The Sea Princes check over reports from all over the Havens of Umbar.
Adumir recruited more archers, but there appears to be problem with movement this turn; he did not make it to his destination.
Angamaite transferred food back to his fleet and put the army on maneuvers.
Bin Dulando upgraded steel armor for their units of heavy infantry in Caldur. He also supervised training for the troops there as well.
Eadur put her small army on maneuvers and tried to march them to Caldur, but again, there was problems with movement. She did not make it to her destination!
Faltur had the same probelm as Eadur, but his army has no food stores and they are all very angry! So they did not make it to their destination!
Maethlin, our emissary in Mordor, uncovered secrets that the Eothraim are trying to find the Helm of the Dark. He was sent to An Harnen.
Meriot cast a spell to locate where the Staff of Earthmastery was located. It is far in the north - beyond our reach. He has returned to the Havens.
Mireadur finished by training the light infantry under his command.
Sangahyando trained his army and marched them without incident to the Havens of Umbar.
Our agent, Sarazor, completed selling mounts to the world market for a hefty profit and successfuly guarded the Havens.
Prince Teldumeir trained his growing army at the capital and also supervised the making of bronze weaponry.
Tyreath, searching for Witch King agents in Southern Gondor, has come across "a crevice in the hillside". My emissaries appear to find encounters more than anyone else in the Corsairs' staff!
There are no indication of any Witch King guests with her; this bodes ill for the Dark Servants because this is the second attempt to meet up with them to exchange an artifact of power! A condition of our terms to declare for Sauron!
Our new agent, Ventnor, transported all timber to Caldur to increase our fleet. He also assisted Sarazor in guarding the Havens of Umbar.
Ythelwen managed to recruit more archers to the Corsairs' banner and transported all leather stores to the capital.
More to come on the diplomatic front