..... Hingatuli Hammer has a Weapon Proficiency with the Heavy Cross Bow ... so hopefully you are in agreement that he get at least one ... if not both ... Silver Bolts!
Anyone Else have a Cross Bow then Please Speak Up!
Silver Dagger would be good to have also ... but obviously Rat should have at least one of them and whoever else is proficient with Daggers!
Therefore, one or more Silver Bolts for my Heavy Cross Bow is all that I am asking for!
Guess I qualify for one of the Red Tubes and Dark Green Vials also!
Oooooopppppssssssss ... T'Sal should have that Red Tube instead of Hingatuli Hammer! My Apologies!
Does Anvil want to take charge of both dogs?
Us two Dwarves could ride in a wagon together and have the 2 dogs, but I guess we should refer to those marching orders that Nomad/Anvil mentioned earlier!
Just trying to get the conversation started as to what we want to do!
Another thought is that Anvil could be in the lead wagon with whoever he chooses and the 2 dogs may be likely to run ahead of the lead wagon or stay close ... really depends upon what we have in the hunting hound department now!
Referring back to the post by Nomad on page 5
1. Marching order.
Anvil - Rat - T'Sal - Tingatuli - Trillian
Anvil & Tingatuli
Rat and T'Sal
So looks like with 3 wagons that Anvil and Hingatuli are taking the lead wagon, Rat and T'Sal the second and Trillian the third wagon!
Time for me to get some sleep over here!