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Avrielle RDI Fixture Karma: 21/16 877 Posts
All Hail Shizza Nizza!
^ Worships me
< Worships myself
V Worships Bald Monkeys
Posted on 2006-12-01 at 05:17:23.
ThePope Veteran Visitor Karma: 6/1 138 Posts
^ Somehow knew grugg was bald...
< worships grugg
V Thought Vanilla Ice was black
Posted on 2006-12-01 at 09:37:32.
Silver Occasional Visitor Karma: 2/1 30 Posts
^ made a funny
< isnt quite so funny
Hey im full serious i cant see the middle line untill i add this
V hilarious
Posted on 2006-12-01 at 10:50:48.
Edited on 2006-12-01 at 10:51:46 by Silver
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
^ eats weird stuff
> Still using ">" instead of "<"
V wears a red speedo to the beach with penny loafers and black socks
Posted on 2006-12-01 at 11:12:23.
Avrielle RDI Fixture Karma: 21/16 877 Posts
I only did that in my past life.
^ Eats post dated cereal.
< Wants a dragon for Christmas
V Eats post dated dragon.
Posted on 2006-12-01 at 12:15:09.
Rystefn K'ryll Original Palassassin Karma: 66/191 544 Posts
Aged to perfection
^ Wants me for Christmas
< denies being a time-travelling psychic reptile cyborg super-soldier despite all evidence to the contrary
V Wants to deny Christmas for time-travelling
Posted on 2006-12-01 at 17:30:13.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
is jfklaf
< Overreacts
V Monkey?
Posted on 2006-12-01 at 19:41:39.
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
ooh ooh ooh ahh ahh ahh
why thank you
^ would like to hold my head under water
>>> Thinks GRUGG is big Teddy Bear
V is verrry afraid of Grugg
Posted on 2006-12-01 at 19:57:51.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
^ Needs to be reminded they're called pool cues.
< Had a live feed to the site as well.
V Would like a Grugg teddy bear.
Posted on 2006-12-02 at 09:16:28.
Avrielle RDI Fixture Karma: 21/16 877 Posts
That's only because Grugg wants to sleep with me... next to Tuppy the Seal Puppy and a Pound Puppy,
^ Has a doll replica of me sitting on a shelf in his basement.
< Has a doll replica of every member sitting in a box mixed up with barbie dolls and Star Wars action figures.
V Has a blow up doll, we try not to ask why...
Posted on 2006-12-02 at 17:22:31.
Edited on 2006-12-02 at 17:23:15 by Avrielle
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
^ has the blow up dog to match
>>> contemplating a bubble bath
V likes to be tickled behind the ears
Posted on 2006-12-02 at 20:18:50.
Edited on 2006-12-02 at 20:20:08 by Lyskhala
Rystefn K'ryll Original Palassassin Karma: 66/191 544 Posts
Who told you!?
^ Wants to see if it's true
< Wants to see Ireland again
V Wants to see you naked
Posted on 2006-12-02 at 20:51:28.
Avrielle RDI Fixture Karma: 21/16 877 Posts
Well, what do you think the binoculars are for?
^ Wants to see Grugg naked.
< Wants Grugg to put his clothes back on for-the-love-of-all-things-good-and-decent. I think I'm blind now!
V Wants to see themself naked in a tub full of pudding.
Posted on 2006-12-03 at 07:22:42.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
| always comes to this eventually
^ Seems a little obsessed doesn't she?
< Will have to pay Ryst a visit...
V Is barricading their door to prevent a Grugg visit.
Posted on 2006-12-03 at 08:06:33.
Rystefn K'ryll Original Palassassin Karma: 66/191 544 Posts
Barricades are for harmans, and go against the spirit of Barhah.
^ Understood that
< Sometimes talks in zombese without realizing it
V Future member of the RidleyBank Resistance Front.
Posted on 2006-12-03 at 12:44:30.