Trust the DM Price: $17.00
Trust the DM Price: $17.00
Credits: Script: Roger Briant (Alacrity) Art: Brittany Connolly (Jing)
Roger's thoughts for this strip:
Another homage to ...well I am sure you know. I love how Jing turned the mob of nuns into a black mass. Sorta like the beast from Order of the Stick.
Brittany's thoughts for this strip:
Gotta watch out for those nuns, man. They'll get you good, god help them!
Keywords/tags for this comic: Floyd, Hobart, 1e, DMG, Raiders, DM, AD&D, Professional, nuns
Script for this strip:Opening Scene: Dark room, sliver of light from opening door. Floyd in doorway, blacked out by the light
behind him.
NF: Floyd sneaking down corridor with small flashlight in hand. Walls lined with full bookshelves covered
with dust. Flashlight on door at other side of corridor.
NF: Floyd approaching a raised dais On the dais is a book. Floyd is reaching out to grab the
NF: Same room, but pulled back. Wall on other side of room have opened up to reveal a group of nuns
charging out Floyd running away with book in hand.
NN: Get him!
NN: Don't let him get away!
FL: Yeah. John! I got it! Wasn't easy! Where are you?
VL: First and Tenth.
FL: Start the engine John! Start the engine!
Originally posted on February 8th, 2012