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Script: Olan Suddeth (t_catt11)
Art: Brittany Connolly (Jing)

Olan's thoughts for this strip:
This was a fun strip. Any DM who has put in serious homework to help put together a living, breathing game world knows this frustration - namely, most players really don't care all that much.

A good D&D game is like a collaborative novel... but most of them often have stretches where they are more like plays where no one remembers their lines, the lead actors break character often, and the plot consists of a few nonsensical events connected by cliches and gratuitous violence.

Brittany's thoughts for this strip:
I think...I may have regressed a little. May have. Not sure. Also...Amy has taken off her fishnet gloves. Have you ever worn those for an extended period of time? They get to being uncomfortable! Also, pencils get caught in them. >.

Keywords/tags for this comic: crunaik, campaign, notes, ambush, wagons Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit

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Script for this strip:
Steve (narrator): "The party follows the smoke to discover the site of an ambush. Burned and broken wagons, as well as scattered bodies, tell the tale of the caravan's misfortune. You see movement at one of the farther wagons - these attackers are not human."

Ray: "At our level? Probably a band of orcs."

Brad: "Yep. Or goblins."
Tim: "Nah, too easy. Maybe an ogre or two?"

Rich: "Why would ogres burn the wagons?"

Amy: "What about crunaik?"

Ray: "What about who?"
Amy: "Crunaik. From Steve's game world? Kind of remind me of uruk hai?"
Brad: "How do you even know about them?"

Amy: "They're in the campaign setting notes! Don't you guys ever read anything?"
Ray: "There are campaign setting notes?"
Tim: "Huh. Who would have known?"
Steve: "I emailed copies to every one of you!"

Ray: "Wait, you wanted us to read that?"
Steve: "I..."

Steve: "it..."

Originally posted on July 22nd, 2011

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