1. Name?
2. Nickname?
Mira, Matilda, Mir-Mir, Randy
3. Do you like your nicknames?
All but the Randy (brother gave me that one)
4. Do you have something you wish people would call you but never catches on?
5. If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
Beautiful, that way anyone who talks to me would compliment me.
6. Were you named after anyone?
7. Who named you?
My Mother
8. Age?
9. Do you wish you were older/younger?
Nope, age is just our loan on life, therefore it is insignificant.
10. If you could be one age forever what would you choose?
I guess I would 24
11. When is your birthday?
March 3rd.
12. Was anyone else you know born on that day?
Nope, nobody I have met.
13. Did any important historical event (besides your birth) happen on that day?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_3 (too many to choose from)
14. Gender?
15. Have you ever wondered what it is like to be the other gender?
Nope I already have a pretty good idea of what it would be like to be a guy...not going to expand on that...
16. If you could switch would you?
Hell no!
17. What color eyes do you have?
Blue, sometimes green, depends on my mood and what I'm wearing.
18. Do you wear glasses/contacts?
I'm supposed to wear glasses but I usually don't because they give me a headache.
19. Do your eyes ever change colors?
20. Are they the same as anyone in your family?
We all have blue eyes in my family.
21. Who in your family to you look most like?
My mom for sure.
22. What color is your hair?
Naturally dirty blonde, currently, reddish brown
23. How long is it?
Just past shoulder length
24. When was the last time you got your hair cut?
A couple months ago.
25. Have you ever dyed it?
Yep for many years
26. If you have what color most recently, if not what color would you like?
Reddish brown (I think)
27. If you could instantly have any length of hair how long?
Shoulder length is comfortable for the summer.
28. Is your hair thick or fine?
29. Have you ever shaved your head?
Nope but I shaved my dads head for him.
30. Have you ever worn a wig?
31. Do you spend much time in front of the mirror every day?
Long enough to see if my I'm dressed and hair is in place.
32. Do you try to stay in touch with the latest trends?
I'm usually setting the trends.
33. How would you define your personal style?
Unique and outgoing
34. Are you right or left handed?
Depends on what I'm doing. Writing is right handed, hockey, and most sports are left handed. Opening jars is left handed. *shrugs*
35. Can you write legibly with your other hand?
Dunno it's been years since I have attempted it. If I can it wouldn't be as fast as with my right hand.
36. Can you write backwards?
Yes, and upside down.
37. How many languages do you speak?
two fluently, and learning a third.
38. If you could learn any language what one would you choose?
39. Which language do you think is the hardest to learn?
Spanish, a lot of rules and exceptions.
40. Do you like to travel?
Yes I love to travel
41. Do you prefer travel by plane or car?
42. What's the furthest you've traveled?
43. What's your favorite place you've been?
I would have to say Milano, Italy. Beautiful things to see there.
44. If you could go on a free vacation where would you go?
45. Where do you live?
In an igloo. Also known as Canada.
46. Do you like it there?
Yeah, it's nice, but prefer to live out west or out east where I can see the ocean.
47. If you could live anywhere, where would you move to?
Near the ocean.
48. Have you ever moved?
Yes too many times.
49. What's the shortest time you've lived in one place?
Two weeks.
50. What's the longest time you've lived in one place?
Not sure, it's between two houses I've lived at.
51. Where do you consider “home?”
Anywhere that my man is.
52. What is your favorite type of music?
Rock, easy listening stuff.
53. Can you play any instruments?
Does the radio count? I used to be able to play the drums, was learning it anyway, but got rid of the drumset when I moved out of my dads place.
54. If you could learn any instrument which one would you choose?
55. If you were in a rock band what would it be called?
56. Is there any kind of music you just can't stand?
The kind that makes no sense! Either no words, or words you cannot understand.
57. What's your favorite song?
I won't Give Up - Jason Mraz
58. Are there any song lyrics you really identify with?
Yes lots of them.
59. Have you ever written a song?
60. Have you ever written a love letter?
61. Have you ever received a love letter?
Cannot say I have received a hand written love letter from anyone, but have received love emails.
62. What's the most romantic thing you've ever done?
I'll get back to you on that one, will have to sort through them all and figure out which one is the most romantic.
63. What's something that most people think is romantic that you don't?
I'm a hopeless romantic lol
64. What's something silly that you think is romantic?
Not able to say it on this website
65. What's the longest relationship you've ever had?
Just over a year and a half.
66. The shortest?
A month
67. Are you married?
Will be soon

(as in this month)
68. If you could have attended any historical event which one would you choose?
The Titanic.
