Kaelyn Dragon Fodder Karma: 80/19 2264 Posts
Sure thing
I'll update tuesday. (So Vorrioch can focus on Exams)
(And I have tuesday off)
look forward to it
Posted on 2008-05-11 at 13:53:48.
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
Uhhhhhhh ...
... the revision has been added, but I was unable to figure out how to get the added paragraphs to cease from being in Italics!
Especially when the ONLY Italics is supposed to be in the last paragraph at the end of the original writing!
Posted on 2008-05-11 at 17:21:15.
Brodeur30 Occasional Visitor Karma: 6/2 47 Posts
About my money...
Plus. Finished my post! I hope you like it. Tell me what you think! I added a bit more back story so hope you enjoy that.
But about my money, as you can see... he's a humble guy... so I don't see him carrying around 56 platinum pieces or even 1000 gold pieces. So if you could put like a common amount of money and just leave it at that for my total money. That's awesome !
Posted on 2008-05-11 at 19:26:00.
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
There may be ...
..... something you need to purchase somewhere along the way during the advenure, but I am sure that Kaelyn will clarify your need or not for that amount of purse!
Posted on 2008-05-11 at 19:41:18.
cdnflirt Angel Reincarnated Karma: 87/22 1159 Posts
an answer
well to undo the italics, you have to make sure you have i> minus the space..not sure if you got your answer already or not.
Posted on 2008-05-11 at 22:38:04.
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
Well ...
..... as you can see I apparently did not understand what you meant by minus the space because I put the minus sign between the two arrows and all it did was show what I did and it is all in italics!
Guess I better try to go back to sleep!
Posted on 2008-05-11 at 22:56:33.
cdnflirt Angel Reincarnated Karma: 87/22 1159 Posts
is what I mean lmao...
Posted on 2008-05-11 at 23:12:35.
Kaelyn Dragon Fodder Karma: 80/19 2264 Posts
ending italics
you need < /i> after what you want to cease italicising. Just "Minus the space" between the first chevron "<" and the /i
Posted on 2008-05-11 at 23:13:24.
cdnflirt Angel Reincarnated Karma: 87/22 1159 Posts
but don't put the . between the / and i...I can't show you cause yeah...it just won't work...
Posted on 2008-05-11 at 23:14:15.
Kaelyn Dragon Fodder Karma: 80/19 2264 Posts
and Hammer
your post still have you just dealing with the "Ghost" who was taunting Thanista, you need to end your portion of the post with confronting him. Stop there!
Maybe put your conversation with cdnflirt first, anfd end it with confonting him, you cannot ever just deny another player or npc their actions.
Posted on 2008-05-11 at 23:16:30.
Kaelyn Dragon Fodder Karma: 80/19 2264 Posts
Evil Eye watched Thanista bow gracefully to the crowd, scoop up her belongings and follow the tiny stream of applicants up the stairs while The Ghost of her past stared at her as she disappeared from view.
The Ghost was about to make his move when Evil Eye Ezlarog decided that enough was enough. He quickly intercepted The Ghost and pushed his own face nose to nose against the stalker from Thanista the Bard's past, making sure the unwelcome intruder knew exactly who he was now dealing with as Evil Eye Ezlarog slowly lifted his eye patch with his right hand, while moving to grip The Ghost around the neck in a strangle hold with his left. (End confontation here)
Erase all this
"E – E – E – Evil Eye Ezlarog!" gasped The Ghost as the Full Plate clad Mercenary Cleric tightened his grip for added emphasis, "But I – I – I thought you were dead ... gurgle ... gasp ... erg!"
"Not likely!" sneered Evil Eye as he proceeded to break both arms of The Ghost before tossing him over the bar to Bugsy who put the man out of his conscious misery with a well placed thump of a War Club he kept hidden under the bar.
Evil Eye nodded to Bugsy, gathered his cloak and Magical Shield and proceeded up the stairs, pausing long enough to call out to his friend Bugsy, "Toss that Ghost out with the rest of the garbage! I have business to attend to upstairs!"
