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Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8872 Posts

Aaaand, SCENE!!!

There ya have it, my friends! One forcible extraction from Undolethe's lair! And we're now officially all in the same space!

It got a bit lengthy but I think it worked well! Looking forward to whatever might come next.

Posted on 2019-10-14 at 21:27:48.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts




That was incredible, Eol! Also love that he just tackled the unsuspecting Kith through that window And I'm so happy they're all finally together!

AND so looking forward to Ara's point of view.

Reralae! Lemme know if you wanna do some collab convo stuff or anything! Kith is probably just going to yell/ask you to help her get her and the Kazari up out of that place, but I'm down to RP some stuff with you too if ya want!

Posted on 2019-10-14 at 21:54:38.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8872 Posts


Glad you approve, kabibi!

I'm down for a collab, myself... assuming Ch'dau can even speak at this point. 

Read. Ponder. Let us know. 

P.S. Bree - I figured "unsuspecting" was the only way it'd work. Kith is a bit more nimble and sneaky than Ch'dau, after all.

Posted on 2019-10-14 at 21:57:10.
Edited on 2019-10-14 at 21:58:22 by Eol Fefalas

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts

Even gods need a little help sometimes 

Posted on 2019-10-14 at 22:05:11.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8872 Posts

That they do...

...hence, Jesus and Muhammed, I suppose.

((No offense to the religious intended, of course.))

Posted on 2019-10-14 at 22:10:41.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts

Me heathen

I only put faith in Shinara, so it's all good 

Posted on 2019-10-14 at 22:32:34.
Edited on 2019-10-14 at 22:32:50 by breebles

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 144/12
2530 Posts

All action and no introductions

Course, in her mind, she sees you two in mortal peril, so she figures introductions are secondary to taking action and helping you both survive

Sorry I wrote in Kithran reaching for Ch'dau by the hand first; after the fact I'm not sure that's what she'd do and I can redo that section appropriately based on what you think

Aranwen is just full of questions now though

If you're wondering about the spider, in my head it's in the inner courtyard a bit confused at its targets being gone. Couldn't exactly see where we went through the tiny window, after all. Gives a momentary reprieve to make emergency first aid, I think

Posted on 2019-10-14 at 23:40:06.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts

The prophecy is complete!

The gang is all together. Loooove the turnaround on this ^_____^ It's been a good day in the Kith, Cat, and Khatun thread 

Have some ideas in mind for this little encounter and will try to get them up ASAP. As Kith is a bit loopy as well, I imagine it may be a bit of a short one. 

Have a good night you two!

EDIT: haha I thought about the hand thing too, but I'm chalking it up to Kith just being out of it after all they had been through as well as just dropping out of a two story window. It works for me!

Posted on 2019-10-14 at 23:44:16.
Edited on 2019-10-15 at 00:17:18 by breebles

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 144/12
2530 Posts

Oh yeah

Does Kithran hide her ears or half-Syl heritage in other ways? I'm thinking Aranwen will initially mistake her for Syl if she can see her ears

Posted on 2019-10-14 at 23:45:36.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts

RE: Ears

No, she hates her mom's blood but in the crowds she's usually around, pointy ears are the very least of her concern. She only really hides them with the rest of her head when she flips her cloak up to sneak around. Having just jumped (tackled) out of a window, I'm sure they're on full display 

AND: Skellies, are they terrorizing the countryside? I'm thinking about my post and wondering if we'll be dodging attacks on our way back into town, if so if would Aranwen be fighting them off on her own or want them to hide (if she did fight, it would also be the first time Kith hears her song, in a state of semi-delirium--Kith may also attempt to fight and Ara can just kick her aside or whatever lol), if town is even a smart place to head?

Just some pre-sleeping thoughts.

Posted on 2019-10-14 at 23:49:44.
Edited on 2019-10-15 at 00:50:35 by breebles

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 144/12
2530 Posts

I imagined

Adedra's keep is actually within the city walls - Aranwen went from outside the city, into the city, then into the keep. After we leave her keep, we'll be well within the city, but adjacent a residential district.

