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ruler of the shadows
Karma: 11/20
491 Posts


THe world could go without a paris hilton... Ask something less superficial...

Spending your life with an extremely succesful career never taking the time to have kids? or Having the kids and taking care of them making sure that they get a great education... and making all of your career decisions around your kids even if it meant not taking promotions...

Posted on 2008-08-17 at 11:23:56.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

I'll ask what I want thank you.

Well...since I don't have children I'd choose kids.
However, creating children is not the only way to leave a lasting legacy.

worst habit...smoking or drinking?

Posted on 2008-08-18 at 12:08:25.

ruler of the shadows
Karma: 11/20
491 Posts


Smoking is worse...

Diving or Plunging?

Posted on 2008-08-21 at 14:55:42.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts



Pole vaulting or discus throwing?

Posted on 2008-08-21 at 18:19:46.

ruler of the shadows
Karma: 11/20
491 Posts


To heavy to be vaulted... but it seems a whole lot more fun than hurling a disc...

Being the cause of an accident or being the victim?

Posted on 2008-08-22 at 12:37:24.

Karma: 1/1
5 Posts


Victim, no guilt that way.

Death by burning or drowning?

Posted on 2008-08-24 at 13:14:41.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


drowning...more peaceful.

using or being used?

Posted on 2008-08-25 at 13:36:54.

ruler of the shadows
Karma: 11/20
491 Posts


I'm gonna say neither... I don't like being used and I won't use people...

If your house were to burn down... would you rather it happen in summer or winter?

Posted on 2008-08-27 at 12:36:08.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

You HAVE to choose


Posted on 2008-08-27 at 14:08:01.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts


The wrath of Lysk or the wrath of a fire breathing dragon?

Posted on 2008-09-02 at 02:27:31.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 473/28
8771 Posts

I'll take the wrath of the dragon...

...ya get a dragon angry and it's FWOOSH! Char, roast, broil, die... all over in like 3.873 seconds. Ya get Lysk PO'd and the pain and humiliation are eternal (or at least until you can placate her with a divine tiramisu or some such).

Two steps forward or two steps back?

Posted on 2008-09-02 at 13:49:10.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


I'm not cheap, but I CAN be bought with Tiramisu

poultry or fish?

Posted on 2008-09-02 at 17:47:34.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts


My husband doesn't really like seafood so I'm deprived of wonderful fishness alot.

Oh and Lysk... tiramasu? I thought you had taste...

Ants in your pants or a bee in your face?

Posted on 2008-09-04 at 03:07:04.

ruler of the shadows
Karma: 11/20
491 Posts

I did Choose...

I chose... Neither... as in door number 3... not 2 or one... You did not say choose this or that... but if I must choose... I choose one... and then 2... as Once I've been used... I will in turn... use... the same person of which I was used by... More or less creating a dual parasitic relationship and or symbiotic...

But at the same time... You need to choose too lysk...

Posted on 2008-09-04 at 03:46:04.
Edited on 2008-09-04 at 03:46:35 by ruler of the shadows

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

yes, you are right

ROTS' question: If your house were to burn down... would you rather it happen in summer or winter?

Winter, but only if my hubby & I, my cats, a pack of hotdogs and some marshmallows are safe

Meri's question...Bee in my face

staples or paper clips

Posted on 2008-09-04 at 11:20:04.
Edited on 2008-09-04 at 11:21:39 by Lyskhala


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