69. What's your favorite period in history?
Don't have one, I don't like living in the past.
70. How do you think you would be different if raised in that period?
I would assume I'd have been married 5 years ago, and be a stay at home mom while the husband worked.
71. What current technology do you think would have been most helpful to people of that period?
72. What current technology could you not live without?
Computers (with internet)
73. What invention do you think had the most impact on society when it was introduced?
The Car
74. Who is your favorite historical figure?
*shrugs* Don't spend much time in the past...Terry Fox is an inspiration to me though
75. If you could go back and say something to that person, what would you say?
Thank you for following your dreams.
76. Do you think you would have gotten along with them?
77. If you could have a machine that produced one item at the touch of a button what would it be?
The item I would have it produce would be an item available from the pita pit. Chicken ceasar wrap with bacon, romaine lettuce, cucumber, pickles, chipotle and ranch dressing and swiss cheese.
78. What type of food is your favorite?
Starches and fruits
79. What specific dish?
Scalloped potatoes
80. Can you eat with chopsticks?
Never tried, but doubt I could.
81. What is your favorite kind of movie?
Action, romance, comedy
82. Do you watch foreign films?
No, hate having to read the movie.
83. Is there a type of movie you just can't stand?
Horror, they are all the same.
84. What is your favorite movie?
I can't decide, I love disney movies, fantasy movies, romance movies, I don't have a fave all time movie.
85. Who is your favorite actor?
*shrugs* Don't honestly have one.
86. Favorite actress?
Same as above.
87. Favorite director?
*shrugs* Never know who directs what films lol.
88. Do you own the soundtrack to any movies?
89. Do you like theatre?
Not usually, prefer laying in bed to watch my movies.
90. Have you ever tried acting?
91. If you had to be in a play, what play and what part would you like?
Shakespeare, and no idea what part I'd want to play. Perhaps Porcha from the merchant of venice.
92. Do you enjoy reading?
93. Do you have a favorite book?
Don't have a fave book, I love mostly fantasy books. The Wheel of Time, Drizzt series, to kill a mockingbird, Harry Potter, twilight, I love books that can keep your interest.
94. How about a favorite author?
Not really.
95. Favorite genre?
Fantasy, science fiction, things that aren't parallel to the real world.
96. What book has had the most impact on you?
To Kill A Mockingbird, or Diary of Anne Frank
97. Is there a book you hate?
Lord of The Rings, too much pointless information in the books
98. What was the last book you read?
The Black Prism (Amazing book impatiently waiting for the second one to come out end of september or something like that)
99. Do you go to the library or buy books you want to read?
Buy the books.
100. Have you ever lost or stolen a book from a library?
Nope I take great care of books
101. Who is your favorite children's author?
Dr Seuss
102. Are you good at spelling?
for the most part (unless I mix it up with the french version of the word)
103. Are there words that just never look spelled right to you?
*shrugs* Not off the top of my head.
104. What was/is your favorite school subject?
105. Your least favorite?
106. Who was your favorite teacher?
Mrs Zucatto
107. Did you do well in their class?
Passed with flying colours in all of the classes with her, without having to write final exam.
108. What ethnicity are you?
109. Do you know much about your family history?
Not really, dads side is french, and moms side is dutch.
110. Are you related to anyone famous?
Not that I'm aware.
111. What hobbies do you do?
Reading, writing, horseback riding, kayaking, random outdoor stuff usually.
112. Which hobby is your favorite?
Horseback riding!
113. How long have you been it?
On and off for a few years (gets expensive)
114. What got you started doing it?
My love for horses.
115. What did you want to be when you grew up?
Too many things!
116. What job do you have now?
Bilingual customer service representative.
117. How did you end up doing that?
Applied for the job and got hired. It's a temporary job until I go back to school for computer programming.
118. What would your dream job be?
Anything to do with computers, animals, or children.
119. Do you have any silly/weird skills?
*shrugs* Ask my friends/family and such, I don't know.
120. How would your friends describe you?
Ask them not me

I would think they would describe me as beautiful, hyper, weird, unique, stubborn, wreckless and much more.
121. Would you agree with that?
Yeah absolutely!
122. Do you stay in touch with childhood friends?
Yes, my best friend and I have been friends since we were toddlers.
123. If there was a moment in your life that made you realize that you're an adult, what moment would that be?
Having to work full time and pay rent (despite living at home)
124. Do you have a good memory?
Me...mo...ry? What's that?
125. What is your favorite childhood memory?
Don't really have any memories of childhood.
126. If you could make a movie of all your memories, do you think others would want to watch it?
It wouldn't be very long if its based solely on my memories.
