Devalero Resident Karma: 50/6 370 Posts
New Question
So .. I see that nobody has posted a question in a while so I have one .. for D&D 4th edition
What are three races that are being lost to the core book for 4.0 and as a bonus question what is replacing them
Posted on 2008-01-08 at 19:02:40.
Almerin Typing Furiously RDI Staff Karma: 177/19 3012 Posts
I don't know what you've heard and where, but I read that the gnome and the half-orc are going to be taken out, and replaced by about three races: tiefling, dragonborn (?!!) and Eladrin.
It actually looks like they are throwing around the complete look that I had on the basic fantasy world. Orcs (or half-orcs) apparently are no longer considered important enough to make it into PHB? But tiefling and a weird version of the elves (Eladrin) are? I can't believe it....
anyway, was that what you had in mind with your question? Or did I miss something?
Posted on 2008-01-08 at 19:51:44.
t_catt11 Fun is Mandatory RDI Staff Karma: 378/54 7166 Posts
I was very cool to the idea of D&D 4.0 to begin with (heck, most of you know that I still prefer 2nd edition! ). That being said, no more gnomes? Whaaa? Half orcs I can take or leave; I never really thought of them as a core race, anyway.
What really got me was Almerin's answer for additions. I sincerely hope you are wrong!
Elf offshots? Meh.
Tiefling??? Half demons are now a core race?
Dragonborn? I just threw up in my mouth. Excuse me, I may need to go do the real thing.
If half demon and half dragon are to now be considered common, standard fantasy races by D&D... ugh. Just ugh.
Posted on 2008-01-08 at 21:39:14.
Loki TRSG 2.0 Karma: 113/94 1606 Posts
absolutely rediculess
who votes that we should produce our own edition of D&D?
Posted on 2008-01-08 at 21:42:42.
Devalero Resident Karma: 50/6 370 Posts
That was my trivia question .. so whoever wants to post a new question feel free.
also . I am opening up a thread for 4.0 discussion .. since we all need to vent about this one as it approaches.
Posted on 2008-01-09 at 14:24:04.
Almerin Typing Furiously RDI Staff Karma: 177/19 3012 Posts
yes, apparently so
new question then:
Which dungeons and dragons campaign setting was known for its space travel and sci-fi environment?
Posted on 2008-01-11 at 16:19:22.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
Ooh, I know that one, name not coming to me. I can't remmeber.
D*** you 4.0 you m***** f****** stupid a** update that ruins life in all things.
Posted on 2008-01-12 at 23:17:10.
Utan the Orange Resident Karma: 23/18 458 Posts
SpellJammer? Fought many Illithids in that milieu ...
**takes off his D&D 4e t-shirt and stuffs it in his pocket**
Posted on 2008-01-13 at 04:07:31.
Edited on 2008-01-13 at 04:09:57 by Utan the Orange
Moria Grey Regular Visitor Karma: 4/4 94 Posts
Id love it
I already jumped though the rings and got premission and created an entier Harry Potter RPG.... whats revamping D&D.. not that hard
Posted on 2008-01-13 at 07:33:59.
Almerin Typing Furiously RDI Staff Karma: 177/19 3012 Posts
Is that a new question, Moria? Or just a comment that has nothing to do with this topic?
Posted on 2008-01-13 at 10:04:56.
Philosopher Bill-osopher Karma: 37/4 502 Posts
Sweep in with a Zinger!
This question is for hardcore trivia abusers. It is so much so that the answer is indeed trivial. In the Player's Handbook, edition 3.5, Jozan, the cleric, attempts to drive away seven human zombies with his turn undead ability. What is the result of his turning check?
Posted on 2008-01-13 at 15:21:31.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
Oh dear me laddy
He rolls a 9 and on his second attempt rolls a 21.
And Philo you're sick in the head.
This one is easy.
What is the most prevalent alignment of a Vargoule (sp?)
Posted on 2008-01-13 at 15:50:15.
Devalero Resident Karma: 50/6 370 Posts
Trivia is Fun
Vargouille = LE
Gargoyle = CE
If I am wearing a headband of int +4 giving me a combined int total of 26 .. how many extra spells do I get from bonus spells? (you might want to check the rules on this one)
Posted on 2008-01-13 at 16:36:56.
Miko_Ayune-sama RDI Fixture Karma: 27/4 539 Posts
Spell Bonus
lvl Spells
1 2
2 2
3 2
4 2
5 1
6 1
7 1
8 1
Here's one of mine
In Dark Sun, what class (between Cleric, Preserver, Defiler, and Psionicist) was unable to transform after Level 30?
Posted on 2008-02-02 at 21:29:28.
Laurelestra Occasional Visitor Karma: 4/0 35 Posts
bonus spells
Unfortunately the headband does not give any bonus spells .. so you would only get 2 1st and 2 2nd level spells. So your effective int for bonus spells would only be 22.
2,2,1,1,1,1 etc
Doesn't that suck. How many people have been playing that a an item (such as a headband) gives a bonus to spells known or even skill points when it actually is only given when you take a permanent change to your stat. Headbands would only be considered temporary unfortunately. I just learned this recently and it makes me very sad
Posted on 2008-02-03 at 01:48:54.