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You are here: Home --> Adventures of Floyd Hobart
Adventures of Floyd Hobart - a weekly webcomic Updates weekly  

"Quote the Quote"

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Trust the DM
Price: $17.00

Lawful Evil Womens
Price: $16.50

Script: Roger Briant (Alacrity)
Art: Brittany Connolly (Jing)

Roger's thoughts for this strip:
A Floyd Comic at last. Hope you enjoy! A client calls and Floyd must talk the tlak and do the quote.

Brittany's thoughts for this strip:
I'm excited to have this up and running! Floyd is a fun character, and I love drawing him. Plus, that fedora can get quite expressive, eh?

Keywords/tags for this comic: DM, AD&D, professional, dungeons, dragons, Floyd Hobart Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit

Script for this strip:
FH- Hello. Floyd Hobart.
Voice on Line - Yeah, are you the DM? The guy who like DM's for pay.
FH: That's what my card says. How can I help you?
VL : how much do you charge?
FH: Well that depends. (pulls out pad of paper and pencil) How many of you?
VL: Um...4 maybe five.
FH: Evenings or Weekends
VL: Weekends would be cool if you are...
FH: What game and edition?
VL: Pathfinder ...I don't know edition.
FH: That's okay. High or low level
VL: Low I guess
FH: High fantasy or realism?
VL: High fantasy
FH: Death final or resurrection?
VL: I don't know. Resurrection?
FH: Day by day or Re-occurring Villains with evil plots?
VL: That'd be cool - evil plots please.
FH: They can be expensive.
VL: Oh
FH: Your call...
VL: How expensive?
FL: Depends. But if you like I can have you share a villain with another party.
VL: Share a villain?
FH: Yeah, think of it like a timeshare, when you are not fighting him, the other group is.
VL: Ummm...Okay.
FH: Give me an email and I will send you a quote. Good for thirty days, Book early because my summer is filling fast. I take Visa and Mastercard or gold.
VL: Gold?
FH: That's a joke Kid.

Originally posted on November 16th, 2011

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