127. Do you like to tell jokes?
*shrugs* Sometimes, but generally not.
128. What is your favorite clean joke?
One day, a mailman was greeted by a boy and his dog. The mailman said to the boy, "Does your dog bite?"
"No," replied the boy.
Just then, the dog bit the mailman.
"Hey, "he yelled. "I thought your dog doesn't bite!"
"He doesn't," replied the boy, "but that's not my dog."
129. What is your favorite candy?
130. Do you have any candy right now?
Does chocolate count as candy? If so I have Godiva Chocolatier.
131. Favorite ice cream flavor?
Depends on my mood, Reese's, Rocky Road and a few others
132. What makes up the perfect ice cream sundae?
Not sure, have yet to have the perfect ice cream sundae!
133. Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue?
134. Any flavor of ice cream you think is gross?
Yes lots of them!
135. Do you eat your ice cream out of a cup or a bowl?
Bowl if I'm at home, or in a cone if I'm buying it from an ice cream place.
136. If you were making the best dinner in the world how many courses would it have and what dishes?
One course, and have everything available at that course. I do horribly with multi-course dishes. I keep eating until food is gone lol. No idea what kind of dishes it would be, depends on who is coming for dinner!
137. What is your favorite beverage?
138. Do you like ice in your drinks?
139. Do you like to eat ice?
140. Do you like snow cones?
Not really.
141. Do you like to play in the snow?
142. Have you ever made a snowman?
143. How about a snow angel?
144. Do you have a lucky number?
Several of them.
145. Have you ever bought a lottery ticket?
Yes, several times.
146. Have you ever been to a casino?
Once and I'd never go again.
147. Have you ever won any money gambling?
148. What is your favorite animal?
149. Do you have any pets?
Two cats that live with me, and dog that lives with my dad.
150. If you could have any animal as a pet what would you pick?
151. Do you wish you could have an imaginary/mythical creature as a pet?
152. Have you ever been to the zoo?
Yes a few times. Going again this year.
153. Have you ever been to a farm?
I grew up on a farm.
154. Have you ever been to an amusement park?
Not a real amusement park.
155. Are you scared of heights?
Not scared of heights, but scared of climbing up a ladder (because they aren't sturdy)
156. Are you scared of the dark?
157. Do scary movies frighten you?
Nope they make me laugh.
158. If you had to name your biggest pet peeve what would it be?
*shrugs* I'll tell you if you do it!
159. Do you ever catch yourself doing your pet peeve?
Not that I'm aware.
160. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law?
Once, it was quite fun!
161. You're going to jail. What crime did you most likely commit?
Ummm, probably one I'm not even aware exists!
162. Are there any fictional criminals you like? If so, who?
Can't think of any off the top of my head.
163. If you could be any fictional character who would you be?
Dunno, too hard to decide.
164. If you could meet any fictional character who would you meet?
Any disney character.
165. If you could have invented any item what item would you pick?
No idea!
166. Do you ever have ideas and a couple months later you see them advertised?
167. Do you believe in psychic powers?
168. Have you ever had a psychic reading?
169. If you could have any super power what would you choose?
Teleport/time travel thingy. That lets you instantly arrive anywhere you have been before. Would save me time and money!
170. What would be your super hero name?
The Shadow Cat
171. Would you have a side kick?
A dog
172. Would you be part of a super team?
173. What would your arch nemesis be called?
The Alien Stalker
174. Super heroes have to have a weakness, what's yours?
175. Did you pick something rare so you would be less likely to be defeated?
Depends where in the world you are sitting I guess!
176. Would you wear a cape?
Nope. Cape's are the death of most superheroes...they get caught in things.
177. Who is your role model?
A person with a name!
178. Have you ever had to give a speech in public?
Yep it was scary, but I faced my fears
179. Do you get stage fright?
Yes and no, had major butterflies and hands were sweaty, but pulled it off quite well.
180. Do you have any tattoos?
181. If you have them, how many? If not, do you want one?
Yes, already have it picked out, just can't get it yet!
182. Do you have any piercings?
183. Have you ever broken a bone?
184. Had surgery?
185. Do you consider yourself attractive?
Damn straight!
186. Would you get cosmetic surgery to change anything about yourself?
187. What is the weather like right now?
I assume it's pleasant out right now
188. Do you like it?
189. What is your favorite kind of weather?
Depends on the time of year, I like all weather.
190. Do you spend a lot of time outside?
Not as much as I would like.
191. Do you play any sports?
192. Do you watch any sports?
193. What do you like/don't like most about sports?
They are played for money not for the fun of the game.
