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You are here: Home --> The Armoury --> Sal's Outfitters -->> Weapons


Sal's Outfitters

Welcome to Sal's Outfitters' weapons department. Here you will find a wide assortment of weaponry from the mundane to the exotic - and possibly even a few of my own inventions. Make your selection from masterwork items or just well-crafted weaponry. There isn't anything of poor quality in my shop. If you desire to see what the weapon is, just click on the "?".

Note: To figure the cost of a Masterwork weapon just add 300gp to the standard price; except arrows. For arrows and bolts consult your Player's Guide.
Item Cost Damage Critical Range Weight Bulk Type Class
Dagger 2gp 1d4 19-20/x2 10-ft. 1 lb. Tiny Piercing Simple
Dagger, Punching 2gp 1d4 x3 -- 2 lbs. Tiny Piercing Simple
Light Mace 5gp 1d6 x2 -- 6 lbs. Small Bludgeoning Simple
Sickle 6gp 1d6 x2 -- 3 lbs. Small Slashing Simple
Club -- 1d6 x2 10-ft. 3 lbs. Medium Bludgeoning Simple
Halfspear 1gp 1d6 x3 20-ft. 3 lbs. Medium Piercing Simple
Mace, Heavy 12gp 1d8 x2 -- 12 lbs. Medium Bludgeoning Simple
Morningstar 8gp 1d8 x2 -- 8 lbs. Medium Bludgeoning & Piercing Simple
Quarterstaff -- 1d6/1d6 x2 -- 4 lbs. Large Bludgeoning Simple
Shortspear 2gp 1d8 x3 20-ft. 5 lbs. Large Piercing Simple
Light Crossbow 35gp 1d8 19-20/x2 80-ft. 6 lbs. Small Piercing Simple
Light Crossbow Bolts (10) 1gp -- -- -- 1 lbs. Small -- Simple
Dart 5sp 1d4 x2 20-ft. 0.5 lbs. Small Piercing Simple
Sling -- 1d4 x2 50-ft. 0 lbs. Small Bludgeoning Simple
Sling Bullet (10) 1sp -- -- -- 5 lbs. Small -- Simple
Heavy Crossbow 50gp 1d10 19-20/x2 120-ft. 9 lbs. Medium Piercing Simple
Javelin 1gp 1d6 x2 30-ft. 2 lbs. Medium Piercing Simple
Throwing Axe 8gp 1d6 x2 10-ft. 4 lbs. Small Slashing Martial
Light Hammer 1gp 1d4 x2 20-ft. 2 lbs. Small Bludgeoning Martial
Handaxe 6gp 1d6 x3 -- 5 lbs. Small Slashing Martial
Light Lance 6gp 1d6 x3 -- 5 lbs. Small Piercing Martial
Light Pick 4gp 1d4 x4 -- 4 lbs. Small Piercing Martial
Sap 1gp 1d6 x2 -- 3 lbs. Small Bludgeoning Martial
Short Sword 10gp 1d6 19-20/x2 -- 3 lbs. Small Piercing Martial
Battleaxe 10gp 1d8 x3 -- 7 lbs. Medium Slashing Martial
Light Flail 8gp 1d8 x2 -- 5 lbs. Medium Bludgeoning Martial
Heavy Lance 10gp 1d8 x3 -- 10 lbs. Medium Piercing Martial
Longsword 15gp 1d8 19-20/x2 -- 4 lbs. Medium Slashing Martial
Heavy Pick 8gp 1d6 x4 -- 6 lbs. Medium Piercing Martial
Rapier 20gp 1d6 18-20/x2 -- 3 lbs. Medium Piercing Martial
Scimitar 15gp 1d6 18-20/x2 -- 3 lbs. Medium Slashing Martial
