousness and surveyed the room for reactions, his gaze ending on Chantelle. Squniting in the dimness, she could see that Jack and Ian bore a striking family resemblance and might, at first glance, be mistaken as twins.
She looked away from the image and caught Jack’s eye for a split second. She knew what he was thinking…”Chroist, how am I goin’ to explain this bloody mess to “er.”
Posted on 2006-10-12 at 10:59:42.
Edited on 2006-10-12 at 19:28:36 by Lyskhala
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8847 Posts
Revelations Pt 2
USS Discovery, Observation Lounge – 1100 hours
The reactions to Lt MacTavish’s briefing thus far had been pretty close to what he had imagined they would be – a concerned expression here, an almost shocked look there, and more than one double-take affected when the surveillance images of Ian had flicked by on the display – there had been a couple of reactions he hadn’t expected, though. Chantelle hadn’t looked anywhere nearly as surprised as he had imagined she would, especially considering that, during the course of their relationship, any time she had asked about his brother Jack had quickly diverted her off to any other subject he could get to. Arevaci’s reaction, too, had been somewhat of a surprise – interested and a bit more than curious, from the looks of it, but not in an ‘I’m eager to get in your head and see what kind of scars you’re hiding’ that Mac had come to expect from any other shrink he had ever known… Mebbe th’ Cap’n’s spot on wi’ this’n, the TAC chief had mused when Arevaci hadn’t immediately started scribbling notes, I reckon it’s no’ gonna hairt too much ta catch th’ man after the meetin’…He hadn’t lingered on the thought for too long, though, before moving on.
His part of the briefing continued for several minutes more, effectively nullifying Blair’s promise of a relatively short meeting, as he proceeded to run through a list of the BTFs more notable (or, rather, noticed) operatives, a summary of the group’s penchant for guerilla-style small unit tactics and covert/subversive operations, and finally a quick timeline of the BTF’s more recent exploits.
“As I’ve said,” MacTavish rumbled as the display finally went dark and his eyes made the circuit around the table once more, “There be nothin’ ta indicate tha’ th’ Discovery er Dr Milikens’ vaccine’re definitely bein’ targeted by this lot but, considerin’ th’ intelligence repairts an’… an’ knowin’ Ian… I’m no’ jus’ yet ready ta dismiss tha’ possibility. This mission’ll present th’ BTF wi’ a golden opp’rtunity ta get their ‘ands onna possible biological weapon ta add ta their arsenal an’, if they’ve become aware o’ the shipment in any fashion, ye c’n bet tha’ they’ve a’ready go’ a bloody slick plan ta do jus’ tha’. I know I would…”
Mac noticed the chrono-display on his PADD at that moment. “…an’ I’ve run off a’ th’ mooth fer long enough,” he chuffed. His gaze tracked to the new CEO; “Commander Waldgrave, if ye reckon ye’ll ‘ave a bit o’ time, I’ll be makin’ me way ta Engineerin’ shortly an’ I’d like ta get tagether an’ discuss some o’ the defensive system mods ye’ve likely noticed. Yer predecessor’n I wairked fairly closely onnat project an’, wi’ circumstances th’ way they are, I think we two should be onna same page afore we get much closer ta th’ Aldor system, aye?”
“Tuvar,” he nodded to the SEC Chief, “we’ve discussed this at length a’ready but I’m sure I’ll be round ta see ye agin afore th’ day’s done.”
“Chan,” one corner of his mouth twitched, threatening to curl his lips into a faint smile, “Ye know I’m no scientist, lass, but I reckon tha’ wha’s jus’ been said here’s got ye thinkin’ in formulae an’ itchin’ ta pick Doc Milikens brain, hasn’it? I’ll be round ta yer shop sometime ta see if yer crew’s got anythin’ else tha’ may be a consideration.”
At long last, Mac nodded to Blair; “Tha’s all I’ve go’ fer now, sair. Thank ye.”
(OOC: At this point, Mac will retake his seat and wait for the meeting to be brought to a close. Once we’re all dismissed, Mac will try to catch the good Counselor – RK, knowing your dislike for the “one sided convo” thing, we can get a PM session going to collaborate on that meeting if you like. Drop me a message whenever you’re ready – after that, Mac’s got to get to ENG and have a chat with Kat (and Bob-dude)… from there… we’ll see what develops. As always, room for interjection, etc, throughout…))
Posted on 2006-10-13 at 08:55:50.
t_catt11 Fun is Mandatory RDI Staff Karma: 378/54 7141 Posts
is that all, then?
