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"Always Tip the DM"

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Trust the DM
Price: $17.00

Price: $17.00

Script: Roger Briant (Alacrity)
Art: Brittany Connolly (Jing)

Roger's thoughts for this strip:
Ahhh. Tomb of Horrors or as one party I dm'ed called it - Castle Blunderflush (because if you make a blunder, the party is flushed).

Brittany's thoughts for this strip:
I'm finding that more and more of the people from my life are making their way into the comic as the random players. xD

Keywords/tags for this comic: AD&D, Floyd, Hobart, Professional, DM, tomb, horrors, tip, dungeons, dragons Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit

Script for this strip:
P1: Here you go. Thanks for a great game.
P2: Yeah that was awesome.
FL: Thanks.

P1: Is everything okay?
FL; Yeah. It's just that many groups usually offer a gratuity.
P2: A tip? You're kidding! We are paying you already why should we tip?

FL: No reason. So, next week we do Tomb of Horrors? I love the classics, Don't you?

P1: Here I got $20.
P3: I can add some.
P2: Yeah that was an awesome game. I like your own adventures not some old module.

Originally posted on February 15th, 2012

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