194. Do you believe that every child on a team, no matter their skill level and dedication should receive a prize, win or lose?
Absolutely, its about having fun, not winning or losing.
195. What would you call the most annoying trait a person can have?
Needing to be the center of attention!
196. The most endearing?
Kind hearted (donates to charity etc)
197. Do you have any allergies?
Yes, but no clue what they are. I remember twice in my life having an allergy attack. Had an epipen when I was younger, but no clue what it was from and the most recent time I had been eating a Hungry Man (no I don't know which kind it was).
198. Do you consider yourself an emotional person?
199. When was the last time you cried?
Within the last week.
200. When was the last time you laughed?
201. Do you spend much time talking on the phone (not work related?)
Not very much!
202. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Not sure, might have been customer service somewhere, might have been my mom.
203. Do you text a lot?
Nope, usually use my phone to check my emails or the time.
204. Do you believe texting and driving is dangerous?
Absolutely! I yell at my mom when she tries to do it!
205. What day of the week is it right now?
Wednesday? I think lol
206. What is the date?
25th of April
207. Do you have a favorite date that is not your birthday or a holiday?
Yessum, my hubby's birthday!
208. What's your favorite holiday?
209. What's your least favorite holiday?
Any holiday that doesn't give me a paid day off work, or a delicious family dinner.
210. What would be the ideal birthday present for you?
Quality time at a bookstore with the hubby.
211. Are your tastes fancier or more simple?
Depends if we are talking wedding dresses or every day clothing.
212. Do you prefer the icing or the cake itself?
Depends on the cake!
213. Do you like ice cream with cake?
Depends on the cake!
214. What is your favorite fruit?
215. What is your favorite fruit juice?
216. What is your favorite type of pie?
Apple Crisp (if that counts) if not I'll have to go with pumpkin I guess.
217. Do you eat whipped cream on pie?
Depends on the pie, and if pie is hot or cold.
218. Do you prefer giving presents or getting them?
Giving, makes me feel wonderful.
219. Hand made or store bought?
Usually Store bought, I'm not very talented when it comes to hand made items.
220. Do you like jelly beans?
Jelly Bellies are better than jelly beans.
221. Do you own much jewelry?
Yes quite a bit.
222. Do you prefer silver or gold?
White Gold.
223. What is the most expensive piece of jewelry you have ever bought/own?
I assume it is my grandmother's ring, has 16 diamonds in it. The most expensive jewelry I bought was $300 ring, and necklace combination.
224. What is the most expensive non-jewelry article of clothing?
Maternity clothes.
225. What does your favorite pair of shoes look like?
Don't have a fave pair of shoes, prefer staying barefoot.
226. Pillow should be soft or firm?
A happy medium?
227. What about your bed?
Soft! I want the bed to embrace me.
228. Do you sleep with a lot of blankets or wear warmer pajamas?
229. How many pillows are optimal?
Three pillows.
230. Are you laid back or easily flustered?
Depends on the situation, at work, easily flustered, outside of work, usually pretty laid back.
231. What is the fastest way to upset you?
Lying to me, cheating on me, or talking behind my back.
232. Do you calm down quickly or take a while to cool off?
Depends what upset me, where I am, what I'm doing etc. Generally I'll just listen to music, or watch some t.v or even read a book to relax.
233. Do you offend others often?
I can break somebody's heart and them still bend over backwards for me...so I'll say no.
234. A little white lie is no big deal or the path to telling bigger lies?
if the lie is to hide a surprise it's fine, but if its a lie about something important, they should have their mouth sewn shut.
235. Do you get embarrassed easily?
Again, depends on who I'm with, and what is being done.
236. Have you ever been to a karoke?
237. Are you quick to judge people on appearances or get to know them first?
I think we are all guilty of doing both. We will make a judgement on somebody or something, and then alter that judgement.
238. If you could play any board game with a group of historical figures from any time periods, what game and who?
Monopoly for sure, and don't think it matters as to who I play the game with!
239. Loner or social butterfly?
240. Do you use any social networking sites?
241. Do you play online games?
242. Do you play offline video games?
243. What time do you usually wake up?
Sunrise (my cat makes sure of that)
244. Do you have a morning routine?
Yeah, wake up, check emails, facebook etc, get out of bed, put on robe, use bathroom, turn on kettle, find breakfast, make breakfast, get dressed for my day, eat breakfast, put on coat, and shoes and out the door.
245. Showers or baths?
Showers, unless supervised then baths. I will fall asleep if left alone in a bath without somebody to talk to.
