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You are here: Home --> The Archives --> Parody Songs

We Will Still Be Gaming

Based loosely on The Verve Pipes - Freshmen

When we were young, we began the game,
With rolling dice and characters sheets,
At Joe's or Rod's house we would meet,
All through the night, we would play,
Some mornings we'd still be there,
And in the end, Good would always win,
Our lives were never quite the same. .


Why do you play that stuff?
It is such a silly thing.
Why do you play that stuff?
What good will it bring?
Deep within my soul,
I could not understand,
What made people hate a game?
Books never read were to blame,
It holds our hopes, within our dreaming,
Look us up in fifteen years, we will still be gaming.


My best friend Rod, rolled up Gallirian,
A Knight, Dutybound and Honourstruck,
The valiant bearer of the Sword of Luck,
Even now when I think of honour and respect,
Gallirian is the example that I follow,
It's Rod's knightly code that I bear within.


Why are you inside?
It's such a waste of time.
Why are you inside?
Game is the killing kind,
Deep within my soul,
I can not comprehend,
What could make them so mad?
They could not see what we had,
I forged my Self, within our playing,
Look us up in twenty years, we will still be gaming.


My wife Cathy became Vanadia the spy,
Though at the time she was not my wife,
How could I know she'd become my life,
Vanadia is a noble soul in the darkest night,
Black clothes, angel wings hold me up,
It's because of her that my heart can fly.


Aren't you getting a little old?
Playing games like that one,
Aren't you getting a little old?
The time for gaming is now done,


Deep within my soul,
I can not hold it all within,
Who were they to judge our fun?
They are missing what we've begun,
I learned of life, and dreams remaining,
Look us up in thirty years, we will still be gaming.


Rune was Andreas, gave him up to Joe,
Girl loving, half elven very chaotic mage,
Joe added new life and song to the page,
Rune is the laughing archmage with no regard,
No protective spells, and a mischievous grin,
The party never can predict him though.


What is this game you play?
With all your dice and men,
What is this game you play?
Using graph paper and pen,
Deep within my soul,
This game always will remain,
Would you like to learn it too?
I would love to teach to you,
With memories, and ideas creation,
Look us up in forty years, we will still be gaming.


When we were young, we began the game,
With rolling dice and characters sheets,
We cherish each moment we can meet,
You can not stop what you don't believe,
Nor stop a game that you never play,
And in the end, Good will always win,
And for that I gladly take the blame. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Roger (Alacrity) Briant for this contribution!


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