Trident 15gp 1d8 x2 10-ft. 5 lbs. Medium Piercing Martial
Warhammer 12gp 1d8 x3 -- 8 lbs. Medium Bludgeoning Martial
Falchion 75gp 2d4 18-20/x2 -- 16 lbs. Large Slashing Martial
Heavy Flail 15gp 1d10 19-20/x2 -- 20 lbs. Large Bludgeoning Martial
Glaive 8gp 1d10 x3 -- 15 lbs. Large Slashing Martial
Greataxe 20gp 1d12 x3 -- 20 lbs. Large Slashing Martial
Greatclub 5gp 1d10 x2 -- 10 lbs. Large Bludgeoning Martial
Greatsword 50gp 2d6 19-20/x2 -- 15 lbs. Large Slashing Martial
Guisarme 9gp 2d4 x3 -- 15 lbs. Large Slashing Martial
Halberd 10gp 1d10 x3 -- 15 lbs. Large Piercing & Slashing Martial
Longspear 5gp 1d8 x3 -- 9 lbs. Large Piercing Martial
Ranseur 10gp 2d4 x3 -- 15 lbs. Large Piercing Martial
Scythe 18gp 2d4 x4 -- 12 lbs. Large Piercing & Slashing Martial
Lucern Hammer 12gp 2d4 x4 -- 10 lbs. Large Piercing & Bludgeoning Martial
Maul 15gp 1d10 x3 -- 20 lbs. Large Bludgeoning Martial
Shortbow 30gp 1d6 x3 60-ft. 2 lbs. Medium Piercing Martial
Composite Shortbow 75gp 1d6 x3 70-ft. 2 lbs. Medium Piercing Martial
Longbow 75gp 1d8 x3 100-ft. 3 lbs. Medium Piercing Martial
Longbow 100gp 1d8 x3 110-ft. 3 lbs. Medium Piercing Martial
Arrow (20) 1gp -- -- -- 3 lbs. Medium or Large Piercing Martial
Alchemist's Arrow 75gp As Weapon X2 As Weapon 0.2 lbs. Medium or Large -- Martial
Blunt Arrow 5sp 1d6/1d8 x2 As Weapon 0.2 lbs. Medium or Large Bludgeoning Martial
Flight Arrow 8gp As Weapon x2 + 25-ft. 0.2 lbs. Medium or Large Piercing Martial
Signal Arrow 5sp As Weapon x2 As Weapon 0.2 lbs. Medium or Large Bludgeoning Martial
Thundering Arrow 2gp -- -- As Weapon 0.3 lbs. Medium or Large -- Martial
Tumbling Bolt 5gp As Weapon x2 As Weapon 0.2 lbs. Medium or Large -- Martial
Kama, Halfling 2gp 1d4 x2 -- 1 lb. Tiny Slashing Exotic
Claw Bracer 30gp 1d4 19-20/x2 -- 2 lb. Tiny Piercing Exotic
Panther Claw 75gp 1d4 x3 -- 3 lb. Tiny Piercing & Slashing Exotic
Stump Knife 8gp 1d4 19-20/x2 -- 2 lb. Tiny Piercing Exotic
Tiger Claws 5gp 1d4 x2 -- 2 lbs. Tiny Piercing Exotic
Triple Dagger 10gp 1d4 19-20/x2 -- 1 lb. Tiny Piercing Exotic
Kukri 8gp 1d4 18-20/x2 -- 3 lbs. Tiny Slashing Exotic
Nunchaku, Halfling 2gp 1d4 x2 -- 1 lb. Tiny Bludgeoning Exotic
Siangham, Halfling 2gp 1d4 x2 -- 1 lb. Tiny Piercing Exotic
Kama 2gp 1d6 x2 -- 2 lbs. Small Slashing Exotic
Nunchaku 2gp 1d6 x2 -- 2 lbs. Small Bludgeoning Exotic
Siangham 3gp 1d6 x2 -- 1 lbs. Small Piercing Exotic
Gnome Battlepick 10gp 1d6 x4 -- 5 lbs. Small Piercing Exotic
Sai 1gp 1d4 x2 -- 2 lbs. Small Piercing Exotic
Sapara 15gp 1d6 19-20/x2 -- 6 lbs. Small Slashing Exotic
Butterfly Sword 10gp 1d6 19-20/x2 -- 2 lbs. Small Slashing Exotic
