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You are here: Home --> The Archives --> Parody Songs

Hey Dragon

Based on "Hey Baby" by No Doubt

(With apologies to Gwen Stefani, preferably in person�in a hot tub somewhere remote�)

Hey dragon
I'm the monster that lives within the caves,
Like sneaking on my hoard, I'm breathing flames,
Keep to myself,
Try to stay all alone,
With my scaly hide, prefer to stay home,
Serpent, I am,
Wyrm Lord,
God damn,
And every Knight wants to impress all the dames,
With their plate mail and the honour thing.


I'm just chewing on beef cattle,
Watching warriors, they're losing battle,
And the Paladin in the steel says he is my bane,
And today is my doom.


All the men say, Hey dragon, hey dragon hey
Knights say, Knights say,
Hey dragon, hey dragon hey
Hey dragon dragon,
Hey dragon, hey dragon hey
Thieves say, Thieves say,
Hey dragon, hey dragon hey
All the thieves stab the knights in the back.
I'm the one they blame it on,
Eat a cow, the herd is gone,
And if you eat the ones who steal your gem,
Then they will tell all the men, I murdered them.
No matter what I do they still come here,
If they own a sword and too much beer,
And all the dames wanna the brave knights,
And I toast their wienies.




All the thieves stab the knights in the back.


{Dragon Rap]
Here they come, those adventurers, see them run,
Come to my cave and then I'll start killin',
Round here you're not welcome, I don't want you all millin',
There is no time to be waving weapn',
C'mon Dragon, hey hey dragn'.
Come to my cave and then I'll start killin',
Round here you're not welcome, I don't want you all millin',
There is no time to be waving weapn',
C'mon Dragon, hey hey dragn'.
When you draw them swords you know that you are dyin',
Got me built in scale armour and I ain't lyin',
And if you don't leave soon, your ass will be fryin',
Too slow oh maybe, hey dragn'.


I'm just chewing on beef cattle,
Watching warriors, they're losing battle,
And the Paladin in the steel says he is my bane,
And today is my doom. (yea right!) Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Roger (Alacrity) Briant for this contribution!


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