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500 question endurance survey

Alright, so I've seen this done somewhere else before but I couldn't find any surveys that didn't have political, religious or sexual questions on it, so I had to come up with them on my own.

Basically the reason it's an endurance survey is because it's annoyingly long. There are 4 ways you can do this.

Cop-Out Mode: Just answer all 500 at once and post them in one post.

If you use one of the other ways copy and paste the question into your post with the answer please.

Easy Mode: Answer 5 questions per post

Medium Mode: Answer 3 questions per post

Hard Mode: Answer 1 question per post

I'm curious if anyone ever actually finishes it. If you don't want to answer a question feel free to substitute your own or just putting nonsense for your answer.

The Questions:

1. Name?
2. Nickname?
3. Do you like your nicknames?
4. Do you have something you wish people would call you but never catches on?
5. If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
6. Were you named after anyone?
7. Who named you?
8. Age?
9. Do you wish you were older/younger?
10. If you could be one age forever what would you choose?
11. When is your birthday?
12. Was anyone else you know born on that day?
13. Did any important historical event (besides your birth) happen on that day?
14. Gender?
15. Have you ever wondered what it is like to be the other gender?
16. If you could switch would you?
17. What color eyes do you have?
18. Do you wear glasses/contacts?
19. Do your eyes ever change colors?
20. Are they the same as anyone in your family?
21. Who in your family to you look most like?
22. What color is your hair?
23. How long is it?
24. When was the last time you got your hair cut?
25. Have you ever dyed it?
26. If you have what color most recently, if not what color would you like?
27. If you could instantly have any length of hair how long?
28. Is your hair thick or fine?
29. Have you ever shaved your head?
30. Have you ever worn a wig?
31. Do you spend much time in front of the mirror every day?
32. Do you try to stay in touch with the latest trends?
33. How would you define your personal style?
34. Are you right or left handed?
35. Can you write legibly with your other hand?
36. Can you write backwards?
37. How many languages do you speak?
38. If you could learn any language what one would you choose?
39. Which language do you think is the hardest to learn?
40. Do you like to travel?
41. Do you prefer travel by plane or car?
42. What's the furthest you've traveled?
43. What's your favorite place you've been?
44. If you could go on a free vacation where would you go?
45. Where do you live?
46. Do you like it there?
47. If you could live anywhere, where would you move to?
48. Have you ever moved?
49. What's the shortest time you've lived in one place?
50. What's the longest time you've lived in one place?
51. Where do you consider “home?”
52. What is your favorite type of music?
53. Can you play any instruments?
54. If you could learn any instrument which one would you choose?
55. If you were in a rock band what would it be called?
56. Is there any kind of music you just can't stand?
57. What's your favorite song?
58. Are there any song lyrics you really identify with?
59. Have you ever written a song?
60. Have you ever written a love letter?
61. Have you ever received a love letter?
62. What's the most romantic thing you've ever done?
63. What's something that most people think is romantic that you don't?
64. What's something silly that you think is romantic?
65. What's the longest relationship you've ever had?
66. The shortest?
67. Are you married?
68. If you could have attended any historical event which one would you choose?
69. What's your favorite period in history?
70. How do you think you would be different if raised in that period?
71. What current technology do you think would have been most helpful to people of that period?
72. What current technology could you not live without?
73. What invention do you think had the most impact on society when it was introduced?
74. Who is your favorite historical figure?
75. If you could go back and say something to that person, what would you say?
76. Do you think you would have gotten along with them?
77. If you could have a machine that produced one item at the touch of a button what would it be?
78. What type of food is your favorite?
79. What specific dish?
80. Can you eat with chopsticks?
81. What is your favorite kind of movie?
82. Do you watch foreign films?
83. Is there a type of movie you just can't stand?
84. What is your favorite movie?
85. Who is your favorite actor?
86. Favorite actress?
87. Favorite director?
88. Do you own the soundtrack to any movies?
89. Do you like theatre?
90. Have you ever tried acting?
91. If you had to be in a play, what play and what part would you like?
92. Do you enjoy reading?
93. Do you have a favorite book?
94. How about a favorite author?
95. Favorite genre?
96. What book has had the most impact on you?
97. Is there a book you hate?
98. What was the last book you read?
99. Do you go to the library or buy books you want to read?
100. Have you ever lost or stolen a book from a library?
101. Who is your favorite children's author?
102. Are you good at spelling?
103. Are there words that just never look spelled right to you?
104. What was/is your favorite school subject? '
105. Your least favorite?
106. Who was your favorite teacher?
107. Did you do well in their class?
108. What ethnicity are you?
109. Do you know much about your family history?
110. Are you related to anyone famous?
111. What hobbies do you do?
112. Which hobby is your favorite?
113. How long have you been it?
114. What got you started doing it?
115. What did you want to be when you grew up?
116. What job do you have now?
117. How did you end up doing that?
118. What would your dream job be?
119. Do you have any silly/weird skills?
120. How would your friends describe you?
121. Would you agree with that?
122. Do you stay in touch with childhood friends?
123. If there was a moment in your life that made you realize that you're an adult, what moment would that be?
124. Do you have a good memory?
125. What is your favorite childhood memory?
126. If you could make a movie of all your memories, do you think others would want to watch it?
127. Do you like to tell jokes?
128. What is your favorite clean joke?
129. What is your favorite candy?
130. Do you have any candy right now?
131. Favorite ice cream flavor?
132. What makes up the perfect ice cream sundae?
133. Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue?
134. Any flavor of ice cream you think is gross?
135. Do you eat your ice cream out of a cup or a bowl?
136. If you were making the best dinner in the world how many courses would it have and what dishes?
137. What is your favorite beverage?
138. Do you like ice in your drinks?
139. Do you like to eat ice?
140. Do you like snow cones?
141. Do you like to play in the snow?
142. Have you ever made a snowman?
143. How about a snow angel?
144. Do you have a lucky number?
145. Have you ever bought a lottery ticket?
146. Have you ever been to a casino?
147. Have you ever won any money gambling?
148. What is your favorite animal?
149. Do you have any pets?
150. If you could have any animal as a pet what would you pick?
151. Do you wish you could have an imaginary/mythical creature as a pet?
152. Have you ever been to the zoo?
153. Have you ever been to a farm?
154. Have you ever been to an amusement park?
155. Are you scared of heights?
156. Are you scared of the dark?
157. Do scary movies frighten you?
158. If you had to name your biggest pet peeve what would it be?
159. Do you ever catch yourself doing your pet peeve?
160. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law?
161. You're going to jail. What crime did you most likely commit?
162. Are there any fictional criminals you like? If so, who?
163. If you could be any fictional character who would you be?
164. If you could meet any fictional character who would you meet?
165. If you could have invented any item what item would you pick?
166. Do you ever have ideas and a couple months later you see them advertised?
167. Do you believe in psychic powers?
168. Have you ever had a psychic reading?
169. If you could have any super power what would you choose?
170. What would be your super hero name?
171. Would you have a side kick?
172. Would you be part of a super team?
173. What would your arch nemesis be called?
174. Super heroes have to have a weakness, what's yours?
175. Did you pick something rare so you would be less likely to be defeated?
176. Would you wear a cape?
177. Who is your role model?
178. Have you ever had to give a speech in public?
179. Do you get stage fright?
180. Do you have any tattoos?
181. If you have them, how many? If not, do you want one?
182. Do you have any piercings?
183. Have you ever broken a bone?
184. Had surgery?
185. Do you consider yourself attractive?
186. Would you get cosmetic surgery to change anything about yourself?
187. What is the weather like right now?
188. Do you like it?
189. What is your favorite kind of weather?
190. Do you spend a lot of time outside?
191. Do you play any sports?
192. Do you watch any sports?
193. What do you like/don't like most about sports?
194. Do you believe that every child on a team, no matter their skill level and dedication should receive a prize, win or lose?
195. What would you call the most annoying trait a person can have?
196. The most endearing?
197. Do you have any allergies?
198. Do you consider yourself an emotional person?
199. When was the last time you cried?
200. When was the last time you laughed?
201. Do you spend much time talking on the phone (not work related?)
202. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
203. Do you text a lot?
204. Do you believe texting and driving is dangerous?
205. What day of the week is it right now?
206. What is the date?
207. Do you have a favorite date that is not your birthday or a holiday?
208. What's your favorite holiday?
209. What's your least favorite holiday?
210. What would be the idea birthday present for you?
211. Are your tastes fancier or more simple?
212. Do you prefer the icing or the cake itself?
213. Do you like ice cream with cake?
214. What is your favorite fruit?
215. What is your favorite fruit juice?
216. What is your favorite type of pie?
217. Do you eat whipped cream on pie?
218. Do you prefer giving presents or getting them?
219. Hand made or store bought?
220. Do you like jelly beans?
221. Do you own much jewelry?
222. Do you prefer silver or gold?
223. What is the most expensive piece of jewelry you have ever bought/own?
224. What is the most expensive non-jewelry article of clothing?
225. What does your favorite pair of shoes look like?
226. Pillow should be soft or firm?
227. What about your bed?
228. Do you sleep with a lot of blankets or wear warmer pajamas?
229. How many pillows are optimal?
230. Are you laid back or easily flustered?
231. What is the fastest way to upset you?
232. Do you calm down quickly or take a while to cool off?
233. Do you offend others often?
234. A little white lie is no big deal or the path to telling bigger lies?
235. Do you get embarrassed easily?
236. Have you ever been to a karoke?
237. Are you quick to judge people on appearances or get to know them first?
238. If you could play any board game with a group of historical figures from any time periods, what game and who?
239. Loner or social butterfly?
240. Do you use any social networking sites?
241. Do you play online games?
242. Do you play offline video games?
243. What time do you usually wake up?
244. Do you have a morning routine?
245. Showers or baths?
246. Do you wash your hair or your body first?
247. When drying off do you start from the head and go down or start at your feet and work up?
248. Do you keep an umbrella in your car/locker/office in case of unexpected rain?
249. When was the last time you just sat and watched the clouds or stars?
250. Does looking at things like the stars or the ocean make you feel tiny or really important?
251. Do you wish on shooting stars?
252. Do you believe you have to keep a wish secret for it to come true?
253. What's a wish you've made that has come true?
254. Have you ever been in a wedding(besides your own if you're married?)
255. Do you have an item you consider to be your personal good luck charm?
256. Have you ever lost/tossed it only to have really bad luck?
257. What's your most irrational fear?
258. How do you believe the world as we know it is going to end?
259. Have you ever been in love with someone who you were friends with? If yes, did you tell them?
260. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done for a friend?
261. What's the sweetest thing a friend has ever done for you?
262. Who was the last person you hugged?
263. Kissed?
264. Do you say hello to people you don't know just to be polite?
265. Do you wave at people you know when driving by them?
266. Do questions that only give you two choices bother you?
267. Chicken or Beef?
268. Coke or Pepsi?
269. Run or bike?
270. Pancakes or waffles?
271. Chocolate or vanilla?
272. Meat or veggies?
273. See it in the cinema or wait for the DVD?
274. Be hot or be cold?
275. Pen or pencil?
276. Do you have anything you're craving right now?
277. When you're craving something will nothing else satisfy you until you get it?
278. What do you find yourself craving the most?
279. Have you ever lied about your age?
280. Have you ever tried fad diets?
281. Do you exercise regularly?
282. Do you usually remember your dreams?
283. Do you like to cook?
284. Do you think your cooking is tasty?
285. What is your favorite dish to cook?
286. Is there any dish you wish you could cook but never seems to come out right?
287. Do you ever go over your cell phone minutes?
288. Are you talkative?
289. Do you notice yourself being a chatterbox around certain people and silent around others?
290. If you won a million dollars what would the first thing you would buy?
291. How much of it would you be willing to donate?
292. Do you think a lot of family you haven't talked to in a while would visit you?
293. If you could spend a day however you wanted, money is no object, what would you do?
294. Are you an easily excited person?
295. Is there something you're anxious about right now?
296. What event are you most looking forward to?
297. Is there an event coming up you'd rather avoid?
298. What's the top three things you're grateful for?
299. What is the main goal in your life?
300. What steps are you taking to reach that goal? If you don't have one, what are some smaller goals you're working on?
301. Describe yourself from ten years ago in ten words or less.
302. How different are you now?
303. Do you like yourself better now or then?
304. What changes do you think you'll see in the next ten years?
305. Do you believe that it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all?
306. What color shirt are you wearing?
307. What color is your favorite shirt?
308. What's something you do every day?
309. What website do you visit the most during the day?
310. How many emails do you get on an average day?
311. Do you have trouble keeping plants alive?
312. What is your favorite flower?
313. Have any big plans for tomorrow?
314. What do you plan on having for dinner tomorrow?
315. Any TV shows you want to watch coming on?
316. Would your rather: Live your favorite video game or favorite movie?
317. Every stop light you see be red or have to drive 45 for the rest of your life?
318. Be three feet tall or nine feet tall?
319. Prefer day or night?
320. What is your favorite tabletop game?
321. How many different tabletop games have you tried?
322. What is your favorite edition of D&D?
323. What is your favorite D&D race to play?
324. What about class?
325. What do you consider the “bare essentials” for starting gear?
326. Have you ever GMed a game?
327. What's the most devious thing you/your GM has ever done in game?
328. What is your favorite kind of monster?
329. What kind of tabletop game would you like to see made?
330. Have you ever homebrewed a world?
331. How about a whole game? (This can mean a rule set or everything in a campaign)
332. What was the name of your first character?
333. What was the latest character you've made?
334. What was your favorite character like?
335. Do you reuse characters from one game to the next, despite them not having anything to do with each other?
336. Do you have any pop culture obsessions?
337. What's the most inspirational quote you can think of?
338. What's the funniest?
339. What is your favorite color?
340. What's the weirdest color name you can think of?
341. If you could have a color renamed after you what color would it be?
342. Did you/would you color inside the lines in a coloring book?
343. Do you still color in coloring books?
344. How many times a day do you not “act your age?”
345. Do you think you're immature?
346. Would other people agree with you?
347. What is your definition of maturity?
348. What is your definition of normal?
349. What do you think is the most important lesson a parent can impart on their child?
350. What is your astrological sign?
351. Do you know your Chinese Zodiac animal?
352. Do you believe in astrology?
353. Do you read your horoscope? (Hey you don't have to believe in it to read it)
354. How do you keep up with the news?
355. Are you active in your local community?
356. Do you volunteer your time anywhere?
357. What is your favorite brand of shampoo?
358. Bar soap or body wash?
359. What's your favorite brand of toothpaste?
360. Do you floss?
361. Do you chew gum?
362. When was the last time you went to the doctor?
363. Do you get sick frequently?
364. Would you rather have a steak and potato or soup and a salad?
365. Are you fond of children?
366. Do you think you would make a good role model?
367. Who do you know that would be the best role model?
368. Do you have a favorite artist?
369. What art style do you like best?
370. What art style do you just not “get?”
371. If the world ended tomorrow what would be the one thing you would regret not being able to do?
372. How long do you think you would survive out in the wilderness?
373. Were you a girl/boy scout?
374. Do you know how to check the oil in a car?
375. How about change it?
376. Change a tire?
377. Can you drive a manual “stick shift” transmission vehicle?
378. Have you ever been inside an 18 wheeler semi-truck?
379. Have you ever bathed outside?
380. How much would someone have to pay you to walk down your street naked?
381. What's something you're known for?
382. Does this reputation bother you?
383. If you could get a reputation for one thing, what would you like it to be?
384. Do you think you could handle being famous?
385. You've been chosen to judge a contest, what contest would you like it to be? (Keep it clean folks)
386. Do you have an MP3 player of some sort?
387. How do you get most of your music?
388. What was the last actual CD you purchased?
389. Do you own any audio cassette tapes?
390. What about VHS tapes?
391. Are there any movies you suddenly remembered that you haven't seen in a long time because they are on VHS instead of DVD?
392. What's an old movie you wish they would remake?
393. What's one you wish they hadn't remade?
394. If your life was a movie and you could cast any actor/actress as yourself who would you choose?
395. Who would play your significant other? (even if you don't actually have one)
396. What rating would your life movie have?
397. What color is the outside of your house/apartment building?
398. What color are the walls on the inside?
399. Do you have any posters or pictures on the walls in your bedroom?
400. What kind of flooring do you have?
401. Is there something you would rather have?
402. Is your bed comfortable?
403. How long have you been sleeping in the same bed?
404. Do you keep your living space clean?
405. Do you have daily chores you do?
406. Do you listen to music loud?
407. Do you believe if it's too loud you're too old?
408. How old do you have to be to die of old age?
409. If you could choose how you go, how would you like to die?
410. How would you like to be remembered?
411. Buried or cremated?
412. What's the most useful obsession you have?
413. What about the most useless?
414. Do you tend to keep items you have no use for because they have sentimental value?
415. Is it hard for you to get rid of items that used to mean a lot to you?
416. Have you ever gotten rid of something only to need it a few days later?
417. What do you remember about your first crush?
418. What about your first kiss?
419. Did you save it for someone special?
420. Do you think first impressions are the most lasting or easily forgotten once you get to know someone?
421. Do you have to put your foot in your mouth a lot?
422. Are you clumsy?
423. Have you ever fallen down stairs?
424. How about up them?
425. Have you ever run up a down escalator?
426. Ever pushed all the buttons in an elevator?
427. Have you ever been stuck in an elevator?
428. Would being stuck at the top of a Ferris Wheel for a couple hours scare you?
429. Have you ever been on an amusement ride when it broke down?
430. Do roller coasters make you sick to your stomach?
431. Do you have a strong stomach?
432. Can you walk across your yard barefoot?
433. What about across the road?
434. When was the last time you sent someone a letter?
435. What about received one?
436. Do you send birthday cards?
437. Would you rather choose a gift for someone or get them a gift card so they can decide?
438. Do you think getting gift cards is as fun as getting regular presents?
439. Have you ever been to a bridal shower?
440. What about a baby shower?
441. Bachelor/bachelorette shower?
442. Have you ever spelled a word wrong and thought the spell check suggestions were funny?
443. Did you try that after reading the question?
444. Who is the most gullible person you know?
445. What is the most inventive prank you've ever played on someone?
446. Do you have more friends in real life or online?
447. Where did you meet most of your friends?
448. Do you think of yourself as popular?
449. Are you a part of the “in crowd?”
450. If you had to identify with a high school clique which one would you fall into?
451. If you were an alien (space not immigrant) what planet would you like to be from?
452. Do you think pluto is still a planet?
453. Have you ever been roller skating?
454. Roller blading?
455. Snow Skiing?
456. Water Skiing?
457. Backpacking?
458. Camping?
459. On a walk?
460. On the beach?
461. In the ocean?
462. Lost?
463. On a road trip?
464. Have you had to ask for directions from a stranger before?
465. Do you have a GPS?
466. Can you read an atlas?
467. Do you own a globe?
468. What's the most interesting country in your opinion?
469. Have you ever been there?
470. What's the most fascinating part of the country?
471. If you could rule that country for a year would you?
472. What about ruling the whole world for a year?
473. Do you think you would be a good ruler?
474. Would someone else you know be a better ruler?
475. What do you think is the most important quality a leader can have?
476. How long do you think you would survive in a zombie apocalypse?
477. Would you rather die and stay dead or come back as a zombie?
478. If you were a vampire would you feel bad about drinking human blood?
479. Do you feel bad about eating animals?
480. If vegetarians eat vegetables what do humanitarians eat?
481. Do you use body lotion?
482. Do you take care of your feet?
483. Have you ever gotten a massage?
484. Manicure?
485. Pedicure?
486. Ever had any part of your body waxed?
487. Ever cut yourself shaving?
488. What's the dumbest question on this survey so far?
489. Can you do funny voices?
490. Do you do good impressions?
491. Would it embarrass you if someone you were impersonating showed up and watched you?
492. Have you ever pretended that the floor is lava and you couldn't touch it?
493. Do you count your steps?
494. When walking on the sidewalk do you avoid stepping on cracks?
495. Are you superstitious at all?
496. What's the silliest superstition you can think of?
497. Can you pronounce your name spelled backwards?
498. Can you pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time?
499. Can you burp at will?
500. Are you glad this is the last question?

Posted on 2012-04-23 at 20:26:11.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8878 Posts

Semi-cop-out mode... here's the first half. ;)

1. Name?
A. Rob (Robert)

2. Nickname?
A. Oh geez! There are so many… Thumper or Rabbit when I was little… was called “Shang Hai Kid” for a while in high school as I had a tendency to wear my wushu uniform to school on occasion… CAT (yes, all caps… it’s an acronym and a nickname… stands for Crazed And Treacherous)...

3. Do you like your nicknames?
A. Most of them, I suppose.

4. Do you have something you wish people would call you but never catches on?
A. “Your majesty” Of course, I haven’t seceded from the Union and declared my lawn the sovereign kingdom of Eol-land, yet, either, so… who knows?

5. If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
A. Good question… when I was little I wanted to change it to either Steve Austin or Kwai Chang Caine (was a big fan of the Six Million Dollar Man and Kung Fu) … now, though, I’m pretty happy with the name I’ve got.

6. Were you named after anyone?
A. I was named after my father (Robert) and my uncle (William) who died serving in VietNam.

7. Who named you?
A. My parents

8. Age?
A. Find the square root of 1,849 and you’ve got the answer.

9. Do you wish you were older/younger?
A. Older? Hell no! Younger? Sometimes… but only if I can be younger knowing what I know, now.

10. If you could be one age forever what would you choose?
A. Y’know, 27 was a pretty good age for me, all things considered…

11. When is your birthday?
A. 19 April

12. Was anyone else you know born on that day?
A. Yes… a couple of people, actually.

13. Did any important historical event (besides your birth) happen on that day?
A. Not that I’m aware of… We did put a man on the moon a few months later, though… You people thought you could escape, didn’t you?

14. Gender?
A. Male

15. Have you ever wondered what it is like to be the other gender?
A. Absolutely

16. If you could switch would you?
A. I have the utmost respect for women, of course, but HELL NO! You ladies have it rough… Hair, makeup, child birth, that time of the month… I’d be reduced to a quivering mass of “duuuuh” before the first week… I ain’t that tough!

17. What color eyes do you have?
A: What color do you need? Okay… they’re supposedly brown

18. Do you wear glasses/contacts?
A: As of about two weeks ago, yes… but just readers.

19. Do your eyes ever change colors?
A: Yes… they range from a paler brown (which some people I know like to call cinnamon or goldish) to pretty much black when I’m tired or angry.

20. Are they the same as anyone in your family?
A: Not exactly, no.

21. Who in your family do you look most like?
A: Depends on who you ask, I suppose… Some people say I look like my mom, others say I look like my dad… The wife says I look more like my Uncle Johnny, though. *shrugs*

22. What color is your hair?
A: Dark brown

23. How long is it?
A: Not very

24. When was the last time you got your hair cut?
A: About a week and a half ago

25. Have you ever dyed it?
A: Yes

26. If you have what color most recently, if not what color would you like?
A: Blue (but it wasn’t that recently)

27. If you could instantly have any length of hair how long?
A: I think I’m okay with the length it is now

28. Is your hair thick or fine?
A: Thick

29. Have you ever shaved your head?
A: Yep

30. Have you ever worn a wig?
A: Yes

31. Do you spend much time in front of the mirror every day?
A: No

32. Do you try to stay in touch with the latest trends?
A: Not really

33. How would you define your personal style?
A: Eclectic… or is that eccentric?

34. Are you right or left handed?
A: Right handed

35. Can you write legibly with your other hand?
A: Yes

36. Can you write backwards?
A: Yes

37. How many languages do you speak?
A: Real languages? Two… have picked up a smattering of several others, dropout the years but not enough of any one to say that I truly “speak” any of them.

38. If you could learn any language what one would you choose?
A: Mandarin

39. Which language do you think is the hardest to learn?
A: Toss up between Mandarin and English

40. Do you like to travel?
A: Yes I do!

41. Do you prefer travel by plane or car?
A: I’d rather drive, thanks.

42. What's the furthest you've traveled?
A: Ummmm… Hong Kong?

43. What's your favorite place you've been?
A: I love the Adirondack Mountains!

44. If you could go on a free vacation where would you go?
A: If it’s free, I’d go just about anywhere! If I could pick? Hmmmm… Scotland?

45. Where do you live?
A: Southwest Ohio

46. Do you like it there?
A: There are worse places to live, I suppose.

47. If you could live anywhere, where would you move to?
A: Oddly enough, I have no answer for this… there are sooooo many places I could choose from… Alaska, perhaps? Back to New Mexico?

48. Have you ever moved?
A: Grew up a military brat, so, yeah… A LOT!

49. What's the shortest time you've lived in one place?
A: 13 weeks… Parris Island, South Carolina

50. What's the longest time you've lived in one place?
A: 20+ years… Ohio

51. Where do you consider “home?”
A: Was born in South Dakota but consider Upstate New York to be “home”

52. What is your favorite type of music?
A: Not sure that I have a favorite… depends on my mood at the time, I guess.

53. Can you play any instruments?
A: I’m a drummer

54. If you could learn any instrument which one would you choose?
A: I wouldn’t mind picking up a bass, again.

55. If you were in a rock band what would it be called?
A: The band I played in many moons ago was called “Strange Behaviour”

56. Is there any kind of music you just can't stand?
A: “Gangsta Rap”
57. What's your favorite song?
A: Oh… geez… Ummmm… “Lightning Crashes” by Live

58. Are there any song lyrics you really identify with?
A: Oh… soooo many… I think between Live and Disturbed the soundtrack of my life has been captured pretty nicely

59. Have you ever written a song?
A: I’ve helped… does that count?

60. Have you ever written a love letter?
A: Absolutely…

61. Have you ever received a love letter?
A: Yes

62. What's the most romantic thing you've ever done?
A: Hmmmm… I guess you’d have to ask my wife on that one… Getting down on one knee in the restaurant where we met and asking her to marry me, maybe? I dunno!

63. What's something that most people think is romantic that you don't?
A: I don’t know… what do most people find romantic?

64. What's something silly that you think is romantic?
A: I’m not sure… I guess the little notes that I leave my wife in the morning?

65. What's the longest relationship you've ever had?
A: The one I’m in, now… As of 26 June, this year, the wife and I will have been married for 20 years.

66. The shortest?
A: Less than a day?

67. Are you married?
A: Sure am

68. If you could have attended any historical event which one would you choose?
A: Henry Morgan being named governor of Jamaica.

69. What's your favorite period in history?
A: Not sure that I have a favorite but, if I had to pick, I guess I’d say the “Old West” era or, better yet, the “Golden Age of Piracy”

70. How do you think you would be different if raised in that period?
A: I never would have lived as long as I have in this one.

71. What current technology do you think would have been most helpful to people of that period?
A: Indoor/shipboard plumbing?

72. What current technology could you not live without?
A: Hmmm… not having electricity would be kind of a bummer but I think I could live without it if I had to.

73. What invention do you think had the most impact on society when it was introduced?
A: Probably a toss up between the automobile and the airplane.

74. Who is your favorite historical figure?
A: ???

75. If you could go back and say something to that person, what would you say?
A: ???

76. Do you think you would have gotten along with them?
A: ???

77. If you could have a machine that produced one item at the touch of a button what would it be?
A: It would be cold, hard, cash!!!

78. What type of food is your favorite?
A: I’m a meat and taters kind of guy when it comes right down to it… I’ll eat almost anything, though… as long as it isn’t Greek food…

79. What specific dish?
A: Nice, thick t-bone or porterhouse with sautéed mushrooms and onions… mmmm-mmmm!!!

80. Can you eat with chopsticks?
A: Yes

81. What is your favorite kind of movie?
A: I like action flicks best, I suppose.

82. Do you watch foreign films?
A: Sometimes…

83. Is there a type of movie you just can't stand?
A: Anything Sascha Baron Cohen has made… Most Will Farrell movies… basically, any movie that’s made for the sole purpose of demonstrating how stupid one can be, I guess.

84. What is your favorite movie?
A: Hmmmm… I don’t know? I stop and watch Pale Rider or Unforgiven any time I find them while channel surfing… But I do the same for Young Guns, LotR, etc…

85. Who is your favorite actor?
A: Toss up… Clint Eastwood or Samuel L Jackson, I guess.

86. Favorite actress?
A: Y’know, I could easily go with some random hotty but I kinda gotta go with Geena Davis… weird, huh? I think it was “The Long Kiss Godnight

87. Favorite director?
A: Hitchcock… more contemporarily, though, probably Peter Jackson

88. Do you own the soundtrack to any movies?
A: Yep… I have the soundtrack for “The Crow”

89. Do you like theatre?
A: Sometimes

90. Have you ever tried acting?
A: Yes

91. If you had to be in a play, what play and what part would you like?
A: No opinion on this one…

92. Do you enjoy reading?
A: Yes

93. Do you have a favorite book?
A: Still gotta say that “Swan Song” by Robert R. McCammon is one of my favorite books… I’ve read it probably four different times and probably wouldn’t hesitate to pick it up again.

94. How about a favorite author?
A: Steven King has always been able to oog me right the hell out. Not sure that he’s still my favorite author of all time but he ranks right up there.

95. Favorite genre?
A: Fantasy/Sci-Fi

96. What book has had the most impact on you?
A: The I Ching

97. Is there a book you hate?
A: Um… no?

98. What was the last book you read?
A: “A Dance with Dragons”

99. Do you go to the library or buy books you want to read?
A: Both

100. Have you ever lost or stolen a book from a library?
A: Nope

101. Who is your favorite children's author?
A: Shel Silverstein

102. Are you good at spelling?
A: Most of the time

103. Are there words that just never look spelled right to you?
A: Sure… I read mostly in English so there are a LOT of them that, when it comes down to it, don’t look like they should be spelled the way they are.

104. What was/is your favorite school subject? '
A: History and Art

105. Your least favorite?
A: Math

106. Who was your favorite teacher?
A: My kindergarten teacher, Mrs Kelly… I probably still have a little crush on her to this day… Also, Mr O’Hearn… High School history classes… Awesome, Clark Kent lookin’ dude!

107. Did you do well in their class?
A: It’s hard to do poorly in Kindergarten, I think… and yes, I did phenomenally well in Mr O’Hearn’s classes.

108. What ethnicity are you?
A: Heinz 57…. There’s a little bit of everything in there.

109. Do you know much about your family history?
A: Yes… sometimes more than I care to.

110. Are you related to anyone famous?
A: I’m not 100% sure.

111. What hobbies do you do?
A: Drawing, writing, carpentry, landscaping, building random “props” out of junk I find in the garage, martial arts, canoeing, archery…
112. Which hobby is your favorite?
A: Depends on the mood I’m in, really… Probably writing, these days, as, regardless of mood, there’s usually something liable to come from it.

