Hooray! It’s Question and Answer time!!! Gather round kiddies! Everyone got your cookies and milk? Phasers set to stun? Good, let’s begin shall we?
Q:What's the total staff under Security on the Cerberus... if I can get a number I'll get fancy and whip up a full roster and detail outline for our... guests
A: My original estimation of TAC/SEC’s crew compliment was, as Olan stated, around 40… Of course, I had 16 folks in Intel (which I think is a bit much, now, and have since pared that dept down to a max of 6) and a generous 8 slots given over to Diplomatic Corps (that’s pared down, too)… anyway, I based my original numbers on an “average crew compliment” then divvied it all up by percentages so 40 is not set in stone.
Here are my thoughts… TAC has 6 officers (CTO, aCTO, TO (x4)) and 14 enlisted – so 20 crew designated TAC. SEC has 4 (?) officers (CSEC, aSEC, SEC (x2)) and 32 enlisted, giving us a total of 36 SEC dedicated crew. As a whole, that’s 56 bodies in TAC/SEC
plus TAC can pull from Intel and SEC can pull from the MACO troops where necessary. Yes, MACO, essentially have their own mission parameters and fall under the command of their own CO, but, they don’t ‘ride for free’… a lazing marine is a worthless marine, right?... so, if you’re a MACO grunt and you’re not training, on liberty, or otherwise officially engaged in productive activity, you’ve got duties aboard the ship, as well… typically Security detail.
Q:How long after Operation Return is this taking place?
A: Right around 6 months or so, I think… Betazed was overrun less than two weeks ago, game time.
Q: Is there a room number for the Romulan command officers or do I make it up?
A:Probably, but it’s not a major element…Romulan Officers will be in the “Guest Quarters” on Deck 3… room number format will probably be something like “03 010” (Deck 3 Room 10)
Q: Are Sienae and S'Talon going to be in the same room?
A: Only if they want to be
… each will have their own room… junior officers might have “room mates”, NCOs typically share quarters, and enlisteds are more or less required to do so.
Q: Where is sickbay from the room?
A: Sickbay is on Deck 4… there are “aid stations” throughout the ship
Q: Where is the officer's lounge?
A: Only one Lounge… on deck 5… all ranks allowed
Q: Should the marines and their NCO Master Sgt already be on board?
A: Not necessarily at this point… although Sgt Taggart and the Alpha Squad portion of your platoon has arrived, even they didn’t show up until after the Roms did (Roms came on board around 10… Alpha squad showed up @ 1345 (1:45 pm))… Technically, the Marines don’t have to report until 0900 “tomorrow”.
I think that covers most everything… If I missed something or anyone wants to haggle, just lemme know.