Stardate: 2366.10.21
USS Discovery, observation lounge - 1102
Captain Blair was a little surprised by the depth of detail at the meeting, but the subject of Mac's briefing helped to bring certain other matters into much better focus. The TAC chief's comments about "extenuating circumstances" had seemd odd to the captain earlier - Mac had never seemed to be the sort of man to make excuses of any sort. If this intel was indeed accurate, then Blair could understand how a man could reach the point that Jack had reached the night before.
Once MacTavish had finsihed, Blair nooded. "Thank you for the briefing, Lieutenant MacTavish." His own expression had grown noticeably darker. "There is no need for me to rehash this any further. You have concerns to address, here, people - let's be prepared for the worst and hope for the best." He grinned ruefully. "So much for a simple delivery run."
Noah looked around the room at each of his officers. "Any further questions? Does anyone else have anything to add?"
OOC: assuming not... if so, we'll edit.
"Very well then," he concluded. "Let's get to work. Dismissed."
As the staff filtered out, Noah gestured for Gavison to remain behind. Once the room was empty, he broached the subject that hung over the room like a dark cloud.
"Jack's intel complicates things very much," the captain observed. "Bad enough that there is terrorist activity at all, but if Jck's brother is indeed involved..." his voice trailed off.
OOC: any response
He looked Gavison in the eye. "Kelsey, I trust Jack to do his duty; I have no doubt as to his loyalty. That being said, I would be a fool to not be concerned, should he cross paths with Ian. If nothing else, it would be human nature to take a foolish chance in order to 'set the record straight,' as it were." Blair sighed heavily.
"If you have any recommendations, I am open to them. I would think that, if nthing else, Jack should probably stay on board the Discovery, rather than ride a delivery shuttle, when we reach Aldor V."
OOC: suggestions, comments...
Once again, Noah sighed. "It never gets any easier, does it?"
Posted on 2006-10-13 at 09:30:59.
Edited on 2006-10-13 at 09:31:56 by t_catt11
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
it's a date
Stardate: 2366.10.21
USS Discovery, observation lounge - 1105
Once the meeting was over, Jack waited outside the Observation Lounge for Chantelle. When she emerged, he took her forearm lightly and pulled her to one side. She smiled at his touch and followed his lead.
“I cannae talk right noo luv, but I wanted to tell ya tha’ I’m sorry for leavin’ ye so arly this marnin’. Especially after tha’ amazin’ night.”
Chantelle smiled involuntarily. The mention of their time together sent ripples of excitement through her stomach.
Never had she known so much pleasure as she had last night.
“I know Jack luv” she whispered, offering a wicked little smile. “it was wonderful and I can’t wait for this day to be over so I can make you forget all your worries” She cooed softly tugging at his shirt.
Flashing that irresistible MacTavish grin, he looked around to make sure they were alone and pulled her to him. Planting a lavish kiss on her lips he said “aye luv, ya sartinly knoo how ta do tha’ proper”
She laughed out loud and pushed him away teasingly.
“Then it’s a date Lt. MacTavish?” she said as she turned to leave.
His smile widened and he shook his head…
“Aye lass…it be a date”
Posted on 2006-10-13 at 12:07:38.
Bromern Sal A Shadow RDI Staff Karma: 158/11 4402 Posts
Stadate: 2366.10.22
USS Discovery, Observation Leck – 1102
Gavison watched as the others exited. He’d caught Noah’s motion to remain and did so with the calm air of one who was confident everything was under control. When the last of the staff had stepped through the door and it had closed on their heels, Kelsey gave a slight shake of his head and allowed the air to escape from between his lips.
“Jack’s intel complicates things very much,” Noah observed. “Bad enough that there is terrorist activity at all, but if Jack’s brother is indeed involved…”
“I’d been thinking the same thing.” Kel looked down at the reflection of the overhead lamps in the black gloss of the table and wondered if he should give voice to his questions about MacTavish’s intentions. Lifting his gaze he met Captain Blair’s firmly as the man continued.
