Those Who Cast - Magical Adventurers of Audalis: Red Dragon Inn - Those Who Cast - Magical Adventurers of Audalis
Leema Krags - Treacherous Krags of the Artarian Reach: Red Dragon Inn - Leema Krags - Treacherous Krags of the Artarian Reach
Those Who Pray - Faithful Acolytes of Audalis Powers: Red Dragon Inn - Those Who Pray - Faithful Acolytes of Audalis Powers
Ceredon: Red Dragon Inn - Heroes and Villians - Ceredon
Halfling and Companion - A Female Cidal: Red Dragon Inn - Halfling and Companion - A Female Cidal
Female Slaa'kar - Lizard woman: Red Dragon Inn - Female Slaa'kar - Lizard woman
Slaa'kar Warrior - Lizard man: Red Dragon Inn - Slaa'kar Warrior - Lizard man
Gilskalo Warrior - Isle of Tiborn: Red Dragon Inn - Gilskalo Warrior - Isle of Tiborn
Cardista - Goddess of the Sea: Cardista, goddess of the sea - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
Telamor - God of Artistry: Telamor, god of artistry and creativity - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
Vilathera - Goddess of the Hunt: Vilathera, goddess of the hunt - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
Yanamari: Red Dragon Inn - Yanamari - Imperial Cartographer, bard, and artist
Amcardome: Red Dragon Inn - Artwork - Amcardome
Jusarin - God of Knowledge: Jusarin, god of knowledge and magic -- the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
Tyrannis - Goddess of Evil and Trechery: Tyrannis, goddess of evil and treachery, for the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
Kith-Jora - God of Nature: Kith-jora, god of nature and of the Sylvari, for the Audalis campaign setting
Shinara - Goddess Of Luck: Shinara, goddess of luck in the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
Lysora - Goddess of Healing: Lysroa, goddess of healing in the Audalis campaign setting for D&D