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Knights: Not Only for Breakfast
Price: $19.00

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


"the other woman"

When we first got Dax and Jasmine my hubby had to go to Germany for a month. It was during their formative phase so they naturally bonded with me since he wasn't there for their first few weeks. Dax was the man of the house while he was away and still insists on being in a position where he can keep an eye on me at all times.

Rose and my Dax would make a cute couple

Posted on 2006-10-26 at 10:07:38.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 21/16
877 Posts


I have Chicho (aka ChChi Bean) the opal dwarf hamster and Muppet & Hapje the guinea pigs. In America I have one really old shrimp swimming around a biosphere by itself (ate all of it's friends and had lived ten years) and a German-Shepard/Chow dog named Bella.

Posted on 2006-10-26 at 11:54:21.
Edited on 2006-10-26 at 11:54:40 by Avrielle

Karma: 31/10
529 Posts

catching up again

What is your favourite drink - with or without booze?
Without booze:
1.Tomato Juice and TONS of fresh lemon squeezed in it.
2.Cold cappacino/frappacino's
3.home-made southern ice tea. *been a long time*

With booze:
I dunno really what my favorite is! haven't tried enough combinations to know. Smirnoff is good. I know i hate wine and beer, so that narrows it down.

Halloween Questions:
1.What's the favorite costume you ever had for Halloween?
Answer: When i was a kid i really liked the Dead Cheerleader costume...and the Alien.

2.Your favoite treat?
Answer: starburst and the good kind of name brand chocolates. Oh and candy apples with lots of caramel and nuts!!

3. How old were you (are you, will you be) when you
stop(ped) Trick or Treating?
Answer: well umm...11 or 12 i think.

4.Your favorite Halloween show?
Answer: huh? i dunnno. Scary movies!!!

Have you ever had your fortune told? How do you feel about ESP and psychic phenomenae?
Answer: No, never had my fortune told. It scares me a little, honestly. But i believe in ESP and psychic phenomenae. Things are going on... *shrugs*

What's your worst fear? I never tell that one. But i do hate tornado's and other natural disasters.

Who has pets? We do! (Almerin and Fantasy). Two cats named Sushi and Togo. CUTIES!!! they love each other too.

Posted on 2006-10-26 at 12:09:30.

Karma: 31/10
529 Posts

a question from me for once!

I wanna ask a question:

What did you dream of becoming "when you grow up"? And what did you actualy become? And if you're still young, just tell what you want to do as a career someday.

Posted on 2006-10-26 at 12:14:03.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 21/16
877 Posts

Aspirations and dreams

What did you dream of becoming "when you grow up"? And what did you actualy become? And if you're still young, just tell what you want to do as a career someday.

I dreamt of becoming an actress, or a singer,or a writer, or a teacher, but most definitely a mommy.

I am a teacher and a writer. I had my chance to be a singer in my school's select choir and singing the national anthem in front of thousands at my high school graduation, I got to act in school plays and that satisfied that bug...NOW, it's time for me to get to be a mommy. Cross your fingers for me, peoples, still trying for that one.

Posted on 2006-10-26 at 13:18:31.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


and a red white and blue one at that.
those are hard to come by.

I had one back in the arly 80's. He died when he was 3 from cancer. His name was Mr. Saavik.
EXTRA POINT QUESTION: Anybody know where I got that name?

I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid.
That dream didn't come to fruition so I joined the Air Force

Fan, make your own sweet tea!!! When I make a gallon, it's gone in a day

Posted on 2006-10-26 at 13:33:27.
Edited on 2006-10-26 at 13:36:43 by Lyskhala

RDI Fixture
Karma: 21/16
877 Posts


Mr. Saavik?

Sounds Vulcan.

Posted on 2006-10-26 at 14:33:24.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

close enough

Mr. Saavik IS Vulcan...
It was Kirstie Alley's character in the "Wrath Of Khan"

Oh...I forgot to say what I became.

By trade I am an aircraft electro environmental Systems specialist. Currently I am a contractor working at the aerospace vehicle survivability & research facilty on WPAFB. I do lots of different things...Parts pickup, HAZMAT, Equipment turn in, Vehicle Control Officer, the list goes on and seems to grow every day

Posted on 2006-10-26 at 18:25:09.
Edited on 2006-10-27 at 12:48:05 by Lyskhala

RDI Fixture
Karma: 21/16
877 Posts

Pet Names

My cousin has a cat named Neelix.

I once had frogs named:
Fat Bastard,
Little Buddha,
Baby Jesus,
Madonna and
The Frog Formerly Known As Tadpole

Posted on 2006-10-27 at 13:33:13.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


Frog Formerly Known As Tadpole

...that's too funny

Posted on 2006-10-27 at 13:35:39.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 21/16
877 Posts


Yeah, well, they all died one summer day when we had a heat wave and I was at work. I called my mother and asked her to take the tank away from the window and she never remembered. They all boiled to death except for Baby Jesus who was very sick and died the next day.

Posted on 2006-10-27 at 13:44:45.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 21/16
877 Posts

ba dum bum

...and I forgot to check three days later for a resurrection

Posted on 2006-10-27 at 13:46:25.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

it's a small world

looks like you had most all the major religions covered.
did they all get along ?

Posted on 2006-10-27 at 13:49:10.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 21/16
877 Posts


Judas didn't like Baby Jesus. That's kind of why he got that name. He was always following the little guy around trying to force him off his rock.

Posted on 2006-10-27 at 14:03:24.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

New Question

Have you ever been on a blind date?

Posted on 2006-10-30 at 10:31:20.


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