“Kelsy, I trust Jack to do his duty; I have no doubt as to his loyalty. That being said, I would be a fool to not be concerned should he cross paths with Ian. If nothing else, it would be human nature to take a foolish chance in order to ‘set the record straight,’ as it were.” Noah gave a heavy sigh that Kel very much understood. “If you have any recommendations, I am open to them. I would think that, if nothing else, Jack should probably stay on board the Discovery, rather than ride the delivery shuttle, when we reach Aldor V.”
“I think that is reasonable.” Kelsey smoothed his goatee. “I was considering assigning a non-human task force to that anyway. My concern lies more in the possibility that should Jack become aware of any intel that might point to his brother’s location he might find a reason to be in the vicinity.
“Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to provide Lt. Tuvar with reason to be in close proximity to Mr. MacTavish while he’s on duty…” Kel frowned at the slippery slope he’d just found himself on, but pressed forward anyway. “We could couch it as a concern for Jack’s safety. After all, if Jack feel’s this strongly—“ Gavison motioned towards the viewscreen where Jack had nearly let slip his expletive. “—About Ian MacTavish, it could stand to reason that Little Brother might just want to take out his political beef on Big Brother… no pun intended.”
OOC: response?
Kelsey shrugged and rubbed at the back of his neck with his left hand. “We could always pile a bunch of busywork on Jack’s shoulders in an effort to keep him too occupied to get really involved, but I believe he’d recognize that and take offense. I’d hate to undermine his confidence in our trust, and that’s one helluvah way to welcome someone into a new post. I really believe that Lieutenant Tuvar is our best option.”
OOC: response? Will update if necessary.
“It never gets any easier, does it?” Noah sighed.
Kelsey offered a small smile by way of consolation. “Look at it this way, Noah. We could very well have the opportunity to help Jack bury—“ Kel winced. “—I mean, put behind him—something that has apparently been bothering him for some time while bringing a fugitive of justice to the Federation. But to be honest, I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that. Maybe we’ll luck out and the BFT’ll have passed on to another system.”
OOC: response?
Posted on 2006-10-13 at 19:27:03.
kicktoria Occasional Visitor Karma: 10/1 42 Posts
this is a work in progress. i should have it done asap
Stardate: 2366.10.22
USS Discovery
Tempory Quarters, 0626
She quickened her pace as the thick fog rolled around her her long elaborate skirts. Shivering she wrapped her long coat around her for protection from the cold of the night and glanced behind her. As far as she knew, she wasn't being followed. The flickering gas lamps that littered the streets failed to light more than a few footsteps in front of her.
The rendezvous location was marked by a red ribbon attached to a wrought iron bench on the corner of Camden Road and Murray Street. She found it easily and sat on the bench beneath the large oak tree whose leaves had just started to turn golden.
She pulled the scrap of paper that detailed the location out of her pocket and studied it, the intricate script failing to give away anything of its writer.
Camden Road, red ribbon, 12.30am
"Punctual," a husky voice whispered in her ear causing her to launch out of her seat. "I like that Lady Katrina..."
Katrina spun to face the speaker.
"Why am I here?" she demanded glaring at the cloaked figure that spoke to her.
The cloaked figure gestured towards the bench. "I think you know why you are here milady..."
An sense of fear washed over Katrina as took the seat, her head bowed in acceptance.
"Yes..." she said softly as a tear ran down her cheek, "I know."
A low rumble of sinister laughter emanated from behind her as a cold hand grabbed her chin and forced her face to one side.
"Good bye, sweet Kat..."
Katrina bolted upright in her bed, the thin grey regulation sheets sticking to her naked form as sweat ran down her back and chest.
"Computer, time!" she commanded tersely.
=/\=The time is zero-six-two-nine hours.=/\=
"Thank you," she sighed as she dug her knuckles into her eyes. Rising from the bed she papped softly over to the replicator.
"Computer, coffee, hot. Black, one sugar."
It had been a while since she'd had The Dream. She didn't know why it came at certain points of her life, it just did. She had tried to rationalise it and she'd figured that it was her subconscious mind reminding her that she was actually, mortal. And then she ignored it.
