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Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

My experience...

Just offering insight: my experience with play-by-post is that a lot of time can be spent on character introductions and getting to know each other. In some cases, that can stymie the pace of the game, while other games actually do better for it. For example: the Star Trek games here at the Inn do well with those introductions. The D&D games tend to stagnate due to the repeat "you meet in a tavern" kinds of scenarios. Having never played this game before, I've no suggestions as to what will work, or won't.

I'll also adjust the concept of my character if you'd like. I'd envisioned him as a drifter (the consummate biker with a bedroll, a Traveling Man in the truest sense of the word). Just tell me what works.

Also, are we using the Cortex rules and starting characters are Rookies? I can create an Editable PDF character sheet if it makes it easier.

Posted on 2016-09-18 at 19:55:04.
Edited on 2016-09-18 at 20:11:47 by Bromern Sal

Karma: 12/1
494 Posts

we can have a poll

I don't like saying that it's the GM's game or my game cause I like to think of it as our game, where we work together to collectively tell a story. I just have a different role than the player but it's not just my game

So far we have one for we've worked together already,

I'll go with the majority rules one.

Brom, I'd rather not have to make you adjust your char concept If that doesn't fit with you, I can come up with another scenario!

As for the rules, I think I've decided on the WoD ruling system, not the supernatural rpg. Though I'll definitely be drawing inspiration from the supernatural rpg, I find that the hunter: the Vigil pdf has a lot more lore and freedom, there's a lot of ways to make your character unique versus in supernatural. ((By the unique ness I"m talking about the different enhancements you can get later on and the different factions if you've read them already))
As for experience level, it would be at the first tier, I don't want to over complicate the game or at least I'd rather build up to it when we all have a bit more experience


Furthermore if you guys did want to start off as a group already, how did you guys want to have met?

Posted on 2016-09-18 at 21:25:34.
Edited on 2016-09-18 at 21:27:09 by Impulse

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

A bit of character

I don't know what to say about the system - I'll go with whatever because I am completely ignorant.
I'm ok either knowing the others before hand or not. I can work with either for my story - it just changes when the "starting event" happened.
I think that the DM should generally set up the "how we meet scenario" - otherwise as Bromern Sal said, we end up spending a lot of time just trying to get things moving. I think with a bit of structure provided for the meeting we would still have all the space needed for character development.

Posted on 2016-09-18 at 21:46:01.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

The actual "a bit of character" post

So, I have no name for the character yet, but...

I'll do more of a write up when the time comes, but a few more expected details.

He is an assistant professor of History at the local College/University. He is around 28 or so. He grew up in the town and got his undergrad degree at this school. (Ties to the town) He went away for grad school but came back for his first teaching job. He field is medieval studies.

I assume it will be easier if he is not married. Something happening to a wife could be what gets him involved, but probably not. I think something happening to some students in his department is a more likely scenario. I suppose his family is local, although I don't know how much I want a lot of family. It seems easier in a situation like this if his family is limited. But odd uncles could tie into story parts. As could high school friends.

He could have either an apartment or a small house - maybe the old family home. Maybe his parents died in an accident a few years ago - that perhaps wasn't an accident, but something that originally got him into the supernatural - if the story has us with a bit of experience at this sort of thing. Or maybe that is something that is revealed later. He would have connections in the community. But maybe a reputation he'd rather not lose as well. Not sure about that last part.

Well, at least you can see the kind of thing I'm thinking about.

Leaning towards the name: Henrik Castelbrandt. A good Swede by descent. Friends just call him 'Castle.'

Posted on 2016-09-18 at 21:55:45.
Edited on 2016-09-20 at 18:18:52 by Nomad D2

Boo Boo
RDI Fixture
Karma: 27/1
673 Posts

You know what?