246. Do you wash your hair or your body first?
247. When drying off do you start from the head and go down or start at your feet and work up?
I start with my hair so it doesn't drip down my body.
248. Do you keep an umbrella in your car/locker/office in case of unexpected rain?
I don't even own that item. I enjoy walking through the rain.
249. When was the last time you just sat and watched the clouds or stars?
Not since living in the big city

I miss it a lot though.
250. Does looking at things like the stars or the ocean make you feel tiny or really important?
It makes me feel important.
251. Do you wish on shooting stars?
When I see them yes.
252. Do you believe you have to keep a wish secret for it to come true?
Nope not at all.
253. What's a wish you've made that has come true?
Own horses, find my "prince charming" marry him and start a family before age 25.
254. Have you ever been in a wedding(besides your own if you're married?)
No I have never stood up in a wedding.
255. Do you have an item you consider to be your personal good luck charm?
Nope, I consider myself lucky regardless.
256. Have you ever lost/tossed it only to have really bad luck?
257. What's your most irrational fear?
Airports. Not flying, but sitting in an airport.
258. How do you believe the world as we know it is going to end?
It will die out from mass pollution.
259. Have you ever been in love with someone who you were friends with? If yes, did you tell them?
Yes, and I flirted and chatted until they went on the edge to ask me out
260. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done for a friend?
I've done a lot of things people consider embarrassing for friends. When I was shy my cousin asked me to ask a stranger to dance with her. Turns out I ended up dating him for a year and a half and it was worst relationship ever.
261. What's the sweetest thing a friend has ever done for you?
Treated me out to dinner and flowers because I was having a bad day.
262. Who was the last person you hugged?
Family members at the last family event (Easter)
263. Kissed?
My fiance <3
264. Do you say hello to people you don't know just to be polite?
265. Do you wave at people you know when driving by them?
I don't drive, but I do randomly wave and say Hi! if somebody honks at me!
266. Do questions that only give you two choices bother you?
Not at all! Make life easier.
267. Chicken or Beef?
268. Coke or Pepsi?
269. Run or bike?
Bike I guess...(though I like neither of them)
270. Pancakes or waffles?
Pancakes (with chocolate chips)
271. Chocolate or vanilla?
272. Meat or veggies?
273. See it in the cinema or wait for the DVD?
274. Be hot or be cold?
275. Pen or pencil?
276. Do you have anything you're craving right now?
277. When you're craving something will nothing else satisfy you until you get it?
278. What do you find yourself craving the most?
279. Have you ever lied about your age?
Not that I can remember
280. Have you ever tried fad diets?
Hell No
281. Do you exercise regularly?
282. Do you usually remember your dreams?
Most times yes. In fact I still remember a dream from about 10 years ago.
283. Do you like to cook?
Only for a group of people, dislike cooking for one or two people.
284. Do you think your cooking is tasty?
Damn straight!
285. What is your favorite dish to cook?
Roast with mashed potatoes, gravy, and some form of veggies.
286. Is there any dish you wish you could cook but never seems to come out right?
Not that I can think of right now.
287. Do you ever go over your cell phone minutes?
No, I don't use my cell phone really.
288. Are you talkative?
Yes, for the most part.
289. Do you notice yourself being a chatterbox around certain people and silent around others?
Yep, if I have common interests with somebody I am hard to shut up, if I have nothing in common with somebody I generally avoid them or give short answers if I have to talk to them.
290. If you won a million dollars what would the first thing you would buy?
Probably buy a house for the fiance and myself to start our family in.
291. How much of it would you be willing to donate?
Everything left after buying the house. (I assume at least 1/4 of it if not more)
292. Do you think a lot of family you haven't talked to in a while would visit you?
Nope I don't think about that, because most family forget I am only a short drive away.
293. If you could spend a day however you wanted, money is no object, what would you do?
I would spend the day horseback riding (without a guide) in alberta.
294. Are you an easily excited person?
295. Is there something you're anxious about right now?
296. What event are you most looking forward to?
Getting married and having our child.
297. Is there an event coming up you'd rather avoid?
Nope cannot say there is.
298. What's the top three things you're grateful for?
My family, my friends, and my Fiance <3
299. What is the main goal in your life?
I don't have a MAIN goal, I have many goals.
300. What steps are you taking to reach that goal? If you don't have one, what are some smaller goals you're working on?
I would like to be given the chance to work with Cesar Milan (the dog whisperer) and become a computer programmer. I'm getting my life in order to be able to afford both.
301. Describe yourself from ten years ago in ten words or less.
Shy teen/ Cinderella
302. How different are you now?
Very different, I am more outgoing than I was back then.
