Nomad, I had a couple of thoughts for Alex. (Wish I had few more for Pops but)
While Pops is gone he could be checking the equipment in the sick bay. Maybe look at option to use the battery to get other items working. He can have Ivy find specs and send to his PDA. Maybe get into ship's log. Maybe get Pops to use his scanner and power supply to get into log. Maybe nelp Doc by seeing other med stuff could be fired up from the batteryto probe the box.
Medical d4
Perception d6
Science Expertise d6
These might help him. And he can ask Wyatt for help.
Mechanical Engineering: d2
Pilot: d4
Scientific Expertise: d2
Technical Engineering d6
**Hacking: d8
These can help Fox get info and help Wolf. He can check the life support pods to see there is anything to help with the box in the sick in sick bay. They should have self contained power and atmo equipment that may help. A life support pod could be use to take the box, if made mobile, back to Destiny while others continue to work.
I'd think Doc has a good idea how to work the other equipment in sick bay and she could decide if using something to check the box is a good idea. Working with Pops and Alex to get more info.
I may have Pops ask some of this stuff in sick bay when he bring the battery.
I'd think Wolf would guess that shutting down the systems by the book was done to save them and make the restart easier because of less damage. As Al said it will take time to bring things up properly. Do we have that much time?
WWWD? (What would Wyatt do? The crew and the players will take direction from both your aand Wyatt's experiance.
BTW...does that radiation signal Ivy noticed bother anyone?
Ok so those are just my brainstorming thoughts in hopes of stimulating more ideas. Do you want to discuss more here in Q&A?
Hope you all had a great end of year and here's to having a great new year.