I think we have three players at the moment.
Nomad D2: Something like a college/ university professor (I believe)
Bromern Sal: Colum MacRath, motorcycle biker
Hammer - Preston Prowler [a Columnist who owns and oversees a Soup Kitchen somewhere in downtown Toronto]
Eol- Haze, a street kid, stoner and a thief
Obviously theres more to everyone char but I don't wanna share too much without your permission
Concerning virtue and vice, yea you can have any virtue and vice you'd like! Preferably something broad such as wrath, lust, charity. For a basis, I would suggest one of the 7 deadly sins or one of the 7 heavenly virtues.
I'll drop a link later on to the WoD core rulebook. Will have skill explanations, examples of some basic stuff and examples of virtues.