Drakar Resident Karma: 13/10 230 Posts
going to pass on this one
This is easy and I think I am going to pass on it I know there are some new people around the inn recently maybe we could hear a answer from one of them. I hope lol it is a easy post for post count.
Posted on 2007-07-17 at 00:50:58.
Almerin Typing Furiously RDI Staff Karma: 177/19 3012 Posts
passing question
If we keep passing easy questions, there's no point in this game.
Therefore: the answer is: 1d10 for medium and 1d8 for small creatures.
New questions:
Name at least ONE character class from the 3.5 Player's Handbook that was not in the 2nd edition PHB.
(You get bonus points for naming more, but first answer is first win)
Posted on 2007-09-04 at 15:23:11.
Miko_Ayune-sama RDI Fixture Karma: 27/4 539 Posts
Barbarian, Monk, and Sorcerer. Do I get Bonus Points for naming them in order?
What is the only race in all of (A)D&D to have a double-digit lifespan?
Posted on 2007-09-09 at 15:03:45.
Rystefn K'ryll Original Palassassin Karma: 66/191 544 Posts
I hope you mean standard race, since there are quite a few of the humanoid races that fall into that category. Pretty much all of the goblinoids, as I recall, in fact.
Posted on 2007-09-17 at 23:04:08.
Miko_Ayune-sama RDI Fixture Karma: 27/4 539 Posts
Sorry, kinda killed the thread.
The race I mentioned was thri-kreen. I think I'll throw out an easier one now.
In the 3.5 system, what is the weakness of any fey creature?
Posted on 2007-11-07 at 19:28:49.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8865 Posts
If I remember correctly...
...it's iron.
The metal... not the appliance.
Posted on 2007-11-09 at 19:21:35.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
Well EOl
Do believe it is cold iron.
And they always have wrinkles, so maybe irons too.
Posted on 2007-11-10 at 00:01:25.
Rystefn K'ryll Original Palassassin Karma: 66/191 544 Posts
cold iron
It's a crappy weakness. Cold Iron is one of the more common things one might come across in a human culture. Luckily for the fey, it actually gets less common as humanity progresses, being replaced with steel and plastics in most of its original common uses. Interestingly enough, we still make fences out of it, though. I guess sometimes you just have to keep out those pesky fairies.
Posted on 2007-11-13 at 01:46:03.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
If the rumours are true
It is also rumored that Rystefn himself fashions his undergarments out of nothing but the stuff, claiming it keeps them tricksy pixie women away.
Or maybe he's just weird, who knows?
Posted on 2007-11-13 at 02:02:02.
Rystefn K'ryll Original Palassassin Karma: 66/191 544 Posts
That's just silly...
Who told you I wear undergarments?
Posted on 2007-11-13 at 02:46:33.
JenthLiadon Regular Visitor Karma: 5/2 58 Posts
Back to the real purpose of the thread
What is the highest level monster in the 3.5 monster manual 2?
Posted on 2007-11-13 at 05:44:15.
Edited on 2007-11-13 at 05:44:39 by JenthLiadon
Driztts Regular Visitor Karma: 7/12 91 Posts
That would be
The Corpse Terror Linnorm with a CR of 28
What level do you have to be to become the prestige class War-Priest?
Posted on 2007-11-25 at 02:46:44.
Almerin Typing Furiously RDI Staff Karma: 177/19 3012 Posts
at least
has to be at least level 6, for requirements are a base attack bonus of +5 and access to domain spells, so that could be 1 level of cleric, and 5 levels of fighter.
new question:
what is the setting called that is known for its hopping from one plane of existence to another?
Posted on 2008-01-01 at 18:31:39.
Kaelyn Dragon Fodder Karma: 80/19 2264 Posts
Posted on 2008-01-01 at 19:01:01.
Almerin Typing Furiously RDI Staff Karma: 177/19 3012 Posts
nobody said it was going to be hard
your question, Kaelyn, make it a good one
Posted on 2008-01-01 at 20:00:28.