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It�s the End of The Game (Hand Me Dice)

It�s the End of The Game (Hand Me Dice)
Based on REM's "It�s the End of The World (I Feel Fine)"

That’s great, it starts with a big snake, stirge and
drakes, a vampire but our Paladin is not afraid.
Eye of a beholder, looking over your shoulder – priest
throws his prayer beads, the thief serves his own needs, Speed it up a notch, orcs, no, giants, the party
starts to clammer in fear, except the knight. Mired
in a pyre, succubus sucking life, but we’re mercenaries
for hire on a gaming site. Hand of death is coming in
a hurry with the harpies serving up our souls.  One
by one characters mangled, crushed, julienne fried.
Look at the role playing, Roll, then Uh oh,
Giant trolls, ghoulish nation, we’re the food, so you have to Save yourself, kill the elf. Priest throwing more beads,
attacked by killer bee zombies with the vorpal and
the poison, and the blight, Blight! We’re decimated,
marinated, wham, fright, no light, feel it’s time for
It’s the end of the game and we know it. 
It’s the end of the game and we know it. 
It’s the end of the game and we know it, hand me dice.
Second level, Death Slaadi! Don’t get caught by Ogre
Magi. Hack and Slash, we’re trash, watching the monsters
mash. Throw it now, devils swarming, xorns churning, blood
spilling. Every monster accelerate, not to mention regenerate.
Cast a prayer, cast a shield, get down, get down.
Watch your head crush, crushed, uh-oh, no more no
 fear cavalier. Stone golems are near, a yagnoloth,
a nycaloth, a mezzoloth oh my! Quaff me a potion,
divine me intervention and Bob just died.
It’s the end of the game and we know it. 
It’s the end of the game and we know it. 
It’s the end of the game and we know it, hand me dice.
The other room is full of knives, the thief’s body
subdivides. Something’s tail wagging, Chromatic
Dragon! Angry Jublex, Asmodeus, and Donald
Trump, slaughter party, cremate, in one room. We’re
decimated, marinated squash bugs now. Right? Right.
It’s the end of the game and we know it. 
It’s the end of the game and we know it. 
It’s the end of the game and we know it, hand me dice…
Hand me dice….
Oh I think a new character I’ll roll. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Roger Briant for this contribution!


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