She rubbed her forehead as she sipped the coffee. It was going be a long day, and definitely not easy.
She placed the empty cup back on the replicator plate and shook out her hair, trying to shake out the memory of the dream.
Katrina strode to the bathroom and stepped in the shower. It was definitely going to be a long day.
Stardate: 2366.10.22
USS Discovery
Main Engineering, 0755
"Thank you all for coming," Katrina said glancing around at the eager fresh faces of her inherited Head Engineering staff as she spoke to them in level tones.
"I'd just like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Katrina Veronica Waldgrave and I've recently transferred from the USS Venture to Discovery to become your new CEO."
Katrina paused for a moment for questions. None forthcoming, she continued. She'd practiced this speech countless times during her journey on the Valmont yet was surprisingly nervous about meeting her staff.
"I demand a lot from Engineering Staff because the ship demands a lot. Engineering is a pivotal department and everyone aboard depends on us. I demand a lot, but I’m fair and open to suggestion.” Katrina smiled to soften her words. “And I’m not a complete ogre, my door is always open.”
Polite chuckles echoed round the room.
“Its because of this dependency, I’m to change the shift pattern for all staff from the ship’s standard. From tomorrow morning, all shifts will start one hour earlier than usual.”
She paused and bit her bottom lip, an unconscious use of body language that betrayed her nervousness.
“The day shift will start at 0700 and finish at 1500 and consequently all other shifts will follow suit. This is a system that I have worked under for three years and I believe it to be an efficient use of Engineering’s resources. Now, practically, this means that tonight’s Night Shift will work an hour less than usual but I’m sure we’ll be able to make up the time at some point.”
Katrina sat back in her chair. “Any questions?”
OOC: the only person I expect to be there is Bob?
Katrina responded to their questions as best she could, trying to keep up the confident face she was attempting to portray.
"For now, I expect a full and detailed list of all modifications to ships systems by midday and I'll call an Engineering meeting this afternoon."
Katrina smilled once more and stood.
"It's been a pleasure meeting you all. Dismissed."
Katrina watched as her staff filed out of the room. The meeting had gone far better than she'd hoped and she was pleased.
=/\= Commander Gavison to Commander Waldgrave=/\=
Katrina tapped her combadge. "Waldgrave here. What can I do for you commander?"
=/\=Commander, please have a report ready on the feasible means for transporting the vaccine to the surface of Aldor V.=/\= Came the response.
Transporters was her immediate thought.
=/\=Please consider the possibility of transporter difficulties… and you may want to follow up with Dr. White concerning the impact transporters might have on the vaccine—if any. Please have your report ready for our meeting later this morning. =/\=
"Yes sir," she replied, "I'll speak with Dr. White as soon as I can."
=/\=Thank you Commander.=/\=
This is what she came into Engineering for - the thrill of working your way around a problem; modifying and inventing systems to provide a solution. Not micro-managing staff and politics.
Kat tapped her combadge, "Waldgrave to Dr. White."
OOC: Assuming she gets through.
"Would it be possible to meet with you after the staff meeting this morning?"
OOC: Assuming he can...
"Thank you doctor. I look forward to seeing you then."
Posted on 2006-10-14 at 05:21:41.
Edited on 2006-10-16 at 07:40:03 by kicktoria
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
a visit to Xenobotany...
Stadate: 2366.10.22
USS Discovery, Xenobotany Lab– 1125
The Xenobotany lab was buzzing with activity when Lt Hemlos entered. It was mid morning and everyone seemed to be completely engulfed with their projects. She looked around the glass enclosed area and took note of how clean and orderly everything seemed to be. “very efficient” she thought as she meandered unnoticed along one side of the lab watching the scientists work. She was always amazed at how others were able to keep order among the chaos that was Science and yet she had problems keeping her socks in order. She wished she could be more like that and released an audible sigh at the thought. A couple of ensigns who were busy working at a nearby station looked up as she passed and offered a timid “good morning sir”. Returning their greeting she asked, “Is Lt Keely here”?
“yes sir”, a slender brown eyed female answered. “She’s over there” gesturing to the opposite side of the lab.
Chantelle nodded and smiled her thanks. Lt. Keely had worked on several projects under the CSO’s lead so Chantelle knew her by sight and respected her reputation as a scientist.