113. How long have you been it?
A: I think I wrote my first story when I was what second grade or so? So a loooooong time.

114. What got you started doing it?
A: A combination of boredom, rain, and an overactive imagination.

115. What did you want to be when you grew up?
A: I remember wanting to be an astronaut for a long while… then I wanted to be an animator at Disney…

116. What job do you have now?
A: I run a help desk for the Air Force

117. How did you end up doing that?
A: Hell if I know! I started out as a graphics guy!

118. What would your dream job be?
A: Alpaca rancher!

119. Do you have any silly/weird skills?
A: Some people might say so…

120. How would your friends describe you?
A: “Not quite right”

121. Would you agree with that?
A: Sure…

122. Do you stay in touch with childhood friends?
A: Some… but not many…

123. If there was a moment in your life that made you realize that you're an adult, what moment would that be?
A: Getting shot at

124. Do you have a good memory?
A: Pretty decent, yes.

125. What is your favorite childhood memory?
A: Hmmmm…. Probably the first time my dad took me canoeing…

126. If you could make a movie of all your memories, do you think others would want to watch it?
A: Some people might… others might want to but would be too disturbed by some scenes to finish.

127. Do you like to tell jokes?
A: I like to be a smart-a$$, sometimes, does that count?

128. What is your favorite clean joke?
A: A three legged dog walks into a saloon, hobbles over to the bar, looks at the bartender and says “I’m lookin’ fer the man that shot my Paw!” *shrugs*

129. What is your favorite candy?
A: None, really… Jelly beans?

130. Do you have any candy right now?
A: Nope

131. Favorite ice cream flavor?
A: I don’t really eat ice cream much, so I don’t really have a favorite flavor.

132. What makes up the perfect ice cream sundae?
A: A drunken ice cream Saturday followed by a holiday on the following ice cream Monday!

133. Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue?
A: Yes

134. Any flavor of ice cream you think is gross?
A: Can’t say I’ve tried very many… so, no?

135. Do you eat your ice cream out of a cup or a bowl?
A: a bowl

136. If you were making the best dinner in the world how many courses would it have and what dishes?
A: If it was the best dinner in the world, I wouldn’t be making it.

137. What is your favorite beverage?
A: Non-alcoholic: iced tea or coffee… Alcoholic: Kraken, straight up!

138. Do you like ice in your drinks?
A: Depends on the drink…

139. Do you like to eat ice?
A: I don’t dislike it…

140. Do you like snow cones?
A: Not really

141. Do you like to play in the snow?
A: Yes

142. Have you ever made a snowman?
A: Yes

143. How about a snow angel?
A: Yes

144. Do you have a lucky number?
A: Yes… 26

145. Have you ever bought a lottery ticket?
A: Yep

146. Have you ever been to a casino?
A: Yes… didn’t gamble, though.

147. Have you ever won any money gambling?
A: Technically, yes.

148. What is your favorite animal?
A: Hmmmm… decisions, decisions… I like horses, think wolves are pretty cool, dolphins and other marine mammals fascinate the heck out of me… so… Alpacas?

149. Do you have any pets?
A: Yep… two dogs. Oliver and Isabella.

150. If you could have any animal as a pet what would you pick?
A: Minah bird

151. Do you wish you could have an imaginary/mythical creature as a pet?
A: Who doesn’t want to own their own dragon?

152. Have you ever been to the zoo?
A: Yes

153. Have you ever been to a farm?
A: Yes

154. Have you ever been to an amusement park?
A: Yes

155. Are you scared of heights?
A: No

156. Are you scared of the dark?
A: Are you kidding? I do some of my very best work in the dark!

157. Do scary movies frighten you?
A: If they’re good and honestly scary, yes… if they’re just splattery gore fests, no.

158. If you had to name your biggest pet peeve what would it be?
A: People that whine about how tough their life is but never seem to want to do anything to fix it.

159. Do you ever catch yourself doing your pet peeve?
A: I did once… and I kicked my a$$ for it.

160. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law?
A: Yes…

161. You're going to jail. What crime did you most likely commit?
A: Assault with intent

162. Are there any fictional criminals you like? If so, who?
A: Robin Hood… and *shameless plug* Nyx Shyndyn!!!

163. If you could be any fictional character who would you be?
A: GAH!!! So… many… can I pick Nyx, again?

164. If you could meet any fictional character who would you meet?
A: Inara Serra!

165. If you could have invented any item what item would you pick?
A: Star Trek style transporter

166. Do you ever have ideas and a couple months later you see them advertised?
A: yes… dammit!

167. Do you believe in psychic powers?
A: Don’t know that I’d use the word “psychic” but, yes.

168. Have you ever had a psychic reading?
A: Yes…

169. If you could have any super power what would you choose?
A: I’d probably go with some sort of super speed… seems the most practical of all of them.

170. What would be your super hero name?
A: Whatheheckwasthat?!?

171. Would you have a side kick?
A: Yes… also a front kick and a devastating roundhouse!

172. Would you be part of a super team?
A: Probably not!

173. What would your arch nemesis be called?
A: The Speed Bump

174. Super heroes have to have a weakness, what's yours?
A: Asparagus

175. Did you pick something rare so you would be less likely to be defeated?
A: No

176. Would you wear a cape?
A: No capes!

177. Who is your role model?
A: My dad

178. Have you ever had to give a speech in public?
A: Yes

179. Do you get stage fright?
A: Yes

180. Do you have any tattoos?
A: Yes

181. If you have them, how many? If not, do you want one?
A: Five

182. Do you have any piercings?
A: not as many as I once did, but yes

183. Have you ever broken a bone?
A: Yep

184. Had surgery?
A: Yes

185. Do you consider yourself attractive?
A: Not really…

186. Would you get cosmetic surgery to change anything about yourself?
A: Nope

187. What is the weather like right now?
A: Mid 50’s, kind of windy but nice and sunny.

188. Do you like it?
A: Sure

189. What is your favorite kind of weather?
A: Autumn weather!

190. Do you spend a lot of time outside?
A: A decent amount, yes.

191. Do you play any sports?
A: Not any more… I can be talked into a volleyball game every now and again.

192. Do you watch any sports?
A: Hockey on occasion.

193. What do you like/don't like most about sports?
A: People take them entirely too seriously and, IMO, the so-called professionals make entirely too much money for what they do.

194. Do you believe that every child on a team, no matter their skill level and dedication should receive a prize, win or lose?
A: A prize? Probably not… and acknowledgement, absolutely!

195. What would you call the most annoying trait a person can have?
A: Being a “drama-queen” (you do still call ‘em drama queens even if they’re guys, right?)

196. The most endearing?
A: Not being afraid to be themselves.

197. Do you have any allergies?
A: Just penicillin

198. Do you consider yourself an emotional person?
A: Not really…

199. When was the last time you cried?
A: Hmmm… a month or two ago, I guess…

200. When was the last time you laughed?
A: I’m laughing right now!

201. Do you spend much time talking on the phone (not work related?)
A: Not usually.

202. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
A: My youngest daughter.

203. Do you text a lot?
A: Pretty frequently but I wouldn’t call it a lot as compared to the average person.

204. Do you believe texting and driving is dangerous?
A: Yes

205. What day of the week is it right now?
A: Monday, Jr… I mean Tuesday!

206. What is the date?
A: 24 April 2012

207. Do you have a favorite date that is not your birthday or a holiday?
A: Nope

208. What's your favorite holiday?
A: Waitangi Day

209. What's your least favorite holiday?
A: Columbus Day

210. What would be the idea birthday present for you?
A: 42 million damn dollars!

211. Are your tastes fancier or more simple?
A: Simple

212. Do you prefer the icing or the cake itself?
A: Neither

213. Do you like ice cream with cake?
A: I don’t like cake, so, no

214. What is your favorite fruit?
A: Probably oranges

215. What is your favorite fruit juice?
A: Cranberry

216. What is your favorite type of pie?
A: Apple

217. Do you eat whipped cream on pie?
A: Only pumpkin

218. Do you prefer giving presents or getting them?
A: Giving

219. Hand made or store bought?
A: Hand made.

220. Do you like jelly beans?
A: most of the time

221. Do you own much jewelry?
A: No

222. Do you prefer silver or gold?
A: Personally, silver

223. What is the most expensive piece of jewelry you have ever bought/own?
A: My wife’s engagement/wedding rings, I guess.

224. What is the most expensive non-jewelry article of clothing?
A: My duster

225. What does your favorite pair of shoes look like?
A: My favorite pair of shoes are a pair of rather beaten up boots, actually.

226. Pillow should be soft or firm?
A: Softish

227. What about your bed?
A: Firm but not like a rock, you know…

228. Do you sleep with a lot of blankets or wear warmer pajamas?
A: Ummm… neither?

229. How many pillows are optimal?
A: Three

230. Are you laid back or easily flustered?
A: I’m pretty laid back

231. What is the fastest way to upset you?
A: Do something to offend my wife or hurt my kids…

232. Do you calm down quickly or take a while to cool off?
A: Depends on the situation… most times I’m pretty easy to calm down but there are some instances that it takes a while.

233. Do you offend others often?
A: Oh… I’m sure…

234. A little white lie is no big deal or the path to telling bigger lies?
A: Again, situation dependant…

235. Do you get embarrassed easily?
A: Not really

236. Have you ever been to a karoke?
A: Nope

237. Are you quick to judge people on appearances or get to know them first?
A: I never judge based on appearances.

238. If you could play any board game with a group of historical figures from any time periods, what game and who?
A: Chess with Sun Tzu

239. Loner or social butterfly?
A: Loner

240. Do you use any social networking sites?
A: Yes

241. Do you play online games?
A: Not really, no… unless you count things like this.

242. Do you play offline video games?
A: Yes

243. What time do you usually wake up?
A: Usually about 10 minutes til 6.

244. Do you have a morning routine?
A: Yep… Coffee, Inn, Shower,Work

245. Showers or baths?
A: Showers

246. Do you wash your hair or your body first?
A: Hair

247. When drying off do you start from the head and go down or start at your feet and work up?
A: Head down

248. Do you keep an umbrella in your car/locker/office in case of unexpected rain?
A: I make fun of guys that carry umbrellas… unless they’re carrying them for a lady… so yes… I have an umbrella in my truck just in case it’s raining and I have the wife along…

249. When was the last time you just sat and watched the clouds or stars?
A: Last night

250. Does looking at things like the stars or the ocean make you feel tiny or really important?
A: Neither

Posted on 2012-04-25 at 15:09:55.

Gerald Defay
Occasional Visitor
Karma: 7/1
32 Posts

easy mode?

my name is Matt,my most common nickname is Gerald, i do enjoy my nicknames but for the most part cant really say anymore...blame xbox. Dont really worry about nicknames sticking over all,and i wouldnt change my name im happy with it as is, even though sometimes i swear i should change it to Gerald.

((1. Name?
2. Nickname?
3. Do you like your nicknames?
4. Do you have something you wish people would call you but never catches on?
5. If you could change your name to anything what would it be?))

Posted on 2012-04-25 at 18:28:17.

TRSG 2.0
Karma: 113/94
1606 Posts

I hope you are happy with yourself. I've wasted time on this

1. Name? Matt
2. Nickname? Erm… none
3. Do you like your nicknames? Sure, why not?
4. Do you have something you wish people would call you but never catches on? No.
5. If you could change your name to anything what would it be? My last name to my mothers maiden name.
6. Were you named after anyone? Both my middle names are family names… does that count?
7. Who named you? Mum and Dad.
8. Age? 20
9. Do you wish you were older/younger? No.
10. If you could be one age forever what would you choose? We grow old and die, it’s what we do. Why would I want to buck the trend?
11. When is your birthday? St Georges Day
12. Was anyone else you know born on that day? No.
13. Did any important historical event (besides your birth) happen on that day? Lots, for a full list check Wikipedia, but off the top of my William Shakespeare was born, and died, on April the 23rd.
14. Gender? Male.
15. Have you ever wondered what it is like to be the other gender? Yes.
16. If you could switch would you? No.
17. What color eyes do you have? Hazel, I think.
18. Do you wear glasses/contacts? Glasses, half titanium framed transition.
19. Do your eyes ever change colors? No.
20. Are they the same as anyone in your family? My mums.
21. Who in your family to you look most like? Besides from myself I’m not sure.
22. What color is your hair? Dark blonde.
23. How long is it? Inches or centimetres? Short, currently.
24. When was the last time you got your hair cut? Sometime before I went to Malaysia.
25. Have you ever dyed it? No. But it naturally lightens, and streaks blonde, if I’ve been in the sun for a week or so.
26. If you have what color most recently, if not what color would you like? N/A
27. If you could instantly have any length of hair how long? Not a clue.
28. Is your hair thick or fine? Fine.
29. Have you ever shaved your head? No.
30. Have you ever worn a wig? Yes, but that was for Halloween so I don’t know if it counts.
31. Do you spend much time in front of the mirror every day? I have 3 mirrors in my room, I hardly glance at any of them.
32. Do you try to stay in touch with the latest trends? No.
33. How would you define your personal style? Myself.
34. Are you right or left handed? Right.
35. Can you write legibly with your other hand? If I take time over it.
36. Can you write backwards? Not even with my right hand.
37. How many languages do you speak? To my eternal shame only one.
38. If you could learn any language what one would you choose? I wouldn’t learn one, I’d learn many. As many as I could.
39. Which language do you think is the hardest to learn? English. This doesn’t bode well for learning other languages.
40. Do you like to travel? Depends on where I’m going.
41. Do you prefer travel by plane or car? Depends on where I’m going and if I have to drive.
42. What's the furthest you've traveled? I’ve been to Malaysia and Belize.
43. What's your favorite place you've been? La Milpa, Belize.
44. If you could go on a free vacation where would you go? La Milpa, Belize.
45. Where do you live? Currently Plymouth.
46. Do you like it there? It’s OK.
47. If you could live anywhere, where would you move to? La Milpa, Belize.
48. Have you ever moved? Lost.
49. What's the shortest time you've lived in one place? Two, maybe two and a half years.
50. What's the longest time you've lived in one place? Three and a bit years.
51. Where do you consider “home?” Hampshire, England.
52. What is your favourite type of music? Full bodied, with a rich, full, multi-layered sound that can reach inside of me.
53. Can you play any instruments? I wish.
54. If you could learn any instrument which one would you choose? Many. Piano, harp, guitar, drums.
55. If you were in a rock band what would it be called? Haven’t given it much thought. Erm… I’ll get back to you on that.
56. Is there any kind of music you just can't stand? Screemo.
57. What's your favorite song? Now you’re asking a question. Green Day’s Holiday/Boulevard of Broken Dreams, or 21 Guns, or Loreena McKennit’s Greensleeves, or Nickleback’s Into the Night.
58. Are there any song lyrics you really identify with? Oh so many lyrics touch me…. I couldn’t list them all.
59. Have you ever written a song? I’ve written poems.
60. Have you ever written a love letter? I’ve not found anyone to write a love letter to.
61. Have you ever received a love letter? No.
62. What's the most romantic thing you've ever done? Erm… I’ve not even given flowers.
63. What's something that most people think is romantic that you don't? Valentine’s day.
64. What's something silly that you think is romantic? Erm…
65. What's the longest relationship you've ever had? A year, almost, but it was at secondary school so it shouldn’t count.
66. The shortest? Weeks, but it was at secondary school so it shouldn’t count.
67. Are you married? No.
68. If you could have attended any historical event which one would you choose? So many. But giving me use of a time machine is a bad idea.
69. What's your favourite period in history? Ancient Greeks, Romans, Dark Age Britain… erm… give me swords and axes and bows and I’m happy.
70. How do you think you would be different if raised in that period? I think I’d have died young as, to be honest; I’m not a brilliant specimen of manliness.
71. What current technology do you think would have been most helpful to people of that period? Most useful technology to the people who’d have to bury me as I died young? Probably better spades.
72. What current technology could you not live without? So hard to say, as I’ve lived without most modern technology… I think it would have to be any way to make fire. Have you tried making fire without matches? Not fun.
73. What invention do you think had the most impact on society when it was introduced? Fire.
74. Who is your favorite historical figure? Churchill.
75. If you could go back and say something to that person, what would you say? I’d just shake his hand and congratulate him.
76. Do you think you would have gotten along with them? Probably not.
77. If you could have a machine that produced one item at the touch of a button what would it be? I’d produce a droid to do all my housework for me and cook for me.
78. What type of food is your favorite? Anything easy to cook that isn’t fast food.
79. What specific dish? Pasta.
80. Can you eat with chopsticks? No.
81. What is your favourite kind of movie? Something with action and a plot. Maybe an adventure theme as well.
82. Do you watch foreign films? Yes. But not if they are dubbed.
83. Is there a type of movie you just can't stand? Romantic films.
84. What is your favourite movie? Serenity?
85. Who is your favourite actor? Nathan Fillion. (Only one I can remember at any given time so I guess it’s him)
86. Favorite actress? Emma Watson?
87. Favorite director? James Cameron?
88. Do you own the soundtrack to any movies? Serenity, Avatar, PotC Curse of the Black Pearl
89. Do you like theatre? Yes.
90. Have you ever tried acting? Yes. I’m bad at it.
91. If you had to be in a play, what play and what part would you like? Not sure, probably a secondary character in a Shakespeare play.
92. Do you enjoy reading? Yes.
93. Do you have a favorite book? Hobbit.
94. How about a favorite author? Tolkien.
95. Favorite genre? Fantasy or Science Fiction
96. What book has had the most impact on you? The Harry Potter series, as I grew up with them, or the His Dark Materials series. Maybe Artimis Fowl.
97. Is there a book you hate? I don’t think so.
98. What was the last book you read? I’m currently reading A Game of Thrones.
99. Do you go to the library or buy books you want to read? I normally buy them. There is something to be said about owning a physical book.
100. Have you ever lost or stolen a book from a library? No.
101. Who is your favourite children's author? Whoever wrote the Hungry Caterpillar.
102. Are you good at spelling? No.
103. Are there words that just never look spelled right to you? Yes. Anything with a silent letter, plus lots others.
104. What was/is your favourite school subject? ' Secondary School: Biology
College: Environmental Science
105. Your least favourite? Maths. And I still hate it.
106. Who was your favourite teacher? Secondary School: Mrs Wilsmore.
College: Jane Banks.
107. Did you do well in their class? Reasonably, and yes.
108. What ethnicity are you? I consider myself a citizen of the world, but not in that hippy way. We are all the same species but not all one bit family. I suppose I’d consider myself European, then British, then English.
109. Do you know much about your family history? Odd bits here and there. Admiral Vernon, who invented grog, was a relative, and my family fell from grace when a certain Emma Vernon eloped with a commoner… else I’d be rich rich rich. Before that the Vernons have been traced back to a knight that came to England with William the Conqueror in 1066.
110. Are you related to anyone famous? The aforementioned Admiral Vernon.
111. What hobbies do you do? Reading and procrastination.
112. Which hobby is your favourite? Procrastination.
113. How long have you been it? Years.
114. What got you started doing it? Probably as soon as I was told I had to do something.
115. What did you want to be when you grew up? Rich! Nah, I want to teach.
116. What job do you have now? Student.
117. How did you end up doing that? Applied to university.
118. What would your dream job be? Education officer with Natural England on a bankers salary.
119. Do you have any silly/weird skills? Dyslexia isn’t a skill is it?
120. How would your friends describe you? You’d have to ask them.
121. Would you agree with that? Probably not, I’ve very self-deprecating.
122. Do you stay in touch with childhood friends? Facebook doesn’t count so no.
123. If there was a moment in your life that made you realize that you're an adult, what moment would that be? When I looked at my bank statements and realised I had more debts then savings.
124. Do you have a good memory? Only for generally useless stuff.
125. What is your favourite childhood memory? I live in the moment and try not to dwell on memories. But I love returning to my memories of Belize.
126. If you could make a movie of all your memories, do you think others would want to watch it? Probably, but I wouldn’t let them.
127. Do you like to tell jokes? No.
128. What is your favourite clean joke? The one about Apple being a recession proof company.
129. What is your favourite candy? Chocolate. English chocolate, none of that american candy.
130. Do you have any candy right now? Yes.
131. Favourite ice cream flavour? Vanilla, but it has to be the right ice-creem. Not Mr. Whippy or anything like that. New Forest is good, so is Devon Icecream.
132. What makes up the perfect ice cream sundae? Just plain Devon, or New Forest, vanilla icecream.
133. Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue? No.
134. Any flavour of ice cream you think is gross? I don’t think icecream and gross are two words you normally hear together.
135. Do you eat your ice cream out of a cup or a bowl? Bowl.
136. If you were making the best dinner in the world how many courses would it have and what dishes? It would be all the dishes I’ve ever eaten. And it wouldn’t be in courses, it would just be on one big buffet table so you could take whatever you wanted whenever you wanted.
137. What is your favourite beverage? Southdown’s water, just Southdown’s tap water. It’s the taste of home.
138. Do you like ice in your drinks? No.
139. Do you like to eat ice? Yes.
140. Do you like snow cones? Never had one.
141. Do you like to play in the snow? No.
142. Have you ever made a snowman? Yes.
143. How about a snow angel? No.
144. Do you have a lucky number? Lucky numbers. 7, 13, and 42.
145. Have you ever bought a lottery ticket? No. It’s a tax on the stupid.
146. Have you ever been to a casino? No.
147. Have you ever won any money gambling? Yes.
148. What is your favourite animal? Cat.
149. Do you have any pets? No, but I used to have cats.
150. If you could have any animal as a pet what would you pick? British Short-hair cat.
151. Do you wish you could have an imaginary/mythical creature as a pet? No.
152. Have you ever been to the zoo? Yes.
153. Have you ever been to a farm? Yes.
154. Have you ever been to an amusement park? Yes.
155. Are you scared of heights? I’m scared I’d jump.
156. Are you scared of the dark? Only sometimes.
157. Do scary movies frighten you? Always.
158. If you had to name your biggest pet peeve what would it be? People that talk incessantly without saying anything interesting or without a point.
159. Do you ever catch yourself doing your pet peeve? No. Everything I say is either interesting or has a point.
160. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law? No.
161. You're going to jail. What crime did you most likely commit? Murder… I even know who the victim was. If you’re going to go to jail it might as be for a big one right?
162. Are there any fictional criminals you like? If so, who? Artimis Fowl
163. If you could be any fictional character who would you be? Not a clue.
164. If you could meet any fictional character who would you meet? Not a clue.
165. If you could have invented any item what item would you pick? The micro-processor, I’d be a billionaire.
166. Do you ever have ideas and a couple months later you see them advertised? Yes. The first was the McFlurry.
167. Do you believe in psychic powers? It can’t hurt.
168. Have you ever had a psychic reading? Yes.
169. If you could have any super power what would you choose? I thought about this recently. It would be either flight, with a functional pair of wings, or the ability to ‘jump’ to a location I can see or picture in my mind’s eye just by focusing on it.
170. What would be your super hero name? I wouldn’t be a super hero. I’d be me.
171. Would you have a side kick? No.
172. Would you be part of a super team? No way.
173. What would your arch nemesis be called? I wouldn’t have a nemesis. If I acquired one I’m pretty sure one of us would kill the other pretty quick.
174. Super heroes have to have a weakness, what's yours? The fact that I’m mostly human. Which would also be my greatest strength.
175. Did you pick something rare so you would be less likely to be defeated? No. Picking a weakness is stupid.
176. Would you wear a cape? No way.
177. Who is your role model? My anti-role model is my dad.
178. Have you ever had to give a speech in public? Not in public.
179. Do you get stage fright? Yes.
180. Do you have any tattoos? No.
181. If you have them, how many? If not, do you want one? Probably wouldn’t want to get one.
182. Do you have any piercings? No.
183. Have you ever broken a bone? Luckily no.
184. Had surgery? Your toe nail being drilled and stitched in place until it detaches fully doesn’t count does it?
185. Do you consider yourself attractive? No.
186. Would you get cosmetic surgery to change anything about yourself? No.
187. What is the weather like right now? It’s Plymouth. It’s raining.
188. Do you like it? Light rain, not heavy rain.
189. What is your favourite kind of weather? That short time just after the rain when the air has been washed out and it’s still and the sun is out and it’s mildly warm.
190. Do you spend a lot of time outside? Unfortunately not.
191. Do you play any sports? Not particularly.
192. Do you watch any sports? Occasionally I watch 20:20 cricket. I actually go to the matches though; I don’t want sport on TV. I have been known to go to football games and even a snooker game.
193. What do you like/don't like most about sports? I like the activity, I like activity. I don’t like being sweaty.
194. Do you believe that every child on a team, no matter their skill level and dedication should receive a prize, win or lose? No. That’s something that goes with it I think.
195. What would you call the most annoying trait a person can have? To be a troll. (The internet variety)
196. The most endearing? To be open and receptive to new ways of thinking, even if they don’t agree with them, and to be able to argue the pros and cons.
197. Do you have any allergies? No.
198. Do you consider yourself an emotional person? Kinda. It’s hard to explain. I’m quite hard but, like an egg, I crack and it all spills out.
199. When was the last time you cried? Earlier this year. Excuse me if I don’t talk about it.
200. When was the last time you laughed? Smiled because it was vaguely amusing? Yesterday.
Chuckled because it was actually funny? Last week.
Full out laughed out loud and couldn’t stop myself? Years… when was it I last read Artimis Fowl?
201. Do you spend much time talking on the phone (not work related?) No, talking online, yes.
202. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Mum.
203. Do you text a lot? No.
204. Do you believe texting and driving is dangerous? Almost everything is dangerous. Diverting your attention when driving is, but to what degree depends on the driver.
205. What day of the week is it right now? Wednesday.
206. What is the date? 25/04/2012
207. Do you have a favourite date that is not your birthday or a holiday? No.
208. What's your favourite holiday? Any.
209. What's your least favourite holiday? None.
210. What would be the idea birthday present for you? That thing I really want and need but don’t know I want or need.
211. Are your tastes fancier or more simple? Simple.
212. Do you prefer the icing or the cake itself? Depends on the icing and the cake.
213. Do you like ice cream with cake? Yes.
214. What is your favourite fruit? Raspberries.
215. What is your favourite fruit juice? Some tropical juice but I’m not exactly sure what it was.
216. What is your favourite type of pie? Apple pie.
217. Do you eat whipped cream on pie? And off pie.
218. Do you prefer giving presents or getting them? Giving.
219. Hand made or store bought? So long as I need it, I want it, or it’s had some thought put into it.
220. Do you like jelly beans? No.
221. Do you own much jewelry? My watch doesn’t count so no.
222. Do you prefer silver or gold? Gold. It holds its value and doesn’t tarnish.
223. What is the most expensive piece of jewellery you have ever bought/own? The ear rings I got for mum, I’ll leave it at expensive.
224. What is the most expensive non-jewelry article of clothing? My coat.
225. What does your favorite pair of shoes look like? Well-worn and well-worn in. My faded blue walking boots, they fit better than a glove (for your foot) and are mighty comfortable.
226. Pillow should be soft or firm? Soft.
227. What about your bed? Soft.
228. Do you sleep with a lot of blankets or wear warmer pajamas? Pajamas.
229. How many pillows are optimal? Depends on how puffy they are. Two thin ones of one big puffy one.
230. Are you laid back or easily flustered? It depends on what it is regarding.
231. What is the fastest way to upset you? Deride what I enjoy or value without any reason but to upset or annoy me.
232. Do you calm down quickly or take a while to cool off? I cool down quickly but can hold a grudge for years.
233. Do you offend others often? Sometimes, but I apologise unless I mean to offend.
234. A little white lie is no big deal or the path to telling bigger lies? Both. We need to tell and believe the little lies so we can tell and believe the bigger lies, but you should never lie about what is truly important.
235. Do you get embarrassed easily? Yes.
236. Have you ever been to a karoke? No.
237. Are you quick to judge people on appearances or get to know them first? Often quick to judge but always re-evaluate my judgements based on what I learn as I get to know people as I know being quick to judge is a fault of mine.
238. If you could play any board game with a group of historical figures from any time periods, what game and who? Monopoly with Karl Marx.
239. Loner or social butterfly? Loner.
240. Do you use any social networking sites? Yes, but I don’t like them.
241. Do you play online games? Only the Star Wars Combine (join me on it and I’ll help you out if you chose to work with me on it)
242. Do you play offline video games? Dragon Age Origins, and many PS2 games. Assassins Creed 2, Assassins Creed Brotherhood, Gears of War 2, Red Faction Gruella, and Red Dead Redemption when I can.
243. What time do you usually wake up? I want to start getting up at 9am.
244. Do you have a morning routine? No.
245. Showers or baths? Shower.
246. Do you wash your hair or your body first? Hair. Used to be body, no idea why I swapped.
247. When drying off do you start from the head and go down or start at your feet and work up? Head down.
248. Do you keep an umbrella in your car/locker/office in case of unexpected rain? I always carry a full coat. I live in plymouth, you can’t get away without it.
249. When was the last time you just sat and watched the clouds or stars? Stars, Malaysia, weeks ago.
250. Does looking at things like the stars or the ocean make you feel tiny or really important? The stars makes me feel how wonderful the galaxy is. The Ocean makes me feel (sea) sick.
251. Do you wish on shooting stars? I wish on pennies.
252. Do you believe you have to keep a wish secret for it to come true? If you want something to happen telling people normally helps, unless it’s a wish or a prayer.
253. What's a wish you've made that has come true? That I’d see primary rainforest. I made it come true with the choices I’ve made in life. You’ve got to work towards you wishes for them to come true.
254. Have you ever been in a wedding(besides your own if you're married?) Yes, two.
255. Do you have an item you consider to be your personal good luck charm? Two I like very much. But I have many charms and items I hold onto for no other reason than they might be good to hold onto (in the lucky sense).
256. Have you ever lost/tossed it only to have really bad luck? I’ve lst one of my very much lucky stones. The smaller of my two rose quartzes. It makes me sad.
257. What's your most irrational fear? I’d say that I’d jump from a height but that is probably rational considering me. The dark when I’m scared of it, which is not all the time.
258. How do you believe the world as we know it is going to end? The world as we know it is always ending. If the world was static it would be very boring.
259. Have you ever been in love with someone who you were friends with? If yes, did you tell them? No.
260. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done for a friend? Well I’m not going to tell you about it am I?
261. What's the sweetest thing a friend has ever done for you? That’s private.
262. Who was the last person you hugged? Mum. But that doesn’t count so that random dude on the Malaysia trip… I think I was high.
263. Kissed? NA
264. Do you say hello to people you don't know just to be polite? All the time.
265. Do you wave at people you know when driving by them? I don’t drive. But I don’t anyway. If they notice me I more give a nod of acknowledgement.
266. Do questions that only give you two choices bother you? Yes.
267. Chicken or Beef? Vegetarian.
268. Coke or Pepsi? Water.
269. Run or bike? Space hopper.
270. Pancakes or waffles? Bread.
271. Chocolate or vanilla? Coffee.
272. Meat or veggies? Fruit.
273. See it in the cinema or wait for the DVD? thepiratebay
274. Be hot or be cold? In the middle.
275. Pen or pencil? Chalk.
276. Do you have anything you're craving right now? Dinner.
277. When you're craving something will nothing else satisfy you until you get it? Often.
278. What do you find yourself craving the most? Chocolate.
279. Have you ever lied about your age? I’ve not actively lied, I’ve let others assume.
280. Have you ever tried fad diets? No.
281. Do you exercise regularly? I walk all the time but don’t actively exercise.
282. Do you usually remember your dreams? Never unfortunately.
283. Do you like to cook? Not all the time, only occasionally.
284. Do you think your cooking is tasty? Most of the time.
285. What is your favourite dish to cook? Apple, cinnamon, and raisin crumble.
286. Is there any dish you wish you could cook but never seems to come out right? Risotto.
287. Do you ever go over your cell phone minutes? Often.
288. Are you talkative? When I get talking. Never get me talking.
289. Do you notice yourself being a chatterbox around certain people and silent around others? Yes.
290. If you won a million pounds what would the first thing you would buy? I’d pay off my debts first, and then I’d save the rest until I found a career I liked and then buy a house in an appropriate location.
291. How much of it would you be willing to donate? Now this is a hard question. I’d like to say all of it, but I know the real answer would be none of it although I would help out all my family and close friends if I could.
292. Do you think a lot of family you haven't talked to in a while would visit you? No.
293. If you could spend a day however you wanted, money is no object, what would you do? What I’d love to do would take more than a day so if I could spend a day however I wanted to it would be xbox at home after a late start.
294. Are you an easily excited person? If you know how to excite me.
295. Is there something you're anxious about right now? Coursework and exams.
296. What event are you most looking forward to? Going home after my last exam.
297. Is there an event coming up you'd rather avoid? Each and every exam and coursework deadline from the 30th of this month to the 22nd of the next.
298. What's the top three things you're grateful for? Life, liberty/freedom, education.
299. What is the main goal in your life? Live a full and happy life.
300. What steps are you taking to reach that goal? If you don't have one, what are some smaller goals you're working on? Not a clue. I’ll make choices as I cross bridges and I’ll take my life one step at a time.
301. Describe yourself from ten years ago in ten words or less. Younger, shorter, geeker, longer hair, same glasses, meeker, carefree, happier.
302. How different are you now? Older, taller, knowledgeable-er, shorter hair, same glasses, meek, troubled, complicated.
303. Do you like yourself better now or then? Now.
304. What changes do you think you'll see in the next ten years? Main change, age. Not sure about the rest.
305. Do you believe that it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? Loved and lost.
306. What colour shirt are you wearing? Beige.
307. What colour is your favourite shirt? Green.
308. What's something you do every day? Wake up.
309. What website do you visit the most during the day? Student intranet page.
310. How many emails do you get on an average day? One or two.
311. Do you have trouble keeping plants alive? Yes, not good considering my course.
312. What is your favourite flower? I can’t possibly pick.
313. Have any big plans for tomorrow? Finishing my coursework.
314. What do you plan on having for dinner tomorrow? I don’t plan dinners that far ahead.
315. Any TV shows you want to watch coming on? Game of Throned, but can’t watch that. Have I Got News For You. QI.
316. Would you rather: Live your favourite video game or favourite movie? Live my favourite movie. I die sometimes in my favourite video game.
317. Every stop light you see be red or have to drive 45 for the rest of your life? As I’ve said. I don’t drive yet.
318. Be three feet tall or nine feet tall? Three feet tall.
319. Prefer day or night? Evenings and mornings.
320. What is your favourite tabletop game? Not sure.
321. How many different tabletop games have you tried? Star Wars Saga and d20, AD&D 2nd edition, D&D 3rd edition, Firefly RPG, some homerule thing and another I can’t remember.
322. What is your favourite edition of D&D? 3rd
323. What is your favourite D&D race to play? Not sure.
324. What about class? Some smart combatant with decent skills. Rogue or ranger type.
325. What do you consider the “bare essentials” for starting gear? If it’s a character with the survival skill and it’s a wilderness adventure an axe, a bow and some arrows, a waterskin, a knife, a bedroll.
326. Have you ever GMed a game? Once, it didn’t go well.
327. What's the most devious thing you/your GM has ever done in game? I don’t think I’ve had the chance to be truly devious yet. Not without playing into the GMs hands yet at least.
328. What is your favourite kind of monster? Monster, one created by the hero. Villain, one created by the hero but with a real well thought-out backstory that makes sense and I can relate to.
329. What kind of tabletop game would you like to see made? It’s been made. The Firefly RPG.
330. Have you ever homebrewed a world? I keep trying, I don’t get far.
331. How about a whole game? (This can mean a rule set or everything in a campaign) I keep trying, mostly it’s adaptions of existing rule sets though.
332. What was the name of your first character? Aves Roke
333. What was the latest character you've made? Nararr of the Dancing Axe pride.
334. What was your favorite character like? I don’t know if I can pick one, they are all like children.
335. Do you reuse characters from one game to the next, despite them not having anything to do with each other? No. Never.
336. Do you have any pop culture obsessions? No.
337. What's the most inspirational quote you can think of? So many possibilities to choose from. I think it would have to be Churchill’s Battle of Britain speech, but generally I think music can be more inspirational and that the right words in the right place can have a truly awesome effect no matter who said them.
338. What's the funniest? Death, from the Hogfather. “I am last minute stuff.”
339. What is your favourite color? Green, and it’s many shades.
340. What's the weirdest color name you can think of? Blush… it’s not a colour, it’s something you do.
341. If you could have a color renamed after you what color would it be? I’m not sure I’d want to be a colour, but if I had no choice it would be British Racing Green. (Britain again, I’ve got Britain on the brain)
342. Did you/would you colour inside the lines in a colouring book? I’d try, but fail.
343. Do you still colour in colouring books? No.
344. How many times a day do you not “act your age?” As many time as I can.
345. Do you think you're immature? I’m immaturely mature.
346. Would other people agree with you? I don’t think so.
347. What is your definition of maturity? Knowing that there you don’t know everything and that you never will.
348. What is your definition of normal? Boring.
349. What do you think is the most important lesson a parent can impart on their child? The value of life, liberty/freedom, and education.
350. What is your astrological sign? Torus.
351. Do you know your Chinese Zodiac animal? I think I’m a monkey.
352. Do you believe in astrology? It can’t hurt.
353. Do you read your horoscope? (Hey you don't have to believe in it to read it) For a laugh.
354. How do you keep up with the news? Yes, although it is generally depressing.
355. Are you active in your local community? No.
356. Do you volunteer your time anywhere? No.
357. What is your favourite brand of shampoo? Austrian.
358. Bar soap or body wash? Body wash.
359. What's your favourite brand of toothpaste? Colgate.
360. Do you floss? No.
361. Do you chew gum? No.
362. When was the last time you went to the doctor? 3rd of April. Food poisoning.
363. Do you get sick frequently? No.
364. Would you rather have a steak and potato or soup and a salad? Irish Broth with good fresh bread.
365. Are you fond of children? Not to eat. Otherwise sometimes.
366. Do you think you would make a good role model? No.
367. Who do you know that would be the best role model? John Bull.
368. Do you have a favourite artist? No.
369. What art style do you like best? New romantic, but that’s most people default setting.
370. What art style do you just not “get?” Abstract or impressionist. Or modern art.
371. If the world ended tomorrow what would be the one thing you would regret not being able to do? Live a full life.
372. How long do you think you would survive out in the wilderness? Probably a week.
373. Were you a girl/boy scout? Boy scout.
374. Do you know how to check the oil in a car? Yes.
375. How about change it? No.
376. Change a tire? No.
377. Can you drive a manual “stick shift” transmission vehicle? No.
378. Have you ever been inside an 18 wheeler semi-truck? No.
379. Have you ever bathed outside? I’ve skinny dipped. Does that count?
380. How much would someone have to pay you to walk down your street naked? £50,000 would probably cover all my future student loans and such so that would probably do it.
381. What's something you're known for? My changeability.
382. Does this reputation bother you? Sometimes, others times not so much.
383. If you could get a reputation for one thing, what would you like it to be? Discovering/masterminding a humane way to keep the world in an acceptable state of life and still protecting the rest of the world.
384. Do you think you could handle being famous? I could handle is, I don’t know if I’d handle it well.
385. You've been chosen to judge a contest, what contest would you like it to be? (Keep it clean folks) Contest to design the 2012 London Olympic Logo, I wouldn’t have picked the logo we have.
386. Do you have an MP3 player of some sort? iPod.
387. How do you get most of your music? Borrowed CDs
388. What was the last actual CD you purchased? Nickleback, Santana
389. Do you own any audio cassette tapes? Yes.
390. What about VHS tapes? Yes!
391. Are there any movies you suddenly remembered that you haven't seen in a long time because they are on VHS instead of DVD? Toy Story. The Lion King. The Star Wars trilogies.
392. What's an old movie you wish they would remake? They have, it was 3:10 to Yuma.
393. What's one you wish they hadn't remade? Titanic
394. If your life was a movie and you could cast any actor/actress as yourself who would you choose? Myself, I could do with the money.
395. Who would play your significant other? (even if you don't actually have one) Not a clue.
396. What rating would your life movie have? PG. Take out all the bits not PG so that it appeals to a wider audience lol
397. What colour is the outside of your house/apartment building? It’s pebble dashed
398. What colour are the walls on the inside? White.
399. Do you have any posters or pictures on the walls in your bedroom? Yer. A few nice things, mostly photographs of Belize and Malaysia.
400. What kind of flooring do you have? Carpet.
401. Is there something you would rather have? Shag carpet.
402. Is your bed comfortable? Very.
403. How long have you been sleeping in the same bed? This is the second year in this bed.
404. Do you keep your living space clean? No.
405. Do you have daily chores you do? Yes.
406. Do you listen to music loud? Sometimes.
407. Do you believe if it's too loud you're too old? No.
408. How old do you have to be to die of old age? Not a clue. I’m going to top myself if I get too old.
409. If you could choose how you go, how would you like to die? Suddenly and spectacularly or in my sleep.
410. How would you like to be remembered? As myself.
411. Buried or cremated? Funeral pyre with my bones put into a crypt.
412. What's the most useful obsession you have? Writing everything on paper.
413. What about the most useless? Drawing the curtains every day in the living room.
414. Do you tend to keep items you have no use for because they have sentimental value? Yes.
415. Is it hard for you to get rid of items that used to mean a lot to you? No, I don’t get rid of them.
416. Have you ever gotten rid of something only to need it a few days later? Oh yes. I hate it when I do that.
417. What do you remember about your first crush? The “no” I got from the girl.
418. What about your first kiss? NA
419. Did you save it for someone special? NA
420. Do you think first impressions are the most lasting or easily forgotten once you get to know someone? Easily forgotten once you are past them.
421. Do you have to put your foot in your mouth a lot? Yes.
422. Are you clumsy? Ocasionaly.
423. Have you ever fallen down stairs? Yes, but only a couple of steps.
424. How about up them? Yes, still can’t work out how.
425. Have you ever run up a down escalator? Yes.
426. Ever pushed all the buttons in an elevator? Yes.
427. Have you ever been stuck in an elevator? Yes.
428. Would being stuck at the top of a Ferris Wheel for a couple hours scare you? Probably.
429. Have you ever been on an amusement ride when it broke down? No.
430. Do roller coasters make you sick to your stomach? Yes.
431. Do you have a strong stomach? No.
432. Can you walk across your yard barefoot? I could but wouldn’t choose to.
433. What about across the road? I could but wouldn’t choose to.
434. When was the last time you sent someone a letter? Ages ago. Years.
435. What about received one? 23rd April, birthday card.
436. Do you send birthday cards? Yes.
437. Would you rather choose a gift for someone or get them a gift card so they can decide? Gift or money. Never a gift card.
438. Do you think getting gift cards is as fun as getting regular presents? No.
439. Have you ever been to a bridal shower? No.
440. What about a baby shower? No.
441. Bachelor/bachelorette shower? No.
442. Have you ever spelled a word wrong and thought the spell check suggestions were funny? Yes.
443. Did you try that after reading the question? No.
444. Who is the most gullible person you know? Annabel.
445. What is the most inventive prank you've ever played on someone? It was a bit mean but it was a payback prank. I simply left the hotel door unlocked, told them I’d locked it, and then pretended I’d left the key in the room.
446. Do you have more friends in real life or online? Online.
447. Where did you meet most of your friends? Student Union.
448. Do you think of yourself as popular? No.
449. Are you a part of the “in crowd?” No.
450. If you had to identify with a high school clique which one would you fall into? The loners.
451. If you were an alien (space not immigrant) what planet would you like to be from? That one *Loki points to a random point in the sky*
452. Do you think pluto is still a planet? What difference does a name make? A rose smells sweet no matter if it is called a rose.
453. Have you ever been roller skating? Yer, I fell over.
454. Roller blading? What’s the difference between that and roller skating?
455. Snow Skiing? Yes, I fell over.
456. Water Skiing? No, I’d fall over.
457. Backpacking? Yes. I didn’t fall over.
458. Camping? Yes, I fell in a river.
459. On a walk? Yes.
460. On the beach? Yes.
461. In the ocean? I’ve been on the ocean.
462. Lost? I’ve never been in Lost. But I have been lost.
463. On a road trip? Yes.
464. Have you had to ask for directions from a stranger before? Yes.
465. Do you have a GPS? No.
466. Can you read an atlas? Yes. And I can triangulate my position.
467. Do you own a globe? Used to.
468. What's the most interesting country in your opinion? Britain.
469. Have you ever been there? I live here.
470. What's the most fascinating part of the country? All of it.
471. If you could rule that country for a year would you? Oh yes.
472. What about ruling the whole world for a year? Yes.
473. Do you think you would be a good ruler? Yes. But others might disagree.
474. Would someone else you know be a better ruler? Very likely.
475. What do you think is the most important quality a leader can have? To be a leader, not a reactionist like most politicians are.
476. How long do you think you would survive in a zombie apocalypse? Less than a week.
477. Would you rather die and stay dead or come back as a zombie? Die and stay dead.
478. If you were a vampire would you feel bad about drinking human blood? No.
479. Do you feel bad about eating animals? I don’t eat animals.
480. If vegetarians eat vegetables what do humanitarians eat? I like this question.
481. Do you use body lotion? No.
482. Do you take care of your feet? I wash them and ware proper sized shoes that fit and are worn in.
483. Have you ever gotten a massage? No.
484. Manicure? No.
485. Pedicure? No.
486. Ever had any part of your body waxed? No.
487. Ever cut yourself shaving? Yes.
488. What's the dumbest question on this survey so far? All the questions asking about your opinion on yourself, you’ll never get an unbaits answer.
489. Can you do funny voices? Yes.
490. Do you do good impressions? No.
491. Would it embarrass you if someone you were impersonating showed up and watched you? Yes.
492. Have you ever pretended that the floor is lava and you couldn't touch it? Not even during stupid team building things.
493. Do you count your steps? Not without a pedometer.
494. When walking on the sidewalk do you avoid stepping on cracks? No.
495. Are you superstitious at all? Partly. Sometimes.
496. What's the silliest superstition you can think of? Keeping wishes to yourself.
497. Can you pronounce your name spelled backwards? No.
498. Can you pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time? Yes.
499. Can you burp at will? No.
500. Are you glad this is the last question? YES!