I think I am going to have to withdraw from this before it gets started. I was thinking over the weekend how I'm in one pretty heavy game (EOD) and just started another rules game (Titansgrave) and I don't know if I will have time to commit myself to another right now. I'm new to all this and I don't want to jump into something else when I'm not ready. I am interested in the concept and eager to play but I don't want to jump in and then have to drop because I can't keep up with all of the games.

I would like to keep the option of joining at a later time, if things slow down in one of my other games, or if a game stalls. If that is alright?

Sorry! I will be watching the game though, to keep up with it just in case.

Good Luck!

Posted on 2016-09-19 at 07:01:54.

Karma: 12/1
494 Posts

concerning previous experience

You guys could have previous experience if you'd like. Like previous knowledge of the supernatural or even maybe one or two practical experiences with the supernatural.

I think as of now, I might do a kinda prequel story where we rp the first kinda story of how you guys met and formed a hunting group (referred to as a cell) and then after this, We can just time skip it?

Or we can get rid of the prequel altogether?

Btw Boo Boo, This game isn't too bad rules wise, It takes a bit of effort to make the character but aside from that there's not really much to do.

As a DM, especially over play by post, It's rather easy to figure out the rules on my own and I won't have to ask you "tell me how many dice to roll when you do ______" So all you'd really have to do is be like "I want my character to do some research" and I would roll teh dice and be like "Okay you found _______".

So don't worry about not knowing the rules and lore, you can just rp, just tell me what you want your char to do and I'll figure it out mechanics wise, okay?

Posted on 2016-09-19 at 09:07:18.

Boo Boo
RDI Fixture
Karma: 27/1
673 Posts


It's more than just the rules and character generation; though I checked those out and my head almost 'exploded'.

I don't think I will have the time right now to seriously commit the time to another game. Sorry!

Posted on 2016-09-19 at 09:55:38.

Karma: 12/1
494 Posts

that's okay

Thanks for showing interest anyways!

Posted on 2016-09-19 at 09:57:17.

Karma: 12/1
494 Posts


First choose a char concept, could be something simple like vengeful widow to terrified researcher but with a lust for knowledge. Something simple, you guys know how to do this

Next choose your attributes. You have three tiers, primary which nets 5 points, secondary which nets 4 points, then tertiary which gives you 3 points. So you rank a group with how developed that attribute ranking is. You automatically start off with a free point in each attribute! So this is how it looks like at first

Intelligence: *
Wits: *
Resolve: *

Strength: *
Dexterity: *
Stamina: *

Presence: *
Manipulation: *
Composure: *

So for a very athletic, charming jock who doesn't know very much. I'd rank primary: physical, secondary Social, then Intelligence tertiary. So I'd want him to be really strong, high stamina as well. ((2 dots is average btw). High presence (able to be noticed, make a good impression), average composure, average manipulation. This character isn't going to have a lotta intelligence, so I'll leave that at one, get good wits (Ability to think fast on your feet) and average resolve. So it'll look like this.
Intelligence: *
Wits: * * *
Resolve: * *

Strength: * * *
Dexterity: * *
Stamina: * * *

Presence: * * *
Manipulation: * *
Composure: * *

Looks a bit difficult at first but it's easier than it looks. Now you'll be doing this again for the different skill groups. Unlike attributes, you don't start off with a free dot in each. As well, 2 dots still means average.

Primary: 11. Secondary: 7. Tertiary: 4.

Mental: Academics, Computer, Crafts, Investigation, Medicine, Occult, Politics, Science.

Physical: Athletics, Brawl, Drive, Firearms, Larceny, Stealth, Survival, Weaponry

Social: Animal Ken, Empathy, Expression, Intimidation, Persuasion, Socialize, Streetwise, Subterfuge

Next choose skill specialties. You get three. A specialty gives you an extra die in the dice pool for actions relating to that subdivision.

This is just a subdivision within a group that show you have more knowledge in that particular field. For instance, the jock from the earlier example might have a lotta points in athletics but let's say he's a football player, then I could put that into a specialty which would be Athletics: * * * (Football).
It could also be weaponry (Knives) if you're playing someone like a chef or something like that. The specialty can be anything you want it to be!

