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Loaded Dice: a D&D web comic
Updates twice per week

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#1: Introductions (07/30/2009)
#2: What I Want to Be (08/03/2009)
#3: We are the Knights who Say... (08/06/2009)
#4: Different Strokes (08/10/2009)
#5: The Ladies' Man (08/13/2009)
#6: Character Introductions (08/17/2009)
#7: EVIL! (08/20/2009)
#8: All Aboard the Adventure Railroad! (08/24/2009)
#9: The Gate (08/27/2009)
#10: Things Get Tight (08/31/2009)
#11: Final Rites? (09/03/2009)
#12: Something Stinks... (09/07/2009)
#13: I See a Trend (09/10/2009)
#14: Combat ADD (09/14/2009)
#15: Just Playing my Character (part one) (09/17/2009)
#16: Just Playing my Character (part two) (09/21/2009)
#17: Enter the B.B.G. (09/24/2009)
#18: Chill Out! (09/28/2009)
#19: Here Comes the Cavalry (10/01/2009)
#20: Things Get Worse (10/05/2009)
#21: Friendly Faces (10/08/2009)
#22: Gentle Persuasion (10/12/2009)
#23: With Friends Like These... (10/15/2009)
#24: Not if I Can Help it... (10/19/2009)
#25: Morality and Prisoners (10/22/2009)
#26: Religious Tolerence (10/26/2009)
#27: Happy Halloween 2009 (10/29/2009)
#28: Dear Diary... (11/02/2009)
#29: Only the Wind... (11/05/2009)
#30: Ask a Stupid Question... (11/09/2009)
#31: Funny is in the Eye of the Beholder (11/12/2009)
#32: O Steve, Live Forever (11/16/2009)
#33: He Just Never Quits... (11/19/2009)
#34: Extra #1: "Funny" D&D Jokes, Courtesy of Rich (11/23/2009)
#35: A Dead End... (11/30/2009)
#36: What Took You So Long? (12/03/2009)
#37: Promo Poster: Reservoir Dogs (12/07/2009)
#38: So Much for that Romance... (12/14/2009)
#39: Aw, Don't be so Paranoid! (12/21/2009)
#40: The Wisdom of Han Solo (12/29/2009)
#41: Happy New Year 2010 (12/31/2009)
#42: Rock Solid Humor (01/05/2010)
#43: Of Plans and Bait... (01/08/2010)
#44: The End of Loaded Dice? (04/20/2010)
#45: He Has my Vote! (05/11/2010)
Filler: RPG Myth Breakers #1 - Pilot (05/17/2010)
#46: Told Ya So (05/20/2010)
#47: I Hate When He Does That (05/24/2010)
Filler: And it's a Filler... (05/27/2010)
Filler: RPG Myth Breakers #2 - Chain Mail Bikini (06/01/2010)
Filler: Fan Art - Amy Cosplaying Dalana (06/04/2010)
#48: Is Chivalry Dead? (06/09/2010)
#49: Speak for Yourself! (06/23/2010)
#50: Didn't See That One Coming (07/01/2010)
#51: Wow, How Dramatic! (07/06/2010)
Filler: Life Through the Eyes... (07/09/2010)
Filler: RPG Myth Breakers #3 - Stealth in Armor (07/13/2010)
#52: Props to William Shatner (07/15/2010)
#53: Do I Have to Say It? (08/02/2010)
Filler: My Little Pony... (08/05/2010)
Filler: RPG Myth Breakers #4: The Pen and the Sword (08/10/2010)
#54: Twisted Mind of the DM (08/13/2010)
Filler: Roll for Save... (08/17/2010)
#55: A Burning Desire (08/27/2010)
Filler: The New Adventure (09/02/2010)
#56: Of Bravado and Stupidity... (09/09/2010)
Filler: Deranged Mind (09/13/2010)
Filler: A Quick RPG Survival Guide (09/17/2010)
#57: Mano a Mano (09/20/2010)
Filler: Get the Point? (09/24/2010)
Filler: Loaded Dice go LARPing (09/28/2010)
#58: Here I Come to Save the Day! (10/05/2010)
Filler: Rich: Pungeon Master (10/08/2010)
Filler: RPG Myth Breakers #5 - 2e or not 2e (10/19/2010)
#59: Getting his Just Desserts (10/22/2010)
#60: How Many Times do I Have to Tell You? (10/28/2010)
#61: The Final Battle (Part One) (11/09/2010)
#62: The Final Battle (Part Two) (11/12/2010)
#63: The Final Battle (Part Three) (11/16/2010)
Filler: Fan Art: Steve and Amy (11/19/2010)
#64: The Final Battle (Part Four) (11/23/2010)
#65: The Final Battle (Part Five) (11/30/2010)
#66: Not so Fast... (12/07/2010)
#67: Let's Get Out of Here! (01/07/2011)
Filler: The Guardian - Cover (05/13/2011)
Filler: The Guardian - Part One (05/17/2011)
Filler: The Guardian - Part Two (05/20/2011)
Filler: The Guardian - Part Three (05/24/2011)
Filler: The Guardian - Part Four (05/27/2011)
Filler: The Guardian - Part Five (06/03/2011)
Filler: The Guardian - Part Six (06/14/2011)
Filler: The Guardian - Part Seven (06/17/2011)
Filler: The Guardian - Part Eight (06/21/2011)
#68: Closure for the Adventure (06/28/2011)
#69: It's What Time? (07/01/2011)
#70: Chapter Two Cover (07/05/2011)
#71: That Hollow Feeling (07/08/2011)
#72: Can We Just Get on With it? (07/12/2011)
#73: All Aboard, Redux (07/15/2011)
#74: Enough is Enough (07/19/2011)
#75: RTFM (07/22/2011)
#76: Plans are for Chumps (07/26/2011)
#77: Heroic Looting (07/30/2011)
Filler: She Does this Sometimes (08/10/2011)
Filler: Why *Is* He so Surprised? (08/16/2011)
#78: Can't Please Some People (08/19/2011)
Filler: Fantasyland? (09/30/2011)
Filler: Bored Faustus (10/18/2011)
#79: Comfort Zones (10/21/2011)
Filler: The Games We Don't Play (10/28/2011)
#80: Priorities (11/10/2011)

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