Posted on 2012-04-25 at 19:13:52.

postima prolifica
Karma: 74/7
691 Posts

Is only fair I do it too...

since I posted it. XD

I'mma cheat and go super easy mode and post ten at a time.
Still crackin up over Eol's.

1. Name?

2. Nickname?
Becky, Becca, Boo-chan, Edward, DEH, Becker...

3. Do you like your nicknames?
I honestly hate being called Becky

4. Do you have something you wish people would call you but never catches on?

5. If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
I've put a lot of thought into this... probably Snicklefritz

6. Were you named after anyone?
Yep, my cousin, Rebecca

7. Who named you?
My sister Kelly saved me from being named Honey Love, damn hippy parents

8. Age?

9. Do you wish you were older/younger?
Sometimes wish I was younger again

10. If you could be one age forever what would you choose?
I'd go back to the fourth grade.

Posted on 2012-04-25 at 20:45:37.

Angel Reincarnated
Karma: 87/22
1159 Posts


1. Name?

2. Nickname?
Mira, Matilda, Mir-Mir, Randy

3. Do you like your nicknames?
All but the Randy (brother gave me that one)

4. Do you have something you wish people would call you but never catches on?

5. If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
Beautiful, that way anyone who talks to me would compliment me.

6. Were you named after anyone?

7. Who named you?
My Mother

8. Age?

9. Do you wish you were older/younger?
Nope, age is just our loan on life, therefore it is insignificant.

10. If you could be one age forever what would you choose?
I guess I would 24

11. When is your birthday?
March 3rd.

12. Was anyone else you know born on that day?
Nope, nobody I have met.

13. Did any important historical event (besides your birth) happen on that day? (too many to choose from)

14. Gender?

15. Have you ever wondered what it is like to be the other gender?
Nope I already have a pretty good idea of what it would be like to be a guy...not going to expand on that...

16. If you could switch would you?
Hell no!

17. What color eyes do you have?
Blue, sometimes green, depends on my mood and what I'm wearing.

18. Do you wear glasses/contacts?
I'm supposed to wear glasses but I usually don't because they give me a headache.

19. Do your eyes ever change colors?

20. Are they the same as anyone in your family?
We all have blue eyes in my family.

21. Who in your family to you look most like?
My mom for sure.

22. What color is your hair?
Naturally dirty blonde, currently, reddish brown

23. How long is it?
Just past shoulder length

24. When was the last time you got your hair cut?
A couple months ago.

25. Have you ever dyed it?
Yep for many years

26. If you have what color most recently, if not what color would you like?
Reddish brown (I think)

27. If you could instantly have any length of hair how long?
Shoulder length is comfortable for the summer.

28. Is your hair thick or fine?

29. Have you ever shaved your head?
Nope but I shaved my dads head for him.

30. Have you ever worn a wig?

31. Do you spend much time in front of the mirror every day?
Long enough to see if my I'm dressed and hair is in place.

32. Do you try to stay in touch with the latest trends?
I'm usually setting the trends.

33. How would you define your personal style?
Unique and outgoing

34. Are you right or left handed?
Depends on what I'm doing. Writing is right handed, hockey, and most sports are left handed. Opening jars is left handed. *shrugs*

35. Can you write legibly with your other hand?
Dunno it's been years since I have attempted it. If I can it wouldn't be as fast as with my right hand.

36. Can you write backwards?
Yes, and upside down.

37. How many languages do you speak?
two fluently, and learning a third.

38. If you could learn any language what one would you choose?

39. Which language do you think is the hardest to learn?
Spanish, a lot of rules and exceptions.

40. Do you like to travel?
Yes I love to travel

41. Do you prefer travel by plane or car?

42. What's the furthest you've traveled?

43. What's your favorite place you've been?
I would have to say Milano, Italy. Beautiful things to see there.

44. If you could go on a free vacation where would you go?

45. Where do you live?
In an igloo. Also known as Canada.

46. Do you like it there?
Yeah, it's nice, but prefer to live out west or out east where I can see the ocean.

47. If you could live anywhere, where would you move to?
Near the ocean.

48. Have you ever moved?
Yes too many times.

49. What's the shortest time you've lived in one place?
Two weeks.

50. What's the longest time you've lived in one place?
Not sure, it's between two houses I've lived at.

51. Where do you consider “home?”
Anywhere that my man is.

52. What is your favorite type of music?
Rock, easy listening stuff.

53. Can you play any instruments?
Does the radio count? I used to be able to play the drums, was learning it anyway, but got rid of the drumset when I moved out of my dads place.

54. If you could learn any instrument which one would you choose?

55. If you were in a rock band what would it be called?

56. Is there any kind of music you just can't stand?
The kind that makes no sense! Either no words, or words you cannot understand.

57. What's your favorite song?
I won't Give Up - Jason Mraz

58. Are there any song lyrics you really identify with?
Yes lots of them.

59. Have you ever written a song?

60. Have you ever written a love letter?

61. Have you ever received a love letter?
Cannot say I have received a hand written love letter from anyone, but have received love emails.

62. What's the most romantic thing you've ever done?
I'll get back to you on that one, will have to sort through them all and figure out which one is the most romantic.

63. What's something that most people think is romantic that you don't?
I'm a hopeless romantic lol

64. What's something silly that you think is romantic?
Not able to say it on this website

65. What's the longest relationship you've ever had?
Just over a year and a half.

66. The shortest?
A month

67. Are you married?
Will be soon (as in this month)

68. If you could have attended any historical event which one would you choose?
The Titanic.

69. What's your favorite period in history?
Don't have one, I don't like living in the past.

70. How do you think you would be different if raised in that period?
I would assume I'd have been married 5 years ago, and be a stay at home mom while the husband worked.

71. What current technology do you think would have been most helpful to people of that period?

72. What current technology could you not live without?
Computers (with internet)

73. What invention do you think had the most impact on society when it was introduced?
The Car

74. Who is your favorite historical figure?
*shrugs* Don't spend much time in the past...Terry Fox is an inspiration to me though

75. If you could go back and say something to that person, what would you say?
Thank you for following your dreams.

76. Do you think you would have gotten along with them?

77. If you could have a machine that produced one item at the touch of a button what would it be?
The item I would have it produce would be an item available from the pita pit. Chicken ceasar wrap with bacon, romaine lettuce, cucumber, pickles, chipotle and ranch dressing and swiss cheese.

78. What type of food is your favorite?
Starches and fruits

79. What specific dish?
Scalloped potatoes

80. Can you eat with chopsticks?
Never tried, but doubt I could.

81. What is your favorite kind of movie?
Action, romance, comedy

82. Do you watch foreign films?
No, hate having to read the movie.

83. Is there a type of movie you just can't stand?
Horror, they are all the same.

84. What is your favorite movie?
I can't decide, I love disney movies, fantasy movies, romance movies, I don't have a fave all time movie.

85. Who is your favorite actor?
*shrugs* Don't honestly have one.

86. Favorite actress?
Same as above.

87. Favorite director?
*shrugs* Never know who directs what films lol.

88. Do you own the soundtrack to any movies?

89. Do you like theatre?
Not usually, prefer laying in bed to watch my movies.

90. Have you ever tried acting?

91. If you had to be in a play, what play and what part would you like?
Shakespeare, and no idea what part I'd want to play. Perhaps Porcha from the merchant of venice.

92. Do you enjoy reading?

93. Do you have a favorite book?
Don't have a fave book, I love mostly fantasy books. The Wheel of Time, Drizzt series, to kill a mockingbird, Harry Potter, twilight, I love books that can keep your interest.

94. How about a favorite author?
Not really.

95. Favorite genre?
Fantasy, science fiction, things that aren't parallel to the real world.

96. What book has had the most impact on you?
To Kill A Mockingbird, or Diary of Anne Frank

97. Is there a book you hate?
Lord of The Rings, too much pointless information in the books

98. What was the last book you read?
The Black Prism (Amazing book impatiently waiting for the second one to come out end of september or something like that)

99. Do you go to the library or buy books you want to read?
Buy the books.

100. Have you ever lost or stolen a book from a library?
Nope I take great care of books

101. Who is your favorite children's author?
Dr Seuss

102. Are you good at spelling?
for the most part (unless I mix it up with the french version of the word)

103. Are there words that just never look spelled right to you?
*shrugs* Not off the top of my head.

104. What was/is your favorite school subject?

105. Your least favorite?

106. Who was your favorite teacher?
Mrs Zucatto

107. Did you do well in their class?
Passed with flying colours in all of the classes with her, without having to write final exam.

108. What ethnicity are you?

109. Do you know much about your family history?
Not really, dads side is french, and moms side is dutch.

110. Are you related to anyone famous?
Not that I'm aware.

111. What hobbies do you do?
Reading, writing, horseback riding, kayaking, random outdoor stuff usually.

112. Which hobby is your favorite?
Horseback riding!

113. How long have you been it?
On and off for a few years (gets expensive)

114. What got you started doing it?
My love for horses.

115. What did you want to be when you grew up?
Too many things!

116. What job do you have now?
Bilingual customer service representative.

117. How did you end up doing that?
Applied for the job and got hired. It's a temporary job until I go back to school for computer programming.

118. What would your dream job be?
Anything to do with computers, animals, or children.

119. Do you have any silly/weird skills?
*shrugs* Ask my friends/family and such, I don't know.

120. How would your friends describe you?
Ask them not me I would think they would describe me as beautiful, hyper, weird, unique, stubborn, wreckless and much more.

121. Would you agree with that?
Yeah absolutely!

122. Do you stay in touch with childhood friends?
Yes, my best friend and I have been friends since we were toddlers.

123. If there was a moment in your life that made you realize that you're an adult, what moment would that be?
Having to work full time and pay rent (despite living at home)

124. Do you have a good memory? What's that?

125. What is your favorite childhood memory?
Don't really have any memories of childhood.

126. If you could make a movie of all your memories, do you think others would want to watch it?
It wouldn't be very long if its based solely on my memories.

127. Do you like to tell jokes?
*shrugs* Sometimes, but generally not.

128. What is your favorite clean joke?
One day, a mailman was greeted by a boy and his dog. The mailman said to the boy, "Does your dog bite?"
"No," replied the boy.
Just then, the dog bit the mailman.
"Hey, "he yelled. "I thought your dog doesn't bite!"
"He doesn't," replied the boy, "but that's not my dog."

129. What is your favorite candy?

130. Do you have any candy right now?
Does chocolate count as candy? If so I have Godiva Chocolatier.

131. Favorite ice cream flavor?
Depends on my mood, Reese's, Rocky Road and a few others

132. What makes up the perfect ice cream sundae?
Not sure, have yet to have the perfect ice cream sundae!

133. Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue?

134. Any flavor of ice cream you think is gross?
Yes lots of them!

135. Do you eat your ice cream out of a cup or a bowl?
Bowl if I'm at home, or in a cone if I'm buying it from an ice cream place.

136. If you were making the best dinner in the world how many courses would it have and what dishes?
One course, and have everything available at that course. I do horribly with multi-course dishes. I keep eating until food is gone lol. No idea what kind of dishes it would be, depends on who is coming for dinner!

137. What is your favorite beverage?

138. Do you like ice in your drinks?

139. Do you like to eat ice?

140. Do you like snow cones?
Not really.

141. Do you like to play in the snow?

142. Have you ever made a snowman?

143. How about a snow angel?

144. Do you have a lucky number?
Several of them.

145. Have you ever bought a lottery ticket?
Yes, several times.

146. Have you ever been to a casino?
Once and I'd never go again.

147. Have you ever won any money gambling?

148. What is your favorite animal?

149. Do you have any pets?
Two cats that live with me, and dog that lives with my dad.

150. If you could have any animal as a pet what would you pick?

151. Do you wish you could have an imaginary/mythical creature as a pet?

152. Have you ever been to the zoo?
Yes a few times. Going again this year.

153. Have you ever been to a farm?
I grew up on a farm.

154. Have you ever been to an amusement park?
Not a real amusement park.

155. Are you scared of heights?
Not scared of heights, but scared of climbing up a ladder (because they aren't sturdy)

156. Are you scared of the dark?

157. Do scary movies frighten you?
Nope they make me laugh.

158. If you had to name your biggest pet peeve what would it be?
*shrugs* I'll tell you if you do it!

159. Do you ever catch yourself doing your pet peeve?
Not that I'm aware.

160. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law?
Once, it was quite fun!

161. You're going to jail. What crime did you most likely commit?
Ummm, probably one I'm not even aware exists!

162. Are there any fictional criminals you like? If so, who?
Can't think of any off the top of my head.

163. If you could be any fictional character who would you be?
Dunno, too hard to decide.

164. If you could meet any fictional character who would you meet?
Any disney character.

165. If you could have invented any item what item would you pick?
No idea!

166. Do you ever have ideas and a couple months later you see them advertised?

167. Do you believe in psychic powers?

168. Have you ever had a psychic reading?

169. If you could have any super power what would you choose?
Teleport/time travel thingy. That lets you instantly arrive anywhere you have been before. Would save me time and money!

170. What would be your super hero name?
The Shadow Cat

171. Would you have a side kick?
A dog

172. Would you be part of a super team?

173. What would your arch nemesis be called?
The Alien Stalker

174. Super heroes have to have a weakness, what's yours?

175. Did you pick something rare so you would be less likely to be defeated?
Depends where in the world you are sitting I guess!

176. Would you wear a cape?
Nope. Cape's are the death of most superheroes...they get caught in things.

177. Who is your role model?
A person with a name!

178. Have you ever had to give a speech in public?
Yep it was scary, but I faced my fears

179. Do you get stage fright?
Yes and no, had major butterflies and hands were sweaty, but pulled it off quite well.

180. Do you have any tattoos?

181. If you have them, how many? If not, do you want one?
Yes, already have it picked out, just can't get it yet!

182. Do you have any piercings?

183. Have you ever broken a bone?

184. Had surgery?

185. Do you consider yourself attractive?
Damn straight!

186. Would you get cosmetic surgery to change anything about yourself?

187. What is the weather like right now?
I assume it's pleasant out right now

188. Do you like it?

189. What is your favorite kind of weather?
Depends on the time of year, I like all weather.

190. Do you spend a lot of time outside?
Not as much as I would like.

191. Do you play any sports?

192. Do you watch any sports?

193. What do you like/don't like most about sports?
They are played for money not for the fun of the game.

194. Do you believe that every child on a team, no matter their skill level and dedication should receive a prize, win or lose?
Absolutely, its about having fun, not winning or losing.

195. What would you call the most annoying trait a person can have?
Needing to be the center of attention!

196. The most endearing?
Kind hearted (donates to charity etc)

197. Do you have any allergies?
Yes, but no clue what they are. I remember twice in my life having an allergy attack. Had an epipen when I was younger, but no clue what it was from and the most recent time I had been eating a Hungry Man (no I don't know which kind it was).

198. Do you consider yourself an emotional person?

199. When was the last time you cried?
Within the last week.

200. When was the last time you laughed?

201. Do you spend much time talking on the phone (not work related?)
Not very much!

202. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Not sure, might have been customer service somewhere, might have been my mom.