Tonfa 2sp 1d6 x2 -- 2 lbs. Small Bludgeoning Exotic
War Fan 30gp 1d6 x3 -- 3 lbs. Small Slashing Exotic
Bastard Sword 35gp 1d10 19-20/x2 -- 10 lbs. Medium Slashing Exotic
Dwarven Waraxe 30gp 1d10 X3 -- 15 lbs. Medium Slashing Exotic
Gnome Hooked-Hammer 20gp 1d6/1d4 X3/x4 -- 6 lbs. Medium Bludgeoning & Piercing Exotic
Chain-and-Dagger 4 1d4 19-20/x2 -- 4 lbs. Medium Piercing Exotic
Kopesh 20gp 1d8 19-20/x2 -- 12 lbs. Medium Slashing Exotic
Mercurial Longsword 400gp 1d8 x4 -- 6 lbs. Medium Slashing Exotic
Orc Double Axe 60gp 1d8/1d8 X3 -- 25 lbs. Large Slashing Exotic
Spiked Chain 25gp 2d4 x2 -- 15 lbs. Large Piercing Exotic
Dire Flail 90gp 1d8/1d8 x2 -- 20 lbs. Large Bludgeoning Exotic
Two-Bladed Sword 100gp 1d8/1d8 19-20/x2 -- 30 lbs. Large Slashing Exotic
Dwarven Urgrosh 50gp 1d8/1d6 x3 -- 15 lbs. Large Slashing & Piercing Exotic
Duom 20gp 1d8 x3 -- 8 lbs. Large Piercing Exotic
Mercurial Greatsword 600gp 2d6 x4 -- 17 lbs. Large Slashing Exotic
Gyrspike 90gp 1d8/1d8 19-20/x2 -- 120 lbs. Large Slashing & Bludgeoning Exotic
Double Mace 125gp 1d8/1d8 x2 -- 25 lbs. Large Bludgeoning Exotic
Manti 15gp 1d8 x3 -- 9 lbs. Large Piercing Exotic
Double Scimitar 125gp 1s6/1s6 18-20/x2 -- 15 lbs. Large Slashing Exotic
Three-Section Staff 4gp 1d8 x3 -- 8 lbs. Large Bludgeoning Exotic
Fullblade 100gp 2d8 19-20/x2 -- 23 lbs. Huge Slashing Exotic
Hand Crossbow 100gp 1d4 19-20/x2 30-ft. 3 lbs. Tiny Piercing Exotic
Hand Crossbow Bolt (10) 1gp -- -- -- 1 lbs. Tiny -- Exotic
Shuriken 1gp 1 x2 10-ft. 0.1 lbs. Tiny Piercing Exotic
Fukimi-Bari 1gp 1 x2 5-ft. 0.1 lbs. Tiny Piercing Exotic
Halfling Skiprock 3gp 1d3 x2 10-ft. 0.25 lbs. Tiny Bludgeoning Exotic
Whip 1gp 1d2 x2 15-ft. 2 lbs. Small Slashing Exotic
Two-Ball Bolas 5gp 1d4 x2 10-ft. 2 lbs. Small Bludgeoning Exotic
Gnome Calculus 50gp -- -- 50-ft. 2 lbs. Small -- Exotic
Chakram 15gp 1d4 x3 30-ft. 2 lbs. Small Slashing Exotic
Throwing Iron 8gp 1d6 x3 10-ft. 3 lbs. Small Slashing Exotic
Whip-Dagger 25gp 1d6 19-20/x2 15-ft. 3 lbs. Small Slashing Exotic
Repeating Crossbow 250gp 1d8 19-20/x2 80-ft. 16 lbs. Medium Piercing Exotic
Net 20gp -- -- 10-ft. 10 lbs. Medium -- Exotic
Spinning Javalin 2gp 1d8 19-20/x2 50-ft. 2 lbs. Medium Piercing Exotic
Great Crossbow 100gp 1d12 19-20/x2 150-ft. 15 lbs. Large Piercing Exotic
Elven Double Bow 1,000gp 1d8 x3 90-ft. 3 lbs. Large Piercing Exotic
Harpoon 15gp 1d10 x2 30-ft. 10 lbs. Large Piercing Exotic
Orc Shotput 10gp 2d6 19-20/x3 10-ft. 15 lbs. Large Bludgeoning Exotic

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