I'll give you another shot
As for a character please create your own this time as there are no open ones and I'm looking for new characters to go with my upcoming story line. Take a look at the characters already posted and go from there.
As characters you start with 1,250,000 exp's for a single classed character and 2,000,000 exp for a Multi-classed character to be split evenly between the 2 classes. Only 2 classes are allowed per character if you chose to multi-class.
The main PC race’s allowed are Dwarf, Elf, Human, Half-Elf and Halfling, however other races will be considered depending on back story and feasibility.
Any race can be any class except for Paladins who are limited to only Elves and Humans.
Also any multi class combo will be allowed regardless of race restrictions Examples: a Dwarf Ranger Mage/an Elven Fighter Cleric or Druid.
Paladins can only multi class with the class of Cleric As long as it falls within the 2, 000,000 exp limit and the character has no more then 2 classes, all characters will be considered.
I will accept only the Alignments of Lawful Good Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good and *True Neutral (*depending on the character). I consider this is a true battle between good and evil with a tiny hint of gray.
Only single class fighters can specialize unless using a kit that allows specialization examples Myrmidon (FHB),or Justifier (RHB) but kits will be allowed
Each characters starting equipment is as follows.
+3 Primary Weapon.
+2 Secondary Weapon.
+2 Armor of Choice
+2 Shield if used.
4 other magical Items but they must be approved by me.
2 Potions of Extra healing.
All normal gear is allowed at no initial cost but please list on character sheet what you have and where it is placed Examples `in backpack` `in belt pouch` `in boot` `slung across back` and so on.
As for dice rolls to hit in combat or when using a non weapon proficiency or ability I will make them for the players and monsters, but I will let you the players know at end of each combat round what damage was taken by each character, but not what damage was done to the creatures.
I will roll all hit points using the standard method for each class in 2e and for multi class's once a character has been accepted into the game.