203. Do you text a lot?
Nope, usually use my phone to check my emails or the time.

204. Do you believe texting and driving is dangerous?
Absolutely! I yell at my mom when she tries to do it!

205. What day of the week is it right now?
Wednesday? I think lol

206. What is the date?
25th of April

207. Do you have a favorite date that is not your birthday or a holiday?
Yessum, my hubby's birthday!

208. What's your favorite holiday?

209. What's your least favorite holiday?
Any holiday that doesn't give me a paid day off work, or a delicious family dinner.

210. What would be the ideal birthday present for you?
Quality time at a bookstore with the hubby.

211. Are your tastes fancier or more simple?
Depends if we are talking wedding dresses or every day clothing.

212. Do you prefer the icing or the cake itself?
Depends on the cake!

213. Do you like ice cream with cake?
Depends on the cake!

214. What is your favorite fruit?

215. What is your favorite fruit juice?

216. What is your favorite type of pie?
Apple Crisp (if that counts) if not I'll have to go with pumpkin I guess.

217. Do you eat whipped cream on pie?
Depends on the pie, and if pie is hot or cold.

218. Do you prefer giving presents or getting them?
Giving, makes me feel wonderful.

219. Hand made or store bought?
Usually Store bought, I'm not very talented when it comes to hand made items.

220. Do you like jelly beans?
Jelly Bellies are better than jelly beans.

221. Do you own much jewelry?
Yes quite a bit.

222. Do you prefer silver or gold?
White Gold.

223. What is the most expensive piece of jewelry you have ever bought/own?
I assume it is my grandmother's ring, has 16 diamonds in it. The most expensive jewelry I bought was $300 ring, and necklace combination.

224. What is the most expensive non-jewelry article of clothing?
Maternity clothes.

225. What does your favorite pair of shoes look like?
Don't have a fave pair of shoes, prefer staying barefoot.

226. Pillow should be soft or firm?
A happy medium?

227. What about your bed?
Soft! I want the bed to embrace me.

228. Do you sleep with a lot of blankets or wear warmer pajamas?

229. How many pillows are optimal?
Three pillows.

230. Are you laid back or easily flustered?
Depends on the situation, at work, easily flustered, outside of work, usually pretty laid back.

231. What is the fastest way to upset you?
Lying to me, cheating on me, or talking behind my back.

232. Do you calm down quickly or take a while to cool off?
Depends what upset me, where I am, what I'm doing etc. Generally I'll just listen to music, or watch some t.v or even read a book to relax.

233. Do you offend others often?
I can break somebody's heart and them still bend over backwards for I'll say no.

234. A little white lie is no big deal or the path to telling bigger lies?
if the lie is to hide a surprise it's fine, but if its a lie about something important, they should have their mouth sewn shut.

235. Do you get embarrassed easily?
Again, depends on who I'm with, and what is being done.

236. Have you ever been to a karoke?

237. Are you quick to judge people on appearances or get to know them first?
I think we are all guilty of doing both. We will make a judgement on somebody or something, and then alter that judgement.

238. If you could play any board game with a group of historical figures from any time periods, what game and who?
Monopoly for sure, and don't think it matters as to who I play the game with!

239. Loner or social butterfly?

240. Do you use any social networking sites?

241. Do you play online games?

242. Do you play offline video games?

243. What time do you usually wake up?
Sunrise (my cat makes sure of that)

244. Do you have a morning routine?
Yeah, wake up, check emails, facebook etc, get out of bed, put on robe, use bathroom, turn on kettle, find breakfast, make breakfast, get dressed for my day, eat breakfast, put on coat, and shoes and out the door.

245. Showers or baths?
Showers, unless supervised then baths. I will fall asleep if left alone in a bath without somebody to talk to.

246. Do you wash your hair or your body first?

247. When drying off do you start from the head and go down or start at your feet and work up?
I start with my hair so it doesn't drip down my body.

248. Do you keep an umbrella in your car/locker/office in case of unexpected rain?
I don't even own that item. I enjoy walking through the rain.

249. When was the last time you just sat and watched the clouds or stars?
Not since living in the big city I miss it a lot though.

250. Does looking at things like the stars or the ocean make you feel tiny or really important?
It makes me feel important.

251. Do you wish on shooting stars?
When I see them yes.

252. Do you believe you have to keep a wish secret for it to come true?
Nope not at all.

253. What's a wish you've made that has come true?
Own horses, find my "prince charming" marry him and start a family before age 25.

254. Have you ever been in a wedding(besides your own if you're married?)
No I have never stood up in a wedding.

255. Do you have an item you consider to be your personal good luck charm?
Nope, I consider myself lucky regardless.

256. Have you ever lost/tossed it only to have really bad luck?

257. What's your most irrational fear?
Airports. Not flying, but sitting in an airport.

258. How do you believe the world as we know it is going to end?
It will die out from mass pollution.

259. Have you ever been in love with someone who you were friends with? If yes, did you tell them?
Yes, and I flirted and chatted until they went on the edge to ask me out

260. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done for a friend?
I've done a lot of things people consider embarrassing for friends. When I was shy my cousin asked me to ask a stranger to dance with her. Turns out I ended up dating him for a year and a half and it was worst relationship ever.

261. What's the sweetest thing a friend has ever done for you?
Treated me out to dinner and flowers because I was having a bad day.

262. Who was the last person you hugged?
Family members at the last family event (Easter)

263. Kissed?
My fiance <3

264. Do you say hello to people you don't know just to be polite?

265. Do you wave at people you know when driving by them?
I don't drive, but I do randomly wave and say Hi! if somebody honks at me!

266. Do questions that only give you two choices bother you?
Not at all! Make life easier.

267. Chicken or Beef?

268. Coke or Pepsi?

269. Run or bike?
Bike I guess...(though I like neither of them)

270. Pancakes or waffles?
Pancakes (with chocolate chips)

271. Chocolate or vanilla?

272. Meat or veggies?

273. See it in the cinema or wait for the DVD?

274. Be hot or be cold?

275. Pen or pencil?

276. Do you have anything you're craving right now?

277. When you're craving something will nothing else satisfy you until you get it?

278. What do you find yourself craving the most?

279. Have you ever lied about your age?
Not that I can remember

280. Have you ever tried fad diets?
Hell No

281. Do you exercise regularly?

282. Do you usually remember your dreams?
Most times yes. In fact I still remember a dream from about 10 years ago.

283. Do you like to cook?
Only for a group of people, dislike cooking for one or two people.

284. Do you think your cooking is tasty?
Damn straight!

285. What is your favorite dish to cook?
Roast with mashed potatoes, gravy, and some form of veggies.

286. Is there any dish you wish you could cook but never seems to come out right?
Not that I can think of right now.

287. Do you ever go over your cell phone minutes?
No, I don't use my cell phone really.

288. Are you talkative?
Yes, for the most part.

289. Do you notice yourself being a chatterbox around certain people and silent around others?
Yep, if I have common interests with somebody I am hard to shut up, if I have nothing in common with somebody I generally avoid them or give short answers if I have to talk to them.

290. If you won a million dollars what would the first thing you would buy?
Probably buy a house for the fiance and myself to start our family in.

291. How much of it would you be willing to donate?
Everything left after buying the house. (I assume at least 1/4 of it if not more)

292. Do you think a lot of family you haven't talked to in a while would visit you?
Nope I don't think about that, because most family forget I am only a short drive away.

293. If you could spend a day however you wanted, money is no object, what would you do?
I would spend the day horseback riding (without a guide) in alberta.

294. Are you an easily excited person?

295. Is there something you're anxious about right now?

296. What event are you most looking forward to?
Getting married and having our child.

297. Is there an event coming up you'd rather avoid?
Nope cannot say there is.

298. What's the top three things you're grateful for?
My family, my friends, and my Fiance <3

299. What is the main goal in your life?
I don't have a MAIN goal, I have many goals.

300. What steps are you taking to reach that goal? If you don't have one, what are some smaller goals you're working on?
I would like to be given the chance to work with Cesar Milan (the dog whisperer) and become a computer programmer. I'm getting my life in order to be able to afford both.

301. Describe yourself from ten years ago in ten words or less.
Shy teen/ Cinderella

302. How different are you now?
Very different, I am more outgoing than I was back then.

303. Do you like yourself better now or then?

304. What changes do you think you'll see in the next ten years?
I will have gotten a degree for my career and be raising my family.

305. Do you believe that it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all?

306. What color shirt are you wearing?

307. What color is your favorite shirt?

308. What's something you do every day?
Check facebook, talk to my hubby, cuddle with my two cats.

309. What website do you visit the most during the day?
Facebook, hotmail and Castlot.

310. How many emails do you get on an average day?
12 or more (mostly coupon things like groupon)

311. Do you have trouble keeping plants alive?
Dunno never tried.

312. What is your favorite flower?

313. Have any big plans for tomorrow?
Yes I have a date with the hubby for us to study together.

314. What do you plan on having for dinner tomorrow?
I don't even know what I'm having for dinner tonight. Something with chicken tonight, will decide later tonight what I'm having tomorrow.

315. Any TV shows you want to watch coming on?
Yeah, all reruns though

316. Would your rather: Live your favorite video game or favorite movie?
Movie for sure

317. Every stop light you see be red or have to drive 45 for the rest of your life?
Every stop light being red (because I don't see many red lights)

318. Be three feet tall or nine feet tall?
Nine feet tall. Nobody could give you wet willies or whatever.

319. Prefer day or night?

320. What is your favorite tabletop game?
I don't have experience with this unfortunately

321. How many different tabletop games have you tried?
one? When I went to visit the hubby.

322. What is your favorite edition of D&D?
3.5 though I have more experience playing 2e through Trilogy Wars.

323. What is your favorite D&D race to play?
Elf, half-elf or drow

324. What about class?
Still testing out the waters, I generally pick what the group needs most of all from what's left.

325. What do you consider the “bare essentials” for starting gear?
depends on the setting, depends on the character, the class lots of things. I guess perhaps their weapon, and bedroll? I don't know would have to see the intro to the game to tell you what I'd think bare essentials are.

326. Have you ever GMed a game?
Yeah attempted it, but didn't get far from lack of knowledge.

327. What's the most devious thing you/your GM has ever done in game?
Where should the list begin? lol Too many to name.

328. What is your favorite kind of monster?
The kind you can sneak up on and kill without having to rest right after lol

329. What kind of tabletop game would you like to see made?
*Shrugs* I think they already have a tabletop version of the game I want (The Wheel of Time)

330. Have you ever homebrewed a world?
Nope can't say I have.

331. How about a whole game? (This can mean a rule set or everything in a campaign)

332. What was the name of your first character?
Umm, first character...not sure, might have been Sorceress Selina, but that was way back in yahoo chat, and we didn't have any rules for dnd really.

333. What was the latest character you've made?

334. What was your favorite character like?

335. Do you reuse characters from one game to the next, despite them not having anything to do with each other?
Nope, I create new characters for each game.

336. Do you have any pop culture obsessions?
Not that I'm aware.

337. What's the most inspirational quote you can think of?
Life is like the dice that, falling, still show a different face. So life, though it remains the same, is always presenting different aspects.

338. What's the funniest?
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

339. What is your favorite color?

340. What's the weirdest color name you can think of?

341. If you could have a color renamed after you what color would it be?

342. Did you/would you color inside the lines in a coloring book?

343. Do you still color in coloring books?

344. How many times a day do you not “act your age?”
Every hour of the day

345. Do you think you're immature?
Absolutely, you are forced to grow old, but you can stay immature forever!

346. Would other people agree with you?

347. What is your definition of maturity?
The amount of responsibility and wisdom found within a person.

348. What is your definition of normal?

349. What do you think is the most important lesson a parent can impart on their child?
Be yourself.

350. What is your astrological sign?

351. Do you know your Chinese Zodiac animal?
The Dragon

352. Do you believe in astrology?

353. Do you read your horoscope? (Hey you don't have to believe in it to read it)
If I happen to have the paper I'll read it.

354. How do you keep up with the news?
Facebook - anything important or not will appear there faster than on the news itself.

355. Are you active in your local community?
Unofficially yes. I spend time every weekend at the shelter even if I'm not considered a real volunteer there I go spend time with the animals.

356. Do you volunteer your time anywhere?
Not officially

357. What is your favorite brand of shampoo?
Pantene Pro-V?

358. Bar soap or body wash?
Body Wash

359. What's your favorite brand of toothpaste?

360. Do you floss?

361. Do you chew gum?

362. When was the last time you went to the doctor?
Which doctor? I have another appointment in a week from today, last appointment was with OB and that was last week, and then my family doctor two weeks before then.

363. Do you get sick frequently?

364. Would you rather have a steak and potato or soup and a salad?
Soup and Salad

365. Are you fond of children?

366. Do you think you would make a good role model?

367. Who do you know that would be the best role model?
*shrugs* Not sure, don't let my life revolve around the rest of the world.

368. Do you have a favorite artist?
Not really

369. What art style do you like best?
No clue

370. What art style do you just not “get?”
Most of it I'm sure.

371. If the world ended tomorrow what would be the one thing you would regret not being able to do?
Be married and not be able to give birth before the world ended.

372. How long do you think you would survive out in the wilderness?
Depends if I was given means of catching animals for food, but my guess, not long.

373. Were you a girl/boy scout?

374. Do you know how to check the oil in a car?

375. How about change it?

376. Change a tire?

377. Can you drive a manual “stick shift” transmission vehicle?
For the most part yes, but slow getting out of first gear.

378. Have you ever been inside an 18 wheeler semi-truck?

379. Have you ever bathed outside?
BATHED no, swam nude, yes.

380. How much would someone have to pay you to walk down your street naked?
More than they like have, or make.

381. What's something you're known for?
My positive energy.

382. Does this reputation bother you?
Nope, though some people attempt to tell me I'm too happy.

383. If you could get a reputation for one thing, what would you like it to be?
Generosity (I donate to charities all the time whatever I can spare.)

384. Do you think you could handle being famous?
Hell No! I would hate to have my life combed over with a fine comb. All my life looked at under the microscope for the media to tear apart.

385. You've been chosen to judge a contest, what contest would you like it to be? (Keep it clean folks)
Food tasting contest!

386. Do you have an MP3 player of some sort?
Does my phone count?

387. How do you get most of your music?

388. What was the last actual CD you purchased?
Josh Groban I think

389. Do you own any audio cassette tapes?

390. What about VHS tapes?
I think I might have some buried away in a chest somewhere.

391. Are there any movies you suddenly remembered that you haven't seen in a long time because they are on VHS instead of DVD?
Rock A Doodle (cute story about a farm)

392. What's an old movie you wish they would remake?
The Diary of Anne Frank? I guess I dunno.

393. What's one you wish they hadn't remade?
Titanic 3D...seriously?

394. If your life was a movie and you could cast any actor/actress as yourself who would you choose?
Kiera Knightly?

395. Who would play your significant other? (even if you don't actually have one)
Orlando Bloom?

396. What rating would your life movie have?
Depends on who you ask.

397. What color is the outside of your house/apartment building?
The color of Brick

398. What color are the walls on the inside?
Depends what room you are looking in. They range from browns to purple to beige.

399. Do you have any posters or pictures on the walls in your bedroom?
Yeah a picture is hanging in my room, though I don't even like it, it matches my room so mom hung it up there.

400. What kind of flooring do you have?
wood of some kind

401. Is there something you would rather have?
Yeah heated floors

402. Is your bed comfortable?
Some days.

403. How long have you been sleeping in the same bed?
Almost 3 years

404. Do you keep your living space clean?
Depends if I'm home alone or not. I tend to clean happily if I'm left alone with music on.

405. Do you have daily chores you do?
I SHOULD have some, but I don't.

406. Do you listen to music loud?
Not usually

407. Do you believe if it's too loud you're too old?
Nope I get headaches easy.

408. How old do you have to be to die of old age?
Depends on what they say is the average age of death. I think its around 80's now?

409. If you could choose how you go, how would you like to die?
In my sleep

410. How would you like to be remembered?
By loved ones.

411. Buried or cremated?

412. What's the most useful obsession you have?
*shrugs* I don't know.

413. What about the most useless?
Picking my lips when they get dry or if I get nervous.

414. Do you tend to keep items you have no use for because they have sentimental value?
Not really.

415. Is it hard for you to get rid of items that used to mean a lot to you?

416. Have you ever gotten rid of something only to need it a few days later?

417. What do you remember about your first crush?
First crush was somebody I went to school with from Trinidad, liked him for most of my schooling. He was a cute little trinidad boy with a smile that made me blush immediately.

418. What about your first kiss?
It was with my first boyfriend who was like a year older than me. Short and sweet.

419. Did you save it for someone special?
Not really, just a passing crush I had.

420. Do you think first impressions are the most lasting or easily forgotten once you get to know someone?
Easily forgotten (I have a bad memory.)

421. Do you have to put your foot in your mouth a lot?
Yeah thanks to my job.

422. Are you clumsy?
Depends on the moon I think.

423. Have you ever fallen down stairs?
Not that I recall.

424. How about up them?
Tripped on my footing before.

425. Have you ever run up a down escalator?
Heck no.

426. Ever pushed all the buttons in an elevator?
Nope, I considered it though.

427. Have you ever been stuck in an elevator?

428. Would being stuck at the top of a Ferris Wheel for a couple hours scare you?
Nope I'd hopefully have my camera to take lots of pictures.

429. Have you ever been on an amusement ride when it broke down?
Not that I recall.

430. Do roller coasters make you sick to your stomach?
Some of them yes.

431. Do you have a strong stomach?

432. Can you walk across your yard barefoot?
Yes I CAN but have gotten my foot sliced open from doing so before.

433. What about across the road?

434. When was the last time you sent someone a letter?
Within the last year.

435. What about received one?
Not since my pen pal days back in early high school.

436. Do you send birthday cards?
Nope, they only get birthday cards if they see me in person.

437. Would you rather choose a gift for someone or get them a gift card so they can decide?
Depends on how well I know the person.

438. Do you think getting gift cards is as fun as getting regular presents?
If it is for somewhere I will use yes.

439. Have you ever been to a bridal shower?
Don't think so...

440. What about a baby shower?
Yep a couple

441. Bachelor/bachelorette shower?

442. Have you ever spelled a word wrong and thought the spell check suggestions were funny?

443. Did you try that after reading the question?

444. Who is the most gullible person you know?

445. What is the most inventive prank you've ever played on someone?
I don't generally play pranks on people, but I read about a really funny one. If you don't have kids but are in a serious relationship with somebody, hire a babysitter and tell them the child is sleeping upstairs and they should not be woken. Then when you get home ask where your child is at...

446. Do you have more friends in real life or online?

447. Where did you meet most of your friends?
Gaming websites, or through friends

448. Do you think of yourself as popular?

449. Are you a part of the “in crowd?”

450. If you had to identify with a high school clique which one would you fall into?

451. If you were an alien (space not immigrant) what planet would you like to be from?

452. Do you think pluto is still a planet?

453. Have you ever been roller skating?

454. Roller blading?

455. Snow Skiing?

456. Water Skiing?

457. Backpacking?

458. Camping?

459. On a walk?

460. On the beach?

461. In the ocean?
In the ocean, no, but I have flown over it.

462. Lost?

463. On a road trip?

464. Have you had to ask for directions from a stranger before?

465. Do you have a GPS?

466. Can you read an atlas?
Never tried

467. Do you own a globe?

468. What's the most interesting country in your opinion?

469. Have you ever been there?
It's on my bucket list

470. What's the most fascinating part of the country?
No idea

471. If you could rule that country for a year would you?

472. What about ruling the whole world for a year?

473. Do you think you would be a good ruler?

474. Would someone else you know be a better ruler?
My brother prolly

475. What do you think is the most important quality a leader can have?

476. How long do you think you would survive in a zombie apocalypse?
Until I starve to death

477. Would you rather die and stay dead or come back as a zombie?
Stay dead, wouldn't want people hunting me.

478. If you were a vampire would you feel bad about drinking human blood?
Possibly, depends if I could survive on other things.

479. Do you feel bad about eating animals?
Its all part of the circle of life.

480. If vegetarians eat vegetables what do humanitarians eat?
Humans of course

481. Do you use body lotion?
Not as often as I should

482. Do you take care of your feet?
Not as much as I should.

483. Have you ever gotten a massage?

484. Manicure?

485. Pedicure?

486. Ever had any part of your body waxed?
Yes eyebrows

487. Ever cut yourself shaving?
Yep when I cheat and try to shave my legs without being in the shower, and without shaving cream.

488. What's the dumbest question on this survey so far?
didn't see any yet.

489. Can you do funny voices?
Don't think so

490. Do you do good impressions?

491. Would it embarrass you if someone you were impersonating showed up and watched you?
Prolly just laugh about it

492. Have you ever pretended that the floor is lava and you couldn't touch it?
Yeah best game ever as a kid.

493. Do you count your steps?
That would be a waste of time, that is why they invented the pedometer.

494. When walking on the sidewalk do you avoid stepping on cracks?
When feeling goofy yes.

495. Are you superstitious at all?
Not really.

496. What's the silliest superstition you can think of?
Being afraid of black cats...they are usually the sweetest of all (except the calicos)

497. Can you pronounce your name spelled backwards?
Adnarim sounds elvish.

498. Can you pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time?

499. Can you burp at will?
Do it all the time to keep from getting sick.

500. Are you glad this is the last question?
Yes, but only because it's the end of the day at work and I need to tidy up my desk and go home!

Posted on 2012-04-25 at 20:49:29.

postima prolifica
Karma: 74/7
691 Posts

Also Loki, it isn't like I MADE you do it

11. When is your birthday?
January 29th 1991
12. Was anyone else you know born on that day?
13. Did any important historical event (besides your birth) happen on that day?
Famous Japanese historian died
14. Gender?
15. Have you ever wondered what it is like to be the other gender?
All the time
16. If you could switch would you?
Only if I could switch back when I was done
17. What color eyes do you have?
18. Do you wear glasses/contacts?
19. Do your eyes ever change colors?
Sometimes they're more green or grey but they're usually blue
20. Are they the same as anyone in your family?
Inherited straight from my father

Posted on 2012-04-25 at 20:49:37.

postima prolifica
Karma: 74/7
691 Posts

Even more of a cop out

Screw it, doing them in 100 question blocks

21. Who in your family to you look most like?
My sister Lissa
22. What color is your hair?
Naturally blonde, currently red
23. How long is it?
About the middle of my back
24. When was the last time you got your hair cut?
Three years ago when I shaved it for Jessica
25. Have you ever dyed it?
Yep, just a couple weeks ago. Need to do it again.
26. If you have what color most recently, if not what color would you like?
Fire Engine Red.
27. If you could instantly have any length of hair how long?
I actually really like my hair the length it is.
28. Is your hair thick or fine?
Way too freakin thick
29. Have you ever shaved your head?
Yep, three years ago when my beloved lost hers to Chemo
30. Have you ever worn a wig?
Yep, foe Halloween
31. Do you spend much time in front of the mirror every day?
I write messages to my sister with bath crayon on it, does that count?
32. Do you try to stay in touch with the latest trends?
...suuure... what are they again?
33. How would you define your personal style?
34. Are you right or left handed?
Right, but I'm getting better with my left
35. Can you write legibly with your other hand?
Err.... sorta
36. Can you write backwards?
Perfected it in high school
37. How many languages do you speak?
Bits and pieces of 6, semi-fluently 2
38. If you could learn any language what one would you choose?
39. Which language do you think is the hardest to learn?
Mandarin... or Sindarin
40. Do you like to travel?
Love it
41. Do you prefer travel by plane or car?
Would prefer to travel by car if someone else did some of the driving
42. What's the furthest you've traveled?
43. What's your favorite place you've been?
44. If you could go on a free vacation where would you go?
45. Where do you live?
46. Do you like it there?
No, not really
47. If you could live anywhere, where would you move to?
Could I summer in Colorado and Winter somewhere slightly warmer but not Florida?
48. Have you ever moved?
49. What's the shortest time you've lived in one place?
Lived two weeks in my car
50. What's the longest time you've lived in one place?
18 years in Oklahoma
51. Where do you consider “home?”
Wherever my friends are
52. What is your favorite type of music?
The kind with the notes and the lyrics
53. Can you play any instruments?
Sure, I can play any instrument... I just can't do any of them well enough to be recognized as such
54. If you could learn any instrument which one would you choose?
Probably Violin
55. If you were in a rock band what would it be called?
Snickle and the Fritz (Thus the name change)
56. Is there any kind of music you just can't stand?
Most whiney country western and a lot of rap
57. What's your favorite song?
Uh.. uh... um.. Right now, Rock Your Body by Black Eyed Peas, but it will change in a few hours
58. Are there any song lyrics you really identify with?
Raise your Glass or F'in Perfect by P!nk
59. Have you ever written a song?
Meh, no
60. Have you ever written a love letter?
61. Have you ever received a love letter?
62. What's the most romantic thing you've ever done?
Folded a thousand paper cranes each with a little love letter in the center for Jessica.
63. What's something that most people think is romantic that you don't?
64. What's something silly that you think is romantic?
I think weird things are romantic, so lots of things.
65. What's the longest relationship you've ever had?
317 days
66. The shortest?
A couple hours
67. Are you married?
68. If you could have attended any historical event which one would you choose?
There's so many... Possibly the first pride march
69. What's your favorite period in history?
Gonna have to agree with Eol and say the Golden age of Piracy
70. How do you think you would be different if raised in that period?
I would have died young, I'm too snappy
71. What current technology do you think would have been most helpful to people of that period?
Modern Medicine
72. What current technology could you not live without?
Gonna vote medicine again. Dying from simple illnesses just really sucks
73. What invention do you think had the most impact on society when it was introduced?
Would it be wrong if I said Facebook? It's really changed the way people connect. And not for the better in my opinion.
74. Who is your favorite historical figure?
Susan B. Anthony, she was a heck of an activist
75. If you could go back and say something to that person, what would you say?
“Thank You. I am able to be who I am because of the movements you supported.”
76. Do you think you would have gotten along with them?
I like to think so.
77. If you could have a machine that produced one item at the touch of a button what would it be?
Toast... no wait sorta have one of those. Goat feed?
78. What type of food is your favorite?
79. What specific dish?
80. Can you eat with chopsticks?
81. What is your favorite kind of movie?
Fantasy, especially 80s fantasy movies
82. Do you watch foreign films?
83. Is there a type of movie you just can't stand?
Jackass and things in that vein
84. What is your favorite movie?
Uh... currently... um.. probably Across the Universe.
85. Who is your favorite actor?
I honestly have no clue
86. Favorite actress?
Janeane Garofalo

87. Favorite director?
Honestly Love too many to say
88. Do you own the soundtrack to any movies?
More than I could list
89. Do you like theatre?
Love it, majored in Costume Design briefly
90. Have you ever tried acting?
91. If you had to be in a play, what play and what part would you like?
Catholic School Girls as Elizabeth
92. Do you enjoy reading?
It's my favorite thing to do
93. Do you have a favorite book?
I'm currently fond of Alanna the Lioness and Tricker's Choice
94. How about a favorite author?
Anne McCaffery or Tamora Pierce
95. Favorite genre?
96. What book has had the most impact on you?
Anthem by Ayn Rand
97. Is there a book you hate?
Hate's a strong word, but I'm just really not impressed with many books
98. What was the last book you read?
Read Homeland by R.A. Salvatore the night before last
99. Do you go to the library or buy books you want to read?
100. Have you ever lost or stolen a book from a library?
Lost. T_T

Posted on 2012-04-25 at 21:29:31.

postima prolifica
Karma: 74/7
691 Posts

Impressed people are actually doing this.