End deleting
Evil Eye Ezlarog worms his way between Thanista and another eager applicant, taking a stance [with his back to the wall] that sends a message to the other gapers that he is personally standing guard over Thanista the Bard and will see to it that no one bothers her while she waits patiently for her interview.
As Evil Eye Ezlarog stood with his back to the wall, a hauntingly familiar voice from out of his troubled past cut through the suppressed memories of his consciousness as the words of a woman's voice slowly registered upon his mind that was now cognizant of his true surroundings.
"It has been two years since our paths last crossed. You seem in better shape this time around. What have you done with yourself these past two years?"
Emerging from the memory fog of what had been apparently an over active imagination, Evil Eye stared blankly into his now empty mug of Elven Ale and silently wondered if Bugsy had added something special to his drink for old times sake?
Looking quickly across the room, he could see that The Ghost had not moved any further, but was intently staring in the direction that Thanista had taken in response to the call for candidates to be interviewed to partake in an adventure.
Only then did Evil Eye Ezlarog turn his full attention upon the Paladin who had rescued him from the jaws of death two years previously.
Luthien Alcarin cut a fine figure of a woman for a 5'3" Elven Paladin and the pin straight silver hair and flashing violet eyes bore the appearance of an angel of mercy as Evil Eye could never forget the kindness she had offered the Mercenary Cleric on that fateful day.
For a moment Evil Eye was aware of himself scooping the woman up in his arms and planting a passionate kiss of gratitude upon her inviting lips ... but this time he was able to control his imagination and stay focused on the realm of reality inside the Iron Boar.
He bowed to the Paladin, took her right hand and planted a warm kiss of greeting upon the back of her hand ... then he smiled a genuinely grateful smile stating, "My own personal angel of mercy! What a pleasant surprise! I have never felt better in my life than I do at this moment seeing you here at the Iron Boar! It is an omen! I chose to remain at the Temple of Therassor to learn of their ways after mending from my wounds ... but now I have some unfinished business to attend to!"
Or something
Posted on 2008-05-11 at 23:20:42.
Brodeur30 Occasional Visitor Karma: 6/2 47 Posts
If I may help you out a bit...
The whole confrontation with the Ghost... It's all a day dream. He imagines it after he drinks his ale and then is snapped out of that state when Flirty's character taps him on the shoulder.
We spoke about this earlier so I'm sure that was his intention.
Posted on 2008-05-12 at 06:09:41.
Kuriosaki Veteran Visitor Karma: 3/1 137 Posts
[chuckles and shakes head]
I'm glad that SRotGT (Silcoravaman Rathmorovich of the Great Tamwoods) has already gone upstairs and didn't have to witness all this ...
Looks like we have a fun group here, and the GM/DM seems to have it all well in hand. I'm gonna enjoy this, I think ...
Posted on 2008-05-12 at 06:30:45.
Edited on 2008-05-12 at 06:31:40 by Kuriosaki
Kuriosaki Veteran Visitor Karma: 3/1 137 Posts
My two cents ...
Make sure you have a <i> and a matching </i> on either side of the text you want italicized. if the "close italics" tag </i> is missing, italicizing won't stop ...
As with flirty's suggestion, note no space between the first chevron and the tag command ...
Clear as mud?
Posted on 2008-05-12 at 06:36:41.
Edited on 2008-05-12 at 10:07:18 by Kuriosaki
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
Yes if you read the update closely ...
..... that whole sequence was a day dream ... so the confrontation was just in Evil Eye's mind and he snapped out of it when Flirty's Paladin spoke to him!
Therefore the NPC has no need to respond to something that was in Ezlarog's mind that he is unaware of, so I will try those undo italics thingies and edit a subhead to make it somewhat clearer for everyone!
Because you may notice that Ezlarog was in the act of laying a passionate kiss on the Paladin when he snapped back to reality and just kissed her hand etc!
Guess I better not make my writing so complicated and intricate?
Posted on 2008-05-12 at 08:31:37.