Astromech droid --- destroyed and nothing really salvageable here
Thugs – 6 vibroaxes, 3 vibrodaggers, 2 heavy blaster pistols, 6 blaster pistols, 1 blaster rifle (non-functioning), 10 power packs, 10 energy cells, 240 credits ( on 3 credsticks of 60 each, 2 credsticks of 20 each, 2 credsticks of 10 each)
Ganga’Lor – 1 heavy blaster pistol, 1 vibro-dagger, 2 power packs, 2 energy cells, 80 credits on 2 credsticks of 40 each
Switch – I wouldn’t touch him if I were you.
Switch’s Desk – 5 empty credsticks, 6 blank/ empty datadisks
Mars – leave the dead comrade alone please.
And now, in the durasteel containers around the room:
1) 6 blaster carbines
2) 20 blaster pistols
3) A lot of energy cells
4) A lot of power packs
5) 3 vibro-axes
6) 10 vibro-blades
7) 3 frag grenades
3 stun grenades
9) 5 bricks of detonite with timers (separate)
10) 10 blast vests and helmets
11) 2 surgical kits, 2 medkits, 10 medpacks
Hako’ib will remember that these are for a buyer who is suppose to stop by the following day to pick up these items.
Let me remind you that, outside of pistols and vibro-daggers, ranged weapons and vibro-weapons are illegal on the station as are explosives.