101. Who is your favorite children's author?
Roald Dahl
102. Are you good at spelling?
Better than most people I know, but no, I'm really not.
103. Are there words that just never look spelled right to you?
License... and many others
104. What was/is your favorite school subject? '
105. Your least favorite?
106. Who was your favorite teacher?
Mrs. Franklin
107. Did you do well in their class?
It was home ec, it's hard to be bad at that.
108. What ethnicity are you?
“white” german and celtic descent
109. Do you know much about your family history?
110. Are you related to anyone famous?
I know there are Vikings, but that's about it
111. What hobbies do you do?
Reading, writing, cooking, crafting, gaming, goat farming
112. Which hobby is your favorite?
113. How long have you been it?
2 years
114. What got you started doing it?
Moved in with my sister, who has goats
115. What did you want to be when you grew up?
um... lots of weird things...
116. What job do you have now?
Massage therapist and a part time job at Verizon hopefully starting next week
117. How did you end up doing that?
Massage is my way of helping people in pain, Verizon because I'm broke trying to start my own business.
118. What would your dream job be?
A successful massage therapist.
119. Do you have any silly/weird skills?
I can write your name in Tengwar? XD
120. How would your friends describe you?
121. Would you agree with that?
Generally, yes
122. Do you stay in touch with childhood friends?
Some of them, but we're not close anymore.
123. If there was a moment in your life that made you realize that you're an adult, what moment would that be?
Living in my car after Jessica died. I felt like every shred of childhood happiness had been stripped from me.
124. Do you have a good memory?
What was the question? I remember stupid things like useless facts and forget important things like what I was supposed to get at the store.
125. What is your favorite childhood memory?
Eating Ginger Snaps at my grandma's house.
126. If you could make a movie of all your memories, do you think others would want to watch it?
No, it'd be weird and depressing.
127. Do you like to tell jokes?
Yeah, especially lame ones.
128. What is your favorite clean joke?
What do you call a fish without eyes? Fsh
129. What is your favorite candy?
130. Do you have any candy right now?
No. T_T
131. Favorite ice cream flavor?
Choco chip cookie dough
132. What makes up the perfect ice cream sundae?
Vanilla or Chocolate ice cream with fresh strawberries and chocolate syrup.
133. Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue?
Yep, I worked at Sonic for a year
134. Any flavor of ice cream you think is gross?
Anything sugar free
135. Do you eat your ice cream out of a cup or a bowl?
136. If you were making the best dinner in the world how many courses would it have and what dishes?
Roast Pegasus... no wait... I honestly have no clue. If it was just for me, Tacos
137. What is your favorite beverage?
Chocolate Milk even though it upsets my tummy
138. Do you like ice in your drinks?
Not in my choco milk. XD
139. Do you like to eat ice?
140. Do you like snow cones?
141. Do you like to play in the snow?
Yeah, but we never get any here, just ice
142. Have you ever made a snowman?
143. How about a snow angel?
144. Do you have a lucky number?
145. Have you ever bought a lottery ticket?
Just scratch offs
146. Have you ever been to a casino?
Yeah, my grandma took me with her once
147. Have you ever won any money gambling?
At the horse races, betting on the only jockey I thought was hot. XD
148. What is your favorite animal?
Possibly the Platypus but also possibly a narwhal, I've been obsessed with both since childhood. Or a squid. Want all three tattooed on me.
149. Do you have any pets?
Oh yes... so many animals.
150. If you could have any animal as a pet what would you pick?
Chessic. I want an evaporating kitty. No, um.. a micro pig.
151. Do you wish you could have an imaginary/mythical creature as a pet?
Who doesn't?
152. Have you ever been to the zoo?
153. Have you ever been to a farm?
Live on one
154. Have you ever been to an amusement park?
155. Are you scared of heights?
156. Are you scared of the dark?
Nope, just a few of the things in it.
157. Do scary movies frighten you?
Not while I'm watching them, but I get night terrors.
158. If you had to name your biggest pet peeve what would it be?
Your vs You're. It's not a difficult concept people.
159. Do you ever catch yourself doing your pet peeve?
Only when I'm really tired or as honest typos.
160. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law?
Just driving tickets.
161. You're going to jail. What crime did you most likely commit?
Assault probably..
162. Are there any fictional criminals you like? If so, who?
Oh my gosh... tons... I'll just go with my very own character Dereth though. (can you be a criminal if you're also the king?)
163. If you could be any fictional character who would you be?
My character Kierien. XD he's a god.
164. If you could meet any fictional character who would you meet?
um... Alcello Gionne
165. If you could have invented any item what item would you pick?
Bag of Holding er.. real life, probably the laptop.
166. Do you ever have ideas and a couple months later you see them advertised?
All the freaking time
167. Do you believe in psychic powers?
To an extent
168. Have you ever had a psychic reading?
Yeah, used to do tarot too
169. If you could have any super power what would you choose?
Talking to animals
170. What would be your super hero name?
The Fuzzy Avenger
171. Would you have a side kick?
Just my animal companions
172. Would you be part of a super team?
Would my animal companions count?
173. What would your arch nemesis be called?
um... The Lumberjack. This sounds like an awesome preachy animated movie
174. Super heroes have to have a weakness, what's yours?
Irish Spring Soap
175. Did you pick something rare so you would be less likely to be defeated?
Uh... not really that rare, you been to the store lately
176. Would you wear a cape?
Psh no, I's dress like a barbarian.
177. Who is your role model?
My mum, she's an incredibly strong woman.
178. Have you ever had to give a speech in public?
179. Do you get stage fright?
Nope.. well a little but it's easily controlled
180. Do you have any tattoos?
181. If you have them, how many? If not, do you want one?
182. Do you have any piercings?
Used to but had to take them out
183. Have you ever broken a bone?
184. Had surgery?
185. Do you consider yourself attractive?
186. Would you get cosmetic surgery to change anything about yourself?
Nah ah
187. What is the weather like right now?
Windy, nice and cool, sunny. Goats are pleased.
188. Do you like it?
Wish it would rain, grass could use it.
189. What is your favorite kind of weather?
Light storms, with just a bit of thunder. Makes me sleep well and inspires me to write
190. Do you spend a lot of time outside?
When I can
191. Do you play any sports?
Goat wrestling when trying to get one to hold still for hoof trimming
192. Do you watch any sports?
Occasionally, mostly if someone's tush catches my eye
193. What do you like/don't like most about sports?
Tushes/ pretty much everything else
194. Do you believe that every child on a team, no matter their skill level and dedication should receive a prize, win or lose?
I think effort should be praised, but hanging out a trophy to every kid not only fosters bad sportsmanship but they never learn to value dedication.
195. What would you call the most annoying trait a person can have?
Getting mad over every little thing.
196. The most endearing?
Being who they are just to be.
197. Do you have any allergies?
198. Do you consider yourself an emotional person?
Certain times of the month more than others.. but generally not as much as I used to be.
199. When was the last time you cried?
April 20th
200. When was the last time you laughed?
Earlier, reading Breaking the Fourth

Posted on 2012-04-25 at 22:06:46.

Gerald Defay
Occasional Visitor
Karma: 7/1
32 Posts

the really easy way?

6. Were you named after anyone?
nerver really asked
7. Who named you?
very good question
8. Age?
old enough to know better to young to care
9. Do you wish you were older/younger?
10. If you could be one age forever what would you choose?
very good question
11. When is your birthday?
Feb 1st
12. Was anyone else you know born on that day?
not that i know of
13. Did any important historical event (besides your birth) happen on that day?
hmm would have to google it
14. Gender?
15. Have you ever wondered what it is like to be the other gender?
16. If you could switch would you?
no ill pass
17. What color eyes do you have?
18. Do you wear glasses/contacts?
19. Do your eyes ever change colors?
20. Are they the same as anyone in your family?
21. Who in your family to you look most like?
i really dont think i look like anyone in my family except maybe my brother
22. What color is your hair?
light brown
23. How long is it?
about two inches
24. When was the last time you got your hair cut?
about 5 months ago
25. Have you ever dyed it?
26. If you have what color most recently, if not what color would you like?
it was purple...
27. If you could instantly have any length of hair how long?
hmm dont really care lol
28. Is your hair thick or fine?
29. Have you ever shaved your head?
30. Have you ever worn a wig?
31. Do you spend much time in front of the mirror every day?
32. Do you try to stay in touch with the latest trends?
33. How would you define your personal style?
personal style...hmm whatever i can find
34. Are you right or left handed?
35. Can you write legibly with your other hand?
36. Can you write backwards?
37. How many languages do you speak?
38. If you could learn any language what one would you choose?
39. Which language do you think is the hardest to learn?
i really dont know
40. Do you like to travel?
depends where im headed
41. Do you prefer travel by plane or car?
never traveled in a plane, so dont really know
42. What's the furthest you've traveled?
from Grove Oklahoma to Tampa Flordia
43. What's your favorite place you've been?
good question....i really dont know
44. If you could go on a free vacation where would you go?
to visit my fiancee
45. Where do you live?
Anderson Missouri
46. Do you like it there?
not really
47. If you could live anywhere, where would you move to?
with my fiancee
48. Have you ever moved?
yes, quite a bit
49. What's the shortest time you've lived in one place?
roughly three days
50. What's the longest time you've lived in one place?
a year
51. Where do you consider “home?”
where ever my hunny is
52. What is your favorite type of music?
rock mainly
53. Can you play any instruments?
use to play guitar...been a while though
54. If you could learn any instrument which one would you choose?
i dont know
55. If you were in a rock band what would it be called?
i wouldnt have a clue
56. Is there any kind of music you just can't stand?
modern pop
57. What's your favorite song?
changes alot
58. Are there any song lyrics you really identify with?
59. Have you ever written a song?
60. Have you ever written a love letter?
61. Have you ever received a love letter?
62. What's the most romantic thing you've ever done?
i really dont know
63. What's something that most people think is romantic that you don't?
never really paid attention to other people
64. What's something silly that you think is romantic?
65. What's the longest relationship you've ever had?
its still going on so hopefully indefintly
66. The shortest?
(refers to last answer)
67. Are you married?
no but soon will be
68. If you could have attended any historical event which one would you choose?
the battle of thermopylae
69. What's your favorite period in history?
dont really have one
70. How do you think you would be different if raised in that period?
either be trained for war or be dead
71. What current technology do you think would have been most helpful to people of that period?
the invention of gunpowder
72. What current technology could you not live without?
73. What invention do you think had the most impact on society when it was introduced?
the invention of gunpowder
74. Who is your favorite historical figure?
75. If you could go back and say something to that person, what would you say?
should have brought more troops
76. Do you think you would have gotten along with them?
odds are no
77. If you could have a machine that produced one item at the touch of a button what would it be?
i dont know
78. What type of food is your favorite?
79. What specific dish?
as long as it doesnt eat me first im fine with it
80. Can you eat with chopsticks?
to a point yes
81. What is your favorite kind of movie?
dont really have one
82. Do you watch foreign films?
i dont know where the films are made when i watch them
83. Is there a type of movie you just can't stand?
not really
84. What is your favorite movie?
dont know, got alot i like
85. Who is your favorite actor?
dont have one
86. Favorite actress?
dont have one
87. Favorite director?
dont have one
88. Do you own the soundtrack to any movies?
no i dont
89. Do you like theatre?
not really
90. Have you ever tried acting?
91. If you had to be in a play, what play and what part would you like?
i have no idea
92. Do you enjoy reading?
93. Do you have a favorite book?
have alot of them
94. How about a favorite author?
none in specific
95. Favorite genre?
fantasy and sci-fi
96. What book has had the most impact on you?
none really
97. Is there a book you hate?
98. What was the last book you read?
i think it was glasslands
99. Do you go to the library or buy books you want to read?
buy them
100. Have you ever lost or stolen a book from a library?
101. Who is your favorite children's author?
dont really have one
102. Are you good at spelling?
ify at times
103. Are there words that just never look spelled right to you?
104. What was/is your favorite school subject?
math i clould sleep through it
105. Your least favorite?
i dont have one
106. Who was your favorite teacher?
dont really know but off the top of my Mr. Culwell
107. Did you do well in their class?
108. What ethnicity are you?
heinz 57
109. Do you know much about your family history?
110. Are you related to anyone famous?
not that i know of
111. What hobbies do you do?
gaming mainly
112. Which hobby is your favorite?
113. How long have you been it?
as long as i can rember
114. What got you started doing it?
an n64
115. What did you want to be when you grew up?
never thought about it
116. What job do you have now?
117. How did you end up doing that?
couldnt find a job
118. What would your dream job be?
i dont know something that pays well
119. Do you have any silly/weird skills?
not that i know (ability to not know if that counts)
120. How would your friends describe you?
hmm most would say something i cannot say on here lol
121. Would you agree with that?
for the most part yes
122. Do you stay in touch with childhood friends?
123. If there was a moment in your life that made you realize that you're an adult, what moment would that be?
good question
124. Do you have a good memory?
if its unimportant yes other than that no
125. What is your favorite childhood memory?
dont really have one
126. If you could make a movie of all your memories, do you think others would want to watch it?
127. Do you like to tell jokes?
128. What is your favorite clean joke?
why did the chicken cross the road
129. What is your favorite candy?
dont have one
130. Do you have any candy right now?
131. Favorite ice cream flavor?
cookies and cream
132. What makes up the perfect ice cream sundae?
i dont know
133. Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue?
never tryied
134. Any flavor of ice cream you think is gross?
if there is one i havent had it yet
135. Do you eat your ice cream out of a cup or a bowl?
usually a bowl
136. If you were making the best dinner in the world how many courses would it have and what dishes?
one, cause by the time they finished that they would probably be sick
137. What is your favorite beverage?
Monster energy drinks
138. Do you like ice in your drinks?
139. Do you like to eat ice?
140. Do you like snow cones?
141. Do you like to play in the snow?
yes but usually get ice where im at
142. Have you ever made a snowman?
143. How about a snow angel?
144. Do you have a lucky number?
not really
145. Have you ever bought a lottery ticket?
146. Have you ever been to a casino?
147. Have you ever won any money gambling?
liars dice yes chance yes everything else no
148. What is your favorite animal?
to many to choose from
149. Do you have any pets?
a cat
150. If you could have any animal as a pet what would you pick?
a dodo bird
151. Do you wish you could have an imaginary/mythical creature as a pet?
152. Have you ever been to the zoo?
153. Have you ever been to a farm?
154. Have you ever been to an amusement park?
155. Are you scared of heights?
no actually enjoy them
156. Are you scared of the dark?
157. Do scary movies frighten you?
not really
158. If you had to name your biggest pet peeve what would it be?
hmm if you ask me to do something stay out of the way
159. Do you ever catch yourself doing your pet peeve?
160. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law?
not really
161. You're going to jail. What crime did you most likely commit?
mass murder of unicorns
162. Are there any fictional criminals you like? If so, who?
really dont know
163. If you could be any fictional character who would you be?
none i like being myself
164. If you could meet any fictional character who would you meet?
165. If you could have invented any item what item would you pick?
hmmm C4...i like booms
166. Do you ever have ideas and a couple months later you see them advertised?
not really
167. Do you believe in psychic powers?
not really
168. Have you ever had a psychic reading?
169. If you could have any super power what would you choose?
170. What would be your super hero name?
171. Would you have a side kick?
172. Would you be part of a super team?
173. What would your arch nemesis be called?
174. Super heroes have to have a weakness, what's yours?
mass consumption of energy drinks
175. Did you pick something rare so you would be less likely to be defeated?
no, i consume them daily to stay awake
176. Would you wear a cape?
nope but might wear a pair of underware on my head, so people could laugh themselves to death
177. Who is your role model?
dont have one
178. Have you ever had to give a speech in public?
179. Do you get stage fright?
180. Do you have any tattoos?
181. If you have them, how many? If not, do you want one?
182. Do you have any piercings?
183. Have you ever broken a bone?
yes, wrist, ribs and my knee once
184. Had surgery?
toncles *sp* removed
185. Do you consider yourself attractive?
no lol
186. Would you get cosmetic surgery to change anything about yourself?
heck no
187. What is the weather like right now?
a very hot 70 sunny and very misserable...
188. Do you like it?
no cant stand the heat lol
189. What is your favorite kind of weather?
190. Do you spend a lot of time outside?
191. Do you play any sports?
use to play football
192. Do you watch any sports?
193. What do you like/don't like most about sports?
to many rules
194. Do you believe that every child on a team, no matter their skill level and dedication should receive a prize, win or lose?
195. What would you call the most annoying trait a person can have?
ummm....being in decisive? i dont know
196. The most endearing?
i dont know
197. Do you have any allergies?
if i do i dont know what they are
198. Do you consider yourself an emotional person?
199. When was the last time you cried?
a long time ago
200. When was the last time you laughed?
a few seconds ago
201. Do you spend much time talking on the phone (not work related?)
not really
202. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
dont know hung up before they could say...was to early in the morning
203. Do you text a lot?
whats that?
204. Do you believe texting and driving is dangerous?
205. What day of the week is it right now?
206. What is the date?
207. Do you have a favorite date that is not your birthday or a holiday?
March 3
208. What's your favorite holiday?
dont really have one
209. What's your least favorite holiday?
i dont know them all so cant say
210. What would be the idea birthday present for you?
spending time with my hunny
211. Are your tastes fancier or more simple?
212. Do you prefer the icing or the cake itself?
hmm the icing
213. Do you like ice cream with cake?
yeah the invention of icecream cake saved me alot of decisons
214. What is your favorite fruit?
215. What is your favorite fruit juice?
216. What is your favorite type of pie?
dont like pies
217. Do you eat whipped cream on pie?
nope dont eat pie
218. Do you prefer giving presents or getting them?
giving them
219. Hand made or store bought?
usually store bought
220. Do you like jelly beans?
not really
221. Do you own much jewelry?
222. Do you prefer silver or gold?
223. What is the most expensive piece of jewelry you have ever bought/own?
engagement ring
224. What is the most expensive non-jewelry article of clothing?
a pair of jeans a friend gave me...dont rember the price
225. What does your favorite pair of shoes look like?
purple and black
226. Pillow should be soft or firm?
my pillow is currently as flat as a pancake dont know what that is considered but its comfy
227. What about your bed?
its a couch so firm
228. Do you sleep with a lot of blankets or wear warmer pajamas?
tough it out
229. How many pillows are optimal?
230. Are you laid back or easily flustered?
depends on the situation
231. What is the fastest way to upset you?
yelling constantly over unimportant stuff
232. Do you calm down quickly or take a while to cool off?
233. Do you offend others often?
irl or online i dont think i do, xbox heck yeah its fun
234. A little white lie is no big deal or the path to telling bigger lies?
235. Do you get embarrassed easily?
not really
236. Have you ever been to a karoke?
yes....i refuse to sing in public ever again
237. Are you quick to judge people on appearances or get to know them first?
get to know them first
238. If you could play any board game with a group of historical figures from any time periods, what game and who?
risk and i dont care just someone challenging
239. Loner or social butterfly?
240. Do you use any social networking sites?
241. Do you play online games?
242. Do you play offline video games?
243. What time do you usually wake up?
depends when i went to bed
244. Do you have a morning routine?
not really
245. Showers or baths?
246. Do you wash your hair or your body first?
247. When drying off do you start from the head and go down or start at your feet and work up?
248. Do you keep an umbrella in your car/locker/office in case of unexpected rain?
no i actually enjoy the rain
249. When was the last time you just sat and watched the clouds or stars?
a long time ago
250. Does looking at things like the stars or the ocean make you feel tiny or really important?
251. Do you wish on shooting stars?
never actually seen one
252. Do you believe you have to keep a wish secret for it to come true?
253. What's a wish you've made that has come true?
getting married to someone i love
254. Have you ever been in a wedding(besides your own if you're married?)
no but soon to be
255. Do you have an item you consider to be your personal good luck charm?
256. Have you ever lost/tossed it only to have really bad luck?
257. What's your most irrational fear?
spiders i dont know why i am scared of them
258. How do you believe the world as we know it is going to end?
some randomly stupid event that we have no control over
259. Have you ever been in love with someone who you were friends with? If yes, did you tell them?
yes and no to part two
260. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done for a friend?
i really couldnt say
261. What's the sweetest thing a friend has ever done for you?
hmm spared with me
262. Who was the last person you hugged?
My fiancee
263. Kissed?
My fiancee
264. Do you say hello to people you don't know just to be polite?
265. Do you wave at people you know when driving by them?
err...well only seen one person i knew driving by and fliped him the bird for a laugh
266. Do questions that only give you two choices bother you?
267. Chicken or Beef?
268. Coke or Pepsi?
269. Run or bike?
dont own a bike so run
270. Pancakes or waffles?
271. Chocolate or vanilla?
272. Meat or veggies?
273. See it in the cinema or wait for the DVD?
274. Be hot or be cold?
be cold
275. Pen or pencil?
276. Do you have anything you're craving right now?
not really
277. When you're craving something will nothing else satisfy you until you get it?
278. What do you find yourself craving the most?
edible stuff
279. Have you ever lied about your age?
280. Have you ever tried fad diets?
huh? only diet i know is an energy drink before every meal
281. Do you exercise regularly?
282. Do you usually remember your dreams?
283. Do you like to cook?
284. Do you think your cooking is tasty?
its edible wouldnt go as far as saying its tasty
285. What is your favorite dish to cook?
dont really have one
286. Is there any dish you wish you could cook but never seems to come out right?
hmm anything that doesnt have set instructions
287. Do you ever go over your cell phone minutes?
288. Are you talkative?
289. Do you notice yourself being a chatterbox around certain people and silent around others?
290. If you won a million dollars what would the first thing you would buy?
a plane ticket
291. How much of it would you be willing to donate?
anything i dont use
292. Do you think a lot of family you haven't talked to in a while would visit you?
293. If you could spend a day however you wanted, money is no object, what would you do?
spend a day with my hunny
294. Are you an easily excited person?
not really
295. Is there something you're anxious about right now?
296. What event are you most looking forward to?
getting married and starting a family
297. Is there an event coming up you'd rather avoid?
not that i can think of right off hand
298. What's the top three things you're grateful for?
friends, my fiancee and music
299. What is the main goal in your life?
to die happy
300. What steps are you taking to reach that goal? If you don't have one, what are some smaller goals you're working on?
i dont know
301. Describe yourself from ten years ago in ten words or less.
a punk
302. How different are you now?
quite a bit
303. Do you like yourself better now or then?
304. What changes do you think you'll see in the next ten years?
happily married and having a family
305. Do you believe that it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all?
hmmm i cannot say
306. What color shirt are you wearing?
last one i wore was blue...
307. What color is your favorite shirt?
308. What's something you do every day?
wake up
309. What website do you visit the most during the day?
castlot and pandora
310. How many emails do you get on an average day?
311. Do you have trouble keeping plants alive?
not really
312. What is your favorite flower?
dont have one
313. Have any big plans for tomorrow?
waking up
314. What do you plan on having for dinner tomorrow?
315. Any TV shows you want to watch coming on?
316. Would your rather: Live your favorite video game or favorite movie?
video game
317. Every stop light you see be red or have to drive 45 for the rest of your life?
every stoplight be red....where i live you can bypass all of them
318. Be three feet tall or nine feet tall?
319. Prefer day or night?
320. What is your favorite tabletop game?
Adnd 2ed
321. How many different tabletop games have you tried?
3.5 ed, 2ed, battle tech, twilight 2000, d20 modern
322. What is your favorite edition of D&D?
323. What is your favorite D&D race to play?
minitours and humans
324. What about class?
fighter all the way
325. What do you consider the “bare essentials” for starting gear?
weapon armor, backpack bedroll torch, wineskin, rations, backup weapon, 10 ft pole, rope, grappling hook
326. Have you ever GMed a game?
327. What's the most devious thing you/your GM has ever done in game?
broke a staff of the magi in the middle of the night
328. What is your favorite kind of monster?
329. What kind of tabletop game would you like to see made?
Mass effect d20 (its actually in the works on another site)
330. Have you ever homebrewed a world?
331. How about a whole game? (This can mean a rule set or everything in a campaign)
332. What was the name of your first character?
Gerald Defay
333. What was the latest character you've made?
334. What was your favorite character like?
actually very problematic likes to pick fights with everything/everyone
335. Do you reuse characters from one game to the next, despite them not having anything to do with each other?
actually have a long going campaign going where most of my characters are
336. Do you have any pop culture obsessions?
i dont even know what pop culture is
337. What's the most inspirational quote you can think of?
"should have ducked"
338. What's the funniest?
no problem cant be solved with the proper application of explosives
339. What is your favorite color?
340. What's the weirdest color name you can think of?
341. If you could have a color renamed after you what color would it be?
maroon...into the act of being left on an island
342. Did you/would you color inside the lines in a coloring book?
343. Do you still color in coloring books?
344. How many times a day do you not “act your age?”
thats a matter of oppinion i act my age all the time, just not many people agree with me
345. Do you think you're immature?
346. Would other people agree with you?
347. What is your definition of maturity?
resisting the urges to do stupid stuff
348. What is your definition of normal?
well i cannot define normal if you can please let me know
349. What do you think is the most important lesson a parent can impart on their child?
do as i say not as i do *shrugs*
350. What is your astrological sign?
i dont know
351. Do you know your Chinese Zodiac animal?
352. Do you believe in astrology?
353. Do you read your horoscope? (Hey you don't have to believe in it to read it)
354. How do you keep up with the news?
cant say i do
355. Are you active in your local community?
356. Do you volunteer your time anywhere?
357. What is your favorite brand of shampoo?
what ever is cheapest
358. Bar soap or body wash?
body wash
359. What's your favorite brand of toothpaste?
dont have one
360. Do you floss?
361. Do you chew gum?
362. When was the last time you went to the doctor?
umm....i dont rember
363. Do you get sick frequently?
364. Would you rather have a steak and potato or soup and a salad?
keep the steak and the salad
365. Are you fond of children?
366. Do you think you would make a good role model?
not really
367. Who do you know that would be the best role model?
368. Do you have a favorite artist?
not right off hand
369. What art style do you like best?
370. What art style do you just not “get?”
i dont know
371. If the world ended tomorrow what would be the one thing you would regret not being able to do?
not being with my fiancee
372. How long do you think you would survive out in the wilderness?
depends where im at and what i have on hand
373. Were you a girl/boy scout?
374. Do you know how to check the oil in a car?
375. How about change it?
376. Change a tire?
377. Can you drive a manual “stick shift” transmission vehicle?
378. Have you ever been inside an 18 wheeler semi-truck?
379. Have you ever bathed outside?
380. How much would someone have to pay you to walk down your street naked?
hmm would have to be a bet
381. What's something you're known for?
very generic repeative answers
382. Does this reputation bother you?
383. If you could get a reputation for one thing, what would you like it to be?
i dont know
384. Do you think you could handle being famous?
depends, could i kill paparazzi?
385. You've been chosen to judge a contest, what contest would you like it to be? (Keep it clean folks)
i dont know....remove that last part i could think of alot of them
386. Do you have an MP3 player of some sort?
no just a cpu and an xbox
387. How do you get most of your music?
388. What was the last actual CD you purchased?
i dont rember
389. Do you own any audio cassette tapes?
390. What about VHS tapes?
391. Are there any movies you suddenly remembered that you haven't seen in a long time because they are on VHS instead of DVD?
392. What's an old movie you wish they would remake?
chity chity bang bang...actually enjoy it still to this day
393. What's one you wish they hadn't remade?
peter jacksons king cong
394. If your life was a movie and you could cast any actor/actress as yourself who would you choose?
395. Who would play your significant other? (even if you don't actually have one)
396. What rating would your life movie have?
dont know
397. What color is the outside of your house/apartment building?
sterile white
398. What color are the walls on the inside?
399. Do you have any posters or pictures on the walls in your bedroom?
yes borderlands, rage, two calanders two that i cant say halo wars, mw3 and marvel....i think thats most of them
400. What kind of flooring do you have?
carpet mainly
401. Is there something you would rather have?
402. Is your bed comfortable?
its a couch, and yes very much so
403. How long have you been sleeping in the same bed?
two-three years
404. Do you keep your living space clean?
*stares at pile of trash* errr...yes?
405. Do you have daily chores you do?
not really
406. Do you listen to music loud?
neighbors must like it
407. Do you believe if it's too loud you're too old?
nope, dont believe in it being to loud
408. How old do you have to be to die of old age?
doesnt matter just must be natural not no bullets or sword wounds
409. If you could choose how you go, how would you like to die?
i dont worry about it
410. How would you like to be remembered?
as who i am
411. Buried or cremated?
im dead what do i care
412. What's the most useful obsession you have?
413. What about the most useless?
414. Do you tend to keep items you have no use for because they have sentimental value?
415. Is it hard for you to get rid of items that used to mean a lot to you?
416. Have you ever gotten rid of something only to need it a few days later?
a tool set, had to borrow it from a friend the next day
417. What do you remember about your first crush?
not much
418. What about your first kiss?
419. Did you save it for someone special?
420. Do you think first impressions are the most lasting or easily forgotten once you get to know someone?
depends (no i dont wear them)
421. Do you have to put your foot in your mouth a lot?
no, never cared to
422. Are you clumsy?
very much so
423. Have you ever fallen down stairs?
424. How about up them?
not all the way up, kinda went up three and down four
425. Have you ever run up a down escalator?
yes a long time ago
426. Ever pushed all the buttons in an elevator?
427. Have you ever been stuck in an elevator?
428. Would being stuck at the top of a Ferris Wheel for a couple hours scare you?
429. Have you ever been on an amusement ride when it broke down?
430. Do roller coasters make you sick to your stomach?
431. Do you have a strong stomach?
432. Can you walk across your yard barefoot?
433. What about across the road?
434. When was the last time you sent someone a letter?
letter no card just resently
435. What about received one?
same as above
436. Do you send birthday cards?
437. Would you rather choose a gift for someone or get them a gift card so they can decide?
438. Do you think getting gift cards is as fun as getting regular presents?
not really
439. Have you ever been to a bridal shower?
440. What about a baby shower?
441. Bachelor/bachelorette shower?
442. Have you ever spelled a word wrong and thought the spell check suggestions were funny?
443. Did you try that after reading the question?
444. Who is the most gullible person you know?
my brother
445. What is the most inventive prank you've ever played on someone?
load a bb gun put rice in it to clog the barrel, stuff a piece of paper soaked in axe on the end light it on fire and, pull the trigger right next to a friends window to wake them up at 1 in the morning
446. Do you have more friends in real life or online?
447. Where did you meet most of your friends?
at my house ironicly enough
448. Do you think of yourself as popular?
449. Are you a part of the “in crowd?”
450. If you had to identify with a high school clique which one would you fall into?
451. If you were an alien (space not immigrant) what planet would you like to be from?
452. Do you think pluto is still a planet?
453. Have you ever been roller skating?
yes i fail at it
454. Roller blading?
same as above
455. Snow Skiing?
456. Water Skiing?
457. Backpacking?
not really
458. Camping?
459. On a walk?
460. On the beach?
461. In the ocean?
462. Lost?
quite often
463. On a road trip?
464. Have you had to ask for directions from a stranger before?
465. Do you have a GPS?
466. Can you read an atlas?
467. Do you own a globe?
468. What's the most interesting country in your opinion?
i dont know
469. Have you ever been there?
yes quite often
470. What's the most fascinating part of the country?
that i dont know never thought about it actually
471. If you could rule that country for a year would you?
472. What about ruling the whole world for a year?
there probably wouldnt be one when im done but YES it would be fun
473. Do you think you would be a good ruler?
previous statement aims toward no...
474. Would someone else you know be a better ruler?
mhmm my fiancee
475. What do you think is the most important quality a leader can have?
476. How long do you think you would survive in a zombie apocalypse?
what kind of weapons do i have, and how much ammo?
477. Would you rather die and stay dead or come back as a zombie?
the better kill me or im gonna find them when im undead and kill them again
478. If you were a vampire would you feel bad about drinking human blood?
no its there isnt it
479. Do you feel bad about eating animals?
nope and i expect if an animal ate me it wouldnt feel bad for me, though it probably wouldnt eat meat ever again
480. If vegetarians eat vegetables what do humanitarians eat?
humans, its a fancy way to say canable i think
481. Do you use body lotion?
whats that?
482. Do you take care of your feet?
483. Have you ever gotten a massage?
484. Manicure?
umm no idea what that is
485. Pedicure?
see above answer
486. Ever had any part of your body waxed?
487. Ever cut yourself shaving?
yes, never use a knife to cut your own hair
488. What's the dumbest question on this survey so far?
i dont know iv found them all pretty ammusing
489. Can you do funny voices?
490. Do you do good impressions?
of myself
491. Would it embarrass you if someone you were impersonating showed up and watched you?
492. Have you ever pretended that the floor is lava and you couldn't touch it?
not to my knowledge
493. Do you count your steps?
494. When walking on the sidewalk do you avoid stepping on cracks?
no actually usually quite the opposite
495. Are you superstitious at all?
not really
496. What's the silliest superstition you can think of?
black cats, iv owned one and it brought me good luck
497. Can you pronounce your name spelled backwards?
ttam isnt that hard to so yes
498. Can you pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time?
yep simple
499. Can you burp at will?
500. Are you glad this is the last question?
not really can i get some more please?

Posted on 2012-04-26 at 02:03:48.

postima prolifica
Karma: 74/7
691 Posts

Only 250 ?

