I did it in a couple of hours, and I'd gladly answer 500 more
1. Name? Caleb
2. Nickname? Slendy
3. Do you like your nicknames? Yes, it's the one I chose
4. Do you have something you wish people would call you but never catches on? Nope, Already being called slendy
5. If you could change your name to anything what would it be? I wouldn'y change it, I like my name
6. Were you named after anyone?Nope, Just given my name
7. Who named you? My mom
8. Age? 16
9. Do you wish you were older/younger? maybe a bit older
10. If you could be one age forever what would you choose? 30, I wouldn't be to old or to young, I have plenty of possibilities
11. When is your birthday? April 17th
12. Was anyone else you know born on that day? Someone at my highschool
13. Did any important historical event (besides your birth) happen on that day? I'm honestly not sure, I think something to do with America
14. Gender? Male
15. Have you ever wondered what it is like to be the other gender? Yes
16. If you could switch would you? No, it sounds to tough to be a female, I don't have the fortitude or willpower for dealing with that.
17. What color eyes do you have? Hazel
18. Do you wear glasses/contacts? Nope
19. Do your eyes ever change colors? Yes, to either brown or green. It depends
20. Are they the same as anyone in your family? Nope
21. Who in your family to you look most like? My Uncle Cody
22. What color is your hair? Brown
23. How long is it? Almost touches my shoulders, covers my eyes
24. When was the last time you got your hair cut? Beginning of March
25. Have you ever dyed it? Yes
26. If you have what color most recently, if not what color would you like? Black, about two months ago
27. If you could instantly have any length of hair how long? Same as it is now
28. Is your hair thick or fine? Thick
29. Have you ever shaved your head? When I was in grade 1
30. Have you ever worn a wig? Nope
31. Do you spend much time in front of the mirror every day? Not really, like 5 minutes
32. Do you try to stay in touch with the latest trends? Nope, I wear what I like
33. How would you define your personal style? Clothes I like to wear because they fit
34. Are you right or left handed? Righty
35. Can you write legibly with your other hand? Some what yes
36. Can you write backwards? Not very fast
37. How many languages do you speak? 2 English and Spanish
38. If you could learn any language what one would you choose? Japanese
39. Which language do you think is the hardest to learn? Japanese
40. Do you like to travel? I don't know, I barely travel
41. Do you prefer travel by plane or car? I don't know, depends where I go
42. What's the furthest you've traveled? To Seattle
43. What's your favorite place you've been? Kelowna
44. If you could go on a free vacation where would you go? Japan
45. Where do you live? Oliver, BC
46. Do you like it there? Yes
47. If you could live anywhere, where would you move to? Somewhere quite
48. Have you ever moved? Only to different houses.
49. What's the shortest time you've lived in one place? 1 year
50. What's the longest time you've lived in one place? 9 years
51. Where do you consider “home?” Wherever I'm having fun
52. What is your favorite type of music? Rock and J-pop
53. Can you play any instruments? Guitar
54. If you could learn any instrument which one would you choose? Violin
55. If you were in a rock band what would it be called? Trying to start one, Restless Vengence
56. Is there any kind of music you just can't stand? Rap
57. What's your favorite song? Oh my god I could go on about this so I'll say all songs I listen to xD
58. Are there any song lyrics you really identify with? Not really that I can think of at the moment
59. Have you ever written a song? No
60. Have you ever written a love letter? I tried
61. Have you ever received a love letter? Yes
62. What's the most romantic thing you've ever done? Played my girlfriend Zelda's Lullaby on guitar
63. What's something that most people think is romantic that you don't? I'm not sure, it seems all good to me.
64. What's something silly that you think is romantic? Giving my girlfriend LoZ themed gifts
65. What's the longest relationship you've ever had? Ongoing on, just over a year
66. The shortest? Answered above ^^^
67. Are you married? No, to young
68. If you could have attended any historical event which one would you choose? WWII
69. What's your favorite period in history? Fuedal Europe
70. How do you think you would be different if raised in that period? I wouldn't know about the Red Dragon Inn or role-playing. I'd be lost in the world
71. What current technology do you think would have been most helpful to people of that period? Farming Tools
72. What current technology could you not live without? Internet
73. What invention do you think had the most impact on society when it was introduced? Hybrid Cars
74. Who is your favorite historical figure? I don't know many historical people, Probably Louis Riel of the Metis
75. If you could go back and say something to that person, what would you say? Thanks for protecting the rights of a proud people.