303. Do you like yourself better now or then?
304. What changes do you think you'll see in the next ten years?
I will have gotten a degree for my career and be raising my family.
305. Do you believe that it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all?
306. What color shirt are you wearing?
307. What color is your favorite shirt?
308. What's something you do every day?
Check facebook, talk to my hubby, cuddle with my two cats.
309. What website do you visit the most during the day?
Facebook, hotmail and Castlot.
310. How many emails do you get on an average day?
12 or more (mostly coupon things like groupon)
311. Do you have trouble keeping plants alive?
Dunno never tried.
312. What is your favorite flower?
313. Have any big plans for tomorrow?
Yes I have a date with the hubby for us to study together.
314. What do you plan on having for dinner tomorrow?
I don't even know what I'm having for dinner tonight. Something with chicken tonight, will decide later tonight what I'm having tomorrow.
315. Any TV shows you want to watch coming on?
Yeah, all reruns though
316. Would your rather: Live your favorite video game or favorite movie?
Movie for sure
317. Every stop light you see be red or have to drive 45 for the rest of your life?
Every stop light being red (because I don't see many red lights)
318. Be three feet tall or nine feet tall?
Nine feet tall. Nobody could give you wet willies or whatever.
319. Prefer day or night?
320. What is your favorite tabletop game?
I don't have experience with this unfortunately
321. How many different tabletop games have you tried?
one? When I went to visit the hubby.
322. What is your favorite edition of D&D?
3.5 though I have more experience playing 2e through Trilogy Wars.
323. What is your favorite D&D race to play?
Elf, half-elf or drow
324. What about class?
Still testing out the waters, I generally pick what the group needs most of all from what's left.
325. What do you consider the “bare essentials” for starting gear?
depends on the setting, depends on the character, the class lots of things. I guess perhaps their weapon, and bedroll? I don't know would have to see the intro to the game to tell you what I'd think bare essentials are.
326. Have you ever GMed a game?
Yeah attempted it, but didn't get far from lack of knowledge.
327. What's the most devious thing you/your GM has ever done in game?
Where should the list begin? lol Too many to name.
328. What is your favorite kind of monster?
The kind you can sneak up on and kill without having to rest right after lol
329. What kind of tabletop game would you like to see made?
*Shrugs* I think they already have a tabletop version of the game I want (The Wheel of Time)
330. Have you ever homebrewed a world?
Nope can't say I have.
331. How about a whole game? (This can mean a rule set or everything in a campaign)
332. What was the name of your first character?
Umm, first character...not sure, might have been Sorceress Selina, but that was way back in yahoo chat, and we didn't have any rules for dnd really.
333. What was the latest character you've made?
334. What was your favorite character like?
335. Do you reuse characters from one game to the next, despite them not having anything to do with each other?
Nope, I create new characters for each game.
336. Do you have any pop culture obsessions?
Not that I'm aware.
337. What's the most inspirational quote you can think of?
Life is like the dice that, falling, still show a different face. So life, though it remains the same, is always presenting different aspects.
338. What's the funniest?
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
339. What is your favorite color?
340. What's the weirdest color name you can think of?
341. If you could have a color renamed after you what color would it be?
342. Did you/would you color inside the lines in a coloring book?
343. Do you still color in coloring books?
344. How many times a day do you not “act your age?”
Every hour of the day
345. Do you think you're immature?
Absolutely, you are forced to grow old, but you can stay immature forever!
346. Would other people agree with you?
347. What is your definition of maturity?
The amount of responsibility and wisdom found within a person.
348. What is your definition of normal?
349. What do you think is the most important lesson a parent can impart on their child?
Be yourself.
350. What is your astrological sign?
351. Do you know your Chinese Zodiac animal?
The Dragon
352. Do you believe in astrology?
353. Do you read your horoscope? (Hey you don't have to believe in it to read it)
If I happen to have the paper I'll read it.
354. How do you keep up with the news?
Facebook - anything important or not will appear there faster than on the news itself.
355. Are you active in your local community?
Unofficially yes. I spend time every weekend at the shelter even if I'm not considered a real volunteer there I go spend time with the animals.
356. Do you volunteer your time anywhere?
Not officially
357. What is your favorite brand of shampoo?
Pantene Pro-V?
358. Bar soap or body wash?
Body Wash
359. What's your favorite brand of toothpaste?
360. Do you floss?
361. Do you chew gum?
362. When was the last time you went to the doctor?
Which doctor? I have another appointment in a week from today, last appointment was with OB and that was last week, and then my family doctor two weeks before then.