“Lt Keely” she said as she approached. Natalie recognized the somewhat timid voice even before turning around. Shoving a stray lock of strawberry tinged hair behind her ear, she turned to greet Lt. Hemlos. “do you have a moment?” Chantelle asked.
(assuming Nat does)
The two walked away from the lab bench where Natalie had been helping to dissect a root sample from the Mntashia tree.
“How is the Rautos research going” she asked as Natalie pulled a pair of skin tight flesh colored gloves off her delicate fingers. The young looey was very pretty and Chantelle had heard in passing, many of the male crew members make mention of that fact. Today, she looked very tired however and Chantelle wondered if she took any time for herself. Most scientists didn’t…she, herself was guilty of it…at least until she met Jack. Although she still engrossed herself in her work, he never strayed far from her thoughts. The memory of Jack and last night brought another wave of butterflies to the pit of her stomach and she was slightly startled when Lt Keely responded to her inquiry.
((OOC: TAG Lt. Keely))
Posted on 2006-10-16 at 07:17:23.
Edited on 2006-10-16 at 18:13:51 by Lyskhala
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
They are all insane and running Engineering! RUN!
Stardate: 2366.10.22
USS Discovery, Main Engineering, 0755
They sat around the elliptical table looking at their new commanding officer. The most senior of them was Lt. Gregory Maguire, an African-American who was the Head of Communication Systems. Even the Commander had heard of this man before, “G-Force” they called him around the race circuits with more records for speed unbroken to this day.Something had happened to him, some accident that injured him. The loss of the race circuit was starfleets gain by the looks of his record.
Next to him sat the Vulcan woman, Z’var, who also had dark skin and stern expression one expects from her race. Z’var was Section Head of Sensor Maintenance. Vulcans always made good engineers and officers.
Beside her was a man with blue hair and yellowish skin – a Catullan who must be Lt. Btxwytre N'doog. He was the Head of the ship’s Computer systems and according to his record, only recently promoted to Lieutenant.
Further along was a very young lady with short red hair and a welcoming smile, Acamarian by her forehead cleft and the facial tattoos. This was Senior Chief Petty Officer Tanyi MeCall who was the Engineer’s mate – in charge of training and NCO crew placement.
Then there was another Senior Chief Petty Officer, an older man with blonde hair and no nonsense look about him. This was the Warp Core Specialist Malcolm Barrows, who did little to hide his lack of interest in his new commander. The former commander had noted that she would have to earn his trust; that Barrows didn’t respect anyone who didn’t work from the ground up, or was unwilling to get their hands dirty.
Finally there was a taller man with slicked back brown hair and a smile on his face that made the commander feel dirty. Chief Petty Officer Richard "Rizzo" James, - Chief of Shuttle Craft maintenance. Avanti had left her extensive notes to keep an eye on him. Apparently he was a career enlisted man known to the ship and crew as the man who could get things, and not all things that were according to regulations. Avanti had been working on cleaning him up but with limited success.
The Commander drove right in, "I demand a lot from Engineering Staff because the ship demands a lot. Engineering is a pivotal department and everyone aboard depends on us. I demand a lot, but I’m fair and open to suggestion.” Katrina smiled to soften her words. “And I’m not a complete ogre, my door is always open.”
Polite chuckles echoed round the room.
“Its because of this dependency, I’m to change the shift pattern for all staff from the ship’s standard. From tomorrow morning, all shifts will start one hour earlier than usual.”
She paused and bit her bottom lip, an unconscious use of body language that betrayed her nervousness.
“The day shift will start at 0700 and finish at 1500 and consequently all other shifts will follow suit. This is a system that I have worked under for three years and I believe it to be an efficient use of Engineering’s resources. Now, practically, this means that tonight’s Night Shift will work an hour less than usual but I’m sure we’ll be able to make up the time at some point.” Katrina sat back in her chair. “Any questions?”
The staff exchanged glances. No one seemed overtly surprised by the change, by then every commanding officer had their own way of doing things.
Lt. Maguire stood up, “Commander Waldgrave. On behalf of the engineering crew, I would like to welcome you to the Discovery. We look forward to working with you. Whatever you demand from us, we are more than ready to face to challenge.”
