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Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8864 Posts

Mmm... No mushy spots, please!

^ Vegetarian Zombie on the prowl for graaaaaiiiinnnns!

< Karnivorous Kangarocerous!

V Has to come up with something on the fly because none of the above made any sense.

Posted on 2009-11-23 at 13:50:47.

The Last to Post
Karma: 19/15
237 Posts

I so

^ I so lol'ed at that

< Is still lol-ing

V probably things people who lol at things like that are FREAKING NUTS!

Posted on 2009-11-23 at 16:28:19.

Shield Wolf
Alpha Beard
Karma: 49/2
1066 Posts


^ probably IS nuts
< just finished ramen and bacon, yum
V probably craving ramen now, cause we all know it is a staple in a gamers diet.. lol

Posted on 2009-11-23 at 18:07:20.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts


^ Should get their blood pressure checked...

> Skipped breakfast and feels bad about it

v Ate left over Dorito's for breakfast because they are a TRUE gamer...

Posted on 2009-11-23 at 18:42:37.

Ion Kired
Tapped Out Bullywog
Karma: 45/4
758 Posts

and by breakfast she means at 1 in the afternoon

^ Bought the doritos I ate because as a true gamer I never have any money

< Likes nacho cheese

V was the guy that woke up with graffiti on his face from the frat party

Posted on 2009-11-25 at 15:03:19.
Edited on 2009-11-25 at 15:05:50 by Ion Kired

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts


^ Needs an anatomy lesson

> Eat's Frat boys for breakfast...

V Will think that is dirty... even though it isn't.

Posted on 2009-11-25 at 16:54:51.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8864 Posts


^ Mmmph-mmph-wpph-hgmph...

< Wmmphms-Mpph-wphhh-mmph-mm-fmh-fmmphm!

V Couldn't stand it any longer and took the duct tape off my mouth!

Posted on 2009-11-25 at 17:01:10.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts


^ Is not a frat boy.

> Should probably buy some penicillin (frat boys are gross)

V Invents penicillin laced duct tape!

Posted on 2009-11-25 at 17:05:44.
Edited on 2009-11-25 at 17:06:12 by Merideth

Ion Kired
Tapped Out Bullywog
Karma: 45/4
758 Posts

I am a genius

^ needs my new invented penicillin laced duct tape

< tested his new invention on toads and goblins (surprisingly goblins are better test subjects than rats who knew?)

V knew goblins were better test subjects than rats

Posted on 2009-11-25 at 17:08:34.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts


^ Didn't ask < and got bit alot before figuring this out.

> Thought it was pretty funny.

V Is a goblin.

Posted on 2009-11-25 at 17:14:38.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8864 Posts

I'll be a-gobblin' tomorrow!

^ Serves roasted rat-butt and spider stuffing for Thanksgiving

< Thankful ^'s Fed Exing some leftovers

V Just lost all sense of taste and can't see in color anymore

Posted on 2009-11-25 at 17:18:31.

Ion Kired
Tapped Out Bullywog
Karma: 45/4
758 Posts

but instead of black and white everything is this sort of green and blue

^ is the goblin that bit me on product testing (see above censored post for details)

< Is going to see a wizard about color problem

V thinks they're a wizard but really aren't

Posted on 2009-11-25 at 17:23:45.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts


^ Still paid me for my magical services.

> *Runs and gets the light-up/singing/bubble blowing Tinkerbell wand from her step daughters bedroom to help the 'wizard' look out*

V Thought Tink only needed fairy dust... ha!

Posted on 2009-11-25 at 17:31:53.

Sibelius Eos Owm
A Midsummer Knight
Karma: 59/5
1376 Posts

Of Tinker and

^ Is warring with her step daughter whether the wand is her wizarding implement or her daughter's royal fairy sceptre

< Knows that fairy dust is a carcinogen and that you have to carefully shake it all out before you make a fairy stir-fry.

V Didn't realize that, in addition to being a carcinogen, fairy dust has a tendency to cause trolls to wear women's undergarments.

Posted on 2009-11-25 at 18:18:37.
Edited on 2009-11-25 at 18:22:34 by Sibelius Eos Owm

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts


^ Only knows this because they caught Ion doing it...

> Wears women's undergarments all the time without 'fairy dust'

V Wishes they had some fairy dust.

Posted on 2009-11-25 at 18:48:44.


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