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You are here: Home --> The Archives --> Parody Songs

Dungeon Romp

Based on Ballroom Blitz by Sweet.

Are you ready, Rune?
Alright, fighters, let's go!


Oh we've been getting so bored, Living at the Inn this long winter, aha
Oh the mage is getting so drunk, The barmaid does not excite the fighter,
Enters a man all in black, With a dagger in back, says "in you our hopes are upon",
And the knight in the corner pulls sword on his shoulder, I think I feel a quest coming on!
Oh yeah, it was so exciting, the mage threw lightning,
And the monsters were breeding, and they all wanted feeding,


Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
And our leader reacts, said Everyone attack!
And it turned into a dungeon romp,
And the girl in the leather said,Backstab you later,
And it'll turn into a dungeon romp,
Dungeon romp, dungeon romp, dungeon romp, Dungeon romp.


We are riding on our horses, Heading for the Bad dudes evil lair,
We slowly approach the entrance, That's when we're attacked by fifteen bugbears,
Uh oh! Now the mage feeling well, Has ready a Spell, as monsters he prepares to fry,
And the girl in the leather moves oh so much faster, Kills the leader with a knife in the eye.
Oh Yeah, then came the goblins, the fighters start clobberin',
And the cleric started healing, cause we all started bleeding,




Oh yeah, it was so exciting, the mage threw lightning,
And the giants were coming, so we all started running,




It's it's a dungeon romp, it's it's a dungeon romp It's it's a dungeon romp, yeah, it's a dungeon romp Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Roger (Alacrity) Briant for this contribution!


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