“Whoa Dude.” Lt N’Doog leaned back, “My vertebrate quivered when you stood so fast. Chill a dill, dude!” He offered his hand to the Commander, “I’m N’doog- call me Bob, everyone does. Sheila and me, we be ready to gleam the cube on your die, anytime, on the side. You the man, Commanderdude. Well, not really but, it’s cool, dig?”
There was silence in the room for a moment as everyone tried to figure out what Bob had just said. Then Z’var spoke, “Commander. Lt. N’Doog dialect can be hard to follow but I believe he said that he is up to the challenge. Sheila is an acronym he used for the Discovery’s computer. As well, I find your changes to be logical and with merit.”
N’Doog smiled and nodded, “What it is Dude.”
“Do you want the training sessions to mirror those changes?” Tanyi asked happily, “Because it would be no problem. I can switch things around to your schedule without any delay. Oh! And let me say it is an honour to service with you!” She bubbled happily.
OOC: Assume some response
“One thing Commander. Do you have someone in mind for Assistant Chief Engineer? Commander Avanti took Lt. Sango with him. We also lack an Environmental and Structural Integrity officer now that Ensign Tier has left as well.” Z’var noted.
“I can make you a list of potential candidates, commander.” Maguire piped in.
"For now, I expect a full and detailed list of all modifications to ships systems by midday and I'll call an Engineering meeting this afternoon."
The others, Barrows and James both kept quiet but neither seemed bothered by the shift change. Katrina smiled once more and stood.
"It's been a pleasure meeting you all. Dismissed."
Katrina watched as her staff filed out of the room. The meeting had gone far better than she'd hoped and she was pleased.
Posted on 2006-10-16 at 09:52:39.
Edited on 2006-10-16 at 09:54:03 by Alacrity
Avrielle RDI Fixture Karma: 21/16 877 Posts
Frustrating Conclusion
Stadate: 2366.10.22
USS Discovery, Xenobotany Lab– 1025
Natalie turned half nervous and half relieved to see Lt. Hemlos standing behind her. Perhaps she'd understand their predicament and have a suggestion for how to get from the point they were stuck at currently to the solution they needed. "Good morning, Lt." she said softly, tucking an unruly curl behind her ear.
“do you have a moment?” asked Hemlos.
Natalie nodded, "Yes, of course, ma'am." she replied, walking away from her frustrating conclusion to attend to the Lt.
“How is the Rautos research going” she asked as Natalie pulled a pair of skin tight flesh colored gloves off her delicate fingers.
Natalie smiled shyly and then began her explanation, her Scottish-Canadian accent flavouring her words a bit more than usual in her nervousness. "We...have a slight...problem...." , she paused, trying to think of how to best explain her probelm. "The research Starfleet gave us in their preliminary report had a flaw, an error that, well, makes it impossible for us to go on with what we're doing until we get more samples of life from Rautos Prime."
Natalie looked up, her green eyes wide, guaging the reaction of her superior. With a deep breath, she continued, "It wasn't just the trees that were preventing the illness of the Rautian Plague from advancing in the areas where it grew, it was a combination of the trees with some other plant or living organism that they had not yet researched. Apparently this choice bit of information was overlooked in the reactions of Starfleet Medical's earlier test subjects, and now it's stunted our ability to do anything further. The vaccine would be incomplete and completely ineffectivei fwe can't find the other thing that activated the protien in the root to bring out it's healing qualities in the area where the people have been unaffected by the plague. We're stuck." she finished, looking up at Lt. Hemlos in anticipation of some guidance.
Tag: Hemlos
Posted on 2006-10-16 at 15:44:48.
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
a new perspective...
Stadate: 2366.10.22
USS Discovery, Xenobotany Lab– 1135
Natalie finished up her assessment of the Rautos Prime situation with “we’re stuck”
Chantelle looked into Keely’s frustrated eyes and thought about the many times she herself had been stuck after testing a hypothesis only to find her conclusions didn’t match the outcome she had expected. It could be devastasting to say the least. Instinctively, she placed a hand on the young Lt.’s shoulder and offered a sympathetic smile. “I’ve been there before” she said as she guided Natalie further away from the research team she had put together. She didn’t want them to see how upset their team leader was.