200. When was the last time you laughed?
Earlier, reading Breaking the Fourth
201. Do you spend much time talking on the phone (not work related?)
Just on occasion when someone special calls me.
202. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My sister, asking if we needed ketchup
203. Do you text a lot?
All day long
204. Do you believe texting and driving is dangerous?
205. What day of the week is it right now?
206. What is the date?
April 25th, 2012
207. Do you have a favorite date that is not your birthday or a holiday?
208. What's your favorite holiday?
209. What's your least favorite holiday?
Thanksgiving just seems excessive
210. What would be the ideal birthday present for you?
Tacos with strawberry cake for desert
211. Are your tastes fancier or more simple?
212. Do you prefer the icing or the cake itself?
Cake itself
213. Do you like ice cream with cake?
A little
214. What is your favorite fruit?
Strawberries or peaches
215. What is your favorite fruit juice?
216. What is your favorite type of pie?
217. Do you eat whipped cream on pie?
Depends on the pie
218. Do you prefer giving presents or getting them?
219. Hand made or store bought?
All hand made
220. Do you like jelly beans?
Not really
221. Do you own much jewelry?
A bit. Mostly either things I've made or vintage from my aunt.
222. Do you prefer silver or gold?
I really don't like gold
223. What is the most expensive piece of jewelry you have ever bought/own?
Does the medical bracelet for the emergency room count?
224. What is the most expensive non-jewelry article of clothing?
My fave Tripps
225. What does your favorite pair of shoes look like?
Red Plaid converse
226. Pillow should be soft or firm?
227. What about your bed?
I sleep on the floor... so very firm?
228. Do you sleep with a lot of blankets or wear warmer pajamas?
229. How many pillows are optimal?
All of them. The whole room full of pillows.
230. Are you laid back or easily flustered?
Laid back
231. What is the fastest way to upset you?
Hurt my friends
232. Do you calm down quickly or take a while to cool off?
Cool off quickly
233. Do you offend others often?
Oh yeah
234. A little white lie is no big deal or the path to telling bigger lies?
Depends, but I kinda like lying on occasion.
235. Do you get embarrassed easily?
Nah, not anymore.
236. Have you ever been to a karoke?
237. Are you quick to judge people on appearances or get to know them first?
I tend to judge a tiny bit, but am willing to let people prove me wrong.
238. If you could play any board game with a group of historical figures from any time periods, what game and who?
Cranium, with William Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Audrey Hepburn, Sarah Brightman, and Steven Hawking
239. Loner or social butterfly?
In real life I tend to be a loner, online I'm a butterfly.
240. Do you use any social networking sites?
241. Do you play online games?
242. Do you play offline video games?
243. What time do you usually wake up?
244. Do you have a morning routine?
Let dogs out, milk goats, feed dogs, feed any bottle kids, check RDINN
245. Showers or baths?
246. Do you wash your hair or your body first?
247. When drying off do you start from the head and go down or start at your feet and work up?
Feets up
248. Do you keep an umbrella in your car/locker/office in case of unexpected rain?
Nope, I love the rain
249. When was the last time you just sat and watched the clouds or stars?
I star watch for a little while every night and tend to cloud watch when I have my bottle kids out.
250. Does looking at things like the stars or the ocean make you feel tiny or really important?
It makes me feel peaceful but that's about it.

Posted on 2012-04-26 at 04:03:20.

postima prolifica
Karma: 74/7
691 Posts

100 again

251. Do you wish on shooting stars?
252. Do you believe you have to keep a wish secret for it to come true?
Depends on the wish.
253. What's a wish you've made that has come true?
Lots of my wishes have come true, but usually because I make them happen.
254. Have you ever been in a wedding(besides your own if you're married?)
Yep, my sister's
255. Do you have an item you consider to be your personal good luck charm?
My koala bear plushie, I've a lucky penny, a paper throwing star a friend made for me.
256. Have you ever lost/tossed it only to have really bad luck?
257. What's your most irrational fear?
I honestly haven't a clue... maybe my fear that people are always secretly thinking badly of me.
258. How do you believe the world as we know it is going to end?
259. Have you ever been in love with someone who you were friends with? If yes, did you tell them?
Yep, and yes I did.
260. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done for a friend?
I take the blame for embarrassing situations for friends all the time.
261. What's the sweetest thing a friend has ever done for you?
Hm... driven 600 miles to see me perhaps.
262. Who was the last person you hugged?
My sister I think.
263. Kissed?
My ex...eww
264. Do you say hello to people you don't know just to be polite?
265. Do you wave at people you know when driving by them?
Everyone around here does that
266. Do questions that only give you two choices bother you?
Not really, I usually just answer something else anyway.
267. Chicken or Beef?
268. Coke or Pepsi?
Don't drink soda
269. Run or bike?
270. Pancakes or waffles?
French Toast
271. Chocolate or vanilla?
272. Meat or veggies?
273. See it in the cinema or wait for the DVD?
Wait until they show it for free on TV or a friend gets it.
274. Be hot or be cold?
Cold, you can only take so many clothes off, you can always cuddle and bundle up if cold.
275. Pen or pencil?
276. Do you have anything you're craving right now?
Always tacos
277. When you're craving something will nothing else satisfy you until you get it?
278. What do you find yourself craving the most?
279. Have you ever lied about your age?
Yeah, when I was younger
280. Have you ever tried fad diets?
Psh, no way.
281. Do you exercise regularly?
Does catching goats count?
282. Do you usually remember your dreams?
Yes, parts of them.
283. Do you like to cook?
Love to cook. Not from recipes most the time though.
284. Do you think your cooking is tasty?
Everyone else seems to and I like it, so yes.
285. What is your favorite dish to cook?
Probably tacos... or stew.
286. Is there any dish you wish you could cook but never seems to come out right?
Cobbler. I just can't get the dough right. And biscuits. They're never as fluffy as I would like.
287. Do you ever go over your cell phone minutes?
Nope, unlimited
288. Are you talkative?
Usually, more so around some people than others.
289. Do you notice yourself being a chatterbox around certain people and silent around others?
Yes, yes I do.
290. If you won a million dollars what would the first thing you would buy?
Pay off my student loans.
291. How much of it would you be willing to donate?
As soon as I got set up with a nicer farm and had my loans paid off I'd donate the rest.
292. Do you think a lot of family you haven't talked to in a while would visit you?
With the vultures in my family, no doubt.
293. If you could spend a day however you wanted, money is no object, what would you do?
Go visit certain friends around the US.

294. Are you an easily excited person?
Yeah but I come down from it quickly.
295. Is there something you're anxious about right now?
296. What event are you most looking forward to?
Um... something that may or may not be happening in a couple months.
297. Is there an event coming up you'd rather avoid?
Well there's something every month... wouldn't call an event...
298. What's the top three things you're grateful for?
Friends, Food, Roof over my head
299. What is the main goal in your life?
Not be financially dependent on anyone else.
300. What steps are you taking to reach that goal? If you don't have one, what are some smaller goals you're working on?
Got a job, went back to school.
301. Describe yourself from ten years ago in ten words or less.
Loud, tactless, sweet, irresponsible, naive
302. How different are you now?
I'm quieter, have tact, am sweeter, more responsible and world weary, much wiser.
303. Do you like yourself better now or then?
Honestly I miss being a kid, but like me better as a person now.
304. What changes do you think you'll see in the next ten years?
Hopefully get more wise. Age and treachery should set in at some point.
305. Do you believe that it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all?
I can firmly say yes.
306. What color shirt are you wearing?
307. What color is your favorite shirt?
308. What's something you do every day?
Feed my goats
309. What website do you visit the most during the day?
The inn
310. How many emails do you get on an average day?
uh.. lots of spam, like 1 useful one
311. Do you have trouble keeping plants alive?
If they get too close to the goat pen, yes
312. What is your favorite flower?
Star-gazer lily
313. Have any big plans for tomorrow?
Have a massage appointment?
314. What do you plan on having for dinner tomorrow?
315. Any TV shows you want to watch coming on?
316. Would your rather: Live your favorite video game or favorite movie?
Favorite video game, assuming got to come back to life when I died.
317. Every stop light you see be red or have to drive 45 for the rest of your life?
Stop at every red light, we dont' have a stop light in my town.
318. Be three feet tall or nine feet tall?
Three feet.
319. Prefer day or night?
320. What is your favorite tabletop game?
D&D of course
321. How many different tabletop games have you tried?
D&D, Star Wars, Paranoia, Call of Cthulu, couple home brewed.
322. What is your favorite edition of D&D?
323. What is your favorite D&D race to play?
324. What about class?
325. What do you consider the “bare essentials” for starting gear?
Ranged weapon, melee weapon, bedroll, waterskin, flint and steel, rope
326. Have you ever GMed a game?
327. What's the most devious thing you/your GM has ever done in game?
I put an ooze in a treasure chest. That was pretty mean.
328. What is your favorite kind of monster?
329. What kind of tabletop game would you like to see made?
330. Have you ever homebrewed a world?
331. How about a whole game? (This can mean a rule set or everything in a campaign)
332. What was the name of your first character?
I don't even remember
333. What was the latest character you've made?
Um... Jesse I think was the latest.
334. What was your favorite character like?
You want me to pick a fave? Oh... I suppose Kierien the fertility god.
335. Do you reuse characters from one game to the next, despite them not having anything to do with each other?
Yes, I do, they have lives and storylines too, I like to play them to the end.
336. Do you have any pop culture obsessions?
337. What's the most inspirational quote you can think of?
“Raise your glass if you're wrong in all the right ways, all my underdogs, we will never be anything but loud and nitty gritty dirty little freaks, come on and raise your glass.” Hey I'm allowed to use lyrics.
338. What's the funniest?
“F*ck you I'm a bus”
339. What is your favorite color?
Blue... no Yelooooooo actually red.
340. What's the weirdest color name you can think of?
Tickle Me Pink has always sorta freaked me out.
341. If you could have a color renamed after you what color would it be?
Red of course
342. Did you/would you color inside the lines in a coloring book?
Coloring books are for those who lack imagination... my mother wouldn't allow them.
343. Do you still color in coloring books?
Heck yeah, I wasn't allowed to have them when I was young. Have a lot of catching up to do.
344. How many times a day do you not “act your age?”
I generally act my shoe size instead.
345. Do you think you're immature?
Incredibly, but I'm still responsible.
346. Would other people agree with you?
347. What is your definition of maturity?
Treating a situation with the tone it deserves.
348. What is your definition of normal?
120/80 I think is normal.
349. What do you think is the most important lesson a parent can impart on their child?
Don't be afraid to be yourself. And respect people you little... ahem...
350. What is your astrological sign?

Posted on 2012-04-26 at 04:46:03.

postima prolifica
Karma: 74/7
691 Posts

All the rest.

351. Do you know your Chinese Zodiac animal?
352. Do you believe in astrology?
Not really
353. Do you read your horoscope? (Hey you don't have to believe in it to read it)
On occasion
354. How do you keep up with the news?
MSN news usually
355. Are you active in your local community?
Not really
356. Do you volunteer your time anywhere?
I occasionally do chair massage in exchange for canned food donations?
357. What is your favorite brand of shampoo?
Herbal Essence
358. Bar soap or body wash?
Body wash
359. What's your favorite brand of toothpaste?
Um.. Colgate I guess
360. Do you floss?
Er.. not every time
361. Do you chew gum?
362. When was the last time you went to the doctor?
Back in January
363. Do you get sick frequently?
Sorta, mostly allergies not illness.
364. Would you rather have a steak and potato or soup and a salad?
Can I have a potato and a salad ?
365. Are you fond of children?
They're delicious
366. Do you think you would make a good role model?
Not really
367. Who do you know that would be the best role model? '
My sister Angie
368. Do you have a favorite artist?
Can I say my best friend Lupe?
369. What art style do you like best?
Lupe's? XD
370. What art style do you just not “get?”
Most Modern art...
371. If the world ended tomorrow what would be the one thing you would regret not being able to do?
Kissing a certain someone
372. How long do you think you would survive out in the wilderness?
For a while. I've got some basic level survival skills
373. Were you a girl/boy scout?
374. Do you know how to check the oil in a car?
375. How about change it?
376. Change a tire?
377. Can you drive a manual “stick shift” transmission vehicle?
378. Have you ever been inside an 18 wheeler semi-truck?
379. Have you ever bathed outside?
380. How much would someone have to pay you to walk down your street naked?
Hmm... I live out in the country... Chances of anyone seeing me are pretty low... 500$
381. What's something you're known for?
382. Does this reputation bother you?
Not at all
383. If you could get a reputation for one thing, what would you like it to be?
Massaging famous people
384. Do you think you could handle being famous?
385. You've been chosen to judge a contest, what contest would you like it to be? (Keep it clean folks)
Hottest Gamer award. <3
386. Do you have an MP3 player of some sort?
Yep, it's a piece of junk
387. How do you get most of your music?
Ripping CDs I own
388. What was the last actual CD you purchased?
Er... Lovex I think
389. Do you own any audio cassette tapes?
Yes hehe
390. What about VHS tapes?
391. Are there any movies you suddenly remembered that you haven't seen in a long time because they are on VHS instead of DVD?
392. What's an old movie you wish they would remake?
I don't like most remakes
393. What's one you wish they hadn't remade?
Lots of them... Footloose for one
394. If your life was a movie and you could cast any actor/actress as yourself who would you choose?
Janeane Garofalo
395. Who would play your significant other? (even if you don't actually have one)
Hmm... I haven't a clue
396. What rating would your life movie have?
Probably R
397. What color is the outside of your house/apartment building?
398. What color are the walls on the inside?
Ugly whiteish
399. Do you have any posters or pictures on the walls in your bedroom?
Yep, wall scrolls and posters
400. What kind of flooring do you have?
401. Is there something you would rather have?
Not carpet. XD
402. Is your bed comfortable?
It's the floor, and yes.
403. How long have you been sleeping in the same bed?
Been sleeping on this floor two years
404. Do you keep your living space clean?
405. Do you have daily chores you do?
406. Do you listen to music loud?
407. Do you believe if it's too loud you're too old?
Nah, you just should turn your hearing aid off
408. How old do you have to be to die of old age?
um... old?
409. If you could choose how you go, how would you like to die?
I dunno, but I want it to be scandalous
410. How would you like to be remembered?
As a crazy yet kind woman
411. Buried or cremated?
Eaten by starving children
412. What's the most useful obsession you have?
Studying the human body
413. What about the most useless?
Studying fictional worlds
414. Do you tend to keep items you have no use for because they have sentimental value?
Sometimes, getting less so every day
415. Is it hard for you to get rid of items that used to mean a lot to you?
Not as much anymore
416. Have you ever gotten rid of something only to need it a few days later?
Yes all the time
417. What do you remember about your first crush?
418. What about your first kiss?
Yes, out in the woods with my first boyfriend.
419. Did you save it for someone special?
Nope, gave it away in a truth or dare game.
420. Do you think first impressions are the most lasting or easily forgotten once you get to know someone?
Forgotten quickly one I get to know them, unless I can tease them with it.
421. Do you have to put your foot in your mouth a lot?
422. Are you clumsy?
A little bit
423. Have you ever fallen down stairs?
424. How about up them?
Oddly, yes
425. Have you ever run up a down escalator?
Yeah, they're just moving stairs
426. Ever pushed all the buttons in an elevator?
Not since I would really young
427. Have you ever been stuck in an elevator?
Oh god yes
428. Would being stuck at the top of a Ferris Wheel for a couple hours scare you?
Not really... unless it was windy
429. Have you ever been on an amusement ride when it broke down?
Yep and had to climb down the emergency ladder
430. Do roller coasters make you sick to your stomach?
Not at all
431. Do you have a strong stomach?
I like to think so
432. Can you walk across your yard barefoot?
No, there's glass out there from a tornado years ago
433. What about across the road?
No, glass
434. When was the last time you sent someone a letter?
This morning, I write a letter every day.
435. What about received one?
… January I think?
436. Do you send birthday cards?
Not usually, just because I'm forgetful
437. Would you rather choose a gift for someone or get them a gift card so they can decide?
Make them a gift
438. Do you think getting gift cards is as fun as getting regular presents?
Not nearly as fun, if you dunno what to get me just give me cash. Don't pretend you know my interests well enough to get me a card.
439. Have you ever been to a bridal shower?
Yes, recently
440. What about a baby shower?
Yes even more recently
441. Bachelor/bachelorette shower?
Yes, but can't talk about that on here.
442. Have you ever spelled a word wrong and thought the spell check suggestions were funny?
443. Did you try that after reading the question?
444. Who is the most gullible person you know?
My cousin Nichole
445. What is the most inventive prank you've ever played on someone?
I... dunno, I don't play many pranks.
446. Do you have more friends in real life or online?
447. Where did you meet most of your friends?
Real life, in high school Online... in various threads on sites
448. Do you think of yourself as popular?
Not really
449. Are you a part of the “in crowd?”
Haha never
450. If you had to identify with a high school clique which one would you fall into?
Um... geeks I guess?
451. If you were an alien (space not immigrant) what planet would you like to be from?
Am I a geek if I say I'd like to be from Ryloth?

452. Do you think pluto is still a planet?
Yes... poor Pluto
453. Have you ever been roller skating?
454. Roller blading?
Yes, I hurt myself
455. Snow Skiing?
Cross-country but not downhill
456. Water Skiing?
Psh no, I'd rather not have accidental enema when I fall
457. Backpacking?
458. Camping?
Yep, for three months every summer as a kid
459. On a walk?
Who hasn't?
460. On the beach?
461. In the ocean?
Uh huh
462. Lost?
I get lost on purpose sometimes
463. On a road trip?
Yep, recently
464. Have you had to ask for directions from a stranger before?
Yep, recently
465. Do you have a GPS?
I don't trust them
466. Can you read an atlas?
467. Do you own a globe?
No, but I'd like one
468. What's the most interesting country in your opinion?
Hmm... I haven't a clue. Australia seems cool
469. Have you ever been there?
Not yet
470. What's the most fascinating part of the country?
471. If you could rule that country for a year would you?
Nope, just want a duck mole
472. What about ruling the whole world for a year?
Heck no
473. Do you think you would be a good ruler?
Psh not at all
474. Would someone else you know be a better ruler?
Anyone else would be a better ruler
475. What do you think is the most important quality a leader can have?
476. How long do you think you would survive in a zombie apocalypse?
Long enough to get bitten
477. Would you rather die and stay dead or come back as a zombie?
I'mma eat your brains!
478. If you were a vampire would you feel bad about drinking human blood?
Not at all
479. Do you feel bad about eating animals?
So long as I didn't raise them, no
480. If vegetarians eat vegetables what do humanitarians eat?
481. Do you use body lotion?
482. Do you take care of your feet?
483. Have you ever gotten a massage?
Yes, but I usually am giving them not getting them.
484. Manicure?
Yes but not recently
485. Pedicure?
No, My feet are ticklish
486. Ever had any part of your body waxed?
Yes. T_T
487. Ever cut yourself shaving?
Yeah, my legs when I first started shaving them
488. What's the dumbest question on this survey so far?
Since I made this I can safely say they're all dumb.
489. Can you do funny voices?
490. Do you do good impressions?
491. Would it embarrass you if someone you were impersonating showed up and watched you?
Not really I'd just apologize for the poor quality
492. Have you ever pretended that the floor is lava?
Frequently, but not while I'm trying to go to bed.
493. Do you count your steps?
I have a poke walker for that
494. When walking on the sidewalk do you avoid stepping on cracks?
There are no sidewalks in Carlisle
495. Are you superstitious at all?
Only a tiny bit
496. What's the silliest superstition you can think of?
The crack in the sidewalk one is pretty good...
497. Can you pronounce your name spelled backwards?
Yeah, used to call all my friends by their names backward when we were writing notes backwards in school.
498. Can you pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time?
I can indeed.
499. Can you burp at will?
No and it upsets me.
500. Are you glad this is the last question?
Actually, oddly I am. I got bored with it. Wanted to play my game.

Posted on 2012-04-26 at 05:15:00.

Karma: 138/3
1049 Posts

Everything you might not have ever wanted to know about Celeste

I want to know, how is answering all of these at once the cop out mode? This felt like a bloody marathon, and had I answered all of these ten at a time, it might have been easier! ^_^

The Questions:

