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Karma: 34/7
596 Posts


Wish Granted!

No more spped limits. However, the entire worl is killed in one massive, physical-law bending traffic accident and now we are all dead. I haunt your ghost since death now prevents me from finishing my latest novel.

I wish John Barrowman wasn't gay and married.....ooh, he's so damn hot.

Posted on 2008-02-27 at 04:45:58.

Sibelius Eos Owm
A Midsummer Knight
Karma: 59/5
1376 Posts

Granted to ye

He mysteriously gives up his 'companion for life' and realizes that he has an inexplicable desire to marry you. Unfortunately, he doesn't realize, and neither do you, that like Blanche's late husband Allan in the play A Streetcar Named Desire, he's still Gay. Not even just really happy either. The knowledge breaks you eventually (as it did Blanche, some side-effects may vary from symptoms shown) and things play out from there in a new mass-popular hit, scribed by his ex-(husband I'm assuming) who profits from your tragedy.

Now with all that having been written out, what could I possibly wish for...?

*Wishes for a Hug*

Posted on 2008-02-27 at 05:08:20.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


that was certainly a mouthful Sib.

The entire inn gathers round you and gives you one big group hug. When we finish there's nothing left of you but a meager clump of bones and the pennies from your loafers.

I wish I could have gotten that on tape

Posted on 2008-02-27 at 12:40:40.

ruler of the shadows
Karma: 11/20
491 Posts

Granted... sorta

I got it on tape... I meant to send you a copy but I had it destroyed before I could...

I wish for one uncorruptable wish.

Posted on 2008-02-27 at 21:08:30.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

you're so thoughtful

you get your use it to wish for the "All Britney All The Time" radio station to play every time you turn your car on.

I wish for a job I LOVE

Posted on 2008-02-28 at 19:45:47.

Moria Grey
Regular Visitor
Karma: 4/4
94 Posts


granted.... U know Nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i wish women didnt have to bleed and have pain once a month and i will kill the person who trys to make it more then that

Posted on 2008-03-02 at 04:19:54.

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts


Now you bleed once every year, but the process is roughly 3 months (as far as I know, that is not more but could still be worse).

I wish I wouldn't be killed for what I said.

Posted on 2008-03-02 at 12:44:31.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


You're slowly, and viciously tortured.

I wish all the March babies a very Happy Birthday.

Posted on 2008-03-03 at 15:49:52.

ruler of the shadows
Karma: 11/20
491 Posts

That was a truely interesting spin there...

He really didn't change it. It was completely the same... however you just lose 3 months all at once... I think I would have changed it a bit more... in fact... I will

INstead of the above bleeding for 3 months once a year, it changes yet again (indeed this was a wish that took a while to completely grant as it is truly a doosie of a wish.) INstead of bleeding 1 week a month or 3 months a year it changes so that you only bleed for 10 days every seven years. THere is also no longer menstrual pain or the said PMS. Instead it is replaced with a drive to procreate. It becomes a rather strong drive. it does not happen for the first time until age 14. Not sure which you would claim is better...

All of the said babies have a wonderful birthday, however it rains on every march birthday... (from the 1st to the 31).

Now for my wish...
I wish Brittany spears would cease to exist as I am tired of seeing the media follow someone who is so undeserving...

Posted on 2008-03-04 at 13:23:35.

TRSG 2.0
Karma: 113/94
1606 Posts


done, I'm fed up of her too

I wish professional footballers would donate half there earnings to charity, tax free and not to a sport based charity.

Posted on 2008-03-04 at 13:26:06.
Edited on 2008-03-04 at 13:26:37 by Loki

Karma: 13/10
230 Posts

It is done

It is done they donate it to starving kids in foreign countries (yes they might watch those commercials also). Problem is that those kids then leave said countries and come over to ours and go to school and raise the grading curve that our kids in school all seem to love so much and now none of our kids are leaving school or home.

I wish I had a less boring job.

Posted on 2008-03-05 at 19:40:14.
Edited on 2008-03-05 at 19:41:53 by Drakar

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 6/6
153 Posts


Granted, the rest of your day becomes so boring that your job seems exciting in comparison.

I wish I had a large endless pile of waffles filling my closet.

Posted on 2008-03-05 at 20:11:37.

Karma: 13/10
230 Posts


You have a limitless supply of waffles unfortuately it is truely is limitless and just seems to keep growing till they cover over the world and mankind is crushed by your limitless waffles and even you dont survive to eat them.

I wish that your waffle thing hadn't happened.

Posted on 2008-03-05 at 20:18:18.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

you got it

Your closet is full of a never ending supply of waffles. There are so many you have to come up with ways to use them so you begin to wear the waffles. You make waffle hats, waffle pants, waffle shoes, waffle underwear, waffle socks, waffle coats, waffle shorts, waffle t-shirts etc. etc. etc. The only real problem you encounter is when you venture out and get attacked by bees who are drawn to the syrup.

I wish for pimento cheese

oops, sorry I posted the same time

YOUR wish is granted...the waffle thing doesn't happen after all. It was a bad that you keep having over and over and over...

I still wish for pimento cheese

Posted on 2008-03-05 at 20:22:25.
Edited on 2008-03-05 at 20:24:03 by Lyskhala

Queen Hugglepounce
Karma: 47/29
674 Posts

you get your pimento cheese, but the manufacturer decided to experiment, and added peppermint to the cheese too. O.o eww

I wish that I cld think of something silly to wish for.

Posted on 2008-03-06 at 03:26:13.


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