Chantelle knew Natalie strove for excellence in everything she attempted and not obtaining it after so much research and testing was not an easy pill for her to swallow. As much as the CSO wanted an answer to the Rautos question, at the moment, she felt the most pressing matter was to ensure Natalie’s confidence stayed in tact.
“Perhaps” she said, “you could use a fresh perspective. I’m going to ask Ensign Talda from Xenobiology to join your team. He’s the best in that field. If we could perhaps work the Biology and Botany aspect in tandem, well… it may just give us some answers”
Natalie’s eyes brightened a bit at that.. A new face and different viewpoint might just be what they needed.
Chantelle continued. “I’ll meet with him this afternoon and arrange it”
Keely looked like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders and she smiled shyly.
“when is the last time you took a break Lt?” Chantelle asked with concern.
((OOC:assuming Nat hasn’t taken a break AT ALL))
“Well, then I suggest you take one right away. How does a cup of coffee in Ten Forward sound”?
((OOC: Assuming Nat doesn’t dis a superior officer ))
After informing her team that she would be back momentarily, Natalie and the CSO head off to take a much needed break…for the both of them.
((OOC: AV...feel free to add dialogue, reactions...a new perspective ))
Posted on 2006-10-17 at 07:36:08.
Edited on 2006-10-17 at 07:39:19 by Lyskhala
Avrielle RDI Fixture Karma: 21/16 877 Posts
Much Needed Break
-Ten Forward-
Natalie ordered a carmel machiatto with a double shot of expresso in it and stifled a yawn a she waited for Lt. Hemlos to order what she wanted.
"Thanks for the break, Lt., I really could use one. It's just...I usually never have this must frustration at work. Xenobotany is the love of my life. But, we all got so excited having the opportunity to be heroes to an entire race of people. We all want so badly to help this hurdle is a major let down for the team, and for me. I was hoping I could show my command skills and get to display my wonderful team to all of Starfleet with this project. Now, I have to be the bearer of bad news." said Natalie, taking her coffee with a polite 'thank you' to the waiter and massaging her temples to ward off an oncoming stress headache.
Tag: Hemlos
Posted on 2006-10-17 at 12:40:36.
Edited on 2006-10-17 at 12:41:11 by Avrielle
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
getting to know you...
Stadate: 2366.10.22
USS Discovery, Ten Forward– 1140
Chantelle’s eyes widened a bit at Natalie’s order. “I’ll have a small decaf with one cream… and 6 sugars please” she said as Natalie looked at her in astonishment.
The waiter obliged with a small cup for the CSO and walked back behind the bar.
“Looks like we have more in common than just science” the CSO laughed as Natalie giggled and took a sip of her machiatto. Sliding back into her seat and lifting her cup, Chantelle allowed the aroma of the hot liquid to waft up to her nostrils before taking a cautious sip.
“How about… we don’t talk shop for now” she said, trying to get Nat’s mind off the problems at hand. “Why don’t you tell me about yourself Lt. Keely. I believe I detect a bit of a Rogue Scottish accent…were you born there?” she asked as Natalie lowered her steaming cup.
((OOC: Nat gives her a brief rundown of her life up to this point))
Chantelle listened intently, happy that Natalie finally seemed to calm down a bit as she spoke of her Aunt in Scotland and how she ended up on the Discovery.
The two sat together for a while longer and chatted about Natalie’s music and her love of science and Chantelle took the opportunity to give her a bit of sincere praise and thank her for her hard work.
“I must say Lt Keely, I am very pleased to have you as part of the Science department. You have a reputation for getting things done and done right,no matter the cost” Natalie beamed at that. “With that said” she continued, “I feel I must ask you to consider some some advice I learned the hard way…don’t allow the cost to be your sanity. Take a break every once in a while and come up for air. I don’t expect perfection, we are, only human after all. What I do expect is for every member of the Science department to keep a level head about them and the only way to do that is to allow yourself to fail in order to succeed”
Posted on 2006-10-17 at 13:41:30.