363. Do you get sick frequently?
364. Would you rather have a steak and potato or soup and a salad?
Soup and Salad
365. Are you fond of children?
366. Do you think you would make a good role model?
367. Who do you know that would be the best role model?
*shrugs* Not sure, don't let my life revolve around the rest of the world.
368. Do you have a favorite artist?
Not really
369. What art style do you like best?
No clue
370. What art style do you just not “get?”
Most of it I'm sure.
371. If the world ended tomorrow what would be the one thing you would regret not being able to do?
Be married and not be able to give birth before the world ended.
372. How long do you think you would survive out in the wilderness?
Depends if I was given means of catching animals for food, but my guess, not long.
373. Were you a girl/boy scout?
374. Do you know how to check the oil in a car?
375. How about change it?
376. Change a tire?
377. Can you drive a manual “stick shift” transmission vehicle?
For the most part yes, but slow getting out of first gear.
378. Have you ever been inside an 18 wheeler semi-truck?
379. Have you ever bathed outside?
BATHED no, swam nude, yes.
380. How much would someone have to pay you to walk down your street naked?
More than they like have, or make.
381. What's something you're known for?
My positive energy.
382. Does this reputation bother you?
Nope, though some people attempt to tell me I'm too happy.
383. If you could get a reputation for one thing, what would you like it to be?
Generosity (I donate to charities all the time whatever I can spare.)
384. Do you think you could handle being famous?
Hell No! I would hate to have my life combed over with a fine comb. All my life looked at under the microscope for the media to tear apart.
385. You've been chosen to judge a contest, what contest would you like it to be? (Keep it clean folks)
Food tasting contest!
386. Do you have an MP3 player of some sort?
Does my phone count?
387. How do you get most of your music?
388. What was the last actual CD you purchased?
Josh Groban I think
389. Do you own any audio cassette tapes?
390. What about VHS tapes?
I think I might have some buried away in a chest somewhere.
391. Are there any movies you suddenly remembered that you haven't seen in a long time because they are on VHS instead of DVD?
Rock A Doodle (cute story about a farm)
392. What's an old movie you wish they would remake?
The Diary of Anne Frank? I guess I dunno.
393. What's one you wish they hadn't remade?
Titanic 3D...seriously?
394. If your life was a movie and you could cast any actor/actress as yourself who would you choose?
Kiera Knightly?
395. Who would play your significant other? (even if you don't actually have one)
Orlando Bloom?
396. What rating would your life movie have?
Depends on who you ask.
397. What color is the outside of your house/apartment building?
The color of Brick
398. What color are the walls on the inside?
Depends what room you are looking in. They range from browns to purple to beige.
399. Do you have any posters or pictures on the walls in your bedroom?
Yeah a picture is hanging in my room, though I don't even like it, it matches my room so mom hung it up there.
400. What kind of flooring do you have?
wood of some kind
401. Is there something you would rather have?
Yeah heated floors
402. Is your bed comfortable?
Some days.
403. How long have you been sleeping in the same bed?
Almost 3 years
404. Do you keep your living space clean?
Depends if I'm home alone or not. I tend to clean happily if I'm left alone with music on.
405. Do you have daily chores you do?
I SHOULD have some, but I don't.
406. Do you listen to music loud?
Not usually
407. Do you believe if it's too loud you're too old?
Nope I get headaches easy.
408. How old do you have to be to die of old age?
Depends on what they say is the average age of death. I think its around 80's now?
409. If you could choose how you go, how would you like to die?
In my sleep
410. How would you like to be remembered?
By loved ones.
411. Buried or cremated?
412. What's the most useful obsession you have?
*shrugs* I don't know.
413. What about the most useless?
Picking my lips when they get dry or if I get nervous.
414. Do you tend to keep items you have no use for because they have sentimental value?
Not really.
415. Is it hard for you to get rid of items that used to mean a lot to you?
416. Have you ever gotten rid of something only to need it a few days later?
417. What do you remember about your first crush?
First crush was somebody I went to school with from Trinidad, liked him for most of my schooling. He was a cute little trinidad boy with a smile that made me blush immediately.
418. What about your first kiss?
It was with my first boyfriend who was like a year older than me. Short and sweet.
419. Did you save it for someone special?
Not really, just a passing crush I had.
420. Do you think first impressions are the most lasting or easily forgotten once you get to know someone?
Easily forgotten (I have a bad memory.)
421. Do you have to put your foot in your mouth a lot?
Yeah thanks to my job.
422. Are you clumsy?
Depends on the moon I think.
423. Have you ever fallen down stairs?
Not that I recall.
424. How about up them?
Tripped on my footing before.
