Trust the DM Price: $17.00
Friends of Loaded Dice
Sword and Sarcasm
Crap Price: $17.00
Credits: Script: Olan Suddeth (t_catt11) Art: Tiana Jackson (lolkat)
Olan's thoughts for this strip:
Another wonderful example of messing with your players' minds. They know that you're going to spring nasty traps on them - they simply don't know when. Often, the suspense is better than the actual trap itself (if you are sitting on the correct side of the DM screen, of course).
Bonus points if you do manage to lull them into a false sense of security, thus making your actual trap all that much worse!
Keywords/tags for this comic: only, wind, trap, fight, cloak, careful, creak, suspense
Listed at and at
Script for this strip:Rich: “So our bad guy hates heat or light?â€
Tim: “Meh, we knew that already, since he made a point to put out the furnace.â€
Brad: “Okay, so we’ll burn him if we see him. Let’s find something to fight!â€
Steve (narrator): “As you open the door to what appears to be a cloak room, a door on the far end of the room creaks to a close.â€
Faustus: “Halt!â€
Aranion: “Who goes there?â€
Ray: “Okay, let’s go after them.â€
Amy: “Careful guys, this looks like a trap!â€
Brad: “Good, it’s been too long since we killed something.â€
Steve (narrator): “Carefully, you open the far door - and the first door promptly creaks shut.â€
Rich: “You mean, it was just the wind?â€
Steve: “Yep. A little vacuum - open one door, the other closes.â€
Brad: “Hehe, some trap!â€
Steve: “See, you guys act like I’m out to get you.â€
Ray: “Great, now we have to be even MORE careful! He’s messing with us so that we won’t expect it when he springs the REAL trap!â€
Steve: (evil grin)
Originally posted on November 5th, 2009