Avrielle RDI Fixture Karma: 21/16 877 Posts
Stadate: 2366.10.22
USS Discovery, Ten Forward– 1140
“Looks like we have more in common than just science” the CSO laughed as Natalie giggled and took a sip of her machiatto. She had been craving a good cup of coffee all morning but had woken up too late, of course due to the best of circumstances, but was regretful to have to leave the comfort of her bed, and Ben in it, and head to her labs so early. Then. having such an important mission made her forget about her own sleepiness for a while...but now it was starting to catch up with her. After he explanation Lt. Hemlos suggested they not talk about work and Natalie felt silly for having brought it up, of course this wasn't supposed to be a time to discuss work, otherwise Hemlos wouldn't have suggested the break in the first place. Natalie wondered if she appeared THAT stressed out. She wondered what Hemlos's crew performance report would be on Natalie's dmeanor and proffessionalism.
That idea made her nervous, was this a test? She wondered, she wondered so many things at once, she wondered...ah, she was too tired to get as nervous as she usually would and instead of being worked up over the fact that she'd been taken aside she decided to try to view it as a possible friendly overture for once perhaps with no alterior motive behind it than to get her to relax and improve her performance...and maybe her boss just wanted to kno wher a little better. She certainly was acting friendly and not, well, 'bossy'. So, Natalie let her guard down slightly and yawned in between sips of her precious coffee.
“Why don’t you tell me about yourself Lt. Keely. I believe I detect a bit of a Rogue Scottish accent…were you born there?” Hemlos asked as Natalie lowered her steaming cup.
Natalie explained that she was actually born in Canada but moved to Scotland to live with her aunt Mia after her parents died when she was a child. She explained that her parents were two engineers who died serving on the USS Riviera when it was attacked by Romulans and the warp core exploded. Natalie was just six years old and was spending her summer holiday with her aunt Mia in Scotland. She also told her how she got her love of plants from accompanying her aunt, the gardener, on different jobs, and eventually helping out with the family business as she got older.
Hemlos listened intently, happy that Natalie finally seemed to calm down a bit as she spoke of her Aunt in Scotland and how she ended up on the Discovery.
The two sat together for a while longer and chatted about Natalie’s music and her love of science and Lt. Hemlos took the opportunity to give her a bit of sincere praise and thank her for her hard work. Natalie was touched and really appreciated the compliment. She didn't get them often and usually was dubious about the sincerity when she recieved one, but her boss wasn't kidding, nor was she being cruel and trying to get a reaction from her, she was just honestly being nice and Natalie appreciated it so much.
“With that said” Hemlos continued, “I feel I must ask you to consider some some advice I learned the hard way…don’t allow the cost to be your sanity. Take a break every once in a while and come up for air. I don’t expect perfection, we are, only human after all. What I do expect is for every member of the Science department to keep a level head about them and the only way to do that is to allow yourself to fail in order to succeed”
Natalie nodded, "Yes, thank you, leuitenant that is sound advice. Thank you for taking the time to have a break with me too. I...I don't....have many friends...." she said, blushing as she felt awkward in expressing her gratitude, " when people are nice to me I...I really appreciate the little things. Thank you, Leiutenant. I'm glad I can talk to you when I need to." she said, raising her cup to her before taking another sip.
Posted on 2006-10-17 at 15:45:02.
Edited on 2006-10-18 at 05:55:32 by Avrielle
Vesper Resident Karma: 20/12 325 Posts
USS Discovery, Staff Meeting
2366.10.22, approximately 1100 hours
Tuvar listened on as the doctor spoke about the vaccine and then MacTavish repeated what she had heard from him earlier. But a vaccine that could not be teleported or be around humans, that posed quite a challenge. An all non-human crew qould be required to ferry it down to the planet via shuttle. And it would have to include at least one medically qualified personnel on hand at that. Although she was out of practice on her medical practice, Tuvar had made sure to keep up with the latest practices so that she was able to remain qualified in any matter.
Noah looked around the room at each of his officers. "Any further questions? Does anyone else have anything to add?"
"Yes, Doctor White?" Tuvar stood and spoke up, "What would the effect of the vaccine be on someone who is only half-human? Being a medical doctor myself, although choosing not to actively pursure the field, I know that someone who is of Vulcan and Human descent has an anatomy that is closer to that of a Vulcan."
She let the question hang in the air as she stood, hoping that she had made a correct assumption. It did surprise her at times at how she could so well follow logical lines of assumption.
Posted on 2006-10-18 at 10:06:48.
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