425. Have you ever run up a down escalator?
Heck no.
426. Ever pushed all the buttons in an elevator?
Nope, I considered it though.
427. Have you ever been stuck in an elevator?
428. Would being stuck at the top of a Ferris Wheel for a couple hours scare you?
Nope I'd hopefully have my camera to take lots of pictures.
429. Have you ever been on an amusement ride when it broke down?
Not that I recall.
430. Do roller coasters make you sick to your stomach?
Some of them yes.
431. Do you have a strong stomach?
432. Can you walk across your yard barefoot?
Yes I CAN but have gotten my foot sliced open from doing so before.
433. What about across the road?
434. When was the last time you sent someone a letter?
Within the last year.
435. What about received one?
Not since my pen pal days back in early high school.
436. Do you send birthday cards?
Nope, they only get birthday cards if they see me in person.
437. Would you rather choose a gift for someone or get them a gift card so they can decide?
Depends on how well I know the person.
438. Do you think getting gift cards is as fun as getting regular presents?
If it is for somewhere I will use yes.
439. Have you ever been to a bridal shower?
Don't think so...
440. What about a baby shower?
Yep a couple
441. Bachelor/bachelorette shower?
442. Have you ever spelled a word wrong and thought the spell check suggestions were funny?
443. Did you try that after reading the question?
444. Who is the most gullible person you know?
445. What is the most inventive prank you've ever played on someone?
I don't generally play pranks on people, but I read about a really funny one. If you don't have kids but are in a serious relationship with somebody, hire a babysitter and tell them the child is sleeping upstairs and they should not be woken. Then when you get home ask where your child is at...
446. Do you have more friends in real life or online?
447. Where did you meet most of your friends?
Gaming websites, or through friends
448. Do you think of yourself as popular?
449. Are you a part of the “in crowd?”
450. If you had to identify with a high school clique which one would you fall into?
451. If you were an alien (space not immigrant) what planet would you like to be from?
452. Do you think pluto is still a planet?
453. Have you ever been roller skating?
454. Roller blading?
455. Snow Skiing?
456. Water Skiing?
457. Backpacking?
458. Camping?
459. On a walk?
460. On the beach?
461. In the ocean?
In the ocean, no, but I have flown over it.
462. Lost?
463. On a road trip?
464. Have you had to ask for directions from a stranger before?
465. Do you have a GPS?
466. Can you read an atlas?
Never tried
467. Do you own a globe?
468. What's the most interesting country in your opinion?
469. Have you ever been there?
It's on my bucket list
470. What's the most fascinating part of the country?
No idea
471. If you could rule that country for a year would you?
472. What about ruling the whole world for a year?
473. Do you think you would be a good ruler?
474. Would someone else you know be a better ruler?
My brother prolly
475. What do you think is the most important quality a leader can have?
476. How long do you think you would survive in a zombie apocalypse?
Until I starve to death
477. Would you rather die and stay dead or come back as a zombie?
Stay dead, wouldn't want people hunting me.
478. If you were a vampire would you feel bad about drinking human blood?
Possibly, depends if I could survive on other things.
479. Do you feel bad about eating animals?
Its all part of the circle of life.
480. If vegetarians eat vegetables what do humanitarians eat?
Humans of course
481. Do you use body lotion?
Not as often as I should
482. Do you take care of your feet?
Not as much as I should.
483. Have you ever gotten a massage?
484. Manicure?
485. Pedicure?
486. Ever had any part of your body waxed?
Yes eyebrows
487. Ever cut yourself shaving?
Yep when I cheat and try to shave my legs without being in the shower, and without shaving cream.
488. What's the dumbest question on this survey so far?
didn't see any yet.
489. Can you do funny voices?
Don't think so
490. Do you do good impressions?
491. Would it embarrass you if someone you were impersonating showed up and watched you?
Prolly just laugh about it
492. Have you ever pretended that the floor is lava and you couldn't touch it?
Yeah best game ever as a kid.
493. Do you count your steps?
That would be a waste of time, that is why they invented the pedometer.
494. When walking on the sidewalk do you avoid stepping on cracks?
When feeling goofy yes.
495. Are you superstitious at all?
Not really.
496. What's the silliest superstition you can think of?
Being afraid of black cats...they are usually the sweetest of all (except the calicos)
497. Can you pronounce your name spelled backwards?
Adnarim sounds elvish.
498. Can you pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time?
499. Can you burp at will?
Do it all the time to keep from getting sick.
500. Are you glad this is the last question?
Yes, but only because it's the end of the day at work and I need to tidy up my desk and go home!