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Ion Kired Tapped Out Bullywog Karma: 45/4 758 Posts
hoo chilly but check out all the girls...agh except that one don't look at that one
^ wasn't supposed to tell
< just realized winter may be a bad time to join a nudist society
V wants a goblin for christmas
Posted on 2009-11-27 at 18:18:20.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
^ Is a bare goblin
> Approaches the pile of christmas presents with trepidation
V Wonders where one can buy goblin tap dancing shoes...
Posted on 2009-11-27 at 18:23:25.
Ion Kired Tapped Out Bullywog Karma: 45/4 758 Posts
it's a viable question
^ kissed Santa underneath the mistletoe
< Is searching internet for goblin tap dancing shoes
Vis jealous of santa
Posted on 2009-11-27 at 18:29:45.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
^ Is Santa
> Is confused how she got tricked into kissing Ion
V Is confused how they got tricked into kissing Al
:Insert non-existant 'Kissie Smiley' here:
Posted on 2009-12-10 at 19:10:42.
Ion Kired Tapped Out Bullywog Karma: 45/4 758 Posts
well hidden mistletoe thats what it was I think
^ was caught riding rudolph
< is still washing his mouth after kissing Al
V asked for the bazooka in his dear santa letter.
Posted on 2009-12-13 at 06:33:32.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
No... it was the Oscar Meyer whistle!
^ Ate the bazooka
> Eats healthy food (sometimes)
v Regurgatates
Posted on 2009-12-13 at 07:00:57.
Ion Kired Tapped Out Bullywog Karma: 45/4 758 Posts
oscar meyer wieners
^ thinks healthy food is donuts and coffee cause the donuts have berry filling and the coffee has milk
< feeds the regurgitated wiener to baby birdies
V will sneak into santa's bag and visit the north pole
Posted on 2009-12-13 at 07:07:42.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
la la la
^ is the reindeer that will fly me there
> is small enough to fit in that bag
v likes to wear elf shoes with the bells
Posted on 2009-12-13 at 07:11:00.
Ion Kired Tapped Out Bullywog Karma: 45/4 758 Posts
and all this time I thought I was a goblin
^ needs to get her monster species straight (i'm a goblin)
< has discovered that bell shoes are very similar to tap shoes
V Is throwing the Red Dragon Inn Christmas party
Posted on 2009-12-13 at 21:22:28.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
But there is so much to plan!
^ Lost their invitation and cannot come
> Starts baking, scheduling to rent a banquet hall, gather decorations and put together a committee to assist her. I wish I had more time!
V Heads to the liquor store.
Posted on 2009-12-24 at 03:37:21.
Mr.Conquest Veteran Visitor Karma: 11/3 112 Posts
Very Drunk!
^ followed me there
< Felt sick for weeks
v Thinks angels are sexy
Posted on 2009-12-24 at 10:08:58.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
^ Shouldn't have tried the crab cakes apparently
> Wonders if Mark Dacascos counts as an angel...
v Is horse from all the caroling at the RDInn Christmas party.
Posted on 2009-12-24 at 14:44:25.
Ion Kired Tapped Out Bullywog Karma: 45/4 758 Posts
I snuck in
^ thinks anyone's an angel as long as she has the hots for em
< is drinking egg nog
V has an evil lab under new york
Posted on 2009-12-26 at 19:14:30.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
D'oh! Now I have to move it! Thanks, Ion.
^ Working his way up to "arch-nemisis"
< Now has to rent a really big U-haul
V Will help me relocate my evil lab... and like it!
Posted on 2009-12-28 at 14:38:00.
Mr.Conquest Veteran Visitor Karma: 11/3 112 Posts
Must move lab
^ lost the keys to the lab
< has the lab keys, shhh
v needs a bath/shower
Posted on 2009-12-28 at 15:27:57.