76. Do you think you would have gotten along with them? Maybe? I'm not very religous
77. If you could have a machine that produced one item at the touch of a button what would it be? Magic the Gathering cards
78. What type of food is your favorite? I'll eat anything, excpet spicy
79. What specific dish? As I said before, anything not spicy
80. Can you eat with chopsticks? Yes
81. What is your favorite kind of movie? One that entertains me
82. Do you watch foreign films? Sometimes yes
83. Is there a type of movie you just can't stand? Horror, they're all the same
84. What is your favorite movie? LOTR 1-3
85. Who is your favorite actor? I can't say, all the actors I like are pretty amazing in my opinion
86. Favorite actress? Same as above ^^^
87. Favorite director? I don't have one, they're a favourite if they make movies I like
88. Do you own the soundtrack to any movies? LOTR
89. Do you like theatre? Yes, it's ok
90. Have you ever tried acting? Yes, in Drama class at school
91. If you had to be in a play, what play and what part would you like? I don't know if I could do something like that o.O
92. Do you enjoy reading? Yes, very much so. I always have enjoyed it
93. Do you have a favorite book? The LOTR series and Inheritance Cycle
94. How about a favorite author? I can't choose ;A;
95. Favorite genre? Fantasy
96. What book has had the most impact on you? A lot of books have, so I'm not sure
97. Is there a book you hate? Not really book, more like the genre of fanfiction
98. What was the last book you read? Inheritance
99. Do you go to the library or buy books you want to read? Both
100. Have you ever lost or stolen a book from a library? Nope
101. Who is your favorite children's author? Robert Munsch
102. Are you good at spelling? Somewhat
103. Are there words that just never look spelled right to you? Not really
104. What was/is your favorite school subject? Chemistry
105. Your least favorite? Math Pre-Calc
106. Who was your favorite teacher? Mr.Liefke (Leaf-Key)
107. Did you do well in their class? Very well, top 3 with marks
108. What ethnicity are you? Caucasin
109. Do you know much about your family history? Nope, except I'm a bit of everything
110. Are you related to anyone famous? Nope
111. What hobbies do you do? Play Pen&Papers, Magic the Gathering, Video Games, Guitar, Craft jewelrey for my girlfriend
112. Which hobby is your favorite? Making things for my girlfriend ^3^
113. How long have you been it? Since our 3 month anniversary
114. What got you started doing it? Because I thought making something would mean more than buying something
115. What did you want to be when you grew up? Graphic Designer
116. What job do you have now? None
117. How did you end up doing that? Can't answer
118. What would your dream job be? Graphic Designer with Bethesda
119. Do you have any silly/weird skills? I can make a character for Pen&Papers in under 30 minutes after making the first one.
120. How would your friends describe you? Tall, Skinny, Fun to be with, Morbid sense of humour
121. Would you agree with that? Yup
122. Do you stay in touch with childhood friends? Yea, we go to school together
123. If there was a moment in your life that made you realize that you're an adult, what moment would that be? I'm only 16
124. Do you have a good memory? I have a horrible memory that's what xD
125. What is your favorite childhood memory? I don't remember much
126. If you could make a movie of all your memories, do you think others would want to watch it? I'm not sure, I would
127. Do you like to tell jokes? If I can yes
128. What is your favorite clean joke? ha, uhm... I can't answer this xD
129. What is your favorite candy? Salt-Water Taffy
130. Do you have any candy right now? No =(
131. Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Mint-Chip
132. What makes up the perfect ice cream sundae? Lots of chocolate
133. Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue? Nope
134. Any flavor of ice cream you think is gross? Nope
135. Do you eat your ice cream out of a cup or a bowl?
136. If you were making the best dinner in the world how many courses would it have and what dishes? 1 course of all the food, everyone is invited
137. What is your favorite beverage? Mountain Dew
138. Do you like ice in your drinks? Nope
139. Do you like to eat ice? yes
140. Do you like snow cones? yes
141. Do you like to play in the snow? Yes, when I can find gloves
142. Have you ever made a snowman? Yes, then immediatley killed it
143. How about a snow angel? Yes
144. Do you have a lucky number? nope
145. Have you ever bought a lottery ticket? No, but I get them for birthday gifts
146. Have you ever been to a casino? Nope
147. Have you ever won any money gambling? In fallout New Vegas
148. What is your favorite animal? Panda
149. Do you have any pets? Puppy, Kitty, Birdy
150. If you could have any animal as a pet what would you pick? Panda
151. Do you wish you could have an imaginary/mythical creature as a pet? Yes! Dragon!
152. Have you ever been to the zoo? Nope
153. Have you ever been to a farm? Yes
154. Have you ever been to an amusement park? Yes
155. Are you scared of heights? Nope
156. Are you scared of the dark? Nope, It`s comforting
157. Do scary movies frighten you? Nope, they`re all the same
158. If you had to name your biggest pet peeve what would it be? Fan bases of almost anything. Only if they are argumentive.
159. Do you ever catch yourself doing your pet peeve? Sometimes yes
160. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law? Nope
161. You're going to jail. What crime did you most likely commit? Accidnetal Murder for frightening someone
162. Are there any fictional criminals you like? If so, who? Nope
163. If you could be any fictional character who would you be? Legolas or Aargorn
164. If you could meet any fictional character who would you meet? All of them
165. If you could have invented any item what item would you pick? A device that can make me focus on schoolwork, and helps me study.
166. Do you ever have ideas and a couple months later you see them advertised? Nope
167. Do you believe in psychic powers? Depends how convincing it is.
168. Have you ever had a psychic reading? Nope
169. If you could have any super power what would you choose? Shapechanging so I can have all the powers
170. What would be your super hero name? Mr Fantastic
171. Would you have a side kick? Yes, Someone willing to be
172. Would you be part of a super team? Yes, with my friends
173. What would your arch nemesis be called? I`m not sure, something silly
174. Super heroes have to have a weakness, what's yours? Lasers
175. Did you pick something rare so you would be less likely to be defeated? Well not rare to super villians.
176. Would you wear a cape? yes, one for everday of the week
177. Who is your role model? Many, many people, some fictional
178. Have you ever had to give a speech in public? Yes, grade 5
179. Do you get stage fright? Sometimes
180. Do you have any tattoos? No, but I want 1 or 2 when I`m older
181. If you have them, how many? If not, do you want one? oh, I already said I want some when I`m older
182. Do you have any piercings? Nope
183. Have you ever broken a bone? Very close but nope
184. Had surgery? Again, very close but nope
185. Do you consider yourself attractive? No
186. Would you get cosmetic surgery to change anything about yourself? Maybe get myself some elf ears
187. What is the weather like right now? Cloudy n dreary =)
188. Do you like it? Very much so, as long as the sun stays hidden and it doesnt rain
189. What is your favorite kind of weather? The kind I have right now =D
190. Do you spend a lot of time outside? When I`m walking yes, otherwise I hide indoors
191. Do you play any sports? No
192. Do you watch any sports? No
193. What do you like/don't like most about sports? They`re all the same and the fans get annoying
194. Do you believe that every child on a team, no matter their skill level and dedication should receive a prize, win or lose? yes, it`s only fair
195. What would you call the most annoying trait a person can have? being able to talk without stopping for 5 minutes
196. The most endearing? Being able to understand me
197. Do you have any allergies? Yes, to pollen
198. Do you consider yourself an emotional person? Only during movies like LOTR
199. When was the last time you cried? Watching the ending of The Fellowship of the Ring
200. When was the last time you laughed? Earlier today
201. Do you spend much time talking on the phone (not work related?) Nope, barely use it
202. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom
203. Do you text a lot? Yes, tons
204. Do you believe texting and driving is dangerous? Very dangerous, I`ve almost been runover because of it
205. What day of the week is it right now? Monday
206. What is the date? April 30th, 2012
207. Do you have a favorite date that is not your birthday or a holiday? March 16th, My anniversary
208. What's your favorite holiday? Halloween
209. What's your least favorite holiday? St.Patricks Day
210. What would be the idea birthday present for you? Anything involving pen&papers
211. Are your tastes fancier or more simple? Simple-ish
212. Do you prefer the icing or the cake itself? Cake
213. Do you like ice cream with cake? Yes, especially in it
214. What is your favorite fruit? Blueberry
215. What is your favorite fruit juice? Apple variety
216. What is your favorite type of pie? Cherry
217. Do you eat whipped cream on pie? Yes, It`s good
218. Do you prefer giving presents or getting them? Giving, it feels nice to do that
219. Hand made or store bought? hand made
220. Do you like jelly beans? Yessss!
221. Do you own much jewelry? No, just a necklace
222. Do you prefer silver or gold? Either or, just different colours.
223. What is the most expensive piece of jewelry you have ever bought/own? I`m not sure how much the necklace is
224. What is the most expensive non-jewelry article of clothing? $70 jeans, only ones that fit
225. What does your favorite pair of shoes look like? Black, white stained edges, worn
226. Pillow should be soft or firm? soft =3
227. What about your bed? Softer xD
228. Do you sleep with a lot of blankets or wear warmer pajamas? 1 blanket, thick pants
229. How many pillows are optimal? 1-2
230. Are you laid back or easily flustered? Laid back
231. What is the fastest way to upset you? Insult my friends or girlfriend
232. Do you calm down quickly or take a while to cool off? Depends, is the guy running away?
233. Do you offend others often? Jokingly with my friends, we dont mean it
234. A little white lie is no big deal or the path to telling bigger lies? Path to larger lies
235. Do you get embarrassed easily? Completely depends on subject
236. Have you ever been to a karoke? No
237. Are you quick to judge people on appearances or get to know them first? Get to know them
238. If you could play any board game with a group of historical figures from any time periods, what game and who? Monopoly, Presidents of the USA
239. Loner or social butterfly? Half and Half
240. Do you use any social networking sites? Facebook, Twitter
241. Do you play online games? Realm of the Mad God, TF2
242. Do you play offline video games? Spore, Minecraft
243. What time do you usually wake up? 6:30am schooldays, 12pm weekends
244. Do you have a morning routine? Wake up, eat, hair-face-teeth, get dressed, wait for school
245. Showers or baths? Showers
246. Do you wash your hair or your body first? Hair
247. When drying off do you start from the head and go down or start at your feet and work up? Top to Bottom
248. Do you keep an umbrella in your car/locker/office in case of unexpected rain? Nope, I run
249. When was the last time you just sat and watched the clouds or stars? Earlier today
250. Does looking at things like the stars or the ocean make you feel tiny or really important? Tiny o.o
251. Do you wish on shooting stars? Whenever I see one
252. Do you believe you have to keep a wish secret for it to come true? Not always
253. What's a wish you've made that has come true? None of them yet. But soon x3
254. Have you ever been in a wedding(besides your own if you're married?) Not married but I`ve been part of my aunties wedding
255. Do you have an item you consider to be your personal good luck charm? Nope, I go by Karma
256. Have you ever lost/tossed it only to have really bad luck? Nope, dont have one
257. What's your most irrational fear? I`ll be the last to live in some apocolyptic world
258. How do you believe the world as we know it is going to end? Zombie apocolypse or Nuclear war
259. Have you ever been in love with someone who you were friends with? If yes, did you tell them? Nope
260. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done for a friend? Asked someone out for them
261. What's the sweetest thing a friend has ever done for you? Told me the girl I`ve been crushing on since Grade 8 actually likes me back
262. Who was the last person you hugged? My girlfriend
263. Kissed? Girlfriend
264. Do you say hello to people you don't know just to be polite? Sometimes, depends where I am
265. Do you wave at people you know when driving by them? Yes, but from the passenger seat, I`ve yet to get my L
266. Do questions that only give you two choices bother you? Sometimes, especially if I like both options
267. Chicken or Beef? RAGE!!! D: uhmmmmm, beef!!
268. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi, I can feel Coke dissolving my teeth
269. Run or bike? Run, I dont own a bike
270. Pancakes or waffles? Wafflecake?
271. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolaaaattteeee :3
272. Meat or veggies? Meggies?
273. See it in the cinema or wait for the DVD? Watch in Cinema then rent again on DVD
274. Be hot or be cold? I`ll stick to my neutral body temperature thank you
275. Pen or pencil? Pencil, I can`t write with pen
276. Do you have anything you're craving right now? A hug from my girlfriend
277. When you're craving something will nothing else satisfy you until you get it? I can usually distract myself from it
278. What do you find yourself craving the most? 7 times out of 10 I want chocolate
279. Have you ever lied about your age? Yes, because I wasnt allowed on Runescape
280. Have you ever tried fad diets? I`m thin enough, a diet would kill me
281. Do you exercise regularly? If walking 30 minutes out of tehn back into town counts, then yes
282. Do you usually remember your dreams? Only the bizzare ones
283. Do you like to cook? Yes, it`s fun
284. Do you think your cooking is tasty? When I do it right yes.
285. What is your favorite dish to cook? Egg in a bun
286. Is there any dish you wish you could cook but never seems to come out right? None yet, I usually fix my mistake teh second time
287. Do you ever go over your cell phone minutes? No, I got a monthly plan
288. Are you talkative? Around friends yes
289. Do you notice yourself being a chatterbox around certain people and silent around others? Nope
290. If you won a million dollars what would the first thing you would buy? A nice house for when I graduate
291. How much of it would you be willing to donate? $250,000
292. Do you think a lot of family you haven't talked to in a while would visit you? 90% of my family lives in the same town. So most likely
293. If you could spend a day however you wanted, money is no object, what would you do? I`d spend it with my girlfriend, and take her wherever she wanted
294. Are you an easily excited person? Depends on the subject
295. Is there something you're anxious about right now? Nope, I`m chill
296. What event are you most looking forward to? My birthday party
297. Is there an event coming up you'd rather avoid? Nope
298. What's the top three things you're grateful for? My Family, Friends and Girlfriend
299. What is the main goal in your life? Be happy, and make life what I want out of it.
300. What steps are you taking to reach that goal? If you don't have one, what are some smaller goals you're working on? Doing what makes me happy
301. Describe yourself from ten years ago in ten words or less. Short, shy and very few friends.
302. How different are you now? Tall, Outgoing, have my own adventuring party now
303. Do you like yourself better now or then? Now
304. What changes do you think you'll see in the next ten years? I`ll be very tall, and have a job, and be married
305. Do you believe that it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? Yes, no matter how much the ending hurt, that feeling will be one that only you understand
306. What color shirt are you wearing? Black and gray
307. What color is your favorite shirt? Black
308. What's something you do every day? Brush my teeth
309. What website do you visit the most during the day? Red Dragon Inn, Facebook, Minecraft Wiki
310. How many emails do you get on an average day? 1-2
311. Do you have trouble keeping plants alive? No, I dont have my own
312. What is your favorite flower? Tiger Lily
313. Have any big plans for tomorrow? School dance tomorrow night
314. What do you plan on having for dinner tomorrow? A hamburger from A&W
315. Any TV shows you want to watch coming on? Not really
316. Would your rather: Live your favorite video game or favorite movie? Movie or Videogame, they have both for LOTR
317. Every stop light you see be red or have to drive 45 for the rest of your life? Red Lights, I can deal with that
318. Be three feet tall or nine feet tall? 3 feet, I`d be a mini-ninja
319. Prefer day or night? Night, it`s so much more peacful out
320. What is your favorite tabletop game? This has to many options ;A; Can I say all of them?
321. How many different tabletop games have you tried? 7
322. What is your favorite edition of D&D? 4e, only one I`ve tried
323. What is your favorite D&D race to play? Shadar-Kai
324. What about class? Rogue, I always anger the DM somehow
325. What do you consider the “bare essentials” for starting gear? Rations, a bedroll, rope, and thieves supplies
326. Have you ever GMed a game? Yes, around 4
327. What's the most devious thing you/your GM has ever done in game? Killed off an npc we all really liked
328. What is your favorite kind of monster? The little Goblinses
329. What kind of tabletop game would you like to see made? An Elder Scrolls themed one :3
330. Have you ever homebrewed a world? Once, just recently actually.
331. How about a whole game? (This can mean a rule set or everything in a campaign) No, I dont have that much time. As much as I want to
332. What was the name of your first character? Faolin
333. What was the latest character you've made? Loche Kenley, WoD police officer
334. What was your favorite character like? They`re all my favourite ;A;
335. Do you reuse characters from one game to the next, despite them not having anything to do with each other? Nope, it`s always someone new
336. Do you have any pop culture obsessions? Pirate Metal
337. What's the most inspirational quote you can think of? Do or do not, there is no try
338. What's the funniest? I havent heard any funny quotes.
339. What is your favorite color? Blue, because Black isn`t a colour
340. What's the weirdest color name you can think of? Roan
341. If you could have a color renamed after you what color would it be? Pink, because then I could accuse people of calling me names
342. Did you/would you color inside the lines in a coloring book? No, I`m not comforming to those lines xD
343. Do you still color in coloring books? What`s wrong with that?
344. How many times a day do you not “act your age?” I lose count
345. Do you think you're immature? Most definetly around my friends, otherwise yes I`m mature
346. Would other people agree with you? Probably yes
347. What is your definition of maturity? Not laughing at the word poop
348. What is your definition of normal? Normal? What is this normal you speak of?
349. What do you think is the most important lesson a parent can impart on their child? Don`t let others tell you how to think, act and dress, do what you want and what makes you happy
350. What is your astrological sign? Aries
351. Do you know your Chinese Zodiac animal? Rat
352. Do you believe in astrology? Kind of, I`m not 100%
353. Do you read your horoscope? (Hey you don't have to believe in it to read it) Every week or two
354. How do you keep up with the news? Internet!
355. Are you active in your local community? I use to be when I was in elementary school
356. Do you volunteer your time anywhere?
357. What is your favorite brand of shampoo? North American Hemp Co.
358. Bar soap or body wash? Irish Springs
359. What's your favorite brand of toothpaste? COlgate
360. Do you floss? Not as much as I should
361. Do you chew gum? once in a blue moon
362. When was the last time you went to the doctor? January
363. Do you get sick frequently? Nope, 1-3 times a year for 1 day
364. Would you rather have a steak and potato or soup and a salad? Steak and potato
365. Are you fond of children? Only if they arent the annoying ones you find online
366. Do you think you would make a good role model? So long as I act mature, yes
367. Who do you know that would be the best role model? None of my friends xD
368. Do you have a favorite artist? Not really, I just appreciate art in general
369. What art style do you like best? I prefer the Japanese Manga style
370. What art style do you just not “get?” Modern
371. If the world ended tomorrow what would be the one thing you would regret not being able to do? NOt being there for my girlfriend to make her feel safe
372. How long do you think you would survive out in the wilderness? I could go two weeks before I probably mess up
373. Were you a girl/boy scout? Nope
374. Do you know how to check the oil in a car? Somewhat, it involves a rod
375. How about change it? Again, somewhat. It involves raising the car and popping some cap off
376. Change a tire? Once again, somewhat. Lift car, unscrew bolts, take off tire and replace with new one
377. Can you drive a manual “stick shift” transmission vehicle? No, but I must learn since that`s the car I have
378. Have you ever been inside an 18 wheeler semi-truck? Once, It was cool
379. Have you ever bathed outside? No, that would be odd and I`m paranoid
380. How much would someone have to pay you to walk down your street naked? How much we talking? My street is pretty small
381. What's something you're known for? Being that really tall kid
382. Does this reputation bother you? No, not at all
383. If you could get a reputation for one thing, what would you like it to be? I`m a ninja
384. Do you think you could handle being famous? No, I`d want to shuriken all paparazzi
385. You've been chosen to judge a contest, what contest would you like it to be? (Keep it clean folks) Dungeon Creation contest!
386. Do you have an MP3 player of some sort? Sony Walkman, 8gb
387. How do you get most of your music? Youtube
388. What was the last actual CD you purchased? Eminem: Recovery
389. Do you own any audio cassette tapes? maybe in the basement
390. What about VHS tapes? They`re all in my closet
391. Are there any movies you suddenly remembered that you haven't seen in a long time because they are on VHS instead of DVD? Animated Robin Hood
392. What's an old movie you wish they would remake? The Hobbit... Oh wait, they are! =D
393. What's one you wish they hadn't remade? Yet to see one like that
394. If your life was a movie and you could cast any actor/actress as yourself who would you choose? None, I`d play myself
395. Who would play your significant other? (even if you don't actually have one) Whoever that person is. I dont want actors
396. What rating would your life movie have? 0 stars because it`d be shot first person through my eyes xD
397. What color is the outside of your house/apartment building? Off-White
398. What color are the walls on the inside? Blue, White, Wallpaper
399. Do you have any posters or pictures on the walls in your bedroom? Yes
400. What kind of flooring do you have? Carpet
401. Is there something you would rather have? Shag-Carpet
402. Is your bed comfortable? Very :3
403. How long have you been sleeping in the same bed? 1 year
404. Do you keep your living space clean? Yes, it must be
405. Do you have daily chores you do? Dishes, Sweep, vacuum, Dust, Trash disposal, Dog feeding
406. Do you listen to music loud? With my headphones
407. Do you believe if it's too loud you're too old? Nahh, some music must be loud
408. How old do you have to be to die of old age? 90 or over
409. If you could choose how you go, how would you like to die? In an epic war against orc hordes
410. How would you like to be remembered? As the crazy tall guy cutting through swathes of foes
411. Buried or cremated? Cremated then buried
412. What's the most useful obsession you have? I must have a certain number of clean sock pairs at all times so I dont run out xD
413. What about the most useless? Make my bed everyday, even though it`s messed up right away
414. Do you tend to keep items you have no use for because they have sentimental value? Sometimes
415. Is it hard for you to get rid of items that used to mean a lot to you? Depends on item and it`s condition
416. Have you ever gotten rid of something only to need it a few days later? Nope
417. What do you remember about your first crush? She was the only girl who made my heart skip
418. What about your first kiss? I can`t begin to describe it at all. It was amazing
419. Did you save it for someone special? Yes, My girlfriend whom I`m confident with that our relaitonship will last long into our golden years
420. Do you think first impressions are the most lasting or easily forgotten once you get to know someone? Most lasting, becuase me and my friends still remember our first impressions of eachother
421. Do you have to put your foot in your mouth a lot? not really, im not that flexible
422. Are you clumsy? Yes
423. Have you ever fallen down stairs? Yes, lots
424. How about up them? Been there, done that
425. Have you ever run up a down escalator? No, but I want to
426. Ever pushed all the buttons in an elevator? No, but once again I want to xD
427. Have you ever been stuck in an elevator? no, I`ve jumped in one though
428. Would being stuck at the top of a Ferris Wheel for a couple hours scare you? I`d probably fall asleep
429. Have you ever been on an amusement ride when it broke down? No, I don`t plan on it
430. Do roller coasters make you sick to your stomach? Sick? Nah, they`re fun!
431. Do you have a strong stomach? Very, unless someone is vomiting nearby
432. Can you walk across your yard barefoot? Yes, albeit painfully
433. What about across the road? Yes, less painful
434. When was the last time you sent someone a letter? To santa in grade 5
435. What about received one? From santa a few weeks later
436. Do you send birthday cards? No, I just give them since everyone lives so close
437. Would you rather choose a gift for someone or get them a gift card so they can decide? Now-a-days gift cards
438. Do you think getting gift cards is as fun as getting regular presents? Probably not, but it leaves choices open
439. Have you ever been to a bridal shower? Nope
440. What about a baby shower? Yes, I thought we were showering a baby, I was dissapointed
441. Bachelor/bachelorette shower? Nooopppee
442. Have you ever spelled a word wrong and thought the spell check suggestions were funny? Yes, numerous times xD
443. Did you try that after reading the question? No, notepad doesnt have spellcheck
444. Who is the most gullible person you know? Everyone I know xD
445. What is the most inventive prank you've ever played on someone? I don't prank.
446. Do you have more friends in real life or online? Actually majority of online friends are the people I hang with in reality
447. Where did you meet most of your friends? School
448. Do you think of yourself as popular? No, but our group is popular since we have the highest populace of people
449. Are you a part of the “in crowd?” RPG side yes, sports and gossip and crap, nope
450. If you had to identify with a high school clique which one would you fall into? Roleplayers
451. If you were an alien (space not immigrant) what planet would you like to be from? A very distant and advanced planet
452. Do you think pluto is still a planet? Yes, it was when I was in Kindergarten and it always will be
453. Have you ever been roller skating? Yes, I fell... A lot
454. Roller blading? Yes, same as above ^^
455. Snow Skiing? Yes, I prefer to snowboard as I got a concussion from skiing
456. Water Skiing? No, I dont want a repeat of snow skiing
457. Backpacking? If you mean hiking, then yes. A few times
458. Camping? Yes, almost every summer for a week.
459. On a walk? I walk everywhere
460. On the beach? Yup, I learned I can't tan or burn
461. In the ocean? I wish ;A;
462. Lost? Plenty of times
463. On a road trip? once, it was boring and I slept a lot
464. Have you had to ask for directions from a stranger before? No, but strangers have asked me
465. Do you have a GPS? Nope
466. Can you read an atlas? Yea, learned how in school
467. Do you own a globe? No but I want one.
468. What's the most interesting country in your opinion? Russia, the fact that almost what was it? 70% of it's landmass is uninhabitated
469. Have you ever been there? No, but I wanna go
470. What's the most fascinating part of the country? The capitol city Moscow
471. If you could rule that country for a year would you? Probably not, I'm not one for leading
472. What about ruling the whole world for a year? Ehhh, I'd have problems with certain people
473. Do you think you would be a good ruler? I don't know, I don't like to lead, especially an entire world
474. Would someone else you know be a better ruler? Yea, I have a really good friend, he's a natural leader.
475. What do you think is the most important quality a leader can have? Being compatible with everyone
476. How long do you think you would survive in a zombie apocalypse? Depends, probably a week by myself, a few months to a year with my friends
477. Would you rather die and stay dead or come back as a zombie? Zombie, I wanna eat my friends
478. If you were a vampire would you feel bad about drinking human blood? No, I'm a vampire, why should I care how the human feels
479. Do you feel bad about eating animals? Nope, chain of survival
480. If vegetarians eat vegetables what do humanitarians eat? Oh. My. God... They're cannibals!!!!!
481. Do you use body lotion? Nope, dont need it
482. Do you take care of your feet? Yes, I've had a problem or two and I don't want them again
483. Have you ever gotten a massage? Yes, My friend is a natural at it
484. Manicure? No
485. Pedicure? No
486. Ever had any part of your body waxed? No, it sounds scary and painful ;A;
487. Ever cut yourself shaving? not yet, I probably will when I start tomorrow
488. What's the dumbest question on this survey so far? None of them, I like these questions!
489. Can you do funny voices? Of course I can
490. Do you do good impressions? Do accents count?
491. Would it embarrass you if someone you were impersonating showed up and watched you? No xD It'd make it funnier
492. Have you ever pretended that the floor is lava and you couldn't touch it? Of course, Childhood game right here
493. Do you count your steps? Sometimes if I'm bored
494. When walking on the sidewalk do you avoid stepping on cracks? Yes, when I'm bored and counting steps xD
495. Are you superstitious at all? Somewhat I guess
496. What's the silliest superstition you can think of? Friday the 13th is an unlucky day
497. Can you pronounce your name spelled backwards? Belac... yes, yes I can
498. Can you pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time? Yes, both hands switched as well
499. Can you burp at will? No, It'd be cool though
500. Are you glad this is the last question? I want mooooorrrrreee! Now I'm going to be bored ;A;