1. Name?
2. Nickname?
Joyful, Joysie, Damn Hippy.
3. Do you like your nicknames?
4. Do you have something you wish people would call you but never catches on?
I’ve often tried “Hey You”, but it really has never caught on.
5. If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
After I got used to the puns (which took years, believe me) I’m actually really good with my name.
6. Were you named after anyone?
Yup ~ both my grammas!
7. Who named you?
The village tribe? No wait, it was my parents. ^_^
8. Age?
The oldest I’ve been so far!
9. Do you wish you were older/younger?
Naw, I’m good.
10. If you could be one age forever what would you choose?
I wouldn’t mind being sixteen again since it was before I jacked up my knee. But if it meant that I had to relive my youth, I think I’m happy where I’m at. ^_^
11. When is your birthday?
April Twenty Onest!
12. Was anyone else you know born on that day?
Yeah, a kid in my grade was born on the same day. He used to make such a fuss about how he was six hours older than me.
13. Did any important historical event (besides your birth) happen on that day?
I….don’t think so?
14. Gender?
15. Have you ever wondered what it is like to be the other gender?
16. If you could switch would you?
Yeah, no. I’d hate to have to chase women ~ they’re mean!
17. What color eyes do you have?
18. Do you wear glasses/contacts?
Yup. I alternate between the two.
19. Do your eyes ever change colors?
As a matter of fact, I think most everyone’s does. I have a golden ring inside my blue, so it does odd things to my irises ~ according to my brother in law, the scariest he has ever seen me is when I was angry and my eyes were completely gold.
20. Are they the same as anyone in your family?
Yup. Just like my daddy’s.
21. Who in your family to you look most like?
My mum. There are a few subtle differences (and, apparently, depending on the company we’re around), but I look just like her. And sound just like her. And have many of her mannerisms. Mini-me much?
22. What color is your hair?
Dark blonde. No, it’s not brown. It bleaches just like blonde hair during the summer.
23. How long is it?
Just above my shoulders, but it’s dreaded, so it’s probably just past my shoulders if it were combed out.
24. When was the last time you got your hair cut?
Two months ago.
25. Have you ever dyed it?
Many many times.
26. If you have what color most recently, if not what color would you like?
Black, because I’m not counting the bleach job I had to do to get it out.
27. If you could instantly have any length of hair how long?
Not sure. Haven’t done dreads before, so I’m not sure what my favorite length for my dreadies is.
28. Is your hair thick or fine?
Thick AND fine.
29. Have you ever shaved your head?
Close, but no cigar.
30. Have you ever worn a wig?
31. Do you spend much time in front of the mirror every day?
Hardly. Can’t remember the last time I wore make-up, but it sure is fun!
32. Do you try to stay in touch with the latest trends?
33. How would you define your personal style?
My own?
34. Are you right or left handed?
Nearly ambidextrous, right-hand dominant.
35. Can you write legibly with your other hand?
36. Can you write backwards?
No? Yes? Not sure what you mean by this one. Very slowly?
37. How many languages do you speak?
2. English, 1/2 German, 1/2 Sign Language.
38. If you could learn any language what one would you choose?
Japanese! Or maybe Welsh.
39. Which language do you think is the hardest to learn?
40. Do you like to travel?
Yes. Yes I do. Should we go right now?
41. Do you prefer travel by plane or car?
The drive is usually the best part of the trip!
42. What's the furthest you've traveled?
43. What's your favorite place you've been?
Switzerland. No wait, Tensleep. No wait, the Sawtooths. Aw, I love a lot of places.
44. If you could go on a free vacation where would you go?
Camping. ^_^
45. Where do you live?
In the Rocky Mountains.
46. Do you like it there?
I love it here!
47. If you could live anywhere, where would you move to?
I’m pretty happy here. If I had to move somewhere else, might move back home. Which is -also- in the Rocky Mountains.
48. Have you ever moved?
A couple of times.
49. What's the shortest time you've lived in one place?
I once lived in an apartment for just one month.
50. What's the longest time you've lived in one place?
18 years!
51. Where do you consider “home?”
I call many places home.
52. What is your favorite type of music?
I like music. Erm… is it alternative (whatever the heck things like Modest Mouse, Iron Wine, and Arcade Fire is labeled as) and love love love Classic Rock.
53. Can you play any instruments?
Yes. French Horn, Trombone, Mellophone, and a bit of Mandolin.
54. If you could learn any instrument which one would you choose?
I’d like to master my mandolin, or maybe learn how to play the damned Celtic Harp I have. It’s hard!
55. If you were in a rock band what would it be called?
In the Attic
56. Is there any kind of music you just can't stand?
I have a really hard time listening to rap, or whatever kids are calling it these days.
57. What's your favorite song?
Do I have to pick one? Right now the two songs I seem to keep listening to over and over is “Interstate Love Song” by Stone Temple Pilots, and “Bleed It Out” by Linkin Park(who I really don’t listen to, but I do love that song).
58. Are there any song lyrics you really identify with?
Different songs speak to me at different times. Couldn’t really say.
59. Have you ever written a song?
I picked out a few bars on a guitar once. Does that count?
60. Have you ever written a love letter?
Burrrr… yes?
61. Have you ever received a love letter?
Yes. I think.
62. What's the most romantic thing you've ever done?
Filled a boyfriend’s locker with balloons, confetti, and candy? Wait, that may be in the category of “most embarrassing thing I’ve done to another person”….maybe.
63. What's something that most people think is romantic that you don't?
Not sure? I’ll give you the opposite ~ I find men opening doors romantic. Apparently I am in the minority of women.
64. What's something silly that you think is romantic?
Random acts of affection.
65. What's the longest relationship you've ever had?
So far, with my spouse! Two years married this year, five years together total!
66. The shortest?
A week?
67. Are you married?
68. If you could have attended any historical event which one would you choose?
Pompeii, but only if I could survive it some how.
69. What's your favorite period in history?
13th/14th Century Mongolia. Wait, was that too specific?
70. How do you think you would be different if raised in that period?
I’d probably would have been long married ten years ago, and by now had a passel of children!
71. What current technology do you think would have been most helpful to people of that period?
You know, they were doing alright at that time. Maybe some modern medicine explained. And for most of Europe, the knowledge that those lead plates, pipes, and based make-up was giving them a slow, excruciating death.
72. What current technology could you not live without?
Being the outdoorsy type, I’ve gone with pretty much ALL technology for a time period, so I could manage. Running water would be nice though.
73. What invention do you think had the most impact on society when it was introduced?
74. Who is your favorite historical figure?
75. If you could go back and say something to that person, what would you say?
Nothing. I would just bask in his gloriousness.
76. Do you think you would have gotten along with them?
Maybe if I stayed out of his way.
77. If you could have a machine that produced one item at the touch of a button what would it be?
Can’t I just have a replicator instead?
78. What type of food is your favorite?
I’m pretty much a foodie, so I love a lot of things. Simple is key for me though.
79. What specific dish?
Can’t go wrong with soup! Well, yes you can. But not usually!
80. Can you eat with chopsticks?
Yes. I learned with a bowl of popcorn.
81. What is your favorite kind of movie?
EPIC movies.
82. Do you watch foreign films?
I do, as long as they aren’t dubbed.
83. Is there a type of movie you just can't stand?
The ones that do anything for humor; see: Will Ferrell, Ryan Reynolds, most* Jack Black, (The Hangover, Van Wilder, blah blah). Can’t stand those types of movies, and it seems like there are breeding like a cesspool.
84. What is your favorite movie?
Too many! Quigley Down Under, Harvey, The 10 Kingdoms, The Last Boy Scout? Tons of movies in my movie racks, and I love them all.
85. Who is your favorite actor?
Again, way too many. Tom Seleck, Alan Rickman, Sam Elliot, Christopher Plummer, any movie with Ron Perlman in it is a movie worth watching, and countless “oooohhh…. That guy!”
86. Favorite actress?
Love love love Jamie Lee Curtis, Andie McDowell, Sigourney Weaver, I… see above.
87. Favorite director?
Mel Brooks!
88. Do you own the soundtrack to any movies?
Not anymore. I destroyed my last one.
89. Do you like theatre?
90. Have you ever tried acting?
Yes, if Speech and Debate counts, as well as one highschool play.
91. If you had to be in a play, what play and what part would you like?
No clue.
92. Do you enjoy reading?
No. I absolutely love it.
93. Do you have a favorite book?
Illusions by Richard Bach
94. How about a favorite author?
Stephen King. He’s got so many books that I keep going back to read over and over again.
95. Favorite genre?
Fantasy/ whatever the heck you classify Stephen King as.
96. What book has had the most impact on you?
Illusions by Richard Bach. I learn something new every time I read it.
97. Is there a book you hate?
No. No matter how much I dislike a book, I still have respect for the person who wrote down the words.
98. What was the last book you read?
The Lark and the Wren by Mercedes Lackey
99. Do you go to the library or buy books you want to read?
I go to the library to buy books at their “Friends of the Library” book sales.
100. Have you ever lost or stolen a book from a library?
Yes, but I swear it was an accident! I really didn’t want to end up with War and Peace!
101. Who is your favorite children's author?
Roald Dahl and Shel Silverstein. They both should be staples to every childhood.
102. Are you good at spelling?
103. Are there words that just never look spelled right to you?
It happens on occasion. I remember staring at the word “what” for a few minutes after I wrote it once in Highschool, and I swear it was spelled wrong.
104. What was/is your favorite school subject? '
Math and Chemistry
105. Your least favorite?
I won’t deny. English. Why is it that I write so much?
106. Who was your favorite teacher?
Tie between Mr. Sweeny and Mr. Tonkovich; English/Theater and German/Psychology teachers respectively.
107. Did you do well in their class?
Yup. Mr. T advanced me from German I straight to the III/IV class, and Mr. Sweeny and I got along famously! (And yes, I did pretty well at the English part too!)
108. What ethnicity are you?
Quite the mix, actually. My grandpa tells me that the Cherokee came out in me since I walk in a straight line (consequently slicing my heels when I was little when my toes needed trimming), but I’m a blonde haired, blue eyed mix.
109. Do you know much about your family history?
Some. Not as much as I’d like.
110. Are you related to anyone famous?
Somewhere along the line we’re related to Charlemagne, but really, who isn’t?
111. What hobbies do you do?
Many. The SCA for starters. Leather working, sewing, crocheting, tablet weaving, writing, drawing, RPGs! Rapier fighting (hey, it’s a hobby), and here soon I’ll be learning woodworking!
112. Which hobby is your favorite?
So far, it has to be leatherworking (even though I do love me some RPG action)
113. How long have you been it?
5 years now
114. What got you started doing it?
Needing a piece of armor for rapier that actually fit me (specifically, the gorget)
115. What did you want to be when you grew up?
A vet, until I realized that meant putting friends down.
116. What job do you have now?
I play with leather every day!
117. How did you end up doing that?
Dumb luck.
118. What would your dream job be?
Silly, but I’d love to be a housewife again. Everything was quite a bit more balanced in our lives when I stayed at home.
119. Do you have any silly/weird skills?
I can tie balloon animals.
120. How would your friends describe you?
“Good Hugs!”
121. Would you agree with that?
Hugs are better than handshakes.
122. Do you stay in touch with childhood friends?
Not many.
123. If there was a moment in your life that made you realize that you're an adult, what moment would that be?
I’ve held quite a bit of responsibility since I was little, so there was no clear transition.
124. Do you have a good memory?
Not really, unfortunately.
125. What is your favorite childhood memory?
Anything I come up with involves my gramma & grampa’s backyard. Specifically the “Picture Tree”.
126. If you could make a movie of all your memories, do you think others would want to watch it?
Probably not. Too much time in hospitals, and not in a “House” kind of way.
127. Do you like to tell jokes?
Stuff just comes of my mouth at times, and people laugh before I realize what I say.
128. What is your favorite clean joke?
If at first you don’t succeed, then skydiving is not for you.
129. What is your favorite candy?
Mozart Kugel. Nom nom nom. Chocolate balls filled with hazelnut marzipan and a pistachio.
130. Do you have any candy right now?
I believe there is some chocolate kicking around the house somewhere.
131. Favorite ice cream flavor?
Anything gelato.
132. What makes up the perfect ice cream sundae?
Absolutely nothing. I hate sundaes.
133. Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue?
OH yes.
134. Any flavor of ice cream you think is gross?
Bubblegum. Ew.
135. Do you eat your ice cream out of a cup or a bowl?
136. If you were making the best dinner in the world how many courses would it have and what dishes?
Toooooo many to choose from.
137. What is your favorite beverage?
Lion coffee.
138. Do you like ice in your drinks?
Hell no. Grandparents used to own an iceplant, and let me tell you, nothing turns you off from ice like working the cube machines.
139. Do you like to eat ice?
No. Even worse.
140. Do you like snow cones?
Not snowcones, but I do like shaved ice.
141. Do you like to play in the snow?
142. Have you ever made a snowman?
143. How about a snow angel?
Of course
144. Do you have a lucky number?
145. Have you ever bought a lottery ticket?
Hehe, yes! We didn’t have them where I grew up, but here we do!
146. Have you ever been to a casino?
147. Have you ever won any money gambling?
I may have won my three dollars back from the lottery ticket.
148. What is your favorite animal?
Nope. I just love critters!
149. Do you have any pets?
Two rescued dogs.
150. If you could have any animal as a pet what would you pick?
If I could, I’d rescue another dog.
151. Do you wish you could have an imaginary/mythical creature as a pet?
No. See above.
152. Have you ever been to the zoo?
Yes, and hated every minute of it.
153. Have you ever been to a farm?
154. Have you ever been to an amusement park?
155. Are you scared of heights?
Yes and no. Scared of heights? No. Scared of the feeling that I really really really want to jump? Yes.
156. Are you scared of the dark?
157. Do scary movies frighten you?
Not unless they are REALLY good. (See: Event Horizon)
158. If you had to name your biggest pet peeve what would it be?
People who speed through school zones. And since I pass through one six times a day, I get pissed off at this quite a bit.
159. Do you ever catch yourself doing your pet peeve?
160. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law?
161. You're going to jail. What crime did you most likely commit?
162. Are there any fictional criminals you like? If so, who?
Yes. I’ve been a fan of almost all the Batman criminals. (Don’t die of shock, and I’m not just talking about the movies either. They all have fascinating psychoses that are pretty unique from one another… aside from the whole “crazy” aspect. ^_^ ) Also, I agree with Eol. I love Nyx.
163. If you could be any fictional character who would you be?
Not sure.
164. If you could meet any fictional character who would you meet?
I’d love to meet Donald Shimoda from Illusions.
165. If you could have invented any item what item would you pick?
Erm… the Clap On? *winks*
166. Do you ever have ideas and a couple months later you see them advertised?
167. Do you believe in psychic powers?
168. Have you ever had a psychic reading?
If a tarot reading counts. And even then, I messed with the poor woman pretty badly.
169. If you could have any super power what would you choose?
I choose Plastic Man’s powers!
170. What would be your super hero name?
171. Would you have a side kick?
Thunder Thighs!
172. Would you be part of a super team?
Vexatious Vixens! Wait… this is sounding more and more like a villainous team…
173. What would your arch nemesis be called?
Captain Treadmill!
174. Super heroes have to have a weakness, what's yours?
Potato chips!
175. Did you pick something rare so you would be less likely to be defeated?
Nope. I’m easily distracted by tasty chips.
176. Would you wear a cape?
177. Who is your role model?
Many, my parents being at the top of that list.
178. Have you ever had to give a speech in public?
179. Do you get stage fright?
Every time, but like Winston Churchill, I try to direct it into my presentation.
180. Do you have any tattoos?
181. If you have them, how many? If not, do you want one?
I’ve thought about it many times.
182. Do you have any piercings?
183. Have you ever broken a bone?
Nope. Cracked my skull a couple of times though.
184. Had surgery?
185. Do you consider yourself attractive?
Not really, but I’ve not had the ‘ugly’ complex.
186. Would you get cosmetic surgery to change anything about yourself?
187. What is the weather like right now?
It’s a balmly 65 degrees.
188. Do you like it?
Yes! Not seen weather like this for April in a long time!
189. What is your favorite kind of weather?
What it’s doing right now. Warm, warm breeze.
190. Do you spend a lot of time outside?
Oh yeah.
191. Do you play any sports?
Does rapier count? Hacky Sack perhaps?
192. Do you watch any sports?
I will occasionally watch football with my sister.
193. What do you like/don't like most about sports?
The competitiveness of it all.
194. Do you believe that every child on a team, no matter their skill level and dedication should receive a prize, win or lose?
A prize? Not so much. Love and support? Absolutely.
195. What would you call the most annoying trait a person can have?
Complaining about something and then not doing a damned thing about it.
196. The most endearing?
Individual nuances.
197. Do you have any allergies?
I’m pretty allergic to Neosporin, and deathly allergic to scopolomin.
198. Do you consider yourself an emotional person?
Absolutely, but I’ve learned to keep the weepy part under tight control with morbid humor.
199. When was the last time you cried?
Almost did today, but see above for resolution.
200. When was the last time you laughed?
201. Do you spend much time talking on the phone (not work related?)
I really don’t like the phone, but when your friends live hundreds (or thousands) of miles away, sometimes it’s the only way you get to talk to them. Necessary evil in this case.
202. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My husband.
203. Do you text a lot?
Eh. I don’t have a fancy phone with a keyboard, and I use my hands during work, so I really can’t.
204. Do you believe texting and driving is dangerous?
205. What day of the week is it right now?
BtF Day!
206. What is the date?
207. Do you have a favorite date that is not your birthday or a holiday?
208. What's your favorite holiday?
209. What's your least favorite holiday?
Fourth of July. I have too many close friends who are veterans that get unnerved by the loud noises.
210. What would be the idea birthday present for you?
Anything handmade, even if it’s just a card made out of construction paper.
211. Are your tastes fancier or more simple?
Simple. Much more simple.
212. Do you prefer the icing or the cake itself?
Cake. I scrape off the icing, unless it is something really tasty like cream cheese frosting. But even then, I can’t stand all that much of it.
213. Do you like ice cream with cake?
Ice cream should not be allowed to be paired with cake.
214. What is your favorite fruit?
Yes please?
215. What is your favorite fruit juice?
216. What is your favorite type of pie?
Strawberry rhubarb! Or maybe a really good lemon meringue. Nom nom nom!
217. Do you eat whipped cream on pie?
218. Do you prefer giving presents or getting them?
219. Hand made or store bought?
220. Do you like jelly beans?
221. Do you own much jewelry?
Yes, but I don’t wear much of it. My job is way too dirty to even think about it.
222. Do you prefer silver or gold?
223. What is the most expensive piece of jewelry you have ever bought/own?
I think I have a few inherited pieces that are ivory.
224. What is the most expensive non-jewelry article of clothing?
A sixty dollar pair of bondage boots.
225. What does your favorite pair of shoes look like?
Personally, I prefer barefoot. Whenever not possible, plaid Tevas.
226. Pillow should be soft or firm?
Comfortably inbetween.
227. What about your bed?
The same.
228. Do you sleep with a lot of blankets or wear warmer pajamas?
Neither, unless it’s the dead of winter. Then it’s plenty of blankets.
229. How many pillows are optimal?
One regular, one body.
230. Are you laid back or easily flustered?
Laid back.
231. What is the fastest way to upset you?
Being nasty about my friends and family.
232. Do you calm down quickly or take a while to cool off?
It takes quite a bit to make me mad, but once I’m there, it takes a helluva lot to calm me back down.
233. Do you offend others often?
Who knows. It’s their choice to be offended. I don’t think so though.
234. A little white lie is no big deal or the path to telling bigger lies?
The path.
235. Do you get embarrassed easily?
236. Have you ever been to a karoke?
Been to? Yes. Participated? Hell no.
237. Are you quick to judge people on appearances or get to know them first?
First instincts are vital, but I don’t judge on appearance alone. And who am I to judge?
238. If you could play any board game with a group of historical figures from any time periods, what game and who?
I’d choose poker over a board game, and I’d love to duplicate Data’s game on Star Trek TNG with Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawkin, and throw Brent Spiner into the mix.
239. Loner or social butterfly?
Loner, but I can work a room if I have to.
240. Do you use any social networking sites?
241. Do you play online games?
Does the Inn count?
242. Do you play offline video games?
243. What time do you usually wake up?
Sometime before seven.
244. Do you have a morning routine?
Yes. Dogs, coffee, Inn, work.
245. Showers or baths?
Showers. Occasional bath, but I get bored easy.
246. Do you wash your hair or your body first?
Weird question. Hair first.
247. When drying off do you start from the head and go down or start at your feet and work up?
I’m pretty much all over the place.
248. Do you keep an umbrella in your car/locker/office in case of unexpected rain?
Heck no! It doesn’t rain here!
249. When was the last time you just sat and watched the clouds or stars?
Last weekend.
250. Does looking at things like the stars or the ocean make you feel tiny or really important?
I feel awestruck.
251. Do you wish on shooting stars?
I do.
252. Do you believe you have to keep a wish secret for it to come true?
I don’t ever tell anyone those wishes.
253. What's a wish you've made that has come true?
254. Have you ever been in a wedding(besides your own if you're married?)
255. Do you have an item you consider to be your personal good luck charm?
I have one that is definitely a good vibes item. Well, several under that sense.
256. Have you ever lost/tossed it only to have really bad luck?
257. What's your most irrational fear?
Mimes. Don’t ask.
258. How do you believe the world as we know it is going to end?
The world isn’t going to end. It’s older than we can comprehend. We as a species might end, but the world won’t.
259. Have you ever been in love with someone who you were friends with? If yes, did you tell them?
Yes, and no.
260. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done for a friend?
I’m not easily embarrassed, and my close friends are family, and I do anything for each one of them.
261. What's the sweetest thing a friend has ever done for you?
I had a car that ate my favorite Dr. Hook tape. I brought in the remains into school right after it happened and damn near cried at the table before our classes started. My birthday was in a couple of weeks, and my best friend went out and bought the same album on CD, transferred it onto tape, and gave me both.

Seems silly, but it’s the sweetest thing a friend has ever done for me.

262. Who was the last person you hugged?
My husband
263. Kissed?
See above
264. Do you say hello to people you don't know just to be polite?
Yes, if I’m not in a big city.
265. Do you wave at people you know when driving by them?
Yes, if I’m not in a big city.
266. Do questions that only give you two choices bother you?
Sometimes. Although I do have a tendency to make up my own choice.
267. Chicken or Beef?
Yes please
268. Coke or Pepsi?
269. Run or bike?
Run if I could, but my jacked up knee makes me bike instead.
270. Pancakes or waffles?
To Waffles!
271. Chocolate or vanilla?
272. Meat or veggies?
I love both, but the body says veggies.
273. See it in the cinema or wait for the DVD?
DVD now-a-days.
274. Be hot or be cold?
275. Pen or pencil?
276. Do you have anything you're craving right now?
another beer?
277. When you're craving something will nothing else satisfy you until you get it?
Naw, I can suppress it.
278. What do you find yourself craving the most?
Bloody Marys. Must be all the veggies. ^_^
279. Have you ever lied about your age?
280. Have you ever tried fad diets?
281. Do you exercise regularly?
No, but we’re getting back into the swing of it.
282. Do you usually remember your dreams?
For a little while.
283. Do you like to cook?
284. Do you think your cooking is tasty?
I think it’s alright, but the people eating it usually do so with gusto.
285. What is your favorite dish to cook?
Depends on how much ambition I have. It ranges from Chili Mac to Twice Baked Potatoes, Turkey Pot Pie, and homemade lemon meringue .
286. Is there any dish you wish you could cook but never seems to come out right?
Steak. I have no idea what my problem is in that area.
287. Do you ever go over your cell phone minutes?
I have.
288. Are you talkative?
Every once in a while it seems like I have more words then normal.
289. Do you notice yourself being a chatterbox around certain people and silent around others?
290. If you won a million dollars what would the first thing you would buy?
291. How much of it would you be willing to donate?
Not sure, but it would be to animal shelters!
292. Do you think a lot of family you haven't talked to in a while would visit you?
Mmmm, depends on if they are in the area. We’re a pretty friendly family.
293. If you could spend a day however you wanted, money is no object, what would you do?
No comment.
294. Are you an easily excited person?
Yes, only because I have enthusiasm for life!
295. Is there something you're anxious about right now?
A large SCA event.
296. What event are you most looking forward to?
The same event.
297. Is there an event coming up you'd rather avoid?
298. What's the top three things you're grateful for?
A roof over my head, food in my belly, and amazing family and friends.
299. What is the main goal in your life?
To enjoy it. It’s too short to be worrying about the little stuff.
300. What steps are you taking to reach that goal? If you don't have one, what are some smaller goals you're working on?
Goals? Working on having fun, and doing a pretty good job at it.
301. Describe yourself from ten years ago in ten words or less.
About to receive an injury.
302. How different are you now?
Mmmmm, not all that different. In fact, some of my classmates have made that comment when they’ve seen me recently. “You haven’t changed a bit!”
303. Do you like yourself better now or then?
I like myself the same. If I hadn’t been who I was then, I wouldn’t be the person I am now.
304. What changes do you think you'll see in the next ten years?
Personal growth? I’m bound to pick up more hobbies.
305. Do you believe that it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all?
Yes, but it doesn’t make it any better.
306. What color shirt are you wearing?
307. What color is your favorite shirt?
Green and cream. (Pink Floyd, what?)
308. What's something you do every day?
Have coffee. Listen to music. Love on my husband and my dogs.
309. What website do you visit the most during the day?
I’m not ashamed to admit it. It’s the Inn.
310. How many emails do you get on an average day?
311. Do you have trouble keeping plants alive?
Depends on the plant, and whether or not I’m staying at home.
312. What is your favorite flower?
Yellow roses. Cliché, but my great grammama had them all over at her house; it’s a lovely memory that has stuck with me through the years.
313. Have any big plans for tomorrow?
Work is about the extent of it.
314. What do you plan on having for dinner tomorrow?
Stuffed bell peppers! Nom nom nom!
315. Any TV shows you want to watch coming on?
No. We don’t watch TV
316. Would your rather: Live your favorite video game or favorite movie?
Video game. I love a lot of open ended games ~ movies are just a one track show.
317. Every stop light you see be red or have to drive 45 for the rest of your life?
Drive 45. I usually drive 55 on highways anyway to enjoy the drive. ^_^
318. Be three feet tall or nine feet tall?
Three foot.
319. Prefer day or night?
Yes please?
320. What is your favorite tabletop game?
321. How many different tabletop games have you tried?
Many. BESM comes to mind as one of the more odd ones.
322. What is your favorite edition of D&D?
323. What is your favorite D&D race to play?
Funnily enough, usually human. I like the versatility, plus no one else seems to like playing their own race. Gnomes are pretty fun too!
324. What about class?
Swashbuckler! Or, if the DM will allow it, Psion!
325. What do you consider the “bare essentials” for starting gear?
3 days trail rations, bow, twenty arrows, belt knife, flint and steel. Bare essentials.
326. Have you ever GMed a game?
I am the Dungeon Mistress! *winks*
327. What's the most devious thing you/your GM has ever done in game?
After the rest of my party killed off a goblin family for no reason, had the son that hid come back and exact his revenge.
328. What is your favorite kind of monster?
So many good ones! Loves me a mimic for good confusing times! “Why won’t it let me go?? Screw you chest!”
329. What kind of tabletop game would you like to see made?
Um, pretty good with what’s out there really.
330. Have you ever homebrewed a world?
I’ve played in one.
331. How about a whole game? (This can mean a rule set or everything in a campaign)
See above
332. What was the name of your first character?
Gaia Teasong. She was a gnome bard, and I had no idea what I was doing.
333. What was the latest character you've made?
The Veiled Fox. Assassin, has yet to make an appearance anywhere.
334. What was your favorite character like?
Lorelei ~ gnome psion. Angsty, quick to anger, loved to drink and dance (astounding constitution score) and had AMAZING treasure rolls!
335. Do you reuse characters from one game to the next, despite them not having anything to do with each other?
No. I don’t think it’s fair to the character, even if they are fictional.
336. Do you have any pop culture obsessions?
I am obsessed with popcorn.
337. What's the most inspirational quote you can think of?
Fun is the best thing to have.
338. What's the funniest?
In my confusion, I had given them a fish.
339. What is your favorite color?
Blue and Purple. It’s pretty even.
340. What's the weirdest color name you can think of?
Puce. It sounds too much like puke.
341. If you could have a color renamed after you what color would it be?
You know that color the sky gets right before the sun peeks over the horizon in the morning? That would be my color.
342. Did you/would you color inside the lines in a coloring book?
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.
343. Do you still color in coloring books?
Heck yes! In fact, I just bought a new one! Sometimes life is so stressful, all you can do is color.
344. How many times a day do you not “act your age?”
Age is completely subjective.
345. Do you think you're immature?
346. Would other people agree with you?
347. What is your definition of maturity?
It’s a state of mind, and hardly definable.
348. What is your definition of normal?
Normal? What fun is that?
349. What do you think is the most important lesson a parent can impart on their child?
Hard to say.
350. What is your astrological sign?
I’m barely a Taurus. Nearly an Aries.
351. Do you know your Chinese Zodiac animal?
352. Do you believe in astrology?
I believe that there are so many forces and energies at work not to believe that they have an affect on us. Whether or not we can predict that effect is an entirely different matter.
353. Do you read your horoscope? (Hey you don't have to believe in it to read it)
Hardly ever. Though it is fun to read, and I like reading the Onion’s Horrorscopes.
354. How do you keep up with the news?
Not really. I got disgusted with the news a few years ago, but I get updated on pertinent stuff from my co-workers.
355. Are you active in your local community?
Not since I moved.
356. Do you volunteer your time anywhere?
See above.
357. What is your favorite brand of shampoo?
Dread Head Dread Soap
358. Bar soap or body wash?
Body Wash
359. What's your favorite brand of toothpaste?
Erm, some cinnamony kind that I’m using right now.
360. Do you floss?
361. Do you chew gum?
Hardly ever. I find it distracting when other people do it, so I avoid it!
362. When was the last time you went to the doctor?
Last year? Can’t miss those womanly exams!
363. Do you get sick frequently?
Nope! I’m a hause!
364. Would you rather have a steak and potato or soup and a salad?
OH man, don’t make me choose! Just bring them all out to me! And don’t forget the sour cream and blue cheese dressing!
365. Are you fond of children?
Oh yeah! They’re way too much fun! (Can you tell I don’t have any of my own! ^_^ )
366. Do you think you would make a good role model?
367. Who do you know that would be the best role model?
Again, my parents are pretty rocking.
368. Do you have a favorite artist?
Bob Ross! I love lots and lots of art, but I just love watching him on PBS!
369. What art style do you like best?
I love pretty much all of the art that came out of the middle ages through the renaissance.
370. What art style do you just not “get?”
Modern Art. I’ve visited the Louvre (amazing!), and I’ve seen three “modern art” museums. Let me tell you, all three of the modern art museums gave me a headache after being there for half an hour, and I could spend a couple of months just wandering the Louvre and be perfectly content.
371. If the world ended tomorrow what would be the one thing you would regret not being able to do?
Not ever meeting another Innmate in person.
372. How long do you think you would survive out in the wilderness?
Depends on whether or not I had a pocket tool. Which I should, since I carry my leatherman everywhere.
373. Were you a girl/boy scout?
Girl Scout for twelve years!
374. Do you know how to check the oil in a car?
375. How about change it?
376. Change a tire?
Yup, I can do that too.
377. Can you drive a manual “stick shift” transmission vehicle?
First vehicle I owned was manual truck that like to slip third, and had to have the choke opened up about every fourth time it started. Talk about a first care for a sixteen year old girl!
378. Have you ever been inside an 18 wheeler semi-truck?
Nope. Huh.
379. Have you ever bathed outside?
Um, yes. Camping for an extended amount of time requires at least a little bit of personal hygiene.
380. How much would someone have to pay you to walk down your street naked?
Enough to bail me out of jail.
381. What's something you're known for?
Good hugs!
382. Does this reputation bother you?
383. If you could get a reputation for one thing, what would you like it to be?
Inventing the transporter. But since I’m an artist of sorts now, I doubt it’ll happen. But I would have a damn cool looking one! Targus much?
384. Do you think you could handle being famous?
Knowing me, probably not.
385. You've been chosen to judge a contest, what contest would you like it to be? (Keep it clean folks)
A yodeling contest. Complete with a costume section of the contest.
386. Do you have an MP3 player of some sort?
387. How do you get most of your music?
*scratches head* I actually think most of my music was as an internet pirate before they made such things illegal.
388. What was the last actual CD you purchased?
It was something good for my sister. Coldplay, maybe? I’ve got a list going of music I want to purchase for myself, but I’ll probably just end up giving it to her anyway.
389. Do you own any audio cassette tapes?
A ton of them!
390. What about VHS tapes?
Oh yeah! Can’t get them on DVD!
391. Are there any movies you suddenly remembered that you haven't seen in a long time because they are on VHS instead of DVD?
Yeah. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The movie.
392. What's an old movie you wish they would remake?
Don’t do it!
393. What's one you wish they hadn't remade?
I’ve made it a habit not to see remakes. Too much disappointment.
394. If your life was a movie and you could cast any actor/actress as yourself who would you choose?
Can I cast myself?
395. Who would play your significant other? (even if you don't actually have one)
Aside from the fact that most of my favorite actors are far too old to play my significant others?
396. What rating would your life movie have?
Yeah. It would definitely earn a Rasberry.
397. What color is the outside of your house/apartment building?
Light pink.
398. What color are the walls on the inside?
399. Do you have any posters or pictures on the walls in your bedroom?
There is a dream catcher and a painting I picked up years ago. Not much, because our house is a rental, so I don’t’ want to do much to the walls. Stuccoing fake stones is something the landlord just wouldn’t go for. ^_^
400. What kind of flooring do you have?
Everything from carpet to woodfloors and ceramic tiles.
401. Is there something you would rather have?
I’d rather have it all be the same wood flooring.
402. Is your bed comfortable?
Eh. Yes and no. Thinking about upgrading since we spend a third of our lives in it.
403. How long have you been sleeping in the same bed?
About eight years.
404. Do you keep your living space clean?
Yes, if you don’t mind the rawhide chips the dogs leave behind on a regular basis.
405. Do you have daily chores you do?
Does work count?
406. Do you listen to music loud?
407. Do you believe if it's too loud you're too old?
Damn kids and their loud music! Get off my lawn!
408. How old do you have to be to die of old age?
You can die of old age at 35 if your brain has decided it’s time. It’s all subjective baby.
409. If you could choose how you go, how would you like to die?
Always said that falling to my death would be kind of fun.
410. How would you like to be remembered?
Remembered? Naw, not that important.
411. Buried or cremated?
Burn me. The shell isn’t worth the box at that point.
412. What's the most useful obsession you have?
Erm, no comment?
413. What about the most useless?
I just know these fabric scraps will come in handy some day!
414. Do you tend to keep items you have no use for because they have sentimental value?
Doesn’t everyone? Actually, I’ve gone through and purged quite a bit recently.
415. Is it hard for you to get rid of items that used to mean a lot to you?
416. Have you ever gotten rid of something only to need it a few days later?
Oh gods yes! I hate it when that happens!
417. What do you remember about your first crush?
He looked great in white, and I was in first grade.
418. What about your first kiss?
It was embarrassing, only because he decided to boast (and emblish) about it to his friends.
419. Did you save it for someone special?
Apparently not.
420. Do you think first impressions are the most lasting or easily forgotten once you get to know someone?
They’re pretty lasting. After all, who would forget the first time they met you, you were covered in tapioca and foaming mad?
421. Do you have to put your foot in your mouth a lot?
As a rule, not generally. But I could if I really wanted to.
422. Are you clumsy?
Ish. In some things, like fletching.
423. Have you ever fallen down stairs?
No, thank goodness.
424. How about up them?
*hides her face* Maaaybe.
425. Have you ever run up a down escalator?
Heck yes!
426. Ever pushed all the buttons in an elevator?
At least a few times. I have to try very hard not to do it every time I get into an elevator! Oooooh, shiny!
427. Have you ever been stuck in an elevator?
428. Would being stuck at the top of a Ferris Wheel for a couple hours scare you?
Depends on who I’m with.
429. Have you ever been on an amusement ride when it broke down?
430. Do roller coasters make you sick to your stomach?
Only the wooden ones. The rickety ones are the scariest.
431. Do you have a strong stomach?
Fairly. My sister can projectile vomit ~if anyone can see that shooting out of a ninety pound girl and hit the wall at seven feet without spilling a drop and not puke, I figure the stomach can handle a lot of things.
432. Can you walk across your yard barefoot?
433. What about across the road?
Yup. These beauties have some pretty good calluses!
434. When was the last time you sent someone a letter?
Actually writing one to my mother-in-law right now!
435. What about received one?
Two days ago.
436. Do you send birthday cards?
Nope. I’m pretty awful about that.
437. Would you rather choose a gift for someone or get them a gift card so they can decide?
I’d rather make them something ugly.
438. Do you think getting gift cards is as fun as getting regular presents?
Hey, if you don’t want to go wrong, gift cards are just fine. I understand.
439. Have you ever been to a bridal shower?
440. What about a baby shower?
441. Bachelor/bachelorette shower?
and no. Weird?
442. Have you ever spelled a word wrong and thought the spell check suggestions were funny?
Awww yes! I hate it when it doesn’t give you a suggestion. I didn’t know how to spell the word in the first place and now I have to guess how to spell it badly so you know WHICH word I’m talking about ?!?!
443. Did you try that after reading the question?
No. It happens enough to me.
444. Who is the most gullible person you know?
Erm, husband’s boss.
445. What is the most inventive prank you've ever played on someone?
It’s a long story. If you are really curious, PM me.
446. Do you have more friends in real life or online?
I have many acquaintances, but few friends. Friends are family to me.
447. Where did you meet most of your friends?
Through the SCA. History enthusiasts unite!
448. Do you think of yourself as popular?
449. Are you a part of the “in crowd?”
450. If you had to identify with a high school clique which one would you fall into?
The group that was frequently asked “Do you go home and read the dictionary at night?”
451. If you were an alien (space not immigrant) what planet would you like to be from?
Not this one.
452. Do you think pluto is still a planet?
Damn kids! When I was your age, Pluto was a planet!
453. Have you ever been roller skating?
I own my own pair.
454. Roller blading?
Yes. You don’t get the same disco vibe on blades as you do skates, which in my case, is very disappointing.
455. Snow Skiing?
Love it!
456. Water Skiing?
457. Backpacking?
458. Camping?
If you remember from above, I’m rather outdoorsy. Plus a former Girl Scout. So that would be “yes”.
459. On a walk?
460. On the beach?
461. In the ocean?
with jelly fish.
462. Lost?
on purpose.
463. On a road trip?

464. Have you had to ask for directions from a stranger before?
Erm. No?
465. Do you have a GPS?
466. Can you read an atlas?
Yes yes yes!
467. Do you own a globe?
468. What's the most interesting country in your opinion?
Are you ready for this?
469. Have you ever been there?
470. What's the most fascinating part of the country?
471. If you could rule that country for a year would you?
472. What about ruling the whole world for a year?
473. Do you think you would be a good ruler?
what so ever
474. Would someone else you know be a better ruler?
475. What do you think is the most important quality a leader can have?
this topic.
476. How long do you think you would survive in a zombie apocalypse?
Long enough to allow my knee to give out from all the running.
477. Would you rather die and stay dead or come back as a zombie?
Zombie is fun. If the flesh is willing…
478. If you were a vampire would you feel bad about drinking human blood?
If I got turned into a vampire, I might be feeling a little spiteful.
479. Do you feel bad about eating animals?
Tasty, tasty murder.
480. If vegetarians eat vegetables what do humanitarians eat?
PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals.
481. Do you use body lotion?
482. Do you take care of your feet?
Yes. They are my body’s mode of transportation.
483. Have you ever gotten a massage?
Once. It was….weird.
484. Manicure?
Once. Wedding.
485. Pedicure?
Once. See above.
486. Ever had any part of your body waxed?
Nope! At least, not intentionally.
487. Ever cut yourself shaving
488. What's the dumbest question on this survey so far?
Maybe the last one.
489. Can you do funny voices?
A couple.
490. Do you do good impressions?
Hahah… no.
491. Would it embarrass you if someone you were impersonating showed up and watched you?
Since I don’t impersonate anyone, it wouldn’t.
492. Have you ever pretended that the floor is lava and you couldn't touch it?
Childhood pastime!
493. Do you count your steps?
Only if I want my OCD to overtake me.
494. When walking on the sidewalk do you avoid stepping on cracks?
see above.
495. Are you superstitious at all?
496. What's the silliest superstition you can think of?
Can’t think. Too tired. Long survey.
497. Can you pronounce your name spelled backwards?
498. Can you pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time?
Really really slowly.
499. Can you burp at will?
No. Although I have a cousin who does when he’s angry.
500. Are you glad this is the last question?
Is this a trick question?

Posted on 2012-04-26 at 05:26:03.
Edited on 2012-04-26 at 05:29:24 by Celeste

Karma: 46/64
335 Posts

cop-out mode...WTF am I doing?

