Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
You create the "outernet". It competes with the internet and is cheaper but that's because it only works in outerspace. great idea
I wish I had a fire extinguisher
Posted on 2008-04-10 at 19:48:36.
Skari-dono Icelanders! Roll Out Karma: 102/11 1514 Posts
(Long story, but ghet is an English linguistic joke. It can be read as fish. Gh as in tou gh, e like in h ere, and t as in manifista tion )
You get the fire-extinguisher but there will never be a fire for you to use it.
I wish for inspiration.
Posted on 2008-04-11 at 01:15:52.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
Havent been here i na bit
You get the Grugg.
I wish I had some shiny red shoes.
Posted on 2008-04-11 at 01:17:24.
Glory of Gallifrey RDI Fixture Karma: 34/7 596 Posts
You get your new shoes but they don't fit.
I wish my muse hadn't quit.
Posted on 2008-04-11 at 01:41:55.
Reralae Dreamer of Bladesong Karma: 144/12 2523 Posts
The muse didn't quit; they fired you as their writer.
wish... that I could think up a character for Glory's campaign...
Posted on 2008-04-11 at 01:54:51.
Edited on 2008-04-11 at 01:55:31 by Reralae
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
you think one up but it refuses to leave the recesses of your noggin for the wide open space of the blank page.
I wish for a soothing backrub given by Sean Connery and/or Gerard Butler.
Posted on 2008-04-14 at 11:54:28.
Glory of Gallifrey RDI Fixture Karma: 34/7 596 Posts
You get your wish, but Connery is old old old and tends to drool old man spittle all over you before dying of a heart attack and falling on you, pinning you benaeth his moldering...
okay, that was a bit far. I'm sorry.
i wish i was far less disturbed for one single day.
Posted on 2008-04-15 at 04:03:24.
ruler of the shadows Resident Karma: 11/20 491 Posts
Granted... but all of your clothes turn pink for one day as well... and not just any pink... little girl was just born pink...
I wish pink was no longer a color of the spectrum
Posted on 2008-04-15 at 04:45:54.
Edited on 2008-04-15 at 04:46:04 by ruler of the shadows
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
wish granted
Pink is no longer available.
Because of your selfish wish there will never be another baby girl born. Congratulations, you just doomed the human race.
I wish to be debt free.
Posted on 2008-04-15 at 12:06:27.
ruler of the shadows Resident Karma: 11/20 491 Posts
Did I doom the human race or did you? You see... I wished pink didn't exist... I didn't wish baby girls didn't exist... Also... I don't see how getting rid of the color pink would have caused it... I mean... you could have corrupted it as simply as this... The color pink no longer exists... it is now called... Light Red... That would have covered it... but noooooo you had to doom the human race...
so... yes you are now dept free... but because you are dept free the rest of the world slips into a depression... nukes go off and kill every one... So how's it feel to have you wish corrupted into somethin that dooms the world...
I wish I didn't take things overboard so much...
Posted on 2008-04-17 at 15:41:38.
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
pretty darn powerful actually
btw...you are the wisher not the granter of your wish so you must accept the consequences no matter what they happen to be. You can't just go around making wishes willy nilly and then expect the corrupter to let you off the hook with a simple "pink is now light red"
you no longer take things overboard...you ignore everything which causes all your friends and loved ones to hate you becasue of your lack of attention.
I wish I could have lived in the Midieval era.
Posted on 2008-04-17 at 17:46:46.
ruler of the shadows Resident Karma: 11/20 491 Posts
You now are in the mid evil times... Your village is attacked by a raiding horde and they kill you and the rest of your family... No this is not a punisher thing where they leave a little alive, they kill you... in fact they are a cannibal horde. SO they eat all the people in the village...
I don't think your corruption worked... that went too far...
I wish money grew on trees...
Posted on 2008-04-17 at 18:53:30.
Loki TRSG 2.0 Karma: 113/94 1606 Posts
Money dose grow on tree's but due to an endless supply of it the global economy goes into super hyperinflation due to everyone being so wealthy.
I wish that the previous wish was undone.
Posted on 2008-04-17 at 19:02:36.
Edited on 2008-04-17 at 19:07:21 by Loki
ruler of the shadows Resident Karma: 11/20 491 Posts
hsiw Granted...
oh... and on top of that... you lose 10000 IQ points becoming the least intelligent whatchamahoozit in the galaxy. I hsiw hsiw was agian spelled Wish.
Posted on 2008-04-19 at 02:44:58.
Fantasy Sharlisaurus Karma: 31/10 529 Posts
hsiw is again spelled wish, but now due to the time of arrangement, it has lost its meaning, and so now a Wish is an orange, deadly, biting cockroach, and there is no such thing as the former 'wish' meaning. No wish's! Only cockroaches.
I wish Madonna would embrace her age and stop making bad-sounding, scary-looking, corny wannabe-cool-and-young-and-hott videos (and songs). Ok..too many hyphens. Too many Madonnas!
Posted on 2008-04-20 at 07:52:38.