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Gem Descriptions

Ornamental Stones Azurite: Opaque, mottled deep blue Banded Agate: Brown, blue, red, and white stripes Blue Quartz: Transparent pale blue Eye Agate: Gray, white, brown, blue, and green circles Hematite: Gray-black Lapis Lazuli: Light or dark blue with yellow flecks Malachite: Striated light and dark green Moss Agate: Pink, yellow-white with gray-green moss-like markings Obsidian: Jet black Rhodochrosite: Light pink Tiger Eye Agate: Rich golden brown with dark striping Turquoise: Aqua with darker mottling Semi-Precious Stones Bloodstone: Dark gray with red flecks Carnelian: Orange to red-brown Chalcedony: White Chrysoprase: Translucent apple to emerald green Citrine: Pale yellow brown Jasper: Blue, black to brown Moonstone: White with pale blue hue Onyx: Black, white, or bands of both Rock Crystal: Clear, transparent Sardonyx: Bands of red and white Smoky Quartz: light gray, yellow, brown or blue Star Rose Quartz: Smoky rose with white star center Zircon: Clear pale aqua Fancy to Precious Amber: Transparent golden (100 gp) Alexandrite: Dark green (100 gp) Amethyst: Purple crystal (100 gp) Aquamarine: pale blue green (500 gp) Chrysoberyl: green or yellow green (100 gp) Coral: Pink to crimson (100 gp) Garnet: Deep red to violet crystal (100-500 gp) Jade: Light to dark green or white (100 gp) Jet: Deep black (100 gp) Pearl: Pure white, rose, to black (100-500 gp) Peridot: Olive green (500 gp) Spinel: Red, red-brown, green, or deep blue (100-500 gp) Topaz: Golden yellow (500 gp) Tourmaline: Pale green, blue, brown, or red (100 gp) Gems and Jewels Black Opal: Dark green with black mottling and golden flecks (1,000 gp) Black Sapphire: Rich black with highlights (5,000 gp) Diamond: Clear blue-white, rich blue, yellow, or pink (5,000 gp) Emerald: Brilliant green (5,000 gp) Fire Opal: Fiery red (1,000 gp) Jacinth: Fiery orange (5,000 gp) Opal: Pale blue with green and gold mottling (1,000 gp) Oriental Amethyst: Deep purple (1,000 gp) Oriental Emerald: Bright green (5,000 gp) Oriental Topaz: Fiery yellow (1,000 gp) Ruby: Clear to deep crimson red (5,000 gp) Sapphire: Clear to medium blue (1,000 gp) Star Ruby: Translucent ruby with white star highlights (5,000 gp) Star Sapphire: Translucent blue with white star highlights (5,000 gp) Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to t_catt11 for this contribution!


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