1. Name?
Joshua Edward Wood
2. Nickname?
In Karate, I was called Woodywoodpecker because of my last name...that's basically it.
3. Do you like your nicknames? yes
4. Do you have something you wish people would call you but never catches on? Pyro, I know, cliche, but still!
5. If you could change your name to anything what would it be? Daniel Wood, after my father and because my name originally would of been Daniel, except people would pronounce it differently because at first they thought I was female...yeah...TMI!
6. Were you named after anyone? Not sure...
7. Who named you?parents
8. Age?13
9. Do you wish you were older/younger?...not sure...maybe older so I can learn what's it's like to be an adult/16.
10. If you could be one age forever what would you choose? Any time before 7 years of age. everything went downhill after the accident it seems.
11. When is your birthday? Nov. 20
12. Was anyone else you know born on that day? Not sure
13. Did any important historical event (besides your birth) happen on that day? Not sure
14. Gender?male
15. Have you ever wondered what it is like to be the other gender? Yes
16. If you could switch would you? Yes, but hopefully I could switch back. I would only switch to know what it's like to be a girl.
17. What color eyes do you have?blue
18. Do you wear glasses/contacts?barely
19. Do your eyes ever change colors?yes, but only when my eyes are dilated :3
20. Are they the same as anyone in your family?P-pals -_- wait, you count dead men, right?
21. Who in your family to you look most like?Uncle Richard
22. What color is your hair? brown
23. How long is it? it's about 2 inches long right now
24. When was the last time you got your hair cut? ...about 2 weeks ago
25. Have you ever dyed it? do you count spraying it orange for a halloween thing at school(BTW, iw was meant to be blonde) and once with blue/white hair?
26. If you have what color most recently, if not what color would you like? what do you mean by this? hair color, most recently would be white and blue.
27. If you could instantly have any length of hair how long?lengthened only in the back about 6 to 8 inches long, and my front hair to stay like it's been. IDKY, just because, I guess?
28. Is your hair thick or fine? thick? ...I guess...
29. Have you ever shaved your head? no
30. Have you ever worn a wig? no
31. Do you spend much time in front of the mirror every day?
to brush my teeth and comb my hair everyday, if I do so more than an hour, get me out and set me straight :3
32. Do you try to stay in touch with the latest trends? no
33. How would you define your personal style? I believe what your asking me, is about my personality. And I say, always expect the worse. When I do anything, if something happens to me more than once, I move on til' further notice. It was also because kids at school. It's set me up for success because when I'm older and have more experience, I'll be able to do things more better and efficient.
34. Are you right or left handed? right
35. Can you write legibly with your other hand? no
36. Can you write backwards? ...letters or completely backwards?
37. How many languages do you speak? 1
38. If you could learn any language what one would you choose? Japanese
39. Which language do you think is the hardest to learn?
40. Do you like to travel? the clicking language...forgot what's it's really called...
41. Do you prefer travel by plane or car? car, mainly because I haven't been in a real plane
42. What's the furthest you've traveled? North Carolina
43. What's your favorite place you've been? Orlando, Florida
44. If you could go on a free vacation where would you go? Japan
45. Where do you live? Niceville, Florida
46. Do you like it there? no
47. If you could live anywhere, where would you move to? Japan
48. Have you ever moved? tried to once, but failed.
So, no.
49. What's the shortest time you've lived in one place? whole life
50. What's the longest time you've lived in one place? (answer up here ^)
51. Where do you consider “home?” Niceville
52. What is your favorite type of music?rock, metal, pop
53. Can you play any instruments? as long as I can get a sound out of it, I've played it, so, YEAH
54. If you could learn any instrument which one would you choose? guitar
55. If you were in a rock band what would it be called? ...maybe... IronIc(IronIc, isn't it?)...couldn't think of anything else...
56. Is there any kind of music you just can't stand? not really, maybe songs that go on and on
57. What's your favorite song? can't say I have a favorite...maybe Duke Venomania Madness by MOTHY(Master of the Hellish/Heavenly(not sure which) Yard)
58. Are there any song lyrics you really identify with? by, identify, you mean like, right? Then it would be the lyrics from Trick and Treat,"I told you , love's just fake ,
and there is no feeling of it in this life"

59. Have you ever written a song? Tried mamny times, and I will soon try again.
60. Have you ever written a love letter? I don't remember
61. Have you ever received a love letter? Yes
62. What's the most romantic thing you've ever done? At a dance, me and my girlfriend danced in a small dark area together during a love song.
63. What's something that most people think is romantic that you don't? ...IDK...
64. What's something silly that you think is romantic? giving your loved one special gifts for every special day, and I mean ALOT of gifts most of the time.
65. What's the longest relationship you've ever had? 9 years...
66. The shortest? um...9 years(only had one relationship, and broke up with my girlfriend about 2-3 weeks ago)...
67. Are you married? NO!
68. If you could have attended any historical event which one would you choose? Civil War, probably bring my "friend" to help me if I get in any trouble while fighting the union :3, he hates the union, I just want to go back so I could have something fun to do.
69. What's your favorite period in history?
This may make you think I'm sadistic, but the Titantic sinking. THE CHAOS!!!
70. How do you think you would be different if raised in that period? ...I'd be dead XD
71. What current technology do you think would have been most helpful to people of that period? Better boats and people with common sense XD
72. What current technology could you not live without? Computers, though if I had to, maybe I would survive. Everything else sort of comes like a blur.
73. What invention do you think had the most impact on society when it was introduced?Computers, it really changed history!
74. Who is your favorite historical figure? ...George Washington? >
75. If you could go back and say something to that person, what would you say? I'd say nothing, he doesn't deserve anything.
76. Do you think you would have gotten along with them? no
77. If you could have a machine that produced one item at the touch of a button what would it be? diamonds
78. What type of food is your favorite?meat or vegetables, depends on what's available
79. What specific dish? Chicken(meat) and rice, made by my mom of course :3
80. Can you eat with chopsticks? ...kind of, not all the time though
81. What is your favorite kind of movie? comedy
82. Do you watch foreign films? would you count anime movies as foreign?
83. Is there a type of movie you just can't stand? those movies about U.S. history
84. What is your favorite movie? ...I don't have a real favorite...maybe Star Wars 3: Revenge of the Sith
85. Who is your favorite actor? Voice actors in this case, that's all I care about:Jason Griffith. Favorite actor:Robin Williams
86. Favorite actress? Miley Cyrus?
87. Favorite director? George Lucas?
88. Do you own the soundtrack to any movies? Hannah Montana the movie
89. Do you like theatre? no really...
90. Have you ever tried acting?
91. If you had to be in a play, what play and what part would you like? ...maybe Peter Pan in the play about him(isn't the play called Peter Pan, and is it a play?)
92. Do you enjoy reading? depends
93. Do you have a favorite book? Hunger Games
94. How about a favorite author? Suzanne Collins
95. Favorite genre? Sci-fi
96. What book has had the most impact on you? Eragon
97. Is there a book you hate? Eragon
98. What was the last book you read?MockingJay
99. Do you go to the library or buy books you want to read?I go to the school library...except for Eragon which we bought at Wal-Mart. Other books were given to us.
100. Have you ever lost or stolen a book from a library? Lost, never stolen
101. Who is your favorite children's author? Dr.Seuss
102. Are you good at spelling? somewhat
103. Are there words that just never look spelled right to you? not that I remember
104. What was/is your favorite school subject? 'Science
105. Your least favorite? (at this time)Art
106. Who was your favorite teacher? Mr. Serpa and/or Ms.Blackburn
107. Did you do well in their class? r.Serpa:Yes, s.Blackburn:Kindergarten Teacher, so, YES
108. What ethnicity are you? American, white, so on and so forth
109. Do you know much about your family history?not really
110. Are you related to anyone famous? does Robert the Bruce, an ancestor of mine who was a ruler of Scotland?
111. What hobbies do you do? Game design, video making, and story writing
112. Which hobby is your favorite?Game design
113. How long have you been it?6 years
114. What got you started doing it? When Dad wanted me to quit watching Sonic videos, so he decided to get me started on other things.
115. What did you want to be when you grew up? Game developer
116. What job do you have now?SCHOOL
117. How did you end up doing that? I was born and by the time I was 4, I was put in Pre-school
118. What would your dream job be? Game developer
119. Do you have any silly/weird skills? does spinning around as fast as a top and not getting sick count?
120. How would your friends describe you? Weird, annoying, wait, nevermind.
121. Would you agree with that? The weird part.
122. Do you stay in touch with childhood friends? Not really
123. If there was a moment in your life that made you realize that you're an adult, what moment would that be?...
124. Do you have a good memory? no
125. What is your favorite childhood memory? going to Orlando, Florida and go to Universal(only went twice!)
126. If you could make a movie of all your memories, do you think others would want to watch it?
127. Do you like to tell jokes? Good ones:not all the times. Bad ones:Yes. Gross ones:YES :3
128. What is your favorite clean joke? ...the Batman joke
129. What is your favorite candy? chocolate
130. Do you have any candy right now? no
131. Favorite ice cream flavor? chocolate
132. What makes up the perfect ice cream sundae? Chocolate ice cream with chocolate fudge mixed in and the same with the oreos. YUM! You can tell I love chocolate, right?
133. Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue?NO
134. Any flavor of ice cream you think is gross?...maybe, if the ice cream is real, any ice cream with veggies in it. I will eat veggies, but not ice cream made from veggies.
135. Do you eat your ice cream out of a cup or a bowl? either
136. If you were making the best dinner in the world how many courses would it have and what dishes? ...all I can answer if the food portion of this, and I'll make up a random number, 5 courses all with 1.Japanese foods, 2.Seafood, 3.Country Food, 4.Italian food, and finally 5.Desert: Chocolate ice cream and a 3 layer chocolate cake(so there are enough pieces for everyone)
137. What is your favorite beverage? Mountain Dew:Code Red
138. Do you like ice in your drinks?NO
139. Do you like to eat ice? sometimes
140. Do you like snow cones? yes
141. Do you like to play in the snow? never snows in Florida
142. Have you ever made a snowman? never snows in Florida
143. How about a snow angel? never snows in Florida
144. Do you have a lucky number? 64
145. Have you ever bought a lottery ticket? no
146. Have you ever been to a casino?yes, the Casino Night Zone from Sonic 2 (see what I did there?) :3
147. Have you ever won any money gambling? no
148. What is your favorite animal? Wolf
149. Do you have any pets? yes, 10 to be exact, 1 dog, 1 bird, and 8 cats, excluding fish we have
150. If you could have any animal as a pet what would you pick? a half-husky half-wolf dog.
151. Do you wish you could have an imaginary/mythical creature as a pet? yes
152. Have you ever been to the zoo? yes
153. Have you ever been to a farm? yes
154. Have you ever been to an amusement park? yes
155. Are you scared of heights? sort of
156. Are you scared of the dark? no
157. Do scary movies frighten you? not all the time
158. If you had to name your biggest pet peeve what would it be? being called a liar when I'm not lying
159. Do you ever catch yourself doing your pet peeve? yes
160. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law? do you count getting warned by police for calling them for false reasons?
161. You're going to jail. What crime did you most likely commit? piracy
162. Are there any fictional criminals you like? If so, who?the men from the Home Alone movies 1 and 2
163. If you could be any fictional character who would you be? Sonic
164. If you could meet any fictional character who would you meet? Sonic
165. If you could have invented any item what item would you pick? Fake item? Time machine. Real? Computer.
166. Do you ever have ideas and a couple months later you see them advertised? no
167. Do you believe in psychic powers? yes
168. Have you ever had a psychic reading? sort of
169. If you could have any super power what would you choose? fire powers
170. What would be your super hero name?Pyro
171. Would you have a side kick? Aqua
172. Would you be part of a super team? Pyro team
173. What would your arch nemesis be called? Evil Pyro
174. Super heroes have to have a weakness, what's yours? any water attack moves, or water in general
175. Did you pick something rare so you would be less likely to be defeated?no
176. Would you wear a cape? no
177. Who is your role model? Chuck Norris
178. Have you ever had to give a speech in public? in class during an assignment
179. Do you get stage fright? no
180. Do you have any tattoos? no
181. If you have them, how many? If not, do you want one? I want one
182. Do you have any piercings? yes
183. Have you ever broken a bone? yes
184. Had surgery? no
185. Do you consider yourself attractive? ...sort of. I'm no Prince Charming though.
186. Would you get cosmetic surgery to change anything about yourself? no
187. What is the weather like right now? sunny
188. Do you like it?no
189. What is your favorite kind of weather? windy and rainy
190. Do you spend a lot of time outside? no
191. Do you play any sports? Soccer(not now though)
192. Do you watch any sports? no
193. What do you like/don't like most about sports? I hate how angry kids get when they lose. IT'S JUST A GAME!
194. Do you believe that every child on a team, no matter their skill level and dedication should receive a prize, win or lose? no
195. What would you call the most annoying trait a person can have? excessive anger isues
196. The most endearing? funniness
197. Do you have any allergies? no
198. Do you consider yourself an emotional person? yes
199. When was the last time you cried? about a year or 2 ago
200. When was the last time you laughed? when I last talked to someone
201. Do you spend much time talking on the phone (not work related?) no
202. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? No one *phone rings, no one called*
Oh hey, no one, how's it going?
203. Do you text a lot? no
204. Do you believe texting and driving is dangerous? yes
205. What day of the week is it right now? Thursday
206. What is the date? 4-26-12
207. Do you have a favorite date that is not your birthday or a holiday? May 30, 2012
208. What's your favorite holiday? Christmas
209. What's your least favorite holiday? Columbus Day
210. What would be the idea birthday present for you? a video game(like Sonic Adventure DX or 2 Battle)
211. Are your tastes fancier or more simple? simple
212. Do you prefer the icing or the cake itself? icing
213. Do you like ice cream with cake? yes
214. What is your favorite fruit? grapes
215. What is your favorite fruit juice? Lemonade
216. What is your favorite type of pie? Key Lemon Pie
217. Do you eat whipped cream on pie? I would if we had some
218. Do you prefer giving presents or getting them? getting
219. Hand made or store bought? store bought(most of the time)
220. Do you like jelly beans? yes
221. Do you own much jewelry? no
222. Do you prefer silver or gold? Silver
223. What is the most expensive piece of jewelry you have ever bought/own? pack full of ear studs(earrings)
224. What is the most expensive non-jewelry article of clothing? am I suppose to know XD mom or nana usually buys that for me and my brother
225. What does your favorite pair of shoes look like? they were black and green, black on top, green on the bottom, that's all I remember
226. Pillow should be soft or firm? SOFT
227. What about your bed?Soft, no springs, just like those beds on TV that I've never used
228. Do you sleep with a lot of blankets or wear warmer pajamas? no, it comes at random how I sleep and what I sleep in
229. How many pillows are optimal? 2
230. Are you laid back or easily flustered? easily flustered
231. What is the fastest way to upset you? break my heart, you can't really upset me. Now, all that sadness comes out as anger usually.
232. Do you calm down quickly or take a while to cool off? take a while to cool off
233. Do you offend others often? yes
234. A little white lie is no big deal or the path to telling bigger lies? no big deal
235. Do you get embarrassed easily? yes
236. Have you ever been to a karoke? not really
237. Are you quick to judge people on appearances or get to know them first? second otion
238. If you could play any board game with a group of historical figures from any time periods, what game and who?Sorry with George Washington and Michael Jackson (he counts right?)
239. Loner or social butterfly? loner
240. Do you use any social networking sites? yes
241. Do you play online games? yes
242. Do you play offline video games? yes
243. What time do you usually wake up? school days:5 o' clock, normal is 9-11 o' clock
244. Do you have a morning routine? yes, eat breakfast, get on computer
245. Showers or baths? showers
246. Do you wash your hair or your body first? hair
247. When drying off do you start from the head and go down or start at your feet and work up? head
248. Do you keep an umbrella in your car/locker/office in case of unexpected rain? no
249. When was the last time you just sat and watched the clouds or stars? a few weeks ago, but not sitting and watching, standing and observing
250. Does looking at things like the stars or the ocean make you feel tiny or really important? tiny
251. Do you wish on shooting stars? sometimes, but my wishes never come true
252. Do you believe you have to keep a wish secret for it to come true? yes...sort of
253. What's a wish you've made that has come true? ..."...but my wishes never come true"
254. Have you ever been in a wedding(besides your own if you're married?)no
255. Do you have an item you consider to be your personal good luck charm? no
256. Have you ever lost/tossed it only to have really bad luck? no
257. What's your most irrational fear? that I'm constantly in danger, which is true, but I know nothing will happen to me in my boring life.
258. How do you believe the world as we know it is going to end? when all man's machines destroy man kind in a war they knew would only end up in disaster(and no, this isn't a war where machines turn against humans or take over the world. People using machines for destruction will be their undoing.)
259. Have you ever been in love with someone who you were friends with? If yes, did you tell them? yes, YES!
260. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done for a friend? Do their favorite dance I do in the middle of class
261. What's the sweetest thing a friend has ever done for you? given a present as a "I'm sorry for not going to your birthday party" gift
262. Who was the last person you hugged? my Nana(to say goodnight to her)
263. Kissed? on the lips? my ex-girlfriend, at the time she was my girlfriend
otherwise, "my Nana(to say goodnight to her)"
264. Do you say hello to people you don't know just to be polite? yes
265. Do you wave at people you know when driving by them? yes
266. Do questions that only give you two choices bother you?no
267. Chicken or Beef? chicken
268. Coke or Pepsi?coke
269. Run or bike? run
270. Pancakes or waffles? waffles
271. Chocolate or vanilla?
272. Meat or veggies? meat
273. See it in the cinema or wait for the DVD?see it in the cinema
274. Be hot or be cold? cold
275. Pen or pencil? pencil
276. Do you have anything you're craving right now? no
277. When you're craving something will nothing else satisfy you until you get it? yes
278. What do you find yourself craving the most? a drink or lunch meat(weird, right?)
279. Have you ever lied about your age? YES!
280. Have you ever tried fad diets? NO!
281. Do you exercise regularly? no
282. Do you usually remember your dreams? sort of
283. Do you like to cook? yes
284. Do you think your cooking is tasty? yes...
285. What is your favorite dish to cook? noodles
286. Is there any dish you wish you could cook but never seems to come out right? no
287. Do you ever go over your cell phone minutes?yes
288. Are you talkative?YES!
289. Do you notice yourself being a chatterbox around certain people and silent around others? Yes
290. If you won a million dollars what would the first thing you would buy? a WII
291. How much of it would you be willing to donate?500 dollars of it
292. Do you think a lot of family you haven't talked to in a while would visit you? no
293. If you could spend a day however you wanted, money is no object, what would you do? jump off the highest cliff onto the largest, most strongest trampoline ever, and land back on the cliff, on someone I hate. Then take their money and leave. And then do it to the next person I hate, so on and so forth til' I'm bored
294. Are you an easily excited person? yes
295. Is there something you're anxious about right now? no
296. What event are you most looking forward to? Whatever Mom says she has planned for me in May.
297. Is there an event coming up you'd rather avoid? End of Course exams
298. What's the top three things you're grateful for? god, life, family
299. What is the main goal in your life? to move to Japan and create a designing studio for all of the media arts!
300. What steps are you taking to reach that goal? If you don't have one, what are some smaller goals you're working on?making videos, writing stories, and designing games
301. Describe yourself from ten years ago in ten words or less. I was a young baby who actually liked my brother.
302. How different are you now?...I hate my brother and I'm 13 now.
303. Do you like yourself better now or then? then
304. What changes do you think you'll see in the next ten years? I'll probably be more mature and successful.
305. Do you believe that it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? yes
306. What color shirt are you wearing? white
307. What color is your favorite shirt? blue
308. What's something you do every day? play on my computer
309. What website do you visit the most during the day? right now...RDInnn...-_-(this post)
310. How many emails do you get on an average day? excluding spam, not many
311. Do you have trouble keeping plants alive? yes
312. What is your favorite flower? rose
313. Have any big plans for tomorrow? no
314. What do you plan on having for dinner tomorrow? idk
315. Any TV shows you want to watch coming on? no
316. Would your rather: Live your favorite video game or favorite movie? favorite video game
317. Every stop light you see be red or have to drive 45 for the rest of your life? what does "drive 45" mean? I guess every stop light I see be red.
318. Be three feet tall or nine feet tall? nine feet tall
319. Prefer day or night?night
320. What is your favorite tabletop game?DnD
321. How many different tabletop games have you tried? Only 1 that I remember
322. What is your favorite edition of D&D?4th(only one besides the pathfinder rules)
323. What is your favorite D&D race to play? elf
324. What about class? mage
325. What do you consider the “bare essentials” for starting gear? a weapon in general, sure there's more, but if you want to survive, there you go
326. Have you ever GMed a game? no
327. What's the most devious thing you/your GM has ever done in game? A room I had to keep going back and forth to escape because I was getting my butt kicked.
328. What is your favorite kind of monster? dragon
329. What kind of tabletop game would you like to see made?DnD: Dimension edition(not just fantasy characters, maybe even copyrighted ccharacters they borrowed from video games)
330. Have you ever homebrewed a world? yes, in RPG maker
331. How about a whole game? (This can mean a rule set or everything in a campaign)not yet
332. What was the name of your first character? Elrond(can't remember my first, this is my latest)
333. What was the latest character you've made? in RPG maker, Oracion, in DnD...Elrond
334. What was your favorite character like? Oracion, Master of the Heavenly Yard, is powered by god and will only do what he needs in God's favor, even if he broke a commandment of god's, like killing the Master of the Hellish Yard
335. Do you reuse characters from one game to the next, despite them not having anything to do with each other? no
336. Do you have any pop culture obsessions? no
337. What's the most inspirational quote you can think of? "LET'S GET MOVING!", not inspirational, just awesome and funny
338. What's the funniest? "DON'T TOUCH THAT!", by the same guy, you won't get it til' you here it.
339. What is your favorite color? red
340. What's the weirdest color name you can think of?turquoise
341. If you could have a color renamed after you what color would it be? black
342. Did you/would you color inside the lines in a coloring book? not all the time
343. Do you still color in coloring books? yes, not always though
344. How many times a day do you not “act your age?” alot, the number is too high
345. Do you think you're immature? yes
346. Would other people agree with you? maybe
347. What is your definition of maturity?To not make sexual or horrid jokes every five seconds, and expect people to laugh at them, while they groan in disgust and horror.
348. What is your definition of normal? Someone who can understand others and can be understood for their actions.
349. What do you think is the most important lesson a parent can impart on their child? ANYTHING about the world and it's horridness
350. What is your astrological sign?scorpio
351. Do you know your Chinese Zodiac animal?don't remember(will check later)
352. Do you believe in astrology? yes
353. Do you read your horoscope? (Hey you don't have to believe in it to read it)yes
354. How do you keep up with the news? watch it on TV
355. Are you active in your local community? no
356. Do you volunteer your time anywhere?at school and at the house
357. What is your favorite brand of shampoo? why should I care?
358. Bar soap or body wash? body wash
359. What's your favorite brand of toothpaste?colgate
360. Do you floss? no
361. Do you chew gum? not all the time
362. When was the last time you went to the doctor? 1-3 years ago
363. Do you get sick frequently? no
364. Would you rather have a steak and potato or soup and a salad? steak and potato
365. Are you fond of children? yes
366. Do you think you would make a good role model? yeah
367. Who do you know that would be the best role model? my ex-girlfriend
368. Do you have a favorite artist? yes
369. What art style do you like best? surrealism
370. What art style do you just not “get?”abstract
371. If the world ended tomorrow what would be the one thing you would regret not being able to do? get married and have kids...
372. How long do you think you would survive out in the wilderness? a week if not more
373. Were you a girl/boy scout? yes
374. Do you know how to check the oil in a car? no
375. How about change it? no
376. Change a tire? no
377. Can you drive a manual “stick shift” transmission vehicle? no
378. Have you ever been inside an 18 wheeler semi-truck?yes(?forgot)
379. Have you ever bathed outside? somewhat
380. How much would someone have to pay you to walk down your street naked? all their money
381. What's something you're known for? being annoying
382. Does this reputation bother you? no
383. If you could get a reputation for one thing, what would you like it to be? most right-minded kid ever
384. Do you think you could handle being famous? yes
385. You've been chosen to judge a contest, what contest would you like it to be? (Keep it clean folks)a contest where people make games, then give them un to be judged
386. Do you have an MP3 player of some sort?yes
387. How do you get most of your music?
388. What was the last actual CD you purchased?Michael Jackson cd I think(Mom or someone else purchased it
389. Do you own any audio cassette tapes? no(not that I know of)
390. What about VHS tapes? yes
391. Are there any movies you suddenly remembered that you haven't seen in a long time because they are on VHS instead of DVD? School House Rock
392. What's an old movie you wish they would remake? the original Tron
393. What's one you wish they hadn't remade? Star Wars, it's not my opinion, I just went with this because I don't know of any others
394. If your life was a movie and you could cast any actor/actress as yourself who would you choose? Justin Bieber, don't know why, don't care
395. Who would play your significant other? what? My "villain", "enemy", hated one? Then maybe a random troll from online to make them look bad, even if they don't look alike
396. What rating would your life movie have? review:7/10, ESBR(is that what they call it?) ratingG13
397. What color is the outside of your house/apartment building? red
398. What color are the walls on the inside? usually you see either tan, green, or blue
399. Do you have any posters or pictures on the walls in your bedroom? a calender and some pictures my brother put on the walls
400. What kind of flooring do you have? rug, tile, and bare flooring
401. Is there something you would rather have?just rug
402. Is your bed comfortable? no
403. How long have you been sleeping in the same bed? 6 years
404. Do you keep your living space clean? no
405. Do you have daily chores you do? not daily
406. Do you listen to music loud? yea
407. Do you believe if it's too loud you're too old? yes
408. How old do you have to be to die of old age? 70
409. If you could choose how you go, how would you like to die? gunshot(it would be quick!)
410. How would you like to be remembered? the greatest kid who ever lived
411. Buried or cremated? if cremated means burned, than cremated
412. What's the most useful obsession you have? games and game design
413. What about the most useless? Sonic and Mario obsession in general
414. Do you tend to keep items you have no use for because they have sentimental value? yes
415. Is it hard for you to get rid of items that used to mean a lot to you? yes
416. Have you ever gotten rid of something only to need it a few days later? yes
417. What do you remember about your first crush? where we met, all our 9 years spent together, then ending the relationship a few weeks ago
418. What about your first kiss? during the Jonas 3d concert I kissed her during "Burnin' Up"
419. Did you save it for someone special? yes
420. Do you think first impressions are the most lasting or easily forgotten once you get to know someone? easily forgotten
421. Do you have to put your foot in your mouth a lot?yes
422. Are you clumsy? yes
423. Have you ever fallen down stairs? no
424. How about up them? NO
425. Have you ever run up a down escalator?no
426. Ever pushed all the buttons in an elevator? no
427. Have you ever been stuck in an elevator? no
428. Would being stuck at the top of a Ferris Wheel for a couple hours scare you? yes
429. Have you ever been on an amusement ride when it broke down? no
430. Do roller coasters make you sick to your stomach? no
431. Do you have a strong stomach? yes
432. Can you walk across your yard barefoot? somewhat
433. What about across the road? somewhat
434. When was the last time you sent someone a letter? when I was practicing cursive, I wrote a letter, never sent it though
435. What about received one? yes
436. Do you send birthday cards? not me
437. Would you rather choose a gift for someone or get them a gift card so they can decide? get them a gift card so they can decide
438. Do you think getting gift cards is as fun as getting regular presents? no, it's more fun!
439. Have you ever been to a bridal shower?no
440. What about a baby shower? no
441. Bachelor/bachelorette shower? no
442. Have you ever spelled a word wrong and thought the spell check suggestions were funny? no
443. Did you try that after reading the question? no
444. Who is the most gullible person you know?my brother
*4/27/2012, third day of questions*
445. What is the most inventive prank you've ever played on someone? I've never played a prank I made myself, unless you count trying to trick my ex-girlfriend into moving a chair for me, by using a jump rope. She saw the rope around the chairs leg, and I realized that she would no I tricked her just by pulling the rope because of how hard the chair was to move.
446. Do you have more friends in real life or online? online
447. Where did you meet most of your friends? either at P.E., on a computer, or someone my ex-girlfriend showed me when I was her boyfriend
448. Do you think of yourself as popular? yes
449. Are you a part of the “in crowd?” sort of
450. If you had to identify with a high school clique which one would you fall into? (I took a quiz to get this)emo kid
451. If you were an alien (space not immigrant) what planet would you like to be from? Venus
452. Do you think pluto is still a planet? yes
453. Have you ever been roller skating? yes
454. Roller blading? what's the difference
455. Snow Skiing? no
456. Water Skiing? no
457. Backpacking? what?
458. Camping?yes
459. On a walk? YES
460. On the beach? yes
461. In the ocean? some what...
462. Lost?Yes, right now
463. On a road trip? yes
464. Have you had to ask for directions from a stranger before? not me, my parents though
465. Do you have a GPS?no
466. Can you read an atlas? what's an atlas?
467. Do you own a globe? no
468. What's the most interesting country in your opinion? Japan
469. Have you ever been there? no
470. What's the most fascinating part of the country? it's technology; and the city in Japan, Tokyo; and the people there
471. If you could rule that country for a year would you? yes
472. What about ruling the whole world for a year? YES
473. Do you think you would be a good ruler?somewhat
474. Would someone else you know be a better ruler? my ex-girlfriend
475. What do you think is the most important quality a leader can have? the ability to know when you have done enough for yourself in the people's eyes
476. How long do you think you would survive in a zombie apocalypse? a few weeks if not less
477. Would you rather die and stay dead or come back as a zombie? come back as a zombie...if it doesn't hurt :3
478. If you were a vampire would you feel bad about drinking human blood? no
479. Do you feel bad about eating animals? no
480. If vegetarians eat vegetables what do humanitarians eat? humans
481. Do you use body lotion? ...lotion? I never used body lotion as long as I can remember.
482. Do you take care of your feet? no
483. Have you ever gotten a massage? somewhat
484. Manicure? no
485. Pedicure? no
486. Ever had any part of your body waxed? no
487. Ever cut yourself shaving? NO
488. What's the dumbest question on this survey so far? Anything about my body or the country I live in
489. Can you do funny voices? yes
490. Do you do good impressions? somewhat
491. Would it embarrass you if someone you were impersonating showed up and watched you? yes
492. Have you ever pretended that the floor is lava and you couldn't touch it? somewhat
493. Do you count your steps? not so often(only when told)
494. When walking on the sidewalk do you avoid stepping on cracks? yes
495. Are you superstitious at all? yes
496. What's the silliest superstition you can think of? cross your fingers to get good luck
497. Can you pronounce your name spelled backwards? somewhat
498. Can you pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time? yes
499. Can you burp at will? somewhat
500. Are you glad this is the last question? YES! OH GOD YES! 3 DAYS OF QUESTIONS, WHAT PRIZE DO I GET, DO I GET A PRIZE? YYYYYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!

Posted on 2012-04-27 at 20:22:08.

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