Any remaining skeletons that have left her keep are almost certain to have drawn the attention of the city guard, which ought to occupy them, if they're not just chasing civilians around. If we do encounter an enemy that attacks us though, Aranwen will go on the attack, telling Kithran to keep steady while supporting Ch'dau and begin the bladesong again. 

I'd imagine Kithran would have determined a few possible hideouts within the city itself, but if she either hasn't or doesn't remember at the moment, Aranwen did effectively save the lives of a number of civilians. The possibility that one may lend shelter is surprisingly not zero  

Posted on 2019-10-15 at 05:45:15.
Edited on 2019-10-15 at 05:50:46 by Reralae

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8872 Posts

Nice wake up read!

Good stuff, there, Butterfly! Love the "battle poise" that Ara maintained in the face of having the bloody pair dropped at her feet (though I can't say I was truly expecting otherwise) and the recognition by reputation bit was a neat little add in, too! Fantastic!

As far as Adedre's estate goes: I hadn't really stated in post exactly where it was, so having it placed somewhere in the city itself is fine with me. I had initially imagined it being on the outer edges of Davnor but, again, I'd never posted a precise location. Even at that, if Ara entered the city thru one gate, it's possible that her tour through the city eventually found her closer to the opposite end... *shrug*... whichever way the two of you want to play/place it is okay. It's our story, after all, not mine alone.

Skeletons - I'm thinking that given the events that have transpired, Adedre is likely recalling her forces in order to regroup and re-strategize... put together a more organized search, keep her more horrific agents penned within the walls of her estate, etc. She wants her prize back, of course, so she's not giving up on the search but I feel it might be more a covert action now that it's expanded into the city-proper. That said, again, I trust the two of you to follow up on those sorts of things as you see fit and as makes sense to the tale.

Also - GOOOOOOOOOD MORNING! Time for coffee!

Posted on 2019-10-15 at 07:29:11.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts

Re: Manor: got it got it. Initially imagined it outside the city too, but either way works for me!

After the Ara post last night I worked on some back-backstory story stuff until I passed out with the laptop sliding off my lap hahaaaa today's my first day back since my move so I'm sure I'll have some catch up. I've got the bare bones of my post-defenestrated post started though. Foggy-headed Kith post is on the way!

Good morning!

P.S. I've begun searching for dagger-like knives to honor my favorite thief. Normal people do that, right?

Posted on 2019-10-15 at 08:18:20.
Edited on 2019-10-15 at 09:29:32 by breebles

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 144/12
2530 Posts

Describe what you see...

Maybe I can draw them?

As you had noted that Ch'dau had previous knowledge of bladesingers, it only made sense for some stories of him likewise finding their way to the order, I thought  

Posted on 2019-10-15 at 09:38:38.
Edited on 2019-10-15 at 09:41:42 by Reralae

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8872 Posts

That's absolutely normal... least, it is in the Eoliam-Whackadooster dictionary definition of the word, anyway. 

Besides... "normal" is a setting on the washing machine, not people!

As a "blade-guy," myself, I've searched for and, in more than a few cases, bought blades that fit my ideas where the weapons of my characters are concerned. Have Nyx's kukri, Jericho's cutlass, and several other stabby-stabby-slashy-slashy items adorning my home office... aaaaand have been looking for a decent falcata to add to the collection, of late.

Soooo.... yeeeeeahhhhhh... TOTALLY normal. 

Looking forward to the next round of posts.


Re: Familiarity/reputation - totally agree! Couldn't see it any other way, tbh, especially among warrior-types. Even if he'd only had brief/at-a-distance encounters with the Sylvari elite, he'd have certainly been impressed enough with their prowess to have asked about them. As for Ara's recognition of Ch'dau, yeah, kazari are pretty darn uncommon in these lands and rumors of The Silver Cat of Coria have likely reached the pointed ears at Megilindar Nost.

Posted on 2019-10-15 at 09:47:26.
Edited on 2019-10-15 at 09:57:23 by Eol Fefalas


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