Musical Performer: Jimi Hendrix, CCR, Beatles, RHCP, Gwar.
Places to visit:
I'd Love to tour some of the major towns in Korea where battles took place and germany
What astrological sign are you and do you think it fits your personality? Virgo, um... It kinda sounds like virgin but that doesn't fit me...
Sleeping position? I really wish I could sleep more than 3 hours, Damn you Finals!!! Why must you be so difficult to pass?
Favorite Holiday
Verteran's day, I go and vist my dad's grave at Fort Snelling and I listen to some of the stores from VFW members which is always great for history class, and then I play a pickup game of soccer.
What's the first thought that crosses your mind when you get out of bed in the morning? Lord smite me now...
What's your idea of the perfect romantic evening?
Go Karts, It's funny to see how the other person drives or camping on the north shore in Duluth near Lake Superior it nice to sit on one of the bluffs you can reach after hiking the entire day and watch the ships lumber by sheathed in darkness and revealed only by their twinkling lights. Plus you don't have to worry about being intterupted by a tourist.
Favorite color
Brownish Orange
Fave website: ZDNET great topics to be used for extra credit points in Computer Networking I.
Favorite drink: sometimes I do sneak a guiness but rarely. but currently work on a theater production, studying for A+ certification, and English term one Finals. A Black Bull. (Coffee, A Red Bull, and some Mountain Dew for Flavor.)
1.What's the favorite costume you ever had for Halloween?
Answer: It was a Gorilla suit.
2.Your favoite treat?
Answer: Snickers.
3. How old were you (are you, will you be) when you
stop(ped) Trick or Treating?
Answer: Never.
4.Your favorite Halloween show?
Answer: Friday the 13th
Fortune Telling: No, I always thought it was a waste of time.
Worst Fear?: Heights, especially on rickety buildings.
and extremly beautiful women, some times I feel intimitaded.
Pets: I had a Dalmatian/Boxer called joey but we got rid of him because my stepbrother was allergic.
Ambition: I kinda wanted to be a U.S Marine. Work with ordinance doing firearm maintance and repair.