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The Hart-La-Nen (Aquatic Knights)

The Defender of the Sea is a warrior of the highest standing in the Lendorean society. Upon entering the order, the young men begin vigorous training in the trident, harpoon, khat-tal (a Lendorean missile weapon), and net.

The new knight also becomes the keeper of a chi-len-ma, who he will bond with and take care of for the rest of his life. The chi-len-ma is a very large sea serpent, about twice the size of a shark, and will become the knight's mount. No mainlander has ever figured out how the bond works, for the Hart-Na-Len can call their mounts to them from any shore, but without making any audible sound. There seems to be a form of telepathy between the beasts and their riders.

Form the beginning of their training, the young knights begin to work on a suit of armour made from large round shells of different sea creatures. They form this into a breastplate and shield. Every day, the shells are coated with a special oil and left to dry in the sun. This oil hardens the shells, until after five years of coating, the shells are harder than steel yet still lightweight. When a young knight turns 18, he must perform the "Yuen-Len-Thos" - a difficult obstacle course that is both under and above the sea. If the knight gathers five out of seven rings in the Yuen-Len-Thos, he is allowed to wear the armour he has made, and serve as a Hart-Na-Len.

  • Fighter sub-class (Use Paladin tables for Experience, Hit Points, and Attacks)
  • Breath Control: Hart-Na-Len can hold their breath for 1 minute per level underwater, to a max of 20.
  • Special Armour: AC 2, weighs a quarter of the weight of chain mail, with the Glabb-Na underneath.
  • Upon Mount: Hart-Na-Len are +2 to hit, plus gain + 1/level for damage when they attack under a charge.
  • They can dive deep and charge upwards underwater, A maneuver call a "Suler-Pa".
  • Against anyone or anything that threatens their homeland, Hart-Na-Len are +4 to hit and attack with one extra attack per round than normal.

The Leviathan (Chi-Len-Ma)

HD: 3+3
# Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d10 (bite) or 1d6 (head butt)
AC: 6
Morale: Elite (14)
Movement: Swim 48

Special: When bonded to a Hart-Na-Len, the beast's AC becomes 3 (due totelepathic bond)
Killing a Leviathan for food or sport is a death sentence for anyone. Entire clans will hunt a person for months tracking them down to take them and put them to death by drowning.



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Thanks to Roger (Alacrity) Fitzhugh for this contribution!


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