Trust the DM Price: $17.00
Mens Chaotic Evil Price: $14.00
Credits: Script: Roger Briant (Alacrity) Art: Brittany Connolly (Jing)
Roger's thoughts for this strip:
Floyd #2 for your entertainment. A bit of his history is hinted here. Does his friend look familiar?
Brittany's thoughts for this strip:
Hey look! I know that guy! Poor Floyd though...
Keywords/tags for this comic: AD&D, Floyd, Hobart, mancaves, dungeon, dragons, professional, DM
Script for this strip:FR: Professional DM? How'd you come up with that?
FL: I noticed that a lot of groups are on the internet and game boards looking for a DM. I figure what the heck - I enjoy gaming.
FR: You think you can make money doing this?
FL: When my company was bought out I made a chunk of dough. I'm pretty set.
FR: *Snort* Lucky you.
FL: Yeah, well you are the only friend that still speaks to me so I'm not so lucky.
FR: Yeah, I heard about you and Jenny. Sorry dude.
FH: My fault completely. Anyway. Let's not go down Memory Lane.
FR: So you think people will know what you mean by Professional Dungeon Master?
FH: Sure. It is fairly clear isn't it?
WT: Professional Dungeon Master? Hey do you build like those man caves? Cause like my boyfriend really like wants to do one.
FR: Yeah, it is crystal clear Floyd.
Originally posted on November 23rd, 2011