I'll just put this out for now and we'll see how everyone handles this, I know char creation is probably the most daunting part about this game but I swear it'll be a lot more simple once this is done

Posted on 2016-09-19 at 10:00:26.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Prequel is Cool

I am still awaiting some 'Clearance' from our GM regarding the Character Concept that I have been communicating with him the past few days

Once I get that squared away then I will try to figure out all these 'Dots' Allocations for Character Creation

Decided to try to Play this one mainly because of the Other Players who have thrown their hats into the 'Ring'

Did not want to pass up the opportunity to Role Play with you Guys and was also looking forward to Playing with Boo Boo, but I do understand why you have decided to withdraw from the game

Hopefully I can get something cobbled together by the weekend

Posted on 2016-09-19 at 23:31:37.

Karma: 12/1
494 Posts


So sounds like the prequel is good, I think it'll be good to introduce you all to the world and then after playing for a bit, then I can get into more complex stuff like tactics and perhaps supernatural powers

Posted on 2016-09-21 at 11:20:46.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

I'm fine with a prequel.

That would allow us to get into our characters' heads a little. I'll shoot a fleshed out character concept your way shortly. How are you going to handle gear, vehicles, property ownership, money, etc.?

Posted on 2016-09-21 at 12:50:27.

Karma: 12/1
494 Posts


Nice! Looking forward to that.

These games, it's very difficult to handle money and gear and the like.

I'll say depending on your background you can just say "I have this thing" or as a character you can say "I want to get a rifle" and if you're a cop, I"d be like sure. If you're a researcher who didn't have a gun I'd be like hmm.. Why do you have it?

If you give a satisfactory response, I'd be like why not!

In the Supernatural rpg, they have something called the resources stat or lifestyle stat? I think I might just assign that.

Either way it'll be really lax, I'm not here to bar you from getting stuff that sounds cool

Posted on 2016-09-21 at 15:29:21.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

I've sent the concept.

I have provided the concept via PM.

Posted on 2016-09-21 at 17:56:51.

Karma: 12/1
494 Posts

Clarification example!

So I realize this is a bit difficult so hopefully this will clarify it a bit

This is what we all start off with, one dot in each. Depending on char concept, I rank the different groups (Physical, mental, social) with how strong the group is.

((Note, 2 dots in something is considered average!))

So for a confident athletic jock who struggles in school, I would start off with the below, then rank them.
Intelligence: *
Wits: *
Resolve: *

Strength: *
Dexterity: *
Stamina: *

Presence: *
Manipulation: *
Composure: *

He'd be highest in physical, second in social, then least in mental. So for the lowest grouping, I get THREE additional dots . Like below.

Mental (Tertiary-3 EXTRA dots)
Intelligence: *
Wits: * * *
Resolve: * *

2 EXTRA dots in wits to represent ability to think quickly on his feet, 1 EXTRA dot in resolve, because he doesn't crack under pressure and no extra dots in intelligence. total of 3 extra dots

Next Physical would be highest as he's super athletic. So this is the PRIMARY group, 5 EXTRA dots.

Physical (Primary - 5 EXTRA dots)
Strength: * * *
Dexterity: * *
Stamina: * * *

2 EXTRA in strength and stamina (I picture him as a powerful running back or something, able to plough though people) and an extra dot in dex to be average. A total of FIVE EXTRA dots.

With a jock, they tend to be very social so I ranked it secondary. This means I get 4 extra dots.

Social (Secondary - 4 EXTRA dots)
Presence: * * *
Manipulation: * *
Composure: * *

I put an extra 2 dots in presence, he's rather big and he just isn't ignored very often. When he speaks people listen to him. An extra dot in manipulation and composure each. He knows how to get what he wants to some degree and can also stay composed under pressure again.

Posted on 2016-09-22 at 13:06:54.
Edited on 2016-